View Full Version : Guild of the Fell Spyre IC Thread

2016-10-19, 08:19 PM
All four of you are crouched around a meager fire, thankful one of nearby goblins had dropped a Ration item. Bland, but filling, it separates into a few strips, enough to just barely feed everyone. The constant smell of pine trees, a scent universal to every inch of this forest, seems even more cloying without all of Noxtramos by your side. For a few minutes all anyone does is eat quietly, their minds absorbed by the memories of the last few days.

Ralo, the guild master, was kneeling on the ground when you awoke. Only his staff and rapier seemed to be keeping him up, which was difficult considering just how much blood was pooling underneath his body. The long green overcoat he'd been so proud was in tatters from over a dozen wounds. Turning his head, Ralo noticed you were all waking up at the same time. He'd somehow lost chunks of long brown hair and goatee during the fight, which would have given him a funny appearance if they hadn't been replaced by seeping gashes. Opening his mouth to speak before letting a wordless scream, a bright humming filled the air and Ralo disappeared. In a panic, Helva strapped on her armor and started to run for the stairs, shouting Ralo's name as she did so.

Name: Ralo
Title: Noxtramos Guild Leader. (May enlist or banish guild members)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Hume
Class: Red Mage 7, Ruby Magister 4
Level: 11
Guild: The Black Guild Noxtramos. Holder of the Bahamut Pact.

Name: Helva
Title: Demon Slayer (+1 attack and damage vs Evil Outsiders)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Race: Vieran
Class: Temple Knight
Level: 10
Guild: The Black Guild Noxtramos. Holder of the Phoenix Pact.

Though most of the remaining agreed he's still alive as Noxtramos still exists, there's still too much you don't know how Iron Fang works. Even the Soul Bond itself remains a mystery. You can't be sure if your new powers were the result of the Guild ability or something else entirely. From how other Guilds explained it they naturally know how their abilities work, much in the same way as they know how to fight or pick locks.

Vasek and Milnos took a careful step back from the rest of the group. They'd stayed strangely silent while descending from the Spyre, unusual considering just how chatty the two players were. Relatively new to the EXplorers, both players refused to break character during any game and always had the same names. They were also married or siblings, considering just how close both players acted. Milnos finally spoke up, her voice unusually firm. "I know this is going to sound crazy, but last night Ralo said he might have found a way out of the game. We think he was killed because of it." With a quick glance to Vasek who nodded grimly, Milnos continued. "We both heard him Shrodell before he died. If we can find it, there might actually be a way out of this nightmare! If it does exist, we'll find you and leave together, but you can't come with us. It's too dangerous. Whatever killed Ralo was either invisible or using powerful enough magic to grow through walls. Either way, I don't think it's something that can be fought with numbers. Hopefully, you'll see us before too long."

Name: Vasek
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Race: Cheetara Mithra
Class: Assassin
Level: 6
Guild: The Black Guild Noxtramos. Holder of the Shiva Pact.

Name: Milnos
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Race: Tygra Mithra
Class: Time Mage
Level: 6
Guild: The Black Guild Noxtramos. Holder of the Carbuncle Pact.

After they'd left someone briefly suggested going after them, but it was ruled a bad idea. Between Vasek's survival skills and Milnos's time magic, following them would be next too impossible. To lose three friends in just a few days was bad, but this seemed worse somehow. Without Ralo the entire guild seemed to be falling apart. The universal law of Iron Fang seemed to be strength in numbers and Noxtramos started out as a small Guild. What happened next was even worse.

"How the hell can you people just ignore what happened!", Sett exploded when the remaining guild members first started discussing where to go next. With all black armor, slicked back hair, and the over-sized chainsaw on his back, Sett was famous in the group for ignoring stat bonuses in favor of looking 'rad'. It was no surprise he'd taken to Iron Fang with vicious abandon. "We left four corpses back there. Bodies that used to be our friends! We need to make Zolicon pay in blood for what they did. If they hadn't attacked us for no reason, everyone would still be-". Shoulders shaking, Sett seemed to get a hold of his anger, only to let it intensify. "I don't care anymore. Do what you want. I'm going to hunt those bastards down, with or without you."

Name: Sett
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Race: Elvaan
Level: 9
Guild: The Black Guild Noxtramos. Holder of the Diablos Pact.

With everything that happened, it seemed like no one could speak. Vengeance might have also been the first thing on your mind, but it was suicide to go near Arcadia at this point, much less hunt down thirty odd people who were probably all in different guilds. The options were there, but none of them were particularly attractive. Going to either Jotunheim or Camelot would guarantee work and new information about Iron Fang, but the rumors swirling around both places were all pretty bad. Each of the Realms had their own draw, but every entrance was guarded by a dungeon and you weren't sure Noxtramos could even take on a common dungeon in it's current condition.

2016-10-19, 09:32 PM
Yui -- Lunata -- had always been the one to try to keep people together, so it was really no surprise that the last 24 hours have been absolutely hard on her; she still looked rather shaken at the deaths of the other EXplorers that they've lost in the Zolicon ambush, and furthermore when they've lost others to the Fell Spyre. What they did to consume the demonic meat seemed like such a terrible idea in hindsight, but she had to also admit that the burst of power may be the only reason they were able to escape the dungeon alive.

She tried to protest and get Vasek and Milnos to come back, that this wasn't the right time to separate; she tried to convince Sett to stay, that vengeance was not going to serve anyone any good right now, and that it would be foolhardy and extremely reckless.

With all of them gone, she seemed a little at the end of her rope. She looked over her piece of ration, barely touching at it. She squeezed her eyes shut, face wrinkling, touching at the newly found horns that had sprouted atop her head.

"We need... we need to find a safe zone," she finally spoke up, looking at the other players. She clapped at her cheek, and put a smile on her face. A bit forced, but it'll do. "We should look at our map and chart as safest a path that we can with what we have. We need more information... so much has happened, and we know very little. Why Zolicon attacked us, what happened to Ralo, what these new... abilities of ours are. If I recall, Jotunheim's bordering dungeons are quite challenging, and Camelot has the Royal Knights, who have a habit of making connections -- they might have information we don't have... not that I implicitly trust them, of course."

What can I do to figure out what the best way forward would be?

2016-10-20, 06:05 AM
http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag124/Elbeyon/Tokens/Black%20Mage_zpsndjhtl1p.png Thrune

The fire crackling away. Thrune was sprawled out next to the heat; her body covered in her blanket/backpack's contents. A little, worthless shelter to keep her warmer. An irregular up and down on her pile showed that she was awake. There was an usually stillness to her. Normally, a person couldn't even pay her to keep quite.

Yui's words startled movement out of her as they broke the silence. She gave a good listen. Jotunheim or Camelot? She put a bit of brain power to the task. Though it was at the back of her mind.

She spoke up with a sternness in her voice. "Eat your ration." Her pile of junk moved with her as she turned away from the fire. "You'll need your strength."

Sorry about not giving much to reply to. D:

If it's possible for Thrune to know about either place she probably does. >. > +18 knowledge checks at the lowest. Black Mage / super high int is a scary thing. Take 10 for 28 total.

2016-10-20, 10:12 PM
At the moment only Knowledge Local is relevant as you've all been running off rumors and the base information gathered from blurbs on the companies twitter account.

Besides the common information known about both places, Thrune knows the following.

Camelot has been recruiting higher level guilds and players, drawing them in with favorable contracts and established rules. Most who travel there do so for safety. Rather than fight other Guilds, the Knights instead reach agreements with them, provided they pay minor taxes and comply with the rules. Some Knights do abuse their power. There are a fewer darker rumors about them using smaller Black Guilds as their personal spies and enforcers.

Jotunheim is almost as safe as Camelot, but with a potentially higher cost. Maxilos, Starn, and the Emerald Order are the three major Green Guilds vying for power in Jotunheim. Maxilos and the Emerald Order will do anything to recruit other guilds to their side, Maxilos by force and the Emerald Order by trickery. Starn is more of a mystery. They're the wealthiest by far and pay mercenaries a good wage rather than establish contracts, but they're also the smallest and no one ever meets their Guild Leader.

2016-10-20, 10:40 PM
Lunata rubbed at her forehead and let out a kind of timid sigh. "I--I know." She pulled her plate up and forced herself to eat from it. "I'm eating..."

2016-10-21, 01:24 AM
http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag124/Elbeyon/Tokens/Black%20Mage_zpsndjhtl1p.png Thrune

Her ears twitch as she hears the bread tear and she begins to sit up, the junk falling off her. "Good... I couldn't eat by myself." Her red lined eyes light up from the fire. *munch munch*

A long stare goes out to Lunata's horns before she wipes the moisture from her eyes.

"I don't know much about either place. I have heard a bit about the guilds though. The Royal Knights on the surface keeps things under order, mostly. That's only the surface though. Maxilos, Starn, and the Emerald Order are in a power struggle over Jotunheim. Some type of green guild battle of the merchants type thing."

"Jotunheim seems the choice for me. It's not as safe, but we don't exactly fit into safe places. The guilds fighting, being distracted could give an easier in for us. Coin and power is king there. Camelot would be the safe choice even if we're not as welcomed. It depends on what type of path we'd like to take from here. Do we stick out in the open with the "good guys" and try to do something positive with that relationship? Do we delve into a power struggle that may lead us down a dark path indeed?"

2016-10-21, 07:35 PM
"--Huh? Right," Mark says distractedly, turning this way and that to steal glances of his recent "alterations" in the reflective globe of his staff.

Looking up, he woodenly brings what remains of his ration to his mouth and takes another bite, "Camelot, for now." His vote cast, he continues, "We can always change our minds later, but the normal guild posturing sounds safer than an out-and-out power struggle. Should spend some time figuring out what happened to us, to... the others, before we start something we might not be able to turn back from."

2016-10-22, 01:28 AM
Lunata replied rather faintly, "Yeah... I agree. It's rather dangerous to try to play risky at the moment..." A pause. "Besides, if they're so concentrated in their power struggle, it's less likely they'll have knowledge of recent happenings."

2016-10-22, 09:21 AM
http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag124/Elbeyon/Tokens/Black%20Mage_zpsndjhtl1p.png Thrune

Thrune blows her bangs up. "It looks like we're settled. Camelot it is then."

"I hope it leads us to Zolicon faster. I won't hesitate again. I'll burn them all alive this time." She moves to keep her hands warm on the fire and stares into it. She'll black mage proper this time she thinks. She won't let the group down again.

2016-10-22, 02:05 PM
There is a main road that leads through Arcadia, starts at Camelot, and ends at Jotunheim. Monsters will not attack on the road. If no one has objections, I'm assuming you're going to Camelot.

The last of Noxtramos travels on the paved road. Lunata and Absom fly above the main party, who are swiftly getting tired of the constant walking. Monsters, mostly goblins and kobolds, occasionally crowd around the edges of the road. Their arrows and spears knock back into the crowds, the road's magic insuring players can travel without fear. In just an hour it will be night time, an unattractive prospect considering you still need to kill mobs for food. Everyone is put off by the idea, which makes a sign marked in the road all the more attractive.

Nights End Adventurer Lodge! Quest Board, Inn, Food, Smithy, Basic Shop, and Message Loft Facilities Available
(Underneath is an arrow pointing to the left and a half mile distance indicator)

Lodges- Provide players with good starting points for expeditions
Quest Board- Anyone can place requests here. Green Guilds hold rewards until the quest is completed or expires, and the board itself has geas magic that forces truthful action, both for the quester and quest giver.
Food Facilities- Not technically restaurants. They produce meals which have spoil limits based on their effectiveness and can grant a huge variety of buffs or healing.
Smithies- Crafts weapons and armor.
Basic Shops- Only carries non-magic gear and a few basic potions.
Message Loft- Carries messages to any other Facility with a Message Loft.

2016-10-22, 03:59 PM
Lunata glanced towards the establishment and turned towards the party, pointing at it. "Let's take a rest there. I could do with a warm bed and food for a change, and we will probably need more supplies for the road ahead to Camelot anyhow..."

She stepped up to the direction pointing the lodge, and beckoned the party as she headed that way.

2016-10-22, 05:24 PM
Setting his stuff for a night break, Absom adds in a puzzled way.

"Not like I really need a break... but you fleshling need it, so let's take a break here. We're still not arrived, but it seems interresting."

2016-10-22, 10:11 PM
Lunata glanced towards the establishment and turned towards the party, pointing at it. "Let's take a rest there. I could do with a warm bed and food for a change, and we will probably need more supplies for the road ahead to Camelot anyhow..."

She stepped up to the lodge and started to browse, seeing what options were available to them.

The Lodge is actually a half-mile walk into the wilderness.

2016-10-23, 01:12 AM
http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag124/Elbeyon/Tokens/Black%20Mage_zpsndjhtl1p.png Thrune

Thrune has been quite while walking. Mostly keeping to herself and keeping an eye on things around the group.

She doesn't even notice Lunata till she walks past her and presses a finger against one of her horns. "Alright. That sounds good. I could use some good food..."

She had trouble believing Absom didn't get tired. She questions, "Don't you miss getting tired? Some of the best nights to sleep is when your physically exhausted."

A bit of drool leaks out of her mouth. "I hope they have meat."

2016-10-23, 01:28 AM
Lunata eeked a little at Thrune as she poked at her horn, like it was sensitive, but then snickered between the two. "Aw, he's probably still going, 'Woo! I'm a robot!' Remember, a while back?" She paused, as she realised she was falling back on her habit of reminiscing to cope with recent events.

She put her hands behind her back to say, "You probably still need maintenance and a proper place to do it, right?"

2016-10-23, 05:42 AM
"Well, Absom needs recovery, and I think it's because of me. The game apparently shuts down my exhaustion reaction. That's odd at the very least. And seriously, I'm definitely not the most serious with in game identity. I think."

He seems kinda puzzled when walking.

2016-10-24, 05:40 AM
http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag124/Elbeyon/Tokens/Black%20Mage_zpsndjhtl1p.png Thrune

Thrune nods along even though she can't really comprehend never getting tired. "I've tried an rp server or two. It's never really been my thing, but it was fun for a day or two. I always ended up caring more about the game then the character though. Beautiful loot and stats. Crunching numbers. There is so much much fun to have that roleplaying slows down."

She looked off in the direction of the Lodge then start walking the opposite direction. "I forget. I shouldn't travel in front." She walks past Lunata again. Glancing at her horns and thinking about messing with them again, but deciding to leave them along . "I'll stay in back and keep safe. I'm such a glass cannon." She gives Cathari a physical push with both her arms from behind the dragon. "Come on people. Let's get going. I want to eat something besides goblin rations and dead monsters."

2016-10-24, 02:18 PM
The first glimpse you get of Nights End is a tall alabaster tower peaking out of the tree line. As the lodge comes into view, it seems more like a fortress than an inn. Walls of untarnished solid white stone cover a huge building, plumes of smoke rise from the smithy and kitchens, and you can see a few lower level Green players carrying basic supplies from the forest. Your focus is broken by the the thundering of horses, all ridden by armored players.

Judging by her armor and artifact level greatsword, their leader dismounts and hands the reins to an NPC servant. She removes her helmet while the rest of the party dismounts, showing short blond hair and elvaan ears, before glancing in your direction. Her eyes flick over the party, narrowing slightly at Yunata, before turning away and giving direction to the NPC. Their guild marches inside while a Tarutaru player jogs from the front door to greet you.

"Welcome, welcome! I'm Freenoforth Huggs, though you can just call me Free Hugs," Freenoforth laughs at his own joke. New customer patter seems to be his specialty. "I'm the guild leader here at Nights End of the Green Guild Sparrownest. Now you all look very famished so just follow me inside and we'll get you set up with one of our specials."

You follow the small player into the building. Small gardens stretch from either side, only to meet in the building's left side where they stop at the covered stables. The large white walls surround a much more comfortable building of oak, which itself surrounds the white tower you witnessed earlier. When he sees your gaze being drawn, Freenoforth explains. "When we first arrived here, a player who specialized in linguistics deciphered a message carved into the tower itself. A clue starting from the tower would lead to an artifact called the Crown of Resurrection. Round Table member Silay, whom you see earlier, has spent over a month in our humble abode searching for it."

An aide trained in handling a variety of beasts takes Cathari to the stables while Freenoforth then leads you into the main building, opening the simple wooden door with a flick of his hand. Intense smells of spices, meat, and roasting vegetables assault your senses as you come into the main room. A huge room with over a dozen square tables and the bar occupying an entire wall, you see various players getting ready for the upcoming night. Setting up their equipment is a small band, carrying a small flute instrument, a wooden guitar, an an odd metal violin. Four of the armored riders are gathered around the fireplace, speaking in low voices and not touching their drinks. Silay is not among them, though they keep glancing towards the stairs that no doubt leads to the rooms.

"Make yourself at home while I get some complementary drinks and bread. After that we'll negotiate a very minor contract concerning your stay here and payment, if you're interested."

2016-10-24, 02:37 PM
Lunata let out a little giggle at Thrune, and said, "I remember. I really like the dress-up and fashion choices the games offer, it's a bit disappointing when you have to take a cute piece off because it's not as strong..."

She nodded and petted Cathari, who kind of nuzzles back against the dark knight's gloved hand and marched forward.

When they arrived at the Night's End, Lunata looked around with a measure of wonderment -- she had to respect a group of people who created a nice establishment of rest and comfort from just this tower; she waved towards the Tarutaru cutely, and bowed her head. "My name is Lunata, it's nice to meet you! Thank you, we really have had it a bit hard lately..."

Once inside, she couldn't help but appreciate the music, always enjoying its presence and going out of her way to tip performers, usually. "I'm happy to talk contract, I don't think we need anything too outlandish, just room and board and a warm meal..." She glanced to the others, seeing if they had any more requests.

2016-10-24, 03:37 PM
"Well, having an in-class build armor makes it much easier to choose my gear. And I'll simply need a place to shut down for some time. And to answer next question, when I choose to shut down, I immediately fall in a dreamless sleep, and wakes up hours later, without even remembering to sleep. Seriously, once we're out, I'm gonna sleep for real."

He now seems to be really angry about that, maybe as a consequence of his lack of real sleep.

"Also, this is not just rp : Have you really seen how they treat robots here? And how some people act? I'm not really hardcore on that point."

2016-10-24, 04:55 PM
Kurga shakes his head, smiling briefly at the innkeeper. "No, nothing in particular here. Hot food and a soft bed sound fantastic."

"And wow, can't believe you guys aren't swarming with people looking to get in on that quest! Think it does what it says on the tin?"

2016-10-25, 02:44 PM
Huggs returns with several smoking and sweet smelling mugs, waving off the Sparrownest member that tried to take them from him. "We actually did for a while, but it proved more difficult than most like to admit and everyone started to see it as a waste of time. Of course we still have three dungeons in the vicinity and a troll Hoard cave that draws in plenty of grinders. There's the common low level Misty Marsh, the higher level common Werewolf Lord's Crypt, and the unique Obsidian Cult's Lair. So far only the fourth floor has been breached, but not for lack of manpower. Apparently there's a devilishly tricky puzzle that's keeping the fifth floor door closed. That's part of the reason players have stopped trying to solve the Tower's mystery, as they're convinced the goal or at least the next clue, can only be found at the end of the Lair."

As he finishes explaining the surrounding dungeons another NPC brings a large basket of fresh bread and a piece of paper with arcane markings. You know it to be a Contract Slip, a common magic item needed for Green Guild Leaders to forge new contracts. "Now we require all visitors to enter a very minor contract that states they will pay their bill and not attack other guests. Of course I also offer special considerations. For 10% of the monetary cut from the three dungeons I mentioned before we will offer two nights free room and board, provided you complete at least one of them. For a 30% cut we extend it to a full week, have free weapon repair, a specialized meal of your choosing, and offer half off all delving supplies in our store." Freenoforth ends his pitch and awaits your response.

2016-10-27, 01:52 AM
Lunata sat down and started to page through the contracts slowly, before handing them to Thrune for double-checking -- she'd always had the more analytical mind and could pick out things she couldn't anyway.

"That's generous of you. We're certainly not in much of a position to make many more demands..." she glanced back to the group, "But I feel it would be wise to warn you that there is a Guild after us -- are you familiar with the Red Guild Zolicon?" A pause. "We've been separated from our friends, and unless you're confident about your defenses, I wouldn't want to attract any unwanted aggression to this inn."

She sighed and reclined on her chair. "But I say we take them up on at least the lesser offer. We seriously do not have much in the way of goods and money at the moment... I say the 10%, what about you guys?"

2016-10-28, 03:34 AM
Lunata sat down and started to page through the contracts slowly, before handing them to Thrune for double-checking -- she'd always had the more analytical mind and could pick out things she couldn't anyway.

"That's generous of you. We're certainly not in much of a position to make many more demands..." she glanced back to the group, "But I feel it would be wise to warn you that there is a Guild after us -- are you familiar with the Red Guild Zolicon?" A pause. "We've been separated from our friends, and unless you're confident about your defenses, I wouldn't want to attract any unwanted aggression to this inn."

She sighed and reclined on her chair. "But I say we take them up on at least the lesser offer. We seriously do not have much in the way of goods and money at the moment... I say the 10%, what about you guys?"

Zolicon has been somewhat disbanded and you're not sure of the current state. A guild without a Leader cannot exist.

2016-10-30, 10:02 PM
"Former Red Guild," Kurga adds as an aside. "Probably still hang out together though."

"Ten percent plus room and board for a few days sounds good to me. Be enough time to figure out how profitable dungeon delving is going to be at lease."

2016-10-31, 04:52 AM
To keep the game moving I'm going to have you take the 10% deal. If anyone wants to object, we'll keep it going, but for now that's what happened.

You each hand over your cards and Freenoforth places his thumb over the guild mark, sealing the deal. "Perfect, perfect. We'll serve dinner in just a few minutes, which you can have brought to your rooms at your discretion. We have a few NPCs preparing your rooms now." The small guild leader hops off the chair and far more businesslike, snaps his fingers which brings two guild members and an NPC running. They speak in low voices, but his is unmistakably stern.

As they leave, one of the nearby knights gets up and makes his way to your table. He looks somewhat glum, but sends a small smile at Thrune's direction. "My names Cailod and I couldn't help but overhear you might be sticking around for awhile. This is just some friendly advice, but don't. If you do Silay will try to recruit you and she doesn't take no as an answer very well. Me and my crew tried and she practically cut Xable in half for resisting. A month ago we were just doing Camelot's Commons on rotation like everyone else when one of the freaking Royal Knights rides up and demands we follow her. This is just a rumor, but Mordred himself threatened to cut her from their guild if she didn't get that damned crown."

The blue armored knight heads back to his table and resumes looking depressingly into his drink.

2016-10-31, 05:01 AM
Lunata blinked a few times, sighing as she heard the knight's advice. "Really... isn't there anyone who still has their senses here..." she murmured to herself, staring at her guild mark. "Still, there isn't much we can do. We need some supplies right now... we'll just have to keep it in mind and keep moving forward to Camelot."

2016-11-02, 03:55 PM
"Well, I still have mine, but I don't think I'm the one to judge. Are we still going to do one of those dungeons? At least one of those should be a piece of cake, and we could give a shot at the other."

He quickly takes care of his own weapons, just in case.

2016-11-02, 04:07 PM
Lunata nodded at Absom to say, "I don't know about you, but after the Fell Spyre, I'm not particularly up on high risk, high reward. An easy dungeon would be good for a change..."

2016-11-02, 11:08 PM
"Put me down for Misty Marsh too. Like the idea of taking it easy and making a little cash while we're still recovering." Kurga agrees.

"But that puzzle does sound mighty tempting, eh? Wonder how tough the actual monsters are... I wouldn't mind taking a crack at the Obsidian Lair if they're not too far out of our league."

2016-11-03, 07:50 AM
Noxtramos awakens the next morning, for once full and well-rested. A slight mental ping alerts you of the Lodge's minor rest bonuses. All four of you file downstairs, joining two other groups including Cailod's at breakfast. From the conversation you overhear, it seems like Silay has been sending them out on rotation to find clues and she was out with a group that morning. When you sit down, two younger NPCs bring a variety of fresh bread, some kind of sugary fruit mix, and a large plate of steaming ham. He also leaves a few pamphlets describing each of the dungeons, their locations, and some of the dangers.

One large room, filled with eight trolls. After killing three groups of progressively stronger trolls, ogres, and ettins, a CR 16 Jotund Troll appears. Each level allows for players to leave and they usually drop between 50-100 gold each and rarely a regeneration potion.

Nine rooms, though each connection corridor or stairwell usually has a number of traps. Lycanthropes fill out the upper levels, while lower levels have zombified and skeletal versions with stronger gear. Main boss is a CR 12 Undead Werewolf Lord. Drops a random utility flag and a magical battleaxe. Low gold payout, healing fountains on 3rd and 8th levels.

12x9 grid dungeon, random boss grid. Average enemies are goblins and zombies, though a rare orc shaman will occasionally proc and drop a healing staff. Boss is a CR 6 Green Hag. Drops a medium amount of gold, 3-12 magic arrows, and two random potions.

Unique dungeon. Enemies are low level demon infused cultists, but with strong powers. Traps are exceptionally deadly. No known Healing Fountain. No group has gotten past the 4th floor.

2016-11-05, 06:46 AM
"Misty Marsh seems far too easy. We could make some money out of it by running newbies there, couldn't we?"

Absom seems to be ready for whatever comes today.

2016-11-07, 10:37 PM
"Yeah, looking at these, it seems we'd be better off with one of thees," John agrees, tapping the pamphlets for the Werewolf Lord's Crypt and Obsidian Cult's Lair.

"That puzzle is still calling my name, so I'd say that one. Can always turn back if the cultists' special abilities look to be too much for us to handle."

2016-11-07, 10:40 PM
"I'm no good with traps... and undead are critical immune, aren't they?" Lunata mused, but shrugged with a smile, clapping her hands. "But whatever you guys are up to, I'll try my hardest."

2016-11-08, 03:15 AM
"As far as I know, undead aren't immune to critical anymore. That immunity was in first iteration of the game. Only elementals are immune now. But the lair may prove interresting and rewarding, if dangerous. I cannot take care of traps, though."

PF undeads aren't immune to crits anymore.

2016-11-09, 02:23 PM
Sorry about the wait guys, last few days have been hectic. Going by consensus, Noxtramos is heading the Werewolf Lord's Crypt. Post any extra preparations you'll want to do, but let's get the first dungeon going.

Following the map on the back of the pamphlet, you reach the Werewolf Lord's Crypt. The first indication of the dungeon's nature are the bones that start to crackle underneath as you break from the thick tree line into a foggy glade. Tombstones, seemingly placed haphazardly, jut from the dank ground. A huge, sprawling manor house lies in the center of the glade, so old and crumbling it seems like a stray wind might knock it over. Flower gardens, filled with black and decaying wolfsbane surround the place with more tombstones shoved randomly into the ground.

Even the wind seems to get colder and more ominous, rattling the old house with tremendous force. A singular howl cuts from the house and its soon joined by over a dozen others. Stairs with large chunks of wood missing from them lead up to the front door and deep furrows from over sized claws are dug into the banister, pillars, and the door itself. A knocker bearing a timber wolf motif is set into the door and to knock one must stick their hand into the bronze wolf's open maw.

2016-11-09, 03:36 PM
Lunata shivered a little as they proceeded towards the grounds of the Crypt, sighing slightly. She had the Burial Blade out and readied, holding the scythe's blade with the haft mechanism well in hand. "You know, it was one thing to do dungeons while sitting comfortably at a computer sipping cocoa, but having to go out there and feel it for yourself... still can't get used to it..."

She peered towards the house and the front door, and the knocker on it. "This already feels like a trap, in my opinion."

She focused and cast a quick spell to create force armour on Cathari, before looking to the others. "Let's look around for any obvious gotchas first?"

Casting Black Barding on Cathari, and trying! Perception. [roll0]

2016-11-14, 01:09 PM
Kurga nods in agreement, "Yeah, me neither. Weird to actually see how NPCs feel about "evil" characters in person. Kind of wish I'd gone with a standard white mage now, you know?"

He grips his staff tightly, rapping it lightly against a pouch hanging from his belt. The head of a small, rust-red squirrel pops out, chittering in annoyance at being so rudely awakened. "What about you, Oscar? Want to take a look for any traps?"

2016-11-14, 01:52 PM
It reveals no obvious traps.

The squirrel leaps out of its pouch and starts running around the door, looking for switches or wires. Leaning against the door, it suddenly swings wide open.

2016-11-15, 01:11 PM
"Well, if it's open, let's go, right?"

The shindroid, as resilient as he is, open the way.

2016-11-15, 03:29 PM
Lunata nodded and stood to protect the shindroid's flank, holding her weapon tight. "Might as well."

2016-11-16, 02:00 PM
Kurga nods. "After you," he agrees, waving in the general direction of the shindroid

2016-11-17, 03:18 PM
As you head into the house, fire bursts from the two adjacent hearths, illuminating the house. The walls are covered in hunting trophies of all kinds, ranging from moldy deer lanterns to lion heads, still seeping with blood. A long tall room dominates the house, along with a table with two shattered legs, causing a steep slant. High pitched howling gets your attention and your eyes follow two curved staircases leading up to a banister where a figure stands.

Over seven feet tall and with unruly white hair, the figure stops howling and glares down at you with bright yellow wolf eyes. Appearing in her mid-forties, but still physically powerful, the woman is dressed in a collection of fur, bones, cracked leather, and has a long sweeping cloak apparently made from bat wing skin. She carries no weapons, but her nails end in dark black claws that are currently making deep gouges in the wood. Her voice cracks out in a deep growl that seems to carry across the room. "Pathetic furless, none shall attempt to stop the night of our lord's rebirth! With his howl we shall overtake this world, converting the strong and devouring the weak!"

Waving her arms, black smoke shoots from her palms and fills a large section of the room below. As it clears a loud growl gets your attention as two stuffed bears, once almost comically falling apart, tear their feet from the mounted pedestals and lumber around to face you. If that wasn't enough, the smoke gathers and forms into two giant wolves with glowing red eyes. Covered in patch black fur and with tails still made form insubstantial smoke, they seem to almost glide in place. "You shall be the food that nourishes my master upon his awakening!" With that, the woman stalks into the wide door behind her.

Roll for it. The monster will have shared initiative. To keep combat moving, I will control characters who don't move after 24 hours.

2016-11-17, 03:54 PM
Lunata sighed and stared towards the furred woman, careful to not get too engulfed in the black smoke. "We'll see who has the last laugh tonight, villain!" she exclaimed, getting a little bit into the role... if nothing else, for the poor evil NPC's sake. She stooped low, and pumped power into her legs as she charged forward, sending the Burial Blade out for a sweeping strike. Cathari followed suit to focus on the same target, bearing down with her wyvern claws and teeth.

Lunata - [roll0]
Cathari - [roll1]

Lunata will activate Might as a swift action, then move to one of the two wolves and make an attack against it!

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Cathari follows suit, charging with a bite and two talon attacks!

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

2016-11-18, 05:10 AM
Unfolding his metallic wings, the flying mecha dashes forward, all weapons out, reactors roaring.

"You shall consider your master as done for. Initiating annihilation process."

What looked like a smile turn into a vicious bite as arcs of lightning erupts from his body.


Flying at full speed and using eagle charge if possible given the space we have. I'm gonna apply shocking fist to whatever attack it can (fluff description talks about my slam, but the feat has no such restriction), so I'll take 6 damage to add +6d4 electrical damage to either my halberd or my slam. Power attack at -2/+1/+2/+4 (+1 for bite, +2 for claws and slams, +4 for halberd). Releasing partly my two handed weapon as a free action. +2 from charge taken into account. Gonna use one round of Improved Power to get +6 str and +10 move speed as a swift action.








Also, I shall save that routine somewhere.

Current forcefield : 34/40 (fast healing 4, can be quicked back on with a repair)
Current Battle Armor : 63 (repairable as swift action with repair)
Current HP : 70 (repairable as a standard action with repair)
Repair : 7/7