View Full Version : Dragons against the Red Hand (IC)

2016-10-24, 08:15 PM
Time: A little before noon. Day: - (this will be 1 when you reach the Vale).
Location: Outside of Tes's Cottage (the Western Woods) Mood Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o87hNhgfZvI)

The isolationist gnome dwells about 7 miles into the Western Woods, 10 miles from the nearest settlement, a small gnomish hamlet called Hamsil (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JZbEyb-Wfg). Called the Wolf Woods, Witch Woods, and many other names by those who dwell nearby, the woods can be a dangerous trek even for experienced adventurers. In fact should any have stopped by Hamsil they might have heard that worgs tore a wizard apart less than a month past. Thankfully for you flight is an option, and having spent much of your young life coming or going from this gnome hill you can find it easily enough from the air despite its rather full tree cover.

Of course some of you have to approach on foot, and one might count their lucky stars that no wolf did attack them, even traveling on the Old Road which once connected the region to the then prosperous dwarven kingdom of Thaurik, a kingdom many centuries fallen now. Its heavily laid stone is broken and uneven now, though once it had been fine dwarven craftsmanship, and the final side path presents a narrow foot trail which would be an easy ambush site for wolfs, or worgs.

Tes sent you a message, via carrier animal, a simple thing saying that he once more had need of you, promising as always a reward in exchange for your services, the gnome does pay well, most of your hoard comes from him after all.

A morning mist still hangs within the forest, birds scattering as the first of you arrive flying up in a small cloud.

2016-10-24, 10:10 PM

The thin humanoid figure progresses through the woods, slowly, enjoying his walk basked in the morning sun. He has travelled on this road more than once, and as such knows that the wisest moment for crossing the Western Woods is near the end of the morning. Many creatures are asleep after a night of hunting (or fleeing), many others need the warmer sun of the afternoon to gather enough energy to become mobile enough.

Ifpespirhtir wonders what Tes wants of him this time. He has always stalwartly answered the pleas of his gnome friend he's fond of. Not only do they give them the occasion to act for the service of good, they also let him practise the various tactics he has learned since the Tes' previous requests.

The Silver Dragon is now three miles or so from Hamsil. Good, from now on I am very unlikely to see and be seen by any sentient form but Tes. . The human walks into a thick bush. A Silver Dragon, the size of a very big dog, emerges from the other side of the bush. He is happy to stretch his legs and flap his wings. He almosts purrs of pleasure as he trots on all four.

Suddenly, a thought occurs that diverts his mind from those simple joys. Tes may have asked other dragons for helpn though. If that is so, this will be my first time leading along other of my kind.... Ifpespirhtir both shies away from and enjoys the thought.

He finally arrives at the gnome's cottage. As far as he can see, Tes has not been rejoined by anyone else.

2016-10-24, 11:24 PM
Enter Miirik-nhee

♪ Aaaaand that's how the Dwarf came outta the forest,
With his beard full o' honey and a sprain on'is wrist,
His beard fuuuuull o'honey
Tell this story to the Fae
Still makes'em laugh to this daaaay ♪

This cheerful voice comes out of a surprisingly tiny body. A slender, scintillating white reptilian shape, smaller than a housecat, smaller even than a hawk, flies in circles around a cottage, gradually descending. A haversack slightly bigger than itself hangs and swings comically from its talons.
Such a beautiful morning! Miirik-nhee feels energetic. The sunlight, the morning dew, everything beckons for him to sing and giggle, without much regard for some people's idea of what a Dragon's dignity should be. He has recently received a message from Tes, the gnome-who-lives-in-the-Woods. Miirik-nhee's help could be welcome, Tes says.

Shortly before landing, the Song Dragon spots a form approaching. Sweet Aasterinian, is that... ?
In a matter of seconds, Miiri drops his bag and flies over to the Silver Dragon, wings flapping excitedly. With eyes wide as saucers, he lets out an impressive flow of draconic exclamations and questions:

- Hi! I'm Miirik-nhee, but you can call me Miiri! Nice to meet you! You have such nice scales! Hey, say, what age are you? You're much bigger than I am! Do you like to sing? Did Tes also ask you here? I'm sure we'll get along fine! (switches to Common without breaking stride) Hey Tes, are you there? TES! Quick, come see, there're two Dragons outside your house!

Miiri pauses to catch his breath, and a thought takes advantage of that time to make its way into his head. The Song Dragon lets out a short, crystalline laugh.

- Sorry, I don't mean to crowd you. It's just that haven't seen many Wyrmlings before.

2016-10-25, 12:09 AM
What just happened ?

It take a moment for the Silver Dragon to process the overwhelming amount of sensory imput he just received. The newcomer understands he may have been a bit too lively for a moment, and apologises with a calmer tone.

After the initial shock, Ifpespirhtir finds himself pleased to see another of his kind. It has been so long since he was last able to converse in Draconic! Immediately after, he feels a pang of disappointment. Tes has not judged him powerful enough to settle the problem all by himself! He needed another Dragon! But that thought only lasts for a fleeting moment.

"Hi there, dear Miirhik-nee! My name is Ifpespirhtir, Wyrmling Silver Dragon. I must say, I am most happy to see another of my kin, especially in this remote place! It has been a long time since I last had this pleasure. Well, now, to answer your various inquiries...I am four. Given you size and speech pattern, I suspect you might be somewhat younger than that. May I venture a guess and say you are three ? About singing, I have no particular inclination to indulge in it myself, but I do appreciate some finely executed oral performance. As a consequence, I will concur in stating we will probably get along fine, if for this sole reason! As a matter of fact, Tes did ask me here too. Today is the fourth time I come and help with whatever means I can muster our fellow Gnome. As to your two sentences that were affirmations rather than questions, I must agree with you that not only am I much bigger than you, but my scales are indeed very shiny, much to my delight! I only seldom adopt my draconic form and have all too little time to admire their shimmer to my liking."

The Silver Dragon can't help but feel more than a little patronising towards this Song Dragon which is smaller and obviously younger than him, though they are both Wyrmlings.

"But tell me more about yourself. Whence do you come ? Have you been oftentimes called by Tes for providing your assistance ? What is the grand scheme of your lifetime ?"

2016-10-25, 06:19 AM

"<Coming through!>" A panicked yell in draconic is the first sign of the next dragon on her way in, and the only warning the other two get before a gleaming indigo and navy streak crashes into the ground and curls into a roll on a direct course for Tes's front door as the rather unpracticed landing sends up a cloud of dust. The tiny ball of scales comes to a stop with a light -thump- against the door to Tes's hut with her tail sticking up and her head tucked in under her wings for a moment before she uncurls with a soft cough. Though the rough landing would have taken a few scales from some, Kethend seems no worse for wear, and indeed after a moment of blinking at her fellow dragons flips over onto her feet, a puff of blue mist rising from her nose as she makes something akin to a nervous chuckle, "<Sorry about that, usually isn't anyone about when I come in that fast. Wasn't expecting to have to turn and land at the same time. Then again, landing never work out so well.>" Her head tilts to one side as she pads closer, "<Thought I heard singing, guess I should have expected someone hereabouts really. You're uh, no, wait, I remember I swear. Terrible with names. Wait, no, Song-something isn't it? Right, yes, I remember the whole Song Gem thing, super awkward.>" She switches to common, "How about Gemma this time. Gnomes have taken to calling me it, so it fits."

She turns her gaze to the silver dragon and shakes the last of the dust free from her scales and they gleam in the sunlight aside from a patch over her underbelly and back where dark blue wisps of mist that could have for a moment been considered dust are revealed to be rather something else. As the others look on the blue shifts into a dark green and the plates thicken into a chitinous armor over her scales as her face takes on a silver sheen for a moment. In the next moment the color is gone, the chitin back to strands of mist and her face a rich navy blue. She sniffs at the air once as though reading the air rather than trusting her eyes, "Never met a silver, but I hear good things. I take it the gnome has called for a clutch, perhaps even a flight? Or is it a Rage? Wing? I'm told very many things, but none of them ever seem right. Sorry, rude, Gemma, and you are?"

2016-10-25, 07:09 AM
Ifpespirhtir gets happier and sadder at the same time. And curious too. He regally makes a few steps towards this strange little Dragon. It seems Tes does need a lot of help this time. Thanks Bahamut, the Silver Dragon remains the oldest and biggest of them all - his ego comforts itself with that fact. He reparts in Draconic:

"Erm, my name is Ifpespirhtir. I am most pleased to meet you, Gemma. Pardon my curiosity, but you actually are the first Incarnum Dragon I'v been given the chance to meet. Since I'm the first Silver Dragon you encounter, I suppose it is a fair trade! I, too, have only heard about the good and great deeds performed by the member of your race. I am certain you will uphold those strong standards, too. Pardon my answering in Draconic, but as I was explaining to our dear Miirik-nhee, I have all too little occasions to revert to my draconic form and converse in the language of our race."

"I feel bold enough to assert that you, too, are a regular ally of our common Gnome friend. Whatever it is he wants to ask from us, I have all confidence in the joined ability of no less than three Dragons to successfully answer his request. And, might I dare to add, a set of three Dragons is actually called a wing."

"Now, would you endeavor to tell me, dear friend, the various occasions on which you fought on behalf of our Tes"

The Silver is pleased with how he lives up to his high standards of politeness and tries to put the others at ease by letting them speak about themselves. Blinded by his joy to converse with peers, he only half realises how smug he can seem.

2016-10-25, 11:13 AM
As Ifpespirhtir is blinded by joy, a shutter in the hill finally opens, and a gnomish head pokes out of the opened window. Late middle aged, the gnome's eyes are not quite matched in size, one seeming larger than the other, a slight bug-eye. He turns his golden-brown eyes towards the dragon clutch (or is it wing), and lowers his crossbow. "Ah you arrived, you arrived... well some of you," He says, "Wait just a moment."

There is a sound of scrambling from within, of a mechanism being moved into a different position. After a few minutes the door opens, swinging out from the hill, dirt held on its frame by a wooden frame, showing an entrance to the hill and its messy interior, papers and tomes scattered about, badgers scampering about the room. "Come on in, come on in."

2016-10-25, 05:29 PM
Miirik-nhee enthusiastically nods while the Silver Dragon - Ifpespirthir - unleashes the single most dignified barrage of words he's ever heard. Midway through, the enthusiasm concedes some ground to politeness. His new friend seems verbose and stuffy, but nice all the same. "Calm Knowledge" seems to fit him to a T. They will get along. Miirik-nhee will simply have to get him to relax a little!
Now, Ifpespirthir is a nice name and all, but the Silver could definitely use a nickname. After all, that's the first step to getting along with people. What would be a good name to call him? Miirik-nhee tilts his head to the left. Ifpe? Thir?

- Yup, Pespi, (IcancallyouPespiright?), I'm three! Good guess! And you know, there's no need to get all formal with me!

After thinking for a while, Miirik-nhee decides that it bothers him a bit to be the younger of the two. It's no big deal with humans, but when comparing Dragon to Dragon, age often decides superiority. So, he adds dramatically:

- Not that pesky human years mean much to wise and majestic creatures such as us.

At that moment, another Dragon comes... running towards them? crashing down? Bit of both, really. Miirik-nhee jumps for joys as he recognizes that Incarnum whom he had met a few times when visiting Tes.

- Howdy, Gemma! How've you been? (Turning to Ifpespirthir:) You asked me how I had helped Tes before. I actually don't come here that often, because I travel a lot. But he had Gemma here and I do some reconnaissance together once. (Snorts in laughter:) Hey, remember what happened with that baby Arrowhawk?

Shortly afterwards, the Gnome steps outside of his home. He goes to open this mechanism that Miirik-nhee finds at once admirable and very unpractical.
While obliging and coming through the door, Miiri suddenly remembers Tes' earlier offhand remark:

- Wait, did you say "well, some of you"? You did, didn't you?

More than three Dragons!, Miirik-nhee thinks in stupefaction! What a well-connected Gnome!

2016-10-25, 11:25 PM
Kethend chuckles slightly at 'Pepsi's' mention of elder Incarnum dragons, "<Great works indeed, though I'm told some have also been Terrible as well. Then again, Great and Terrible need not be exclusive. Mother says she was quite evil, selfish really. I don't listen to her overlymuch.>" She slinks through the door into the gnomehill and shudders slightly, "<Can we not remember the arrowhawk? I'd like to say it was embarrassing for all involved and leave it at that. I'll keep to headbutting wolves and picking off wargs when they get too far from their group, thankyouverymuch. No more arrowhawks. Ever.>" She looks around the gnomehill a bit and eyes the badgers as they scurry about with a predatory glint in her eye, "Tes, I know you said I couldn't eat them, but have you changed your mind yet? Soulsparks have been a bit sparse of late, and wolf meat is terrible."

2016-10-26, 04:29 AM
Ah, Ifpespirhtir feels a bout of embarrassment. He obviously annoyed the Song Dragon by using a level of speech he certainly does not usually employ, and his reference of him being the older of the two seems to have belittled him somewhat. Gemma, the Incarnum Dragon, on the other hand, appears to have been put at unease by another part of his discourse; her rather direct ancestry seems not to have always embodied the principles of good. Well, one happens to be wrong from time to time when one applies general statements to particular cases.

In order not to build up more tension, the Silver decides not to interrupt Miirik-nhee in his nickname-finding spree, though he usually finds his name to be of such a worth that it does not bear being mangled down to a few meaningless syllabes.

The appearance of the gnome provides a conveniently-timed shift of the conversation's focus. Ifpespirhtir, now used to it, does not flinch when he hears that more than a wing will be requested today. The genuine pleasure the Silver finds in seeing his friend dissipates the annoyance of having to tone down the quality of his expression. Speaking all in Common as to not be rude towards the gnome:

"Hello there, my dear old Tes! As the saying goes, long time no see, isn't it ? Ah, I am glad to discover than the level of tidiness of your house is still a constant of the multiverse. Miirik-nhee, if you allow me to call you Miiri, then I see no reason why I should prevent you from calling me Pespi ! After all, we are both Wyrmlings, we are not old enough yet to care that much about mannerism! And Gemma, I crossed the path of a boar family earlier this morning, that might prove a better fare than the badgers!"

I lie to him in about my willingness to nickname me order to create a more friendly climate between us. [roll0]

2016-10-26, 07:36 PM
Pespi is visibly trying to be polite, but Miirik-nhee can tell the nickname bothers him a bit. That's all right, the point is precisely to get him accustomed to light conversation. Miiri winks at him.

- A bear, huh? Nice idea, Pespi!

The Song Dragon wanders around the place. He likes the messy look of things, but not having a hill over his head. He jumps back as a too-curious badger approaches: he is, after all, not even twice the animal's size. Quickly regaining his composure, he asks:

- So, uh, Tes... What exactly do you need so many Wyrmlings for? Or perhaps you're waiting for the others to arrive?

2016-10-27, 08:52 PM
About this time, a chaos Dragon wyrmling flies near the group and then, while attempting to land with a flourish, crashes into the gnome's dwelling with a THUD. At which point, the little dragon dusts himself off and preens, as though that was a very impressive thing he just did.
Good Morning, good friends!! Your old pal and confidant, Rainbow Sprinkles is hear to help with this vitally important thing that he totally knows about and was invited to participate in. Oh, yes... You do all know me, right None of you do, actually.

Well, "one life, One meeting." "All that is, is fire," and all that. I think I was supposed to be here to do a thing involving some little humanoid fellow, and others, also. Who are you, I guess? I'm sure we're all be the best of friends, anyway.

The little Chaos Dragon seems friendly and well-meaning, even though he has a really shallow affect and seems really inconsistent and untrustworthy in a more general sense

2016-10-28, 12:25 AM
A Chaos Dragon, no less. I certainly haven't seen such a concentration of non-metallic dragons for...well as far as I can remember, I have never seen such. This will prove an excellent opportunity to discover more about my kin. This Rainbow Sprinkles seems to be animated by the same kind of mood as Miirik-nhee and Kethend are.

Ifpespirhtir turns around to face the newcomer, and slightly bow his head to greet him.
"Hello, fellow Rainbow Sprinkles! I am pleased to meet you today! My name is Ifpespirhtir."

Turning back to Tes:
"I concur with the words of Miirik-nhee. Tes, are we all present now?"

2016-10-28, 11:20 AM

Just then, boots could be heard crunching on the path to the gnome's house. Those sounds proved accurate as moments later a traveler rounded the last bend and came into view. The traveler was unremarkable with a quick glance - a middle aged human around 5 and a half foot tall clad in nondescript traveler's garb.

A second glance would reveal the oddities. For all that his garb was unremarkable, it was clean. No marks of wear, no stains of extended travel, the colors still bright and unfaded by time and sun as though everything were brand new. And despite traveling these dangerous woods alone, the man bore no visible weapon. But it was the man's eyes that were most out of place. They held neither surprise nor alarm at the cluster of dragons outside the old gnome's home. Instead they, and the man's whole bearing, had a quiet dignity to them. They spoke of intelligence and knowledge. And the brown of his pupils were shot through with flecks of gold.

Cerioth approached the house, inclining his head in a slight bow to the gnome as he approached. "My apologies, Tes. I intended to arrive sooner, but I was delayed in my travels. I hope I have not caused you any inconvenience. And to you, little ones" he said, addressing the collection of dragons. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

2016-10-29, 05:38 PM
Tes holds up a finger to Ifpespirhtir's question. "Not yet, but now," He says mere moments before Cerioth's arrival. "I saw five shadows rising, five colors of flame that burnt across the land, five must be matched with five. Five faces of darkness, five pieces to oppose." The gnome says, before his larger eye narrows at Kethend, "And no eating my neighbors. Unlike some they are on our side." He turns his face then to Cerioth, "Was it wolves or pixies which strove to stop you? They claim the pixies are upon the side of light, but they aren't, they're creatures of treachery."

He gestures you into the house, build to gnomish size specifications, making it hard to stand erect in human form, though in draconic form as long as you don't need to spread your wings it should be comfortable enough. Tomes are scattered about the ground, papers as well, and badgers have obviously roamed about the mess.

"As for why I called you, I have had horrible visions. Five shadows like serpentine heads rising from a mountain. Red, green, blue, black, and white flames burning across the lands, stretching from a valley land between mountain, forest, and river, scorching the earth before the flames. Under a banner of a draconic claw, armies of evil march, stomping across a river town. Then town after town after town and each destroyed community adds to their power, adds to the strength of the landslide. They ready themselves to move even now, they have mustered, the shadow has stirred. The kings of the world will not listen to one gnome, mad they c..." He stops moving to glare at something in another room and slam the door to his dining room. "Call me. Just because I know the gods listen to our magic communications, because I distrust forces called 'good' by many... Still someone must move, and I can find no better pieces in this battle than you."

2016-10-30, 11:10 PM
Ifpespirhtir does not have the time to express his elation at meeting a Gold Dragon, mixed with his indignation for being dubbed "little one", that Tes has started to reveal to them all the reason behind his summoning the Wyrmlings.

The Silver feels his draconic blood begin to boil in him at the evocation of the presence of five rampaging chromatic Dragons. A thought echoes in Draconic into his spirit: <By the platinum scales of Bahamut, these twisted creature shall be no more, I swear it here and now!>

The young strategist reparts in Common, his excitation increasing his naturally convoluted speech pattern and making him forget his resolution to employ a more casual tone.

"Friend Tes, I would have answered your plea were I the sole rampart standing against a thousand of these beasts. Nonetheless, I am grateful to the Platinum that no less than five of his children has arisen to face the foul spawns of Tiamat and their minions. Though I am certain that you did forget to exclude the Platinum from your wise distrust towards entities that questionably deem themselves true incarnations of the forces of Good. At any rate, dear Tes, I recommend you gave us the most accurate intelligence pertaining to this army of destruction you can provide us with. Then, my brethen and I will without any delay devise the most effective strategy to bring the dark crusade of these malevolent beasts to an end."

In his exalted ardor, Ifpespirhtir already fashions himself standing atop five dismembered corpses, basking in the glory of a morning sun. His comrades don't figure in this enjoyable vision, however. Such is the unabashed passion of a young, commited Silver Dragon.

2016-10-31, 12:24 AM

"Wolves. Worry not; I did no harm to them. They considered that perhaps a lone traveler might prove a meal worth a risk." The curl at the corners of his mouth might have been the start of a smile. "I simply made clear that I am not food. They saw my point and agreed."

Cerioth followed the gnome into his home. Although his form wasn't tall for a human male, he did have to hunch some. Once the gnome turned to address them he slowly sank to the ground and sat cross-legged, a posture that allowed him to sit rather comfortably within the dwelling. Certainly it was far more comfortable than returning to his natural form in these confines. He rested one elbow on a knee and supported his chin as he thoughtfully considered the gnome's words. Tes was admittedly a little eccentric compared to what Cerioth knew of his kind's behavior, but the gnome had never once given him poor information or given him reason to doubt the gnome's honor before.

He nodded once, decided. "While this most respected Silver is perhaps a little too excited, I concur with his decision. Such an evil force needs and deserves to be opposed. Tell me what you can of it, and I will see it defeated." He swept his gaze around the assembled dragons. "I apologize for my lack of introduction. I am Cerioth."

2016-10-31, 09:44 AM
I would like to swear, by Primus and all the Inevitables, that I totally know what you are talking about and I came here intentionally to help you deal with it. He performs some outlandish pose of faux-reverence as he blasphemes the mechanical god with what may or may not be a lie.
I was born in this world, even if it was recently. And, being born yesterday doesn't make me a fool. Something must be done about the forces of tyranny. The Children of Io are exemplars of the greatest virtues, urges, and forces of all, and it is our duty, tragic yet glorious, to act as a check on our kin. It is what I was born for, be it this morning or millennia past, my answer to this challenge must be the same. I am with you!

2016-10-31, 11:56 AM
Ifpespirhtir eyes Cerioth and Rainbow Sprinkles in succession, suspiciously.
The (supposedly Gold, given the yellow metallic flickers in his eyes) Dragon has obviously not yet processed that he stands among an assembly of peers, Dragons just as old and wise as he is; so he should be well advised not to behave in such a condescending fashion. If older and more powerful than they all are, Cerioth must not have such an enormous edge that it warrants him alone solving the predicament Tes is experimenting. At the very moment the Silver formulates this thought, he is struck by the irony of the situation: the exact same reasoning must have crossed the mind of the Song Dragon, Miirik-nhee, when they encountered moments before.

For no apparent reason, a faint smile appears on the gray snout of the Wyrmling. Remove the glaring talon dug into your underbelly before asking your brethen to take away the lone scale stuck between his claws.

The Silver replies with much less acidity than he initially intended.
"Dear Cerioth, my name is Ifpespirhtir. I assume your true form is too big to fit in this hut, or else you would have honored us by the shimmering of your scales. Please forgive my ardor, I long for proving useful in the cosmic battle between Bahamut and Tiamat."

The Chaos Dragon is obviously moking the sophisticated language of Ifpespirhtir and Cerioth, but the young strategist now knows better than to let a snarky remark loose. He pretends to take Rainbow Sprinkles' answer at face value in order not to stir an unneeded argument between them.
"Fellow Rainbow Sprinkles, I am glad to hear such dignity and determination in your answer."

Ifpespirhtir acts out as if he had noticed the implied mockery but does not mind it. Actually, he does mind, and tries to hide it. [roll0]

2016-10-31, 05:02 PM
Five! There are five of them! And it seems that this time, everyone is here. Miirik-nhee has watched the arrival of two very different individuals. The first one, much like himself, appears to be light-hearted and talkative. However, the aptly-named "Rainbow Sprinkles" seems the slightest bit incoherent, maybe as a result of his rushed entrance. Or maybe being a Chaos Dragon makes your speech chaotic. Miirik-nhee will know soon enough! The second person to come in is a very patronizing... Dragon, one assumes. Though he is in human form, his eyes and mannerisms scream Dragon. Besides, assembling a group of four Wyrmlings and one human would be peculiar, to say the least. Miirik-nhee cannot tell which species he belongs to, but his self-importance points to one of the more traditionally powerful ones. Gold, probably, as he extends his greeting ("little ones") to the Silver as well.

As Miirik-nhee is about to introduce himself, Tes speaks. He tells them about the rise of an Evil army, shadows gaining strength, the need to match five against five. Also a mountain, a forest, a river, a valley, and all sorts of geographical features. These words are what resonate most strongly in Miirik-nhee's imagination, though he is no fool and recognizes the danger of the quest. He can already picture the epic tale he is about to take part in.
As the other Dragons voice their acceptation, Miirik-nhee joins them. He speaks theatrically, not in irony, parody or malice, but in genuine enjoyment of their answers' lyricism. He is plainly enraptured by his own imagined visions.

- Lo and behold, Evil is afoot! Like heroes of yore, we shall rise to the occasion and defeat it wherever it may be found. Laying down our very lives, nay, the very name our ancestors conferred upon us, we shall spare nothing, tears or blood, until we rid the world of the threat you speak of. We shall fight for honor, and in glory return! From now on, every time my name passes the lips of our enemies, it shall be with admiration or terror. Or both. ...For I am... Miirik-nhee! Champion of Harmony, lit beacon of hope, youngest star in the starry sky! (turns his head quickly towards Rainbow Sprinkles and Cerioth, and adds in a single breath:) But you can call me Miiri, nice to meet you guys!

The tiny Dragon glances at the door Tes so hastily closed. He wonders what is so important that the Gnome would stare at it that way and hide it from view. He will try to get a peek if he can. But first, he must finish his declaration. As he lifts his head to glance at the ceiling with feigned dignity, a small puff of electric smoke escapes his nostrils.

- If we encounter success, Dragons and humanoids alike will recount our tales for centuries. Alas, this is no tale yet. All our lives may well be lost in the sweeping darkness - therefore, if we are to undertake this noble quest together, we must count on each other. I hereby do pledge to defend you from harm to the best of my ability, and should I need assistance myself, I... I shall rely on you to provide it.

The last words sound less playful, and more than a little shaky. In truth, Miirik-nhee is scared, and trying to hide it behind bravado. He is wondering if he is biting off more than he can chew. The threat that Tes describes sounds pretty dire... The Song Dragon truly hopes he will be able to trust these new companions that he does not know, and that they will have his back, just as he intends to have theirs. He shoots them a timid, worried look when he thinks no one is watching.

As Miiri is not that comfortable with very formal speech, he's been shamelessly quoting human epic songs all along.

2016-10-31, 06:23 PM
Tes tsks at Cerioth. "Should have killed them. The wolves of these woods are no natural beasts. Worg-blooded all of them," He spits heavily on the ground, or well on a paper on the ground, "An old taint, but still strong even today." He looks between the five dragon-youths, "I believe the place of my visions is a village in the Elsir Vale north-east of here. It lays upon the Dawn Way, and should take you all..." He closes his eyes and seems to do some mental calculations. "Longer than I'd like to reach it, so haste is a necessity. As for details I know few, only the shadows of the future which come in my nightmare. I see humanoid figures clad in armor. Big folk which tower overhead. Humans perhaps. Giants? Orcs? I cannot say with certainty. If there is anything in particular you want to know I can make a guess about it if my dreams gave any indications." He finished looking at Ifpepsirhtir and Cerioth.

2016-10-31, 07:53 PM
Rainbow Sprinkles had heard about this. Some stuffy types took offense at things based on criteria that were alien to his sensibilities. As though random, pointless actions were somehow not indicative of the proper awe in the face of the wonders of the universe and the humble wisdome of not imagining one could plan for a future that, if it came at all, would be unlike anything that happened before. But forbearance was called for, deserved or not.
I am glad to help, friend.

2016-10-31, 09:40 PM
The incarnum dragon hunches her shoulders and lowers her head a bit at Tes's refusal to allow her to eat one of the badgers, though she does not press the issue. She considers for a moment the idea of snapping at one of them if they get too close, but decides against it. As the last of their assembly arrives she seems rather more focused on following the movement of the badgers around the room, though she is certainly listening closely enough. When Tes begins to describe his visions her attention falls solely upon him and after she bobs her head in a slow nod, "I'm told that this is not something that should be surprising, given the nature of darker dragonkind. Though it can certainly be fun murdering and pillaging and hoarding, well, from what I'm told anyhow, this is not my path. My calling is that of a more silvery light than a bloody path. I'll listen to the voices of reason and righteousness, as I always have. Ah, right, manners. Cerioth is it? I am Kethend, or Gemma for those with a simpler tongue." She looks back to the gnome, "Tes, is there anything you have seen on the details of the armor? Any markings, heraldry, or simple quirks of design that you can recall? If humans are possible, knowing any marks they use would help set them apart. If they are not human, well, giants and orcs are fairly recognizable in a broad sense."

2016-11-01, 02:08 PM
"A red claw that blots out the full moon. Or a golden sphere. Burnished on their banners, placed upon their armor, hanging in the sky over their marching armies. It is their sign, the sign of doom that will sweep the land."

2016-11-04, 10:11 PM
Kethend nods sagely, "Hmm, yes, that should be clear enough to identify them, methinks. Then again, if they plan to sweep over the land at war they should be fairly recognizable anyhow, I imagine. Can anyone else think of anything we might need to know before our journey?"

2016-11-04, 10:58 PM
Cerioth tilted his head at the silver. "You need not ask forgiveness; your words caused no offense. Having such fire within will prove a boon when we meet our foes."

He shifts his attention to the incarnum dragon at his question, considering both the question and the answer. "Tes," he ventured, "What can you tell us of the Elsir Vale itself?"

Taking 10 on Knowledge: Local for a result of 20. If applicable, what does Cerioth himself know of the Elsir Vale and the surrounding area? If applicable, does the symbol on the banner mean anything to Cerioth?

2016-11-05, 12:07 PM
"It used to see a fair bit of trade human generations ago along the Dawn Way, but that trade has dried up significantly. It's still a minor trading road, and fairly dependent upon it. There's nothing too special about the Vale that I know about," The gnome says.

In addition to the above, Elsir Vale did use to be part of a fairly powerful empire but that empire is now in ruins and has been for centuries.

The symbol itself isn't something you recognize.

2016-11-05, 08:22 PM
"hmmmm" The traveler considered Tes' words for a moment, filing them away.

Then he nodded, decided. "Very well. We have a long journey ahead of us if we are to stop this evil, and there will be time to talk further along the way. We seek the Elsir Vale to stop the Red Claw. There is naught else I would ask."

He gave an encouraging nod to the others, especially Miirik-nhee. The Song dragon's apprehension hadn't passed by unnoticed. "Let us be off."

2016-11-05, 09:45 PM
Ifpespirhtir digs deep into his memories but to the best of his knowledge, the locations nor the symbols the Gnome mentioned ring a bell in his mind. Very well, evil is in no need of being weel-known for being uprooted.

The Silver is pleased to hear a degree of sophistication in Cerioth's speech that matches his. Nonetheless, in order to reach to each and every member of their wing, he will try not to answer in kind. In particular, Miirik-nhee has been calling human epics to the rescue in his attempt to muster a discourse of this caliber, thus showing one more time that he is not at an particular ease with this conversation, while Rainbow Sprinkles has unabashedly joined it with irony.

"I agree with Cerioth. I believe we have all the information we could gather, and since I am still unable to use my wings for self-sustaining flight, I will unfortunately significantly slow down our progression. Let us leave as soon as possible."

2016-11-05, 10:49 PM
One accomplishes by doing, while planning causes only confusion when reality fails to live up to unreasoned expectations. Let us away, and smash those that wear the Red Claw mark!
Rainbow Sprinkles may have thought this mission with more care than anyother single event in his very short, uneventful life. Possible every event, thinking about the past seemed like a frivolous luxury only very silly people wasted much energy on.

2016-11-06, 02:38 AM
Cerioth's confident tone and the others' enthusiasm come as a bit of comfort for Miirik-nhee. The Song Dragon listens carefully to Tes' explanations. None of it makes a lot of sense to him. The Vale doesn't ring a bell, and neither does the symbol. But, although he will tread carefully, he will also try to enjoy the trip. To each day its fights and its danger, to each day its skies, its travels, its aerial currents and its dust. To each day its song. It is his way.
He is surprised to learn that Ifpespirthir cannot fly yet. With what he thinks is kindness (and may actually be clumsiness), he exclaims:

- No problem, I'll fly around, I can also see pretty far from up there! Oh, Pespi, just wait till you can use your wings! You'll see, it's really awesome! You'll love it!

2016-11-06, 06:05 AM
Ifpespirhtir understands that the Song Dragon is genuinely trying to comfort him - the forthright Miirik-nhee seems utterly devoid of any ability for sarcasm! He replies with the same warm, if a little more serene, tone:

"I am sure I will, dear Miiri."

2016-11-09, 06:44 PM
Time: About noon. Day: 1.
Location: 8 miles outside of Drellin's Ferry Mood Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MxhDBWgExM)

Taking to the air you travel quickly and without interruptions. It's still over a week to the Vale, and more than a day to the village of Drellin's Ferry, the village in the vale that most closely matches Tes's prediction. Gentle woods surround the town, and outlying farms reach about half as far as you are now, but you can see the town from your aerial vantage point, though all details are lost at this distance.

Beneath you are rolling hills, a mixture of grasslands and forests, old farms now reclaimed, and old forests only partially cleared at the Vale's height of civilization.

2016-11-09, 09:32 PM
And so, we arrive. Topography is boring, yet useful. I suggest we all rush in at once, for maximum impact.

2016-11-10, 09:42 AM
Rainbow Sprinkles, I suggest some scouting beforehand. What about Cerioth and me using our eagle forms to fly about the town unsuspected, while the rest of you land a mile or so before the village? Unless you possess the ability to assume an unsuspecting animal appearance, too. At any rate, I do not speak for Cerioth, but as to me I can't assume a human form before next dawn. I might as well benefit from my eagle form as much as I can before we all take humanoid shapes tomorrow and enter the place.

2016-11-11, 05:03 AM
Kethend yawns, "Right, maximum impact. I'm sure I'd make a big splash with this bug-suit strapped to my chest. This doesn't go away, you know. I don't want to scare people just by being around them. Yet. Though, I am told its a barrel of laughs."

2016-11-13, 01:23 PM
"So you agree, Kethend. Cerioth, Meerik-nhee, could we hear your opinion on this matter?"

2016-11-13, 10:14 PM
"I think that flying over the town in these forms," the golden eagle that was Cerioth replied, "carries no downside. We may be able to learn about the town and these forms shouldn't attract notice. We can rejoin Rainbow Sprinkles, Miirik-nhee, and Kethend when we finish and decide our next step. We may learn something important that alters our plans. Or we may not, in which case we've lost little time."

2016-11-14, 11:04 AM
That makes sense. But be careful, since you cannot take your equipment with you.

2016-11-14, 03:56 PM
A flyby over the town would show that it looks peaceful enough, people going about their business, dealing with their daily needs. If anything is amiss you cannot tell from a height where a farmer might not try and fire upon a hawk to protect their chickens and other small livestock. If anything it looks peaceful and quaint.

2016-11-14, 11:01 PM
"Do not worry, Meerik-nhee, I will fly high enough above the town so as not to make my haversack noticed. Since it has adapted to my new size, it is nothing more than a black dot on my silhouette. Moreover, the farmers will probably be protective enough to chase away any bird of prey that would come too close to their hens and chicks, which gives me an additional reason not to approach too much. Cerioth, shall we go?"

The Haversack, as most magical items, is able to fit to its wearer's size; moreover Ifpespirthir's Str score allows him to carry all of his stuff even in a Tiny form.

Dorni, I let you tell what we saw to the others.

2016-11-17, 07:44 AM
A short while later, their flight completed, the pair of eagles landed in in a small glade where their companions waited. "Hello everyone, our flight is complete. Life in the village appears to be normal. Humans going about their business and farmers tending their fields. Certainly not what I would expect of a village who feared a dark army on its way to swallow them."

2016-11-18, 12:43 AM
- I'm guessing they don't know anything about it, then, or at least most of them don't. Now, a group of Dragons might attract attention we don't want. I see a few options. We could ignore the village and continue to the Vale, but I'd rather follow Tes' vision. We could all go as well disguised as we can, tomorrow, when Cerioth and Pespi are able to transform again. We could decide that it doesn't matter and go as dragons, or giant bugs, or whatever. Or, we could continue being cautious and this time, send some of us as humans to talk to the villagers and figure out discreetly if something's up. In any case...

Miirik-nhee sits back on his hind legs, and starts to grow. His white scales melt into a milky-colored skin, his green eyes become less feral in appearance, and black hair starts sprouting from his head.
Most of all, he grows in size. Claws become feet and hands, and Miirik-nhee reaches several times her dragon size. The result is a female human, looking about twenty years old, short and frail for her race, but a towering Titan compared to the tiny creature that sat in her place a few seconds before. Miri turns around and tilts her head down to check her green and pink cape. She then flashes the other Dragons a big smile and brightly continues her sentence.

- ... I'm not going as a Dragon, if that's all right with you. I'm pretty shy about my draconic form around humanoids. I've been living among them for a year, and I find that staying human causes less trouble. I mean, unless we need to fly, then I'll transform back, obviously. And by the way, I go by Miri when I'm in this form and meeting humans. "Miirik-nhee" just sounds weird to them. What a crazy language they have, huh?
So whadday'all think?

While waiting for her comrades' answer, Miri begins to absentmindedly hum a slow tune. Something about a castle and a prince, she can only remember half the words.

2016-11-18, 02:03 AM
The small bird with silvery feathertips squeeks and screeches around for a few seconds before managing to produce any meaningful sound. He then calms and tries to proudly and dignifiedly stand on its talons, but only ends up being slightly comical.

"Ah, apologies for this undistinguished moment, I am not used to adopt this form, let alone speak in it. But since we don't know whether we will need the assistance of an eagle-shaped scout again before the day ends, I would rather remain in such a state.
I, too, would like to follow the vision of our Gnome friend. Just as it was for you, "Miri", I have been spending most of my time since I left the nest travelling amongst humanoids in my human form, though I retain my Draconic name. However, it is my opinion that the decision rests upon those who don't have that power to choose the way we should behave, since we can adapt to whatever they see fit. Rainbow Sprinkles, Kethend, with the intelligence we just gathered, what do you wish to do?"

2016-11-18, 10:47 AM
Kethend tilts her head to one side and is silent for a moment before she nods, "We can't just pass these people by. They deserve to know what is coming, even if we are as yet unsure from where this horde is coming. From what I hear, being overrun by a dark army is never pleasant. I'd say anyone who can pass as human should visit them today, now even. Perhaps see how receptive they would be to... lets say nonstandard travelling parties. Not adverse to visiting town, I just want to make sure my breastplate isn't going to cause a scene."

2016-11-18, 07:41 PM
"This is quite a relevant observation, and we can afford to delay our entrance for a few hours in order to gather more accurate information about this place and what the peasants think await them. Then, since Cerioth and I cannot assume a human form again today, Miri, would you agree to go on alone today and assess the situation?"

2016-11-19, 12:59 AM
"I would make but one alteration to this plan. True, only one of us is necessary to gather information from the town and to deliver our warning. I am confident we can entrust this task to Miirik-nhee. But humans can be fickle, their forms frail, and mayhap our foe has eyes and ears in this town. Ifpepsirhtir and I can circle above. Should you have need of us, call for us and we will make our appearance. And if these concerns prove unwarranted and you have no need of us, we won't raise suspicion."

2016-11-20, 06:34 PM
Miri looks pensively at the two eagles. Dragons. Dreagles?

- From one druman to two dreagles, I must tell you that sounds sensible. Let's go!