View Full Version : Ghost PC and Equipment

2016-10-23, 10:56 PM
So I'm playing a ghost template from ghostwalk campaign, and while incorporealbility has benefits, I'm very confused as to how I can get new items.
For example after adventuring we find treasure. But since none of it was with me at my time of death, I cannot get it unless I fully manifest. When I go incorporeal again, I'm being told that those items remain corporal. Which means they pass right through me.
Is that correct? If so, any suggestion to house rule this so my character can get treasure or better yet, purchase new equipment?

2016-10-24, 12:08 AM
Monster Manuel Ghosts are weird but you are using Ghostwalk Ghosts instead so Planeshift is not enough. Yes, unless the item is has the Ghost Touch property it will pass through your Ghostwalk Ghost body.

You will want the Ghostly Grasp feat from Libris Mortis:
Prereqs: Cha 15, Incorporeal
Benefit: Wear, wield, & otherwise use corporeal objects however and whenever you wish

Extra Anchovies
2016-10-24, 12:27 AM
Ghostwalk ghosts aren't meant to follow normal ghost rules, so be very careful when combining the two.

My thoughts on this? Just stay manifested. If using your incorporeality would be useful, just set your corporeal gear aside for a bit: "Hold on to my backpack, will you? I'll pass through this wall and open the door from the other side."

2016-10-24, 02:13 AM
You have to buy Ghost Touch equipment. Savage Species has a sidebar on page 42 that lets you make non-weapon/armor equpiment Ghost Touch for a 10% markup.

You can also take the Ectoplasm feat to generate sticky ectoplasm to cover all your stuff with, which might be good enough to get clothing and flat jewelry to stay on and count as worn (it cuts weapon damage in half), and then Shape Ectoplasm and Temper Ectoplasm to make better stuff (which you can also hand to your friends to help them fight ghosts). You can buy Ectoplasmic Stabilizer to make those last longer without reshaping them constantly, and/or pay someone else to make it for you if you don't want to take the feats yourself. Or the Ghostly Grasp feat already suggested.

Or buy a Ring of Manifesting for 10k and just be manifested fully most of the time, then take it off when you want to use your incorporeality.

Is it annoying? Sure, and it's a small price to pay for being incorporeal with no level adjustment, especially if you're not in a Ghostwalk-centric campaign: it is expected that Ghostwalk Ghosts won't get as much use out of that 50% miss chance and wall walking due to forced manifestation zones, cheap ghost touch, cheaper ectoplasmic equipment, fighting other incorporeal creatures, and buildings being warded against incorporeal creatures as commonly as anything else. If you're not dealing with all of that for some reason then you should really have a level adjustment, or at least take the Ring of Manifestation which forces you to choose between full gear/ghost gear.

2016-10-24, 07:40 PM
Thanks for the advice everyone. The suggested feats are OUT, because my build cannot afford burning feats for equipment lol. As for the 10% markup to make ghost touch equipment, this sounds reasonable. I will investigate this further.
As for ectoplasmatic options, I don't like them because they do not last long.
Keep the suggestions coming. My DM will also appreciate any resolution we can get as do I.