View Full Version : How to make the edgiest character?

2016-10-24, 12:37 PM
I want to make the edgiest character possible. I already have a name - it's Darkblade Shadowedge.

Part of his backstory (feel free to add to it) is that he was trained in an assassin school, where he was always second best to his rival - who also happened to be the son of the assassin master. Living in the shadow of the golden boy led Darkblade Shadowedge (you must always use his full name) to explore the darkest reaches of the assassins archives, where he found forbidden techniques that even the assassins were not permitted to use. That's how dark & edgy they were.

He then challenged his rival to a duel, and using the forbidden techniques was able to incapacitate him... Then, just before Darkblade Shadowedge struck the killing blow, their master intervened & stopped the fight, exiling Darkblade Shadowedge. Since then, he has been wandering the lands, taking on the assassination contracts that are too dangerous & edgy for the average assassin to take. One day he will gain enough power to return to the assassin school & slay his former master, rival, and all the students - then he will take his place as the Dark master of all assassins.

I want to make the most convoluted & overblown backstory ever. Give me everything you got... Maybe he briefly fell in love & was going to give up the assassin lifestyle, opening his heart, but then his past came back to haunt him & an angry mob led by the son of a lord he once killed came, and although he did not want to inflict any violence on them, they attacked him anyway & his love got killed in the crossfire. This let the darkness back into his heart & he slayed all those peasants & put the new lord's head on a spike. From that day forward, he promised himself that he would never love again, and never leave anyone alive to oppose him.

So, what class combos, what race, feats, etc? How do I make the Darkest, Bladiest, Shadowiest, Edgiest character EVER??!? Also, and perhaps more importantly, what else can I add to his backstory?

2016-10-24, 12:45 PM
The master of the assassin school is already doomed to failure, because he is working against the prophecy foretelling Darkblade Shadowedge's supremacy.
He is the chosen vessel of the ancient spirit of the first assassin. We know this because only a half tiefling, half aasimar child can withstand the forces burning inside the vessel of the ancient spirit of the first assassin.

Darkblade Shadowedge always refers to himself as "Darkblade Shadowedge, vessel of the ancient spirit of the first assassin"

2016-10-24, 12:53 PM
Don't forget to add Curse of Strahd's Monster Hunter Background, a.k.a. you're so dark and broody that random townsfolk go out of their way to help you because they can just tell how tortured and tragic your backstory is.

2016-10-24, 01:02 PM
To make the ultimate Edgelord, you need levels in Warlock, Vengeance Paladin, and Assassin. Possible substitutes exist, including cleric of a dark god, fallen paladin, necromancer, and shadow monk, but I think those are the best.

Part of being Edgy is focusing on how Cool your character is while he is doing all those Dark & Edgy things. So Charisma is key.

2016-10-24, 01:02 PM
Well, hold on, I think we're missing one of the most important parts of the proper edgelord here.

He's got to be misunderstood! His misanthropic nature is simply the outward manifestation of a deep-seated insecurity, resulting from the internalization of the notion that he is apart from others and always will be, that he somehow stands alone, and that no one will ever truly understand the incredible, titanic struggle within himself, nor will he ever truly be able to relate this to another person, no matter how close they become.

Darkedge Shadowblade's behavior and affectations are, in large part, due to this deep-seated need for understanding and acceptance. And yet, as a half-tiefling, half-aasimar assassin, given incredible gifts in the art of death that, in truth, are more of a burden than a boon, who can truly claim to understand or know him? Of course, he does what he must do to survive, and so he will tell himself, as his black-edged knife cuts the throat of one more unsuspecting nobleman, fatted on the wealth of the nation that he's enslaved with his unjust regime; but there will always be that shadow of self-doubt. The kind that can usually only be expressed during brooding internal monologues while Darkedge Shadowblade crouches, hunched and ready to leap at a moment's notice, on the silent gargoyles of the largest church in the city -- itself an impossibly large symbol of greed and lust for power given form in unfeeling stone -- as the rain pours down his hooded and implacable face.

You gotta' have the rain. That makes the whole scene.

2016-10-24, 01:03 PM
For real edgelordiness, you should probably be a tiefling or a drow. For extra points, be a tiefling-drow-aasimar hybrid. He's gotta have katanas or the wrist dagger from Assassin's Creed (Exotic weapons if you can, refluffed longswords/rapiers/daggers if you can't). If those are out, you at least need hand crossbows. Do sunglasses exist? If they do, you need aviators. No matter what, you need some sort of leather armor that's impractically black (real black is actually bad for stealth) and a cloak with a massive hood. You've gotta use some sort of low rasp whenever you speak in character. Dead parents are a given, as are amazing scars and/or tattoos. He needs to be a fervent worshiper of Bhaal. That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

2016-10-24, 01:17 PM
Mechanical elements fitting the "dark and edgy" theme:

Drow Slashing Weapons Shadow Monk Warlock (Blade or Chain Pact/Great Old One or Unseelie) Invocation: Devil's Sight Background:Haunted One Feat: Skulker Paladin of Vengeance Refluffed Ancients Paladin (Unseelie--promoting joy and happiness and beauty and laughter through slaughter and torture and cruelty) Shadow Sorcerer Warlock Spells: Arms of Hadar, Hex, Crown of Madness, Enthrall, Gaseous Form, Hunger of Hadar, Contact Other Plane, Dream

Suggested Build (no particular order): Dex/Cha/Wis Assassin Rogue 3/Ancients (Unseelie) Paladin 8/Shadow Monk 6/Fey Bladelock (Shortsword Pact Weapon) 3

2016-10-24, 01:17 PM
For real edgelordiness, you should probably be a tiefling or a drow. For extra points, be a tiefling-drow-aasimar hybrid. He's gotta have katanas or the wrist dagger from Assassin's Creed (Exotic weapons if you can, refluffed longswords/rapiers/daggers if you can't). If those are out, you at least need hand crossbows. Do sunglasses exist? If they do, you need aviators. No matter what, you need some sort of leather armor that's impractically black (real black is actually bad for stealth) and a cloak with a massive hood. You've gotta use some sort of low rasp whenever you speak in character. Dead parents are a given, as are amazing scars and/or tattoos. He needs to be a fervent worshiper of Bhaal. That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Well obviously he has no parents. He actually never even knew his parents - he was given to the assassin school at birth, cast away and unwanted by those that were supposed to hold him most dear.

Unbeknownst to him, he was actually the bastard child of a nobleman & a lowborn peasant woman. The nobleman told the woman that she could either give him away to an orphanage where the child would never interfere in his life, or the child would be killed... So to protect her dear Darkblade Shadowedge, she was forced to give him to the assassins. Later on in the story, Darkblade Shadowedge will get the chance to confront his father in a cathartic moment where he can break free of the shackles of his dark past... You see, his father has lived a haunted, guilt ridden life, devoid of an heir. He wants to accept his long lost son with open arms, finding him to be the only worthy heir, his own blood, that he can pass on his legacy. But of course DB SE will forsake his father, refusing the offer with a blade to the heart, so that he can watch his fathers kingdom crumble.

BTW, all the posts in this topic are hilarious so far... I haven't laughed this hard in a while

Sir cryosin
2016-10-24, 01:19 PM
Arcane Trickster rogue with 3 lvs of warlock pact of the blade. Invocations armor of Shadows, devil's sight . Race vhuman feat martial adapt, maneuvers perry, and rispost. Not everyone sees this coming you're going to want to use Darkness and your devil's sight. Then you use your other spell slots for armor of agathys and hellish rebuke, cantrips minor illusion prestidigitation and made him for the Arcane Trickster, Warlock cantrips friends, Eldritch blast, create bonfire.

2016-10-24, 02:57 PM
You obviously need Performance as a skill.


2016-10-24, 03:51 PM
BTW guys I bought a practice butterfly knife on amazon. I think that twirling that around will give some emotional weight to my brooding so that I'm still getting attention from everyone while I'm quiet. I wouldn't want people to mistake my silence for not partaking in the game.

And then when people do address me I can do a really cool flippy flourish of my blade & look at them with a dark brooding expression

Sicarius Victis
2016-10-24, 04:07 PM
Don't forget to make use of Thaumaturgy to be even more dramatic when you have to.

And don't forget: "I never asked for this". Bonus points if you play a Revenant, Tiefling/Aasimar, or other race that was created through supernatural power beyond their control.

Or you can play a half-Warforged if you want the line to be authentic.

2016-10-24, 04:09 PM
Why not all three? Play a Tiefling/Aasimar hybrid using the Revenant template, and have magitek enhancements. Heck, that could even help; it gives you a reason to have a deep raspy/growly voice, since somewhere along the line, either dying or getting rebuilt messed up your voice.

Sicarius Victis
2016-10-24, 04:19 PM
Why not all three? Play a Tiefling/Aasimar hybrid using the Revenant template, and have magitek enhancements. Heck, that could even help; it gives you a reason to have a deep raspy/growly voice, since somewhere along the line, either dying or getting rebuilt messed up your voice.

That has some amazingly edgy possible backstories.

1. He almost died, likely betrayed or something. His assassin mentor (or someone) managed to keep him alive by replacing large parts of his body with magitek prosthetics. Sometime after, he ACTUALLY died, but his determination (mixed with corrupted magic from the magitek) gave him new life as a Revenant, so he could continue his duty.

Or the better one...

2. He actually did die, but came back as a Revenant. However, his "life" as a Revenant was nothing but sheer pain (see also: Crystal Golem), and so he just wanted to die, and even came very close. However, he was patched up with magitek replacements, continuing his painful existence. This magitek managed to get rid of all that made him a person, and left him as nothing (almost nothing, there has to be that growing regret that makes him an Edgelord) but a soulless, emotionless automaton/undead abomination.

Bonus points if you add Fiendlock in there, and either:

1. Him selling his soul is what turned him into a Revenant in the first place, or

2. He sold his soul so that he could find out how to end his existence as a Revenant.

2016-10-24, 04:33 PM
Lots of eyeliner
Tons of family wealth that he dedicates to advancing his cause
a romantic interest he has never spoken to
A big nasty scar (so he thinks, others do not even notice it)
nose ring

2016-10-24, 04:52 PM
The character supplements his diet with heated shards of glass and rock fragments. He claims outwardly that it's self-punishment for being a monster, but the real reason is to help maintain his rough gravelly voice. He will also seek out herbs to more safely maintain that effect.

He has prestidigitation, and regularly uses it to reduce his own temperature slightly, making him cool despite his dark heavy clothes.

His face is quite heavily scarred, even at level one. When asked, he claims it was from a series of battles over his life, that no man or beast who scarred his face lived to tell the tale. He actually just had a nasty fall off a horse when he was little.

At all times he wears a mask that resembles a black skull, and keeps several spare skull-masks in case one of them is damaged or broken. He is quite earnest about keeping his skull-masks polished, "so my targets can see their own screaming faces as they die".

2016-10-24, 04:57 PM
I already chose a catchphrase. Its "heh, nothin' personel, kid" right after he teleports behind you and lightning fast slashes you 1000 times. Then right as he sheathes his katana your top half slowly slides off, in a clean cut, and falls to the ground. Alternatively they could just explode in gore.

I'd like to avoid the Deus Ex references, I've never played that.. But I do like the cyborg aspect, as well as being a revenant. His entire existence is pain & he wants the sweet release of death. It would also give him extra edginess when he's about to fight someone and can say "heh, maybe you'll be the one to finally kill me... But I doubt it, kid". Only problem I have with that is that revenants die after they accomplish their goals. DB SE has to become the dark master of assassins, it would be kind of disappointing if he died right after he slays his former master.

Lots of eyeliner
Tons of family wealth that he dedicates to advancing his cause
a romantic interest he has never spoken to
A big nasty scar (so he thinks, others do not even notice it)
nose ring

Did you even read the OP, dawg? He already felt love when he found the one woman who he could open his heart to, but she was slain by commoners and now his heart is stone, never to feel any emotion again (except pain, obviously)

But I do think you're onto something. He could have a sister that he cares for from afar, shielding her from harm whilst never revealing himself or letting her know that they're related, like Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho.

2016-10-24, 05:00 PM
obvious race choice is tiefling. An edge lord must never have known his father who walked out on his mom before he was born, and being a race that everyone is afraid of/looks down upon is clearly optimal.

I suggest making his weapon of choice razor blades (dual wielded and thrown) and he def. has to have a dark diary where he writes down his thoughts on the day and all the people who have wronged him so he can get vengeance later.

Sicarius Victis
2016-10-24, 05:03 PM
I'd like to avoid the Deus Ex references, I've never played that.. But I do like the cyborg aspect, as well as being a revenant. His entire existence is pain & he wants the sweet release of death. It would also give him extra edginess when he's about to fight someone and can say "heh, maybe you'll be the one to finally kill me... But I doubt it, kid". Only problem I have with that is that revenants die after they accomplish their goals. DB SE has to become the dark master of assassins, it would be kind of disappointing if he died right after he slays his former master.

That doesn't mean that's his whole goal. That's what he THINKS he wants. He could be wanting something else entirely, without even realizing it.

And the Deus Ex reference was really just there because imagining Adam Jenson as an Edgelord like DB SE amused me.

2016-10-24, 05:31 PM
People are going overboard with the multiclasses and races, IMO.

Tiefling Infernal Bladelock. Multiclasses Fighter 2 for TWF, or stick to a Katana. Your pactmaker is Satan, whose also kind of your dad, but you were raised by the priestess he raped.

One night Satan decides it's a good idea to set religious people on fire just for fun. Your mom was one of them, as well as most Paladins and Clerics in the world. Because of this trauma you swear to "Kick Satan's Ass"

The rest of your party members are Paladins, Clerics, and Monk's who survived the ordeal, so you're forced to hide your demonic powers because these are the only friends you'll probably ever make.

2016-10-24, 05:50 PM
So, half tiefling/half aasimar turned revenant assassin 3 / bladelock 3 / vengeance pally 6 / battlemaster 4 / shadow sorc 4? You could crowbar some shadow monk in there too, if you really don't want those ASIs.

Misty step or darkness your way in, apply hex and unload a bundle of action surged assassin crit maneuver smites on your unsuspecting foe.
Then weep because it wasn't perfect enough to work on the grandmaster.

2016-10-24, 06:11 PM
Obviously, Darkblade Shadowedge's eyes have different colors, because an edgy character with eyes of the same color are lame. One of his eyes is golden and symbolizes the divine bloodline of the Aasimar, while the other eye is crimson and represents the hellish inheritance of the Tiefling. These eyes are known in folklore as the characteristics of the Chosen One, and make the commoners cower before him.

Darkblade Shadowedge uses two-weapon fighting, because that's how all edgy characters must fight. He wields the DARK SWORD (an Artifact that was created in the 666th layer of the Abyss as the ultimate weapon of supreme destruction and DEATH) and the LIGHT SWORD (an Artifact created by the Gods as the ultimate weapon of supreme retribution and DEATH), both of which are so powerful that most will DIE attempting to attune to even one of them (they're the ultimate weapon of DEATH after all). When it comes to attuning to both of them, Darkblade Shadowedge is the only one in the world who can succeed.

The Gods hate Darkblade Shadowedge for being half-fiend, and the Fiends hate him for being half-god. Thus he must constantly fight against the various minions of both sides, day and night, and he cannot be with others for fear that they may get in trouble because of him as well. This is also why he must continue on travelling forever - if he stays in one place for too long, that place will be ravaged by demons and be incinerated off the map. Because that's how wretched your fate has to be.

However, Darkblade Shadowedge has just one friend, who is the Shadow Dracolich upon which he mounts and fights.

Also, everyone talking about PHB classes needs to realize that to truly generate the awesomeness of Darkblade Shadowedge into a character sheet, we must create homebrew material.

2016-10-24, 06:39 PM
@Gastronomie, holy crap, I can't stop laughing. Balancing his divine & fiendish aspects is definitely a hard burden for him to bear which causes him endless torment & make him unable to be accepted by anyone.

Also, while we're on the subject of homebrew, I think it's important for DB SE to have to inflict a lot of self-harm to access his most powerful abilities. Not necessarily that he cuts himself (I don't think that would be tasteful, although a blood mage sort of character would be cool... Without all the other edginess), but that his dark power is so uncontrollable that it causes collateral damage to himself.

For instance, I gotta mention Hiei again. He wielded the power of the Dragon of the Darkness Flame (edgy af name btw) which was such unrestricted power that it crippled his arm the first time he used it & seared his flesh. I think there's a lot of inspiration to be had there.. A character that sacrifices his own HP to deal extra damage. Hurting yourself to deal more damage is definitely the edgelord way

Sicarius Victis
2016-10-24, 06:45 PM
What DB:SE really needs is a theme song. As has been suggested, there are a few decent Linkin Park (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n6jN330vfU) songs. I personally would have to recommend something from MGR:Revengeance. Such as this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfwteoZCvoY).

2016-10-24, 07:10 PM
Lawful good, trans female serial killer of orcs; specializes in blow guns and gives herself long, drawn-out monologues to justify her actions and other struggles in life.

Sicarius Victis
2016-10-24, 07:19 PM
Lawful good, trans female serial killer of orcs; specializes in blow guns and gives herself long, drawn-out monologues to justify her actions and other struggles in life.

That's more "cringey" than "edgy", I'd say. Also rather irritating to have to deal with.

2016-10-24, 07:24 PM
When DB SE was young, his mother fell in love with an evil man, destroying her. That set the first part of his life into thinking of nothing but revenge (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t0CR1IJKMPo).

(Still works the the CoS background).

Sicarius Victis
2016-10-24, 07:49 PM
When DB SE was young, his mother fell in love with an evil man, destroying her. That set the first part of his life into thinking of nothing but revenge (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t0CR1IJKMPo).

(Still works the the CoS background).

I was wrong. We don't need to find him a theme song.

We need a whole soundtrack

2016-10-24, 07:54 PM
These dark and forbidden techniques Darkedge Shadowblade found probably involve warlock levels. Shadow sorcerer can also add to both the edginess and mechanically benefit an assassin.

I was going to suggest half-drow as the race but half-tiefling and half-aasimar makes for a more convoluted and morally torn character, with demonic tendencies (enhanced with warlock levels) combating a good heart.

I'd ask why Darkedge Shadowblade decided to become an assassin in the first place, and what his rival did to cause so much envy and hate that he would turn to the darkest and edgiest of magics to kill them in addition to just always being a better killer and following in a master assassin's footsteps.

Come to think of it, how was a half-tiefling half-aasimar conceived? Did an angel fall in the process thus becoming a demon during conception and Darkedge Shadowblade's first sight was the abyss? And if so, how did he come to the material plane?

2016-10-24, 08:03 PM
Obviously, Darkblade Shadowedge's eyes have different colors, because an edgy character with eyes of the same color are lame. One of his eyes is golden and symbolizes the divine bloodline of the Aasimar, while the other eye is crimson and represents the hellish inheritance of the Tiefling. These eyes are known in folklore as the characteristics of the Chosen One, and make the commoners cower before him.

Darkblade Shadowedge uses two-weapon fighting, because that's how all edgy characters must fight. He wields the DARK SWORD (an Artifact that was created in the 666th layer of the Abyss as the ultimate weapon of supreme destruction and DEATH) and the LIGHT SWORD (an Artifact created by the Gods as the ultimate weapon of supreme retribution and DEATH), both of which are so powerful that most will DIE attempting to attune to even one of them (they're the ultimate weapon of DEATH after all). When it comes to attuning to both of them, Darkblade Shadowedge is the only one in the world who can succeed.

The Gods hate Darkblade Shadowedge for being half-fiend, and the Fiends hate him for being half-god. Thus he must constantly fight against the various minions of both sides, day and night, and he cannot be with others for fear that they may get in trouble because of him as well. This is also why he must continue on travelling forever - if he stays in one place for too long, that place will be ravaged by demons and be incinerated off the map. Because that's how wretched your fate has to be.

However, Darkblade Shadowedge has just one friend, who is the Shadow Dracolich upon which he mounts and fights.

Also, everyone talking about PHB classes needs to realize that to truly generate the awesomeness of Darkblade Shadowedge into a character sheet, we must create homebrew material.

My suggestion seems pointless now.

Thread done! End it here! Darkedge Shadowblade is complete!

Joe the Rat
2016-10-24, 08:11 PM
So when do we find out he's actually a Halfling from Idaho?

2016-10-24, 08:27 PM
Come to think of it, how was a half-tiefling half-aasimar conceived? Did an angel fall in the process thus becoming a demon during conception and Darkedge Shadowblade's first sight was the abyss? And if so, how did he come to the material plane?

An aasimar and a tiefling had a kid. Couldn't be less believable than a half orc or half elf.
The trick is making them both individually almost as edgy as Darkedge Shadowblade, enhancing his own edginess.

2016-10-24, 09:02 PM
Also, while we're on the subject of homebrew, I think it's important for DB SE to have to inflict a lot of self-harm to access his most powerful abilities. Not necessarily that he cuts himself (I don't think that would be tasteful, although a blood mage sort of character would be cool... Without all the other edginess), but that his dark power is so uncontrollable that it causes collateral damage to himself.

For instance, I gotta mention Hiei again. He wielded the power of the Dragon of the Darkness Flame (edgy af name btw) which was such unrestricted power that it crippled his arm the first time he used it & seared his flesh. I think there's a lot of inspiration to be had there.. A character that sacrifices his own HP to deal extra damage. Hurting yourself to deal more damage is definitely the edgelord way

A ragemage! Sounds like a sorcerer archetype that has a Rage-like spell nova.

So when do we find out he's actually a Halfling from Idaho?

I considered suggesting a normcore character. Is there anything edgier than being an office clerk? Someone who stared deep into the abyss and decided that's perfectly fine with him and also you'll need to fill that one out in triplicate?

2016-10-25, 09:23 AM
Check it out, yall. I made an artists rendition of DB SE using MS Paint. They really added a lot of features since I was a kid. Pay close attention to his eyes, they are two colored which symbolizes that he is a child of prophecy. I didn't really know what an aasimar was supposed to look like so I Just gave him blonde hair. Also, it may be hard to notice, but he is wearing a translucent black cloak (I was too lazy to make an entire black cloak since his clothes are already all black, he would've looked like a blob) but in truth it is a magic item known as the Cloak of Night which gives him Greater Invisibility 10x a day.

You can't tell but he is a revenant too. Tbh I forgot about that since last night, I would've made him look more gaunt & lifeless. But he does have very sallow cheeks so we can choose to believe that happened after he became a revenant. Regardless, I think I did a really great job at conveying the agony & rage in his eyes. He is looking over the city, late at night, thinking about how worthless all their lives are, and how they are all a cancer that feeds upon itself, ever festering... But at the same time I think I did a really great job at leaving it open to interpretation, so the audience can project their own thoughts & insecurities onto him. That's really important if you want a deep & involving character. Making him a sort of blank slate in that regard makes it easy for anyone to relate to him, they can insert their own personal experiences & relate it to his struggles.


2016-10-25, 08:21 PM
DBSE is actually an Abyssal from Exalted, doomed never to be understood by those around him.

For extra majestic isolation, insist on using the Exalted rules for DBSE's actions, while everyone else at the table is using D&D for their characters.

2016-10-26, 10:53 AM
Man I love this tread :smallbiggrin:

2016-10-26, 12:05 PM
I'm confused because nobody has suggested that he should be a vampire yet. I mean, ok, the revenant thing is sort of half way there but vampires are the cutting edge of edginess.

Only a drow half-tiefling, half-aasimar vampire can contain the soul of the first assassin. The blood of the victims he must consume to fuel his quest mixes with the tears he sheds in guilt at their suffering, to make a potion that is the only cure for his lover's wasting sickness.

2016-10-26, 12:37 PM
I'm confused because nobody has suggested that he should be a vampire yet. I mean, ok, the revenant thing is sort of half way there but vampires are the cutting edge of edginess.

Only a drow half-tiefling, half-aasimar vampire can contain the soul of the first assassin. The blood of the victims he must consume to fuel his quest mixes with the tears he sheds in guilt at their suffering, to make a potion that is the only cure for his lover's wasting sickness.

We don't have rules for vampire characters yet :smalltongue:

2016-10-26, 12:55 PM
These dark and forbidden techniques Darkedge Shadowblade found probably involve warlock levels. Shadow sorcerer can also add to both the edginess and mechanically benefit an assassin.

I was going to suggest half-drow as the race but half-tiefling and half-aasimar makes for a more convoluted and morally torn character, with demonic tendencies (enhanced with warlock levels) combating a good heart.

I'd ask why Darkedge Shadowblade decided to become an assassin in the first place, and what his rival did to cause so much envy and hate that he would turn to the darkest and edgiest of magics to kill them in addition to just always being a better killer and following in a master assassin's footsteps.

Come to think of it, how was a half-tiefling half-aasimar conceived? Did an angel fall in the process thus becoming a demon during conception and Darkedge Shadowblade's first sight was the abyss? And if so, how did he come to the material plane?

My problem with Warlock levels is that they're not forbidden enough. Even though the lore & stuff dictates that Warlocks are supposed to be evil & crap, no one really cares. It just doesn't seem very forbidden, even though it should be. I do think that inflicting self-harm & collateral damage to my team-mates would really help illustrate how forbidden it is... I mean, you can say "omg hunger of hadar that's like dark magic or whatever" all you want, but it's still helping the team. If, instead, DB SE was casting fireball (shadow flame fireball, obviously) directly at the ground where he's standing with his teammates beside him, then they would really get the picture. In essence, inconveniencing your own allies is the best way to show how forbidden his techniques really are.

To answer your question, DB SE had the assassin life thrust upon him. He was practically raised from birth in the assassin temple (see OP please). As for his rival, DB SE developed a deep-seated hatred for him because Rival (we should name him) was always so effortlessly successful & always nice to everyone. I'm sure you've met someone like that in your own life. The guy who always got good grades, was captain of the football team, had healthy relationships - both friendly & romantic. He just always seemed to be living life on easy mode, even though you never actually saw the hard work he put in. He was handsome, popular, and always nice to everyone - even you, despite your constant sour attitude... And that's what makes him so detestable. I hate you so much, Chad.

Point being, despite DB SE & his rival being neck & neck in almost all things, DB SE was always seen as the outsider, ostracized for being different and not fitting into the same box as all the other normie assassins. And no matter how close DB SE came to winning, rival always managed to get the upper hand somehow - cuz he's a goddamn preppie Chad & always succeeds in everything. Also, his father, being the assassin master, obviously gave rival preferential treatment all the time, which is what instilled in DB SE the feeling that the system would always be rigged against him.

So ultimately, these are the factors which led DB SE to turn to forbidden techniques & use them to strike rival down, but the master intervened and stopped DB SE from finishing him off - but instead of killing or imprisoning DB SE (because that would be inconvenient to our backstory), he showed compassion & simply exiled him.

As for the conception, idk... I still kinda like that his father was just a regular, non-aasimar lord of some city. Maybe even a king! But the half fiend/half divine aspect is too good to pass up... So here's what I propose (which will be even MORE convoluted than either version)

The human (or High Elf) lord became infatuated with a Tiefling woman. They slept together on numerous occasions, despite the fact that the hedonistic lord was already married. Evidently, he had a fetish for Tiefling women, which is forbidden in that society. Yeah, that sounds good... Having him be the product of a outlawed relationship is even more edgy. Like his existence in the first place is forbidden! So anyway, Tiefling woman gets pregnant, the Lord tells her that she has to give him away where it can never be traced to him, or the child will be executed. Unbeknownst to both parties, though, DB SE is not actually the son of the Lord. The Tiefling woman was actually impregnated by an aasimar with immaculate conception, or something like that. She was gifted the divine seed of the aasimar through a dream, because the aasimar was directed by a higher power to do so, to set the prophecy into motion.

I think this way, we preserve the potential story of DB SE getting revenge against his father for abandoning him, while also giving him the divine/fiendish lineage, which will obviously also come up later when he meets his actual father & slays him to spite the prophecy... probably with some really cool edgy line like "Damn the prophecy. I decide my own fate" right as he cuts off his head. Oh hell yeah, that's so damn edgy & cool.

2016-10-26, 01:06 PM
Don't forget your catch phrase

"Nothing personnel kid"

2016-10-26, 02:12 PM
How have we not talked about how he needs one demon wing and one angel wing (with black feathers) yet? This is a deviantArt Special here! Definitely need wings. Maybe make use of the winged tiefling rules?

2016-10-26, 02:49 PM
Obviously, Darkblade Shadowedge's eyes have different colors, because an edgy character with eyes of the same color are lame. One of his eyes is golden and symbolizes the divine bloodline of the Aasimar, while the other eye is crimson and represents the hellish inheritance of the Tiefling. These eyes are known in folklore as the characteristics of the Chosen One, and make the commoners cower before him.

Darkblade Shadowedge uses two-weapon fighting, because that's how all edgy characters must fight. He wields the DARK SWORD (an Artifact that was created in the 666th layer of the Abyss as the ultimate weapon of supreme destruction and DEATH) and the LIGHT SWORD (an Artifact created by the Gods as the ultimate weapon of supreme retribution and DEATH), both of which are so powerful that most will DIE attempting to attune to even one of them (they're the ultimate weapon of DEATH after all). When it comes to attuning to both of them, Darkblade Shadowedge is the only one in the world who can succeed.

The Gods hate Darkblade Shadowedge for being half-fiend, and the Fiends hate him for being half-god. Thus he must constantly fight against the various minions of both sides, day and night, and he cannot be with others for fear that they may get in trouble because of him as well. This is also why he must continue on travelling forever - if he stays in one place for too long, that place will be ravaged by demons and be incinerated off the map. Because that's how wretched your fate has to be.

However, Darkblade Shadowedge has just one friend, who is the Shadow Dracolich upon which he mounts and fights.

Also, everyone talking about PHB classes needs to realize that to truly generate the awesomeness of Darkblade Shadowedge into a character sheet, we must create homebrew material.

Darkblade Shadowedge was actually born in the future, but was brought back in time to escape a nightmarish future. His father was a warlock who was ordered by his patron to try and tempt his Aasimar mother to turn evil. However, he soon fell in love with her, and soon she was with child. The Aasimar and the fiends quickly realized that Darkblade Shadowedge was destined to be the Chosen One, and the fiends ordered an all-out assault on the Aasimar to try and kill the child. Darkblade Shadowedge's father could not allow this to happen, and killed one of the assassins and stole his uniform. He knew that the only way to get to meet up with Darkblade Shadowedge's mother would be to go along with the assassins. When they forced their way through, Darkblade Shadowedge's father attempted to protect Darkblade Shadowedge, but he was mistaken for an assassin and cut down by Darkblade Shadowedge's mother. When she realized that she had just cut down her lover, her mind snapped. She blamed fate for such a cruel travesty, and would destroy existence itself for the sake of revenge. She betrayed the other Aasimar, and thus evil won. However, Darkblade Shadowedge's father was merely mortally wounded, and used his remaining life force to cast a forbidden spell sending Darkblade Shadowedge back in time.

Thus, Darkblade Shadowedge must also remain on the run from his mother. Even time cannot keep his mother from pursuing him, knowing that he is the key to ending all of existence. Darkblade Shadowedge cannot bring himself to fight her, but deep down he knows he must.

2016-10-26, 03:44 PM
In my opinion, that picture may be a bit too expressive. Edgelords communicate in slight frowns and slight smirks (depending on the situation) when grim stoicism and leaning against a nearby wall isn't enough.

2016-10-26, 05:40 PM
Have him wear spiked armor so he'll have all the edges

2016-10-26, 05:52 PM
Zendikar Vampire Revenant Noble Shadow Sorcerer or Death Domain Favored Soul: you are the darkest dark man/woman born of darkness and bound to darkness forever who lives in a dark castle with a graveyard in the front and with lots of dark and weird people, a pale old butler that teleports, etc...

2016-10-27, 12:26 AM
Has anyone suggested him to be a lycanthrope? Black Weredragon (we can homebrew this, right?) for maximum edge. He can't let himself get close to others so they don't get hurt by the BEAST WITHIN!

Sicarius Victis
2016-10-27, 02:06 AM
His mother was a Celestial and his father was a Fiend. With all the ugly backstory implied by the question of how that happened in the first place.

2016-10-27, 03:15 AM
Has anyone suggested him to be a lycanthrope? Black Weredragon (we can homebrew this, right?) for maximum edge. He can't let himself get close to others so they don't get hurt by the BEAST WITHIN!How about Darkblade Shadowedge was born as a half-Aasimar and half-Tiefling and he later became a vampire and a werewolf as well.

And at the same time he is somehow also a half-dragon.

2016-10-27, 03:20 AM
How about Darkblade Shadowedge was born as a half-Aasimar and half-Tiefling and he later became a vampire and a werewolf as well.

And at the same time he is somehow also a half-dragon.

He's part-dragon because his family or whatever has lived in/near the lair of an ancient black dragon who keeps eating them for funsies and its magic has started breeding Draconic Sorcerers.

2016-10-27, 01:49 PM

Blonde hair. BLONDE? There's nothing edgy about blonde! White or silver, sure, but certainly not blonde.

Also, he should have brother who's either a goody-two-shoes, or the BBEG. And they both compete for the same woman, of course. Or the brother was her killer, whatever.

Also, impractically huge weapon may be better than a katana. Or impractically huge katana. Or BFS katana with built in crossbow. That's intelligent and evil.

2016-10-27, 02:01 PM
True polymorph into a razor blade. BOOM! Edgiest character possible.

2016-10-27, 02:48 PM
How about Darkblade Shadowedge was born as a half-Aasimar and half-Tiefling and he later became a vampire and a werewolf as well.

And at the same time he is somehow also a half-dragon.

He's part-dragon because his family or whatever has lived in/near the lair of an ancient black dragon who keeps eating them for funsies and its magic has started breeding Draconic Sorcerers.

I think you guys bring up a good point there, but tbh I don't really feel like it's true to the character. First off, a PC can never be a vampire. Second, DB SE would do a lot of things to gain more power to defeat his master & anyone that stands in his way.... but actively sacrificing control of his own body is not one of them. He would obviously employ a lot of emo rage when he uses his Ascension XX mode (which is like a barbarian rage mixed with Super Saiyan 3) that would cause him to lose control - but he would never give up control to something else - especially not a vampire. Besides, being a revenant already gives him undead edginess & an unholy sense of purpose, while allowing him to remain independent. Independence is the edgiest thing of all.

Giving him the half-dragon template would be pretty cool though. Perhaps both his parents were also half-dragon, so when they made him they added up to a half-dragon for him as well.

Blonde hair. BLONDE? There's nothing edgy about blonde! White or silver, sure, but certainly not blonde.

Also, he should have brother who's either a goody-two-shoes, or the BBEG. And they both compete for the same woman, of course. Or the brother was her killer, whatever.

Also, impractically huge weapon may be better than a katana. Or impractically huge katana. Or BFS katana with built in crossbow. That's intelligent and evil.

Here's the thing - when I googled Aasimar for inspiration, I had no idea how to convey it. They just look like regular white people with blonde hair & shiny eyes. That's literally their only discerning feature. Is WotC trying to tell us something about blonde hair & divinity? I shudder at the implications.

Anyway, the blonde hair is the only way I could convey that Darkblade Shadowedge is half Aasimar. I think that it actually highlights the stark contrast between his infernal & divine aspects. And he's already wearing anough black that having black hair would just make him, like, stupid looking.

Did you read the part about his rival? The rival is the goody two shoes. & his love interest is long dead. It was part of his "failed redemption" arc where he thought opening his heart to love could stop the pain inside, but losing her only made certain that darkness was the only thing he could rely on.

True polymorph into a razor blade. BOOM! Edgiest character possible.

I'd appreciate it if you took this more seriously

2016-10-27, 03:50 PM
I know this doesn't really have much to do with the thread, but this is almost the exact back story of a champion from League of Legends.

Zed is the first ninja in 200 years to unlock the ancient, forbidden ways. He defied his clan and master, casting off the balance and discipline that had shackled him all his life. Zed now offers power to those who embrace knowledge of htte shadows, and slays those who cling to ignorance.

An orphan, Zed was taken in and trained by a great ninja master. Only one other student appeared to be Zed's equal - the master's son, Shen. It seemed Zed could never win the favor of the master, as every match between the rivals ended in a draw. Frustrated and jealous, he sought an advantage. The young ninja ventured into a sealed part of the clan's temple, where he found an ornate, foreboding box. Sensing the dark knowledge within, Zed knew he should not open it, but he peered inside nonetheless. In an instant, shadows touched his mind, revealing techniques that had long been hidden. Now armed with a secret edge (lol), he challenged Shen, and this time he defeated the master's son. He expected praise and recognition in his moment of victory, but somehow the master knew Zed has used forbidden ways, and banished him.

Humiliated, the young ninja wandered for years. His bitterness turned to ambition, and he began to train others in the style of the shadows. As his power grew, so did his circle of followers, but he knew that without the box, his technique would never be perfect. One day, Zed looked at his followers and saw that his students were now an army. He led them back to the temple to claim his prize. At the gates, he was surprised to find the old master waiting, receiving Zed and his disciples as if they were welcome guests. The old man laid his sword at Zed's feet, declaring that he had failed Zed as his master. By banishing his former student, the master had doomed Zed to the shadows, instead of leading him to the balanced path. The old man implored Zed to enter the temple, destroy the box, and lead his followers to balance. The dark ninja followed the master inside. Moments later, the assembled ninjas heard Zed cry out in pain. Mysteriously, he emerged unscathed, and threw the severed head of the master at Shen's feet. Screaming in rage, Zed commanded his followers to slaughter the master's students and seize the box.

That day, the old ninja order fell. Though many students died, some escaped thanks to Shen's heroic efforts. Now the temple is a dark training ground for the Order of the Shadow. Zed rules as the Order's master, and his edict is simple: perfect one's technique, and kill all ninjas who refuse to embrace the shadows.

"Balance is a lie" - Zed

Definitely an interesting back story. Take a look at some of Zed's skins for character look inspiration.

2016-10-27, 05:04 PM
First off, a PC can never be a vampire.

Why not? There's even sidebar what PC vampires get in MM.

Here's the thing - when I googled Aasimar for inspiration, I had no idea how to convey it. They just look like regular white people with blonde hair & shiny eyes. That's literally their only discerning feature. Is WotC trying to tell us something about blonde hair & divinity? I shudder at the implications.

Anyway, the blonde hair is the only way I could convey that Darkblade Shadowedge is half Aasimar. I think that it actually highlights the stark contrast between his infernal & divine aspects. And he's already wearing anough black that having black hair would just make him, like, stupid looking.

I don't know, about half of the pictures I'll get after googling aasimar have white or silvery hair, including the picture from 3.5 MM. And the golden eye is also aasimar-y. Possibly a halo, perhaps one that can be turned on and off, so its light won't mess with his stealth and gloom?

Did you read the part about his rival? The rival is the goody two shoes. & his love interest is long dead. It was part of his "failed redemption" arc where he thought opening his heart to love could stop the pain inside, but losing her only made certain that darkness was the only thing he could rely on.

Of course, but it's more edgy if the rival was his brother, or if his brother was also in love with the same woman and blamed DE SB for her death, or, if he was evil, was the one who killed her.

2016-10-27, 07:10 PM
I'd appreciate it if you took this more seriously

Yeah, that's not going to happen so I limited myself to one smart mouth comment well after the thread got rolling.

2016-10-27, 08:23 PM
Yeah, that's not going to happen so I limited myself to one smart mouth comment well after the thread got rolling.

lol, you took me serious. Guess I tricked you. Heh, nothin' personnel, kid

And btw, to the other dude... I will try making an edgier version. I've been watching a lot of anime so I've got a lot of inspiration.

I know this doesn't really have much to do with the thread, but this is almost the exact back story of a champion from League of Legends.

Zed is the first ninja in 200 years to unlock the ancient, forbidden ways. He defied his clan and master, casting off the balance and discipline that had shackled him all his life. Zed now offers power to those who embrace knowledge of htte shadows, and slays those who cling to ignorance.

An orphan, Zed was taken in and trained by a great ninja master. Only one other student appeared to be Zed's equal - the master's son, Shen. It seemed Zed could never win the favor of the master, as every match between the rivals ended in a draw. Frustrated and jealous, he sought an advantage. The young ninja ventured into a sealed part of the clan's temple, where he found an ornate, foreboding box. Sensing the dark knowledge within, Zed knew he should not open it, but he peered inside nonetheless. In an instant, shadows touched his mind, revealing techniques that had long been hidden. Now armed with a secret edge (lol), he challenged Shen, and this time he defeated the master's son. He expected praise and recognition in his moment of victory, but somehow the master knew Zed has used forbidden ways, and banished him.

Humiliated, the young ninja wandered for years. His bitterness turned to ambition, and he began to train others in the style of the shadows. As his power grew, so did his circle of followers, but he knew that without the box, his technique would never be perfect. One day, Zed looked at his followers and saw that his students were now an army. He led them back to the temple to claim his prize. At the gates, he was surprised to find the old master waiting, receiving Zed and his disciples as if they were welcome guests. The old man laid his sword at Zed's feet, declaring that he had failed Zed as his master. By banishing his former student, the master had doomed Zed to the shadows, instead of leading him to the balanced path. The old man implored Zed to enter the temple, destroy the box, and lead his followers to balance. The dark ninja followed the master inside. Moments later, the assembled ninjas heard Zed cry out in pain. Mysteriously, he emerged unscathed, and threw the severed head of the master at Shen's feet. Screaming in rage, Zed commanded his followers to slaughter the master's students and seize the box.

That day, the old ninja order fell. Though many students died, some escaped thanks to Shen's heroic efforts. Now the temple is a dark training ground for the Order of the Shadow. Zed rules as the Order's master, and his edict is simple: perfect one's technique, and kill all ninjas who refuse to embrace the shadows.

"Balance is a lie" - Zed

Definitely an interesting back story. Take a look at some of Zed's skins for character look inspiration.

No, that's just a really strange coincidence. Possibly even a hallucination of yours... But I will concede that you are pretty creative when it comes to plagiarizing me. Also, there's no way that Zed was my main when I used to play LoL. Definitely not.

Anyway, please stop distracting people with your strange delusions.

2016-10-27, 10:14 PM
No worries. Sometimes it's hard to tell who has a sense of humor about what. :D

2016-10-27, 10:22 PM
There is no humor for Darkedge Shadowblade. That was cut from him long ago. Probably with his own sword in a deeply disheartening yet incongruous series of events.

2016-10-27, 10:25 PM
There is no humor for Darkedge Shadowblade. That was cut from him long ago. Probably with his own sword in a deeply disheartening yet incongruous series of events.

He cut himself regularly, and the only thing he lost was his humor. But no one noticed, because no one understands his pain.

2016-10-27, 11:22 PM
His dual weapons (because of course he dual wields)
Are named Beautiful Destroyer a heavenly blade golden but tarnished with a ruby pommel & downward swept black wings for a crossguard. Given to him by his assimar peasent mother, for his is from a bloodline of the angels of Death, those sent to kill for God(s)

& Soultear (tear like crying, not tear like paper) a cruel looking long knife of jagged obsidian but it burns with a sullen flame (like Darkblade Shadowedge himself) it was forged from the twisted soul of the first killer, the pommel of this weapon is a fierce gold cat's eye that almost seems alive. This weapon was the one his assassin master used to cripple him before exile, but when Master stabbed him he crashed through the window of the tall tower, he held the knife as he fell.

Before using either weapons powerful magic he must whet them by cutting himself just a bit.

The pommels of each weapon refect his dual nature eyes, but vice versa that way he can have really cool fan art of shadows & his eyes & weapons glinting

The woman he loved was the one who found him & repaired his body with her techmagic skills in her quaint workshop, he spent a few months with her & she was going to have his child before his rival found them...

2016-10-27, 11:34 PM
Is the Raven Queen still in 5E? Because if so, he needs to wear her holy symbol around his neck. Doesn't matter that he's not a cleric.

2016-10-28, 12:28 AM
"Edgy" is a term applied to something provocative, innovative, avant-garde, and/or that challenges societal norms.

Everybody does damaged, deeply-flawed, morally-dubious, misunderstood, even tormented loner characters these days. They've stopped being edgy and have become the default.

What would be really edgy nowadays is to ignore the new norm and play a joyful, kind, loyal, helpful, gregarious character with saintlike morals. Neutral Good, so you don't end up playing either "lawful to a fault" or "chaotic to a fault." They're a standard human and have a large, loving family (maybe even a loving spouse and a couple of grown kids who turned out good) and had a happy childhood, neither particularly wealthy nor dirt poor but comfortable and pleasant. They grew up in bucolic countryside only a half-day's ride away from a good-sized town or city, which they visited regularly and thus had the best of both worlds growing up. Instead of being young and attractive (or thirtyish and scarred, but in a cool way) they're a bit past their prime and a little bit heavy, with a kind, round face (and possibly a bushy grey beard, if male, or greying hair pulled back into a bun, if female), but they've got the strength that comes with decades of good honest work (such as farmwork, smithing, etc.) that they've genuinely enjoyed. They tend to have a gentle smile as their default expression. They don't look down on anybody, no matter their station or origin. They'll go adventuring purely to help people, with no thought of personal gain nor any need for vengeance. There's not an ounce of tragedy in their personal history, but they're strong enough they don't fold under pressure and don't recoil or lose it from the danger and troubles and tragedies they encounter when adventuring. And underneath this exterior, their dark secret is...nothing; they don't have one; they're exactly what they appear to be.

Nobody will expect that. You've got to have a tragic backstory, or horrible personality flaws, or a dark secret, or insatiable greed for wealth and power, or a quest for revenge, or something like that; this is a tabletop game! Not having that just isn't done!

2016-10-28, 11:30 AM
"Edgy" is a term applied to something provocative, innovative, avant-garde, and/or that challenges societal norms.

Everybody does damaged, deeply-flawed, morally-dubious, misunderstood, even tormented loner characters these days. They've stopped being edgy and have become the default.

What would be really edgy nowadays is to ignore the new norm and play a joyful, kind, loyal, helpful, gregarious character with saintlike morals. Neutral Good, so you don't end up playing either "lawful to a fault" or "chaotic to a fault." They're a standard human and have a large, loving family (maybe even a loving spouse and a couple of grown kids who turned out good) and had a happy childhood, neither particularly wealthy nor dirt poor but comfortable and pleasant. They grew up in bucolic countryside only a half-day's ride away from a good-sized town or city, which they visited regularly and thus had the best of both worlds growing up. Instead of being young and attractive (or thirtyish and scarred, but in a cool way) they're a bit past their prime and a little bit heavy, with a kind, round face (and possibly a bushy grey beard, if male, or greying hair pulled back into a bun, if female), but they've got the strength that comes with decades of good honest work (such as farmwork, smithing, etc.) that they've genuinely enjoyed. They tend to have a gentle smile as their default expression. They don't look down on anybody, no matter their station or origin. They'll go adventuring purely to help people, with no thought of personal gain nor any need for vengeance. There's not an ounce of tragedy in their personal history, but they're strong enough they don't fold under pressure and don't recoil or lose it from the danger and troubles and tragedies they encounter when adventuring. And underneath this exterior, their dark secret is...nothing; they don't have one; they're exactly what they appear to be.

Nobody will expect that. You've got to have a tragic backstory, or horrible personality flaws, or a dark secret, or insatiable greed for wealth and power, or a quest for revenge, or something like that; this is a tabletop game! Not having that just isn't done!

Man, I really want to play that character now.

2016-10-29, 06:47 PM
Man, I really want to play that character now.

I initially made that post as a joke, but the more I think on it, the more I seriously want to play that too, without any irony. I think it might be fun to play such an uncomplicated, amiable character for once. You really don't see it much.

2016-10-29, 07:11 PM
I initially made that post as a joke, but the more I think on it, the more I seriously want to play that too, without any irony. I think it might be fun to play such an uncomplicated, amicable character for once. You really don't see it much.

About a decade back, in the height of 3.5 era, I went to a d&d meetup group for a game. I played a simple sword and board fighter with a longsword. I was heavily criticised for playing something so cliche and that what I really should be playing was something unique, like a spiked chain wielder.

And at that point I realized that the last time I saw someone actually use a longsword was in 2nd edition. My long sword wielding character was unique, because no one ever did it anymore - everyone was too busy playing spiked chain guys.

2016-10-29, 08:51 PM
About a decade back, in the height of 3.5 era, I went to a d&d meetup group for a game. I played a simple sword and board fighter with a longsword. I was heavily criticised for playing something so cliche and that what I really should be playing was something unique, like a spiked chain wielder.

And at that point I realized that the last time I saw someone actually use a longsword was in 2nd edition. My long sword wielding character was unique, because no one ever did it anymore - everyone was too busy playing spiked chain guys.

Makes me think of what Agent Coulson said to Cap in The Avengers: "With everything that's happening [...], people might just need a little 'old-fashioned.'"

2016-10-29, 10:07 PM
If your going to add romance in the background say how darkblade shadowedge has a slew of past lovers but he never really connected with one of them. They fell for him because of his tragic past and a deep look of longing in his eyes but none of them could reach his soft (nougat-y) center. Then he realized he loved his best friend whom they've shared almost everything since they were kids except some big bad guy came around threatening to destroy the world blah blah blah and she sacrificed herself to save both darkblade and the world. Now darkblade knows he will never find love again until the next life where he can find his best friend again which is a shame really because he was cursed with being ageless (so no growing old and dieing ever) and no one can kill him in battle because he's so good.

Also he plays bass for a university band called "underwater compression explosion" and he is also the lead vocalist. Their music's lyrics are similar to muse or radio head but the music is closer to deathklok or mudvayne.

Maybe add in a twin brother whose super evil and trying to take your destiny away (and was the guy that killed your girlfriend from above) but you don't want to have to kill him because hes your brother. You once went to the plane of 9 hells to rescue him but didn't realize his time there corrupted him to being evil

2016-10-30, 12:20 AM
"Edgy" is a term applied to something provocative, innovative, avant-garde, and/or that challenges societal norms.

Everybody does damaged, deeply-flawed, morally-dubious, misunderstood, even tormented loner characters these days. They've stopped being edgy and have become the default.

What would be really edgy nowadays is to ignore the new norm and play a joyful, kind, loyal, helpful, gregarious character with saintlike morals. Neutral Good, so you don't end up playing either "lawful to a fault" or "chaotic to a fault." They're a standard human and have a large, loving family (maybe even a loving spouse and a couple of grown kids who turned out good) and had a happy childhood, neither particularly wealthy nor dirt poor but comfortable and pleasant. They grew up in bucolic countryside only a half-day's ride away from a good-sized town or city, which they visited regularly and thus had the best of both worlds growing up. Instead of being young and attractive (or thirtyish and scarred, but in a cool way) they're a bit past their prime and a little bit heavy, with a kind, round face (and possibly a bushy grey beard, if male, or greying hair pulled back into a bun, if female), but they've got the strength that comes with decades of good honest work (such as farmwork, smithing, etc.) that they've genuinely enjoyed. They tend to have a gentle smile as their default expression. They don't look down on anybody, no matter their station or origin. They'll go adventuring purely to help people, with no thought of personal gain nor any need for vengeance. There's not an ounce of tragedy in their personal history, but they're strong enough they don't fold under pressure and don't recoil or lose it from the danger and troubles and tragedies they encounter when adventuring. And underneath this exterior, their dark secret is...nothing; they don't have one; they're exactly what they appear to be.

Nobody will expect that. You've got to have a tragic backstory, or horrible personality flaws, or a dark secret, or insatiable greed for wealth and power, or a quest for revenge, or something like that; this is a tabletop game! Not having that just isn't done!

You've described Paul Blart: Mall Cop.

What may be "edgy" I guess for a table-top game is really par for the course for 2000s and later action comedies.

Edgy can be playing as the minion monsters of an evil wizard or overlord as evil minions, which will be possible with more monster races. You and your (many) friends woefully underpowered against a lawful stupid paladin and his friends, forced to use any trick or method at your disposal to survive or potentially kill 3-5 unstoppable juggernauts and a master who would sooner kill you than pay you.

I started playing Descent recently, and the first thing I learned is that the heroes cut through monsters like butter, and even the strongest monsters can really only reliably delay them for a turn or two at most. Occasionally one faceless minion accomplishes something truly extraordinary and actually fells one of these nigh immortal juggernauts, or actually survives against their combined might for several turns, despite all the odds, or stays behind to guard a door, so the others don't get killed, and that minion accomplishes something extraordinary, but to the overlord, it is just a piece that performed better than expected, likely to die as soon as the heroes can recollect themselves (and its often the case).

That's not necessarily edgy either. X-Com has a pretty similar experience, though the soldiers are still the heroes in this scenario, trying to do something extraordinary like save the world, rather than something ordinary like guarding a door so they and their brothers can eat that night. I just don't think it's replicated too often in DnD (outside of maybe eldritch horror themed games), where even level 1 adventurers are far stronger than the average person.

I dunno. Putting this joke character into an otherwise normal world may not be edgy in and of itself, though I'd argue that the sheer volume of stereotypical traits he could have potentially hasn't been replicated. I mean, I don't know how many multiclass warlock/shadow monk (a rarely used multiclass) Half-Dragon Tiefling Lycanthropes there are, but the average person looking to make an "edgy" character might throw in one or two, but putting every possible one on results in something familiar, yet new and fun that's really more than the sum of its parts, even if that sum is really a joke.

Put an edgy character in a world full of equally edgy characters all with equally tragic backstories. People like making edgy characters to make them special, but if you make it expressly with the knowledge and intention that it won't be special, and that everyone else in the world goes through equally tragic, or potentially worse suffering, you start exploring something new.

I dunno. It's late where I am. Found your definition of edgy intriguing. Gave me the idea of Shadowdark Edgelord being in a world filled with people equally as edgy as Shadowdark Edgelord, and it made me laugh.

2016-10-30, 08:03 AM
What DB:SE really needs is a theme song. As has been suggested, there are a few decent Linkin Park (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n6jN330vfU) songs. I personally would have to recommend something from MGR:Revengeance. Such as this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfwteoZCvoY).

If we're going to use the Edgiest of Edgelord Theme songs, we must use the ultimate incarnation of edginess.....the Edgelord SUMMONING song!!


There's just something HAUNTING about how edgy Linkin Park songs are....

2016-10-30, 10:13 AM
Once uppon a time there was a pure girl cleric. She was so kind hearted that when she died in battle, healing her comrades, her deity made her a deva. Even then, she only used her powers to heal, never harm an other being. Untill she met him...

...The pit fiend had been in the material plane for eons now. His guise in the form of a an attractive human male saved him from detection. His petty black heart filled with hatered and fascination about blood never felt a single beating for someone other than himself. He was slowly but steadily spreading the word of Asmodeus, and buying souls. Never did he feel a positive feeling since the first time he was in the Nine Hells. Never again... or so he thought...

...When a party of Deva came to his castle looking for battle, he deployed a plan. He would pretend to surender, to take advantege of the infight, and turn the angels against each other. Indeed, 3 of them wanted to kill him on sight, seeing through his ruse. But the pure hearted girl believed in the trecherous being's words of surender. She believed in his vision of a world of peace between Deva and Devils. And at that moment, confused by seeing her so-called "pure" parteners attacking the devil, who did nothing to defend himself, she killed for the first time. She massacred her comrads to defend the devil, and healed him...

...His ruse had worked. He tricked that little inocent girl in helping him. What a fool. He would kill her as soon as she finished healing him. Her eyes filled with tears for the terrible thing she had done. The tears falling on her face... and what a beutyfull face filled with sorrow... What was that? For the first time during the eons of his existance, the Devil's heart skipped a beat? Did he fall pray to his own ruse? No, that can't be...

...The Devil looked at her in the eyes, with his eyes filled with the temptation of a forbiden fruit. The feeling they both felt was so authentic, so unique, that nothing in the Nine Hells or Heavens could separate them. They kissed with passion...

...A year and a half latter came to this world their child. Born with a wing with wight feathers on the right, and a black leather bat feather on the left, he was uniting both worlds of his parents. And, to the eyes of his parents, this was beutyfull...

... Untill that dreadfull day more Deva showed to the castle's door, 12 years latter. The parents tried to convince them that they would not mend with affairs of Heavens and 9 Hells ever again, and they only wanted to live their love for ever. However one of the Deva that was searching the castle came, holding a boy. He said something about him being a possible cambion... He had already cut off his wings, arms and feet. Both parrents seeing this were horified. They attacked to kill. They massacred the Deva, but more Deva showed up. It took 3 hours of constant fighting more and more angels, but eventually the parrents perished. At the moment of their death, they held hands, looked into each other's eyes, and the mother told the Devil "I knew it was a ruse. I just could not resist to believe in those words, because in the end, I knew I could get good out of your seemingly stone heart. Because the moment I saw you I felt so deeply in love with you. In the end, I won." The Devil looked at her, and laughed. "After this, I'm going to the Nine Hells. I think you'll also go to heaven. Even if it takes us eons, millenia... one day, we shall be together again." As they exploded, the remaining angels were shread to pieces...

...And the boy? The boy was still bleeding. Not really dead, but dying. Till a wizard came in the castle, and took him...

...10 years passed. The boy, now a young man was acustomed to the prosthetic arms and legs the Artificer made for him. "Now is the time for you to pay the life I have given to you" the wizard told the man. You are to make a pact with my master. And together we will end the world of Angels and Devils... That is what you want, isn't it?" The young man nodded. He would never forgive the forces that had to destroy his family. He grew up with only one desire. See the end of both partys. And the Wizard had promised him his master was an enemy of both. He was banished from this world, and things should be done for him to return. People to kill. Seals to undo. To this day, he was tutored by people hired by the wizard to learn all he could about killing. He was a killing machine...

...The young man, folowing the instructions of the tome his wizard master had given him, made the neccesary steps. But nothing happened. He started to doubt if he made a mistake in the casting. And then he fell. He fell through the floor, into a botomless ocean. He was falling for ages, or at least it seemed so to the boy. And at some point, he fell out of the occean, far beyond the astral plane. Emerging behind a solar system, a huge shadow. From the shadow, a tentacle emerged, and grabed his body. A huge tentacle it was. It took him close to what appeared to be an eye. An eye bigger than a planet that is. "You have been noticed. State your wish so that a pact shall be made". Determined, the lad said it "I want a world were Heven and the 9 Hells no longer exist"... Silence... After a wile, a laughter... "You definitely will get your wish granted young lad. Destroy the seals that hold me from your world, and you'll get your wish. The pact has been made. The terms will never be re-negotiated. You are now a Warlock of Cthulhu, and will ever be in my grasp"...

...The boy woke up. What a strange dream... No, wait, it was not a dream... He now has a mission, and must acomplish it...

Just took some of the ideas featured here, put them together in a backstory. I hope you people (and OP) like it :) Cheers.