View Full Version : RAW way to transfer status effects?

2016-10-25, 03:39 PM
Hi all

First up, I am A-OK with homeruling this one. It has no effect on the players what so ever. BUT, I like rules and I dont like just making stuff up.

Is there a magical (preferably arcane) way to transfer status effects from one character to another? Say a character had a disease and there was no way to cure it. But another character decided to sacrifice themselves and have the effect transferred into them. Is there a spell that does that?

2016-10-25, 04:54 PM
edit ps not a spell its a feat with numbus of light as its prereq.
book of exalted deeds


you can heal wounds and aliments of others using your own life energy. when you activate the ability, as a free action, you immediately take at least 2 points of temporary con damage. you can take as many points of con damage as you wish as long as you remain alive and conscious.
once you have acivated your stigmata, you can touch your allies to heal them of 1 point of damage per level they posses for every 2 points on con damage you take. in addition, any character you touch who suffers from a disease can immediately make a new saving throw against that disease with a sacred bonus equal to the number of points of con damage you tool. if the character succeeds on that saving throw, she is freed from the disease.
you can use this touch on one ally per point of con damage you take. as with delivery of a touch spell, you can touch up to six allies as a full-round action. a single person can only benefit once from each activation of your stigmata, but each activation last for 1 hour.

can't use twice within an hour.
the ...is an example i skipped over

Extra Anchovies
2016-10-26, 08:26 AM
The Empathic Transfer (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/empathicTransfer.htm) psionic power allows the manifester to absorb one disease or poison affecting a touched willing target.