View Full Version : Help with Ankheg shell

2016-10-25, 11:58 AM
Our party killed an ankheg last game, and I remembered the Ankheg armour from Baldur's Gate, so I gathered about 35 lbs of shell. Problem is I'm only proficient in light armour. Anyone got any ideas of what I could make out of it? I'm playing 5e, and my character is a homebrew alchemist class, my only idea so far it to plate my potion bag so a lucky shot doesn't blow me up.

2016-10-25, 12:14 PM
Does your character not have any friends who wear heavy armour? Alternatively, I've heard that it makes good fertiliser if you grind it up...

2016-10-25, 12:17 PM
Yes, I could give it to another player, but as this was my first d&d game ever, I kinda wanted to use my spoils for myself, sort of a trophy from my first game.

2016-10-25, 12:22 PM
My players killed ankhegs. I let them make armor out of it. They are basically normal armors (stat-wise) but they weight about half as much. And they look cool. :)

2016-10-25, 12:40 PM
Yes that would be what I would have done, but I'd end up with medium or heavy armour and I'm only proficient with light...

2016-10-25, 12:41 PM
Call it a component of an Armour of Resistance (Acid), perhaps? I don't see any reason why you couldn't make a "Studded" Leather Armour using Ankheg shell in place of iron "studs"...the whole notion of "studded" leather is well within the realms of fantasy anyway and plates of giant bug shell attached to a leather backing is as reasonable as the ferric alternative.

2016-10-25, 12:46 PM
If your character isn't proficient with armor, why would he be interested in making armor? At most, he'd want to make a shield. Unless you plan to multiclass or take a feat to develop the skills you need, it doesn't really fit an unarmored character's persona...

...Unless he's a greedy sod who wants to sell this shell for as much as he can manage! Or, alternately, an academid-type. Here's why:

Protect the remains as best you can (preserve them with gentle repose if possible; if not, some other preservatives may need to be employed), find the nearest academy, and offer to sell them an anatomically correct specimen for their study. Some crazy wizard/professor would likely pay you well for such a specimen, and may send you out on other quests to find exotic beasts.

2016-10-25, 01:09 PM
Studded leather as mentioned before should work. Under the shell would be fleshy bits to hold it all together so might be able to make it all from the bug. If not, you should be able to get a ton of shell chips to make the studs. Acid resistance wouldn't be unreasonable to gain from it.

A shield, if you can use them, would be good. May be able to get acid resistance from this too.

Boots! Protect those toes. May be able to get resistance to piercing damage from walking through spikes and advantage on saves vs caltrops? Look awesome and are literally Bug Stompers.

Plating your backpack is not a bad idea. Especially if you've potions, lotions, and all those goodies.

Sled. Drapes over your backpack to protect it, but take it off and have a nice way to drag that extra loot around when you need the extra carry weight. Also a fast way down the mountain, use at own risk.

Xylophone. You know you want to.

If you've the whole Ankheg worth checking if you can make a weapon from parts. Legs could be assembled to make a quarterstaff, claws could be daggers or Short swords. Would be weapons that, while not magic or having any + bonuses, would be immune to things like heat metal or a rust monster. DM may let them avoid the -1 accumulation from things like black puddings.

Acid storage. Why limit yourself to a pitiful vial of acid when you can make a container to hold a gallon or more?

Mask. Wear the Ankheg's face and strike fear into all around you...or disgust.

Cod piece. Now not even acid will harm the family jewels!

2016-10-25, 01:12 PM
Use theAnkheg's bladder or stomach to make an acid or other chemical super soaker?

2016-10-25, 01:30 PM
Ouuu yea thanks everyone for the ideas, especially CursedRhubard, I love the xylophone idea lol what i think I'm gonna do is use 5lbs for an acid container, 20 lbs for a pair of boots, and 10 lbs to plate my potion bag.

2016-10-26, 02:17 AM
In my campaign my players recently killed an Ankheg Queen and looted her hide/shell. They asked around in Waterdeep and was told that they could make acid resistance armor with it. I also told them that they could make the equivalent of either a half-plate or studded leather (we have no character who can use heavy armor). So basically the armor would become an armor +1 (half-plate or studded leather) of acid resistance, with no disadvantage on stealth checks (because no clanking metal pieces). However, since they still need a specialist smith/leatherworker to make the armor, they also need to pay a fairly high amount of money for the work.

2016-10-26, 04:18 AM
Making a medium suit/shield of Ankheg armor is a great way to convince your DM to "learn" the proficiency/take the feat for it during downtime, if that's an option.