View Full Version : The Good, The Bad and The Adorable (Art Project)

2016-10-23, 04:51 PM
Hey guys, hopefully this is the right place to post.

Just need some help finding some pictures for reference so my artist buddy can understand what I'm talking about when I say I'm looking for her to do a painting with the theme "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" (She offered it for my B-Day when i off handedly said it would be cool during a gaming session)

To clarify she won't be using these pictures, i wouldn't want to infringe on other peoples hard works, im just having a hard time getting my concept across so I'm quickly copying+pasting some drawn characters on some thematically appropriate backgrounds to show her than she'll do her own thing from there.

In short: I'm looking for some colorful Pathfinder-esque characters (preferably without to much detail) and backgrounds that fit the three separate themes of "The Good, The Bad and The Adorable" and my google0fu has somewhat failed me (Sonic and MLP has made it alot harder)

Here's a few examples:

The Good: http://i365.photobucket.com/albums/oo93/Failedlegend/Painting%20Test%20Mk%202_zpsk3mee5uc.png

The Bad: http://i365.photobucket.com/albums/oo93/Failedlegend/The%20Bad_zpsfqso3rml.jpg

The Adorable Mk. 1 (This background i find to be too mono-toned and a bit abstract): http://i365.photobucket.com/albums/oo93/Failedlegend/LilBuddi%20Painting%20Mk2_zpst6tybgf1.png

The Adorable Mk. 2: http://i365.photobucket.com/albums/oo93/Failedlegend/and%20Adorable_zpsmhhtev8g.jpg

So thank you in advance for any help, this has been something that I've always wanted to have up on my wall (and if this works out the group is thinking of commissioning someone to draw our characters from our current Pathfinder Campaign, I'm open to suggestions on an artist to commision BTW, have a couple maybes but too new to this to choose)