View Full Version : long-distance communication and instantaneous travel

2016-10-19, 04:21 AM
I'm looking to play a long-term game with my character, but I need long-distance communication and instantaneous travel between a certain point and a mobile point. Any good ideas for items/enchantments that will help me with this?

2016-10-19, 05:10 AM
Scrying, Sending, Teleport... Seems rather basic really? Depends on exactly what the mobile point is.

2016-10-19, 05:23 AM
I've since done some research

for the teleportation, I'll probably just do a series of rugs with permanency teleportation placed on them. I'll be able to customize them to tell them apart & I'll be able to pass them off as regular rugs

as for the communication, the closest I could find would be getting a master's ring from the book of vile darkness and having people wear the slave rings to send for me when I'm needed & I'll be able to send from alternate planes with only a 5% failure chance

2016-10-19, 05:33 AM
The most simple option would be a Ring Gate, one sitting at the 'base', and the other carried by a person at the mobile point.

2016-10-19, 05:34 AM
I've since done some research

for the teleportation, I'll probably just do a series of rugs with permanency teleportation placed on them. I'll be able to customize them to tell them apart & I'll be able to pass them off as regular rugs

as for the communication, the closest I could find would be getting a master's ring from the book of vile darkness and having people wear the slave rings to send for me when I'm needed & I'll be able to send from alternate planes with only a 5% failure chance

Did you mean permanent teleportation circle? The problem with that is that the circles aren't linked like in 5e. In 3.5, a teleportation circle takes you to a set location, so you can't connect two rugs together like that. On the other hand, ring gates can provide you with what you want, though at a limited distance.

As for communication, sending stones are a cheap option for 1/day sending either way between the stone holders. If you take the pricing guidelines, at will would be cost equivilent to 5/day, so just multiply the price by 5 and then you have the at will cost.

2016-10-19, 05:36 AM
Ah, ring gates. If you cannot think of 101 uses for them before lunch you're doing it wrong.

2016-10-19, 05:53 AM
The best long distance communication spell is Whispering Sand from Standstorm, bar none. As for teleportation, see any item that does teleportation.

2016-10-19, 05:53 AM
problem with ring gates is I'm not looking for limited-distance nor am I looking for limited weight
I basically need a teleporter like from Star Trek, and as long as I'm familiar with the return-area, it should theoretically work

the way I interpreted it here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/teleportationCircle.htm) is that it's a 1-way teleporter, so I'd just need to pay double to set up the return in every area I'm going to. My return-area was going to be a caravan that I can lock in place while I'm away and teleport back to when I'm done with my destination