View Full Version : Player Help What's Next?

2016-10-22, 01:35 PM
Ok so here is the build so far:

Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Fist of Forest 3/Bear Warrior 5/Warshaper 4

what do you do with the last 4 levels? suggestions?

No Dragon magazine, No Eberon, No Forgotten Realms, No Underdark, No Homebrew, No Unearthed Arcana, no Minatures handbook.:)

2016-10-22, 03:32 PM
Also could use a couple of good late build feats:)

2016-10-22, 04:25 PM
What feats do you currently have? ACFs? Race? Any templates? What do you focus on during combat? Out of combat? Anything you've noticed the character is lacking in?

I don't really think there's enough info here to say one way or other. It looks like you're doing a shapeshifting, natural weapon using, ubercharger?

2016-10-22, 04:28 PM


2016-10-24, 10:43 AM
Warblade is an interesting Idea. Thank You

Race: Dwarf
Role: Melee Damage Dealer
ACF's: None
Current Level: 4
Feats: Improved Unarmed, Power Attack, Great Fortitude, Extra Rage
Out of Combat: Straight Forward, not sneaky type at all, bit of a eco-terrorist :)
Templates: None, (Not allowed in this game)

2016-10-24, 04:22 PM
It might be overshadowed if you go into Bear Warrior first, but I like combining Fist of the Forest with Frostrager (Frostburn pg. 61). Even if you only go two levels in for One-Two Punch, more attacks is never a bad idea, and the prereqs and the benefits of your various classes flow together pretty nicely.

In a similar vein, the feat Snap Kick (from Tome of Battle) is always helpful on an unarmed character.

No ACFs? So you don't have Pounce? You should probably look into getting the ability to move and full attack somehow. Normally I'd recommend dipping Barbarian for Pounce, but that obviously won't work as an addition to the character (it'd have to be a retrain or a retcon, and not all GMs are cool with that). Dwarf Barbarian doesn't scream "CHA-heavy" to me, but if by some crazy chance you have a non-awful CHA score, you might dip a level of Cleric for Travel Devotion? (Ignore the meager spellcasting ability if you don't like the fluff—the important part is that you get Travel Devotion and a pool of Turn Undead uses, which never ever have to actually be used to turn undead, to fuel it.)

2016-10-24, 04:33 PM
Another option if you don't have Pounce is a few levels of Totemist to pick up some more natural weapons and get the Sphinx Claws or Landshark Boots.

2016-10-25, 09:29 AM
Can't use tomb of battle I asked :) but otherwise that would be awesome. As for other things cleric is an interesting thing at the end of this build for sure:), I wonder what you all think of 4 levels of Deepwarden at the end?

2016-10-25, 09:37 AM
If you go Deepwarden (the Dwaven Class, right?), you should look for a way to turn into a Shambeling Mound...

2016-10-25, 09:52 AM
Interesting, im sure there is a spell or enchantment that could do that. why may I ask?

2016-10-25, 10:56 AM
Whenever they are hit with an electricity attack, they gain 1d4 Con. They loose said Con at a rate of 1/hour. So if you were to take a tiny sap, enchant it with shocking and poke yourself with it, you gain more Con, meaning more hp and in the case of a Deepwarden, more AC, thanks to their second level class feature.

2016-10-25, 12:57 PM
dirty, but I like it:) sounds like fun:)

2016-10-25, 01:08 PM
Yeah, it would be broken if you could use Diamond Mind Maneuvers, but without ToB, it's a valid thing to do if you want to play the tank^^

2016-10-25, 01:22 PM
Nice:) and yeah a dwarf druid with a 2 level dip into deepwarden would be wrong:P

2016-10-25, 02:23 PM
Deepwarden is cute, but I will suggest War Hulk. After 4 levels, you get to attack three squares with each one of your hits (check the errata, it changes the 4th level ability to an attack action to make sense with it working with multiple attacks.) Also, if you go by Complete Warrior rules that losing the prerequisites removes class features, you don't have the No Time to Think class feature when you aren't large and can thus use skills out of combat.

2016-10-25, 04:54 PM
How about some levels in Frenzied Berserker. Every class benefits from buffs. And the +6 strength is just from level 1.