View Full Version : Highest martial dps Dpr?(Pathfinder)

2016-10-21, 06:53 AM
As the title says, whats the highest Dpr You guys can get, average of it from 3 rounds of fighting? Assusming any content, race(hell, maybe even custom races) and favourable setting like having 2 opponents for cleave, same for smite evil and favoured enemy or simliar.

If possible have it at levels 1,6,11,16 but others are fine. My attempt(likely bad) at it got 29.5 Dpr as a orc with power atack/cleave
Almost forgot to include it but use the monster creation guidelines for ac and other factors(assusme all monster Crs are equal to you level)
(note, martials are defined as people with level then 2/3rds casting

2016-10-21, 07:20 AM
If you go through loops, you can get infinite strength on level 1. I assume that's not what you have in mind though. It really varies. Also, this kind of thought exercise favours unplayable or poorly-suited-for-play builds as you're essentially encouraged to optimize for a single attack in a single encounter and it doesn't matter how impractical or useless that is in real game. From the basic end of the spectrum though:

Orc Barbarian 1
Whirling Frenzy [UA] + Pounce [Spirit Lion Totem from Complete Champion]
1. Mounted Combat
Flaw. Ride-By Attack
Flaw. Spirited Charge

Mounted charge with a two-handed Lance while Frenzying: 2 attacks (thanks to Pounce), each doing 3x damage. 18 base Strength, 22 with Orc bonuses, 26 with Frenzy. Two attacks at 1 BAB + 8 Str + 2 Charge - 2 Whirling Frenzy = +9 (+10 if higher ground) for 1d8+12 * 3 (so 3d8+36) with 20/x3 crits. Average AC for CR1 is 12 so average dpr is 98.01.

2016-10-21, 07:48 AM
Uh durr, i feel stupid as it was meant to be pathfinder
To your post about the single attack thing was why i said over 3 rounds of combat and then average of that

2016-10-21, 07:57 AM
Also, it doesnt take into account overkilling 1 enemy vs killing 2 or more....

As Eldariel pointed, you can get average dpr at 98.01 at CR1 on a single enemy, however, anything can take that dmg at that cr so that is around 70 points of dmg wasted

while doing 30 dpr with cleave (2 enemies) means you waste much less damage and kill 2 creatures wich can be better than overkilling just 1....

Anyway, uberchargers would win

Feat wise, Battle Jump1st, Power AttackB, Improved BullrushB, Headlong Rush3rd, & Shock Trooper6th. And you'll basically "complete" ubercharging. You can obtain a Valorous Greatsword and then later on a Valorous Halberd of VaultingA&E to maintain some very significant damage. Specifically, 1d10+(Str*1.5)+(BAB*2) x 5 x (BAB-1/5). ...I hope that doesn't confuse you. Basically at level 9 & 22 Str its an average of 325+


Your damage is 2d8+1680 per attack (33 Str, 7 enhancement, 240 Power Attack, all doubled by valorous, then tripled by Spirited Charge) Source (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=11912710&postcount=5)

so yeah, uberchargers, in general, are the ones that have the highest dpr, at least untill tippy comes with a wizard that somehow manages to do more

Edit. didnt see the "pathfinder" part... and still

To your post about the single attack thing was why i said over 3 rounds of combat and then average of that

you also said "favourable setting" so charge 1 guy and kill him then charge the next on 2º round and charge the last on 3º round, average still 98.01...

I suggest you create a combat setup so every one has the same ground to test their dmg

2016-10-21, 08:19 AM
Uh durr, i feel stupid as it was meant to be pathfinder
To your post about the single attack thing was why i said over 3 rounds of combat and then average of that

Well, you can charge 3 times since you're Ride-By Attacking anyways so it doesn't really change anything. In PF, you don't have Pounce or Whirling Frenzy and I don't recall a way to get bonus feats on level 1. Thus I guess you'll need to make it a Human Fighter; 20 Str instead of 26 and only 2 + Int skills but it's somewhat playable. Dragoon, Ride-By Attack, Mounted Charge, 20 Strength, ranks in Ride/Handle Animal/Use Magic Device, you get 3d8+21 per round at +8 (+9 high ground) for a total of 32.25 average damage per round (assuming you charge each round; again, with Ride-By Attack it's not that big of a deal). Since you have 175 starting gold, you can buy and train a Light Horse for Combat Riding, get a Lance and then UMD or Potion some buffs. I suppose Enlarge Person would be nice but then you'd need a huge Mount; I guess you could use the hireling rules to rent an elephant for a day, or hire/diplomacy some intelligent Huge magical beast.

Enlarged, we'd be looking at 22 Strength and 2d6 base damage so 6d6+27 or 44.88 per round.