View Full Version : Life and Times at East Marshall High - IC Thread IX: Endgame

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The TechnoGnome
2016-10-26, 03:07 PM
Episode 13, Scene 12

The third act commences! And at first, things appear to be progressing swimmingly. But then comes the big reveal scene.

However, in the scene where Julia and Katlyn talk down Nate from attacking Anya, who had kidnapped Holly as collateral for the diamond Nate managed to find, Helga Von Greswich was supposed to show up to steal Holly away from Anya as a hostage, proving herself to be both the real killer of the Shiek as Julia suspected (and she explained a split second before) and the actual thief. However, while that reveal happened, it did not happen the way it was supposed to.

For one, Stacy somehow managed to get back in the role, and very recently by how haphazard her costume is.

For another, the gun she's holding now is not the prop one you had been practicing with all these weeks. In fact, it's not even a revolver, but a semiautomatic. And it looks very real.

"I didn't want to do this," Stacy says, not even bothering with the accent as a manic smile begins to creep across her face, "But you just keep getting in my way. You won't leave well enough alone. So now you've forced me to resort to... drastic measures."

She levels the gun at you all, drifting between each of you one by one, "I want... I want what's mine. She will come to me, you will give her to me... Or you will die. All of you. Will die."

You hear murmurs from the audience, mostly confusion about why Stacy is back in the role. However, the lack of panic among everyone who isn't named ValJean indicates that none of them realize the true gravity of the situation. Which may be a blessing in disguise, since Stacy looks twitchy enough to pull the trigger if there's one wrong move.

Allure D10: Stay in character. If you break character, you die. But if you keep the scene going, you might be able to stall her until security shows up. +4 VP.

Skill D8: Slip some technical jargon into your lines to signal the stage crew to improvise a way to distract her. +3 VP

Conflict D12: Screw staying in character! Be a hero and charge her now before someone gets hurt. +5 VP

Luck: Give her what she wants and hope for the best. Auto-success, but -50 VP.

Failure in any of these rolls will result in a penalty in the next scene. All on-stage bonuses apply (positive for being above Stacy, negative for being below). In addition, Rebecca gains a +1 bonus to the Allure Roll and Molly gets a +2 to the Skill Roll.

2016-10-26, 04:49 PM
Time moves at once at a snail's pace and far, far too fast.

holy f*** holy f*** holy f*** oh God f*** f*** f*** that's a gun that's a real gun I'm gonna die she's gonna shoot me and I'm gonna die and I'm only sixteen I haven't even had a life yet f*** why is this happening why why it's not fair there's no God there's no afterlife this is just the end everything is ****ed why why why

Slowly, cautiously, Julia puts up her hands. "Helga," she says in a trembling, pleading voice barely held steady. "You don't have to do this. You can turn yourself in, right now, and they'll go easy on you. But if you shoot us all here--and that's if you can get off enough shots fast enough, before one of us fires back--you'll be lucky if all they do is put you away for the rest of your life. They will find you. Sooner or later, they will." She takes a slow step forward, walking as if through quicksand. "You've got a choice, here. Hasn't this gone far enough?"

Allure, +2 Shameless, +2 Cosplay Enthusiast, +2 narrative bonus, +2 reward bonus. +8 total.

2016-10-26, 08:31 PM
Sakuya goes wide eyed for a moment. She had known Stacy was crazy; everyone knew that. But she had been expecting something more thought out: a sabotage, an abduction, something that would give her a feeling of power. Instead... this was just sad. Dangerous to all involved, but in the end, just sad.

Jill was being cute, but clearly out of fear, and lack of options. There was not much else she could do. The training that Sakuya had given her was more about close range combat, and when someone pulls a gun, the hands go up and everyone drops their weapons. Obviously, that extended only to sane people who had a sense of their own mortality.

For Sakuya, it simply snaps her out of character.

Armed assaillent, either Glock 19 or 22, given the police background of her father. Waving motion intentionally hides a stable stance, the same stance as someone who knows how to handle a weapon and has spent recent weeks at a firing range. Gun contains 15 rounds, sufficient to hit everyone on stage, plus several misses. Aim is focused away from the audience, minimizing collateral damage. Grip on the gun itself is firm, but right hand dominance means that left hand grip is just for stability, right hand is trigger hand.

Best course of action: painful disabling of the right arm will remove her grip on the gun, limiting her ability to be a threat, with minimal risk of lethal injury. Gun limits ability to safely close distance. Disabling will require either evasive maneuvering, which risks collateral damage, or a thrown weapon targeting her shoulder. Molly is moving to close distance already, meaning she needs cover.


Sakuya takes about three seconds to observe the situation, before acting. She takes a breath, looking Stacy dead in the eye. "I should have killed you a long time ago," she says, stone faced. In a single swift motion, as Molly begins to move toward the girl, Sakuya pulls the knife from the pocket she had made in her dress and throws it at Stacy, aiming for her right shoulder. When her grip faltered, the gun would be retrievable while Molly held her down, and the situation could be deescalated.
Conflict (+1), Terrifying (+2), Armed (+2), Net Play Bonus (+1)
Foresight: Even
Odd Affinity
Contingency Plan: Roll Twice

In short, don't roll two 1's

2016-10-27, 05:26 PM
Without a moment's hesitation, Molly takes two steps forwards and flicks her leg up at Stacy's head. And miraculously, almost as if guided by some sort of unseen force, her kick land true, the hard leather hitting square across the side of her target's jaw with an enormously satisfying "CRACK!".

Weak Conflict, Kurt's Legacy. Auto-success.

2016-10-28, 03:05 AM
Where the **** did she get a rifle, where the **** did she get a rifle? What the ****, what the hell, ****, ****.. Oh gods. Elsa save me! Becca cried internally.

Uh, Damn... Holly when... when did you learn to throw a knife. The crowd, they would believe that right?

Uh, yeah, Surrender, you have too much to live for. Would she want you to be doing this right now!? She called out her voice becoming more stern as that sentence went on.

Strong allure, Shameless, Scaredy cat (Because Gun.), Play bonus. Total of +7

The TechnoGnome
2016-10-28, 08:47 PM
Time moves at once at a snail's pace and far, far too fast.

holy f*** holy f*** holy f*** oh God f*** f*** f*** that's a gun that's a real gun I'm gonna die she's gonna shoot me and I'm gonna die and I'm only sixteen I haven't even had a life yet f*** why is this happening why why it's not fair there's no God there's no afterlife this is just the end everything is ****ed why why why

Slowly, cautiously, Julia puts up her hands. "Helga," she says in a trembling, pleading voice barely held steady. "You don't have to do this. You can turn yourself in, right now, and they'll go easy on you. But if you shoot us all here--and that's if you can get off enough shots fast enough, before one of us fires back--you'll be lucky if all they do is put you away for the rest of your life. They will find you. Sooner or later, they will." She takes a slow step forward, walking as if through quicksand. "You've got a choice, here. Hasn't this gone far enough?"

Allure, +2 Shameless, +2 Cosplay Enthusiast, +2 narrative bonus, +2 reward bonus. +8 total.

"I... I just want her back..." Stacy pleaded, her gun arm trembling as she fought back tears, "I want her back so bad... I can make it better for her... I just want her back."

She scowled, and fixed the gun on Jill, "But you won't let her come back! You just want her to be your... your personal whore! Well, I'm going to fix that, right now!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Molly takes two steps forwards and flicks her leg up at Stacy's head. And miraculously, almost as if guided by some sort of unseen force, her kick land true, the hard leather hitting square across the side of her target's jaw with an enormously satisfying "CRACK!".

Weak Conflict, Kurt's Legacy. Auto-success.

Sakuya takes about three seconds to observe the situation, before acting. She takes a breath, looking Stacy dead in the eye. "I should have killed you a long time ago," she says, stone faced. In a single swift motion, as Molly begins to move toward the girl, Sakuya pulls the knife from the pocket she had made in her dress and throws it at Stacy, aiming for her right shoulder. When her grip faltered, the gun would be retrievable while Molly held her down, and the situation could be deescalated.
Conflict (+1), Terrifying (+2), Armed (+2), Net Play Bonus (+1)
Foresight: Even
Odd Affinity
Contingency Plan: Roll Twice

In short, don't roll two 1's

Luckily for Jill, 'now' never came, as by focusing all the attention on her, Stacy left herself wide open to Molly and Sakuya's combined assault. Quick as a flash, Stacy was knocked backwards by the kick, then hit in the shoulder by the knife. The gun clattered to the floor as she held the knife in her, blood beginning to seep between her fingers.

"**** you!" she screamed, to the gasps of the audience, "**** you all!"

Where the **** did she get a rifle, where the **** did she get a rifle? What the ****, what the hell, ****, ****.. Oh gods. Elsa save me! Becca cried internally.

Uh, Damn... Holly when... when did you learn to throw a knife. The crowd, they would believe that right?

Uh, yeah, Surrender, you have too much to live for. Would she want you to be doing this right now!? She called out her voice becoming more stern as that sentence went on.

Strong allure, Shameless, Scaredy cat (Because Gun.), Play bonus. Total of +7

Stacy glared at Becca, then frowned in sadness as she said, "No... No, she wouldn't. I... I can give her what she wants though... I can do it."

She quickly kicked the gun behind the backdrop, then turned and ran off-stage, still holding the knife stuck in her wound. Only a moment later, Robert runs after her without a word.

The audience, meanwhile, is dead silent, clearly not sure how to react to this plot twist.

Sakuya and Molly gain +5 VP, and Rebecca and Jill gain +4 VP

2016-10-28, 09:21 PM
Sakuya quickly strides over to the gun, picking it up and checking if it was loaded.

2016-10-28, 09:24 PM
Rebecca started to make a signal for the stage hand to close the curtain.

2016-10-29, 12:06 AM
Staying in character was only a momentary defense mechanism, and with the danger now gone as suddenly as it appeared, Jill's composure instantly crumbles. Her legs give out, and she falls to her knees, tears causing her stage makeup to run as she heaves great, shuddering sobs, fighting to get enough air. Becca is the closest to her, and so that's where she throws herself, grabbing onto her legs and holding on for dear life.

2016-10-29, 12:17 AM
Becca not the most stable at the best of times, does not react well to Jill knocking into her legs. Bucking wildly, it is not long before she collapsed in on herself. Falling chest first onto Jill, and onto the floor.

... Everything's fine, we're all good. Becca replied.

The TechnoGnome
2016-10-29, 04:02 AM
Sakuya quickly strides over to the gun, picking it up and checking if it was loaded.

[Fair warning, she kicked it so that it slid behind the backdrop. Getting it will mean at the very least you'll need to get on your knees and reach for it, which will give her a decent head start if you intend to chase.]

Rebecca started to make a signal for the stage hand to close the curtain.

Staying in character was only a momentary defense mechanism, and with the danger now gone as suddenly as it appeared, Jill's composure instantly crumbles. Her legs give out, and she falls to her knees, tears causing her stage makeup to run as she heaves great, shuddering sobs, fighting to get enough air. Becca is the closest to her, and so that's where she throws herself, grabbing onto her legs and holding on for dear life.

Becca not the most stable at the best of times, does not react well to Jill knocking into her legs. Bucking wildly, it is not long before she collapsed in on herself. Falling chest first onto Jill, and onto the floor.

... Everything's fine, we're all good. Becca replied.

Thankfully, Becca's quick thinking means that the curtains come down just before Jill's breakdown. You actually hear some applause coming from the audience, apparently thinking that was supposed to be the big action scene of the play.

"Holy ****!" Ivan says, rushing over to you two, "What the **** was that? Are you okay? What just happened?"

2016-10-29, 04:15 AM
Sakuya grabs the gun, checking for ammo as she breaks into a run after Stacy.

The TechnoGnome
2016-10-29, 04:42 AM
Sakuya grabs the gun, checking for ammo as she breaks into a run after Stacy.

The gun is indeed loaded, with what feels like a full clip, but just by glancing at the clip, Sakuya can't tell how many shots are actually in it.

[Give me a skill roll. No DC, just need to see how much distance Stacy has on Sakuya. The higher the role, the less distance you'll need to close.]

2016-10-29, 04:50 AM
Should she kill her? Hell f***ing yes. But how? Fast? Or slow and torturous? Shoot her knees, poke some holes and watch? Maybe experiment with chemicals from the janitors? Eh, we'll see. But first, the chase!
Skill: [roll0]

2016-10-29, 09:08 AM
"No, we're not ****ing okay," Molly yells as she tosses her jacket to Jill. "Somebody just tried to kill us!"

2016-10-29, 01:56 PM
Becca muffles or turns off her mic before continuing.

How the **** did Stacy have a gun!? Becca yells cuddling Jill and wrapping Molly's jacket around her, nodding to Molly in thanks.

The TechnoGnome
2016-10-29, 07:31 PM
Should she kill her? Hell f***ing yes. But how? Fast? Or slow and torturous? Shoot her knees, poke some holes and watch? Maybe experiment with chemicals from the janitors? Eh, we'll see. But first, the chase!
Skill: [roll0]

While Sakuya does manage to get the occasional glimpse of Robert as he rounds the corner, Sakuya has no visual on Stacy at the moment. However, the way the trail is going does give Sakuya an idea of where Stacy is heading: the sound booth.

By the time Sakuya gets there, Riley is crumpled on the floor and Robert has frozen in place, eyes locked on Stacy, who is holding a sobbing Betty in front of her like a shield and backing out the other side.

Seeing Sakuya coming up behind Robert, she starts backing out the door to the hallway quicker, saying, "You're lucky to get out of this with your lives! Leave us alone, and it will stay that way."

"No, we're not ****ing okay," Molly yells as she tosses her jacket to Jill. "Somebody just tried to kill us!"

"Yeah, no ****," Ivan said, "I meant has anyone been hurt? I didn't hear any gunshots, but..."

Becca muffles or turns off her mic before continuing.

How the **** did Stacy have a gun!? Becca yells cuddling Jill and wrapping Molly's jacket around her, nodding to Molly in thanks.

"Probably the same way your sister got a knife on stage," Ivan replied.

2016-10-29, 07:35 PM
I'm not. Becca replies quickly, before scanning Jill quickly.

I don't think Jill is either, are you hurt hun? Becca replied.

2016-10-29, 08:40 PM
Sakuya fires a shot at the ground, probably a foot away from either girl. "Stacy, any other person, that would work on. But I don't have a problem shooting right through Betty's leg to hit you. If you really love her, you'll give yourself up, and I'll even flip a coin to decide if you live and get handed off to police." She aims the gun more toward her target, aiming at the forelegs of the girls. If Stacy ran, she would fire, hopefully hitting Stacy but Betty slumping or jerking from injury should also expose Stacy. "So go ahead. Give me a reason to fire. I'm eager," Sakuya says, smiling, looking the girl in the eyes.

2016-10-29, 08:53 PM
Jill clutches at Becca like a woman drowning. "C-can't breathe," she chokes out between gasping sobs. "S-she almost s-shot me...could've d-died..."

2016-10-29, 09:02 PM
Jill clutches at Becca like a woman drowning. "C-can't breathe," she chokes out between gasping sobs. "S-she almost s-shot me...could've d-died..."

We're fine, we're fine. She doesn't have a gun anymore, You're safe with me. Becca assured Jill, rubbing her back gently to calm her down.

The TechnoGnome
2016-10-29, 09:47 PM
Sakuya fires a shot at the ground, probably a foot away from either girl. "Stacy, any other person, that would work on. But I don't have a problem shooting right through Betty's leg to hit you. If you really love her, you'll give yourself up, and I'll even flip a coin to decide if you live and get handed off to police." She aims the gun more toward her target, aiming at the forelegs of the girls. If Stacy ran, she would fire, hopefully hitting Stacy but Betty slumping or jerking from injury should also expose Stacy. "So go ahead. Give me a reason to fire. I'm eager," Sakuya says, smiling, looking the girl in the eyes.

[Oh, right, this is the dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence we're talking about. :smallsigh:]

Robert gives Sakuya a look that practically screams, 'Please tell me you're bluffing'.

"I knew it..." Stacy said, then looked down at Betty and said, "You hear that? They don't care about you. They were just using you to get back at me. Just like I thought."

Before Betty even has a chance to reply, she tightens her grip around the girl's neck and puts her hand on the handle of the knife, "But she still wouldn't dare fire here. Not with her boyfriend watching, and her family right outside. They'd hate her almost as much as they hate me."

Jill clutches at Becca like a woman drowning. "C-can't breathe," she chokes out between gasping sobs. "S-she almost s-shot me...could've d-died..."

We're fine, we're fine. She doesn't have a gun anymore, You're safe with me. Becca assured Jill, rubbing her back gently to calm her down.

"Have any of you called the police yet?" Ivan asked pulling out his phone in a panic.

2016-10-29, 10:13 PM
Oh ****! That's a thing! Rebecca replied immediately scrambling with one hand to get her phone out and start calling 911.

2016-10-29, 11:01 PM
Nowhere safe to hit... Wall not hard enough for ricochet.

"Betty, don't move," Sakuya says, firing a second shot between the two girls' legs, though close enough that jumping around might get someone hit. She wasn't trying to hit the girl. She just wanted to test Stacy's reactions, possibly dull her response to the gun. "Robert, get the police. Betty will be fine. I'm not as keen on this Mexican standoff as I was thinking before. If she runs, I'll shoot, but otherwise, I'd rather just stay here."

The TechnoGnome
2016-10-29, 11:14 PM
Oh ****! That's a thing! Rebecca replied immediately scrambling with one hand to get her phone out and start calling 911.

"Relax, I got it," Ivan said, dialing on his already out phone, "You guys focus on calming down."

After a moment, he sighed, "And someone should probably find Greg. Stacy would have had to get rid of him somehow in order to take his part, so who knows where he is."

Nowhere safe to hit... Wall not hard enough for ricochet.

"Betty, don't move," Sakuya says, firing a second shot between the two girls' legs, though close enough that jumping around might get someone hit. She wasn't trying to hit the girl. She just wanted to test Stacy's reactions, possibly dull her response to the gun. "Robert, get the police. Betty will be fine. I'm not as keen on this Mexican standoff as I was thinking before. If she runs, I'll shoot, but otherwise, I'd rather just stay here."

Stacy hardly flinched at the sound of the gun firing. Betty, however, shrieked and reflexively jerked back after the shot was fired, and it took a second for Stacy to get her to stop squirming again.

Robert looked at Sakuya hesitantly, then nodded, "I'm counting on you," he said, before ducking out.

"No, stay!" Stacy shouted as she got Betty back under control, "Goddamnit! If you leave, she'll kill us both and blame me!"

2016-10-29, 11:18 PM
"Relax, I got it," Ivan said, dialing on his already out phone, "You guys focus on calming down."

After a moment, he sighed, "And someone should probably find Greg. Stacy would have had to get rid of him somehow in order to take his part, so who knows where he is."

Becca starts dialing Claire.

If anyone could lure him... She thought to herself.

2016-10-29, 11:50 PM
"Betty was one of the first people I ran into this year. She's a good friend of my own best friend. I'd injure her if necessary, but I would hate to kill her. You're not worth her life.

How did you think this would work out? We'd just hand Betty to you and be on our way? You have to have expected this, to some extent."

The TechnoGnome
2016-10-30, 12:36 AM
Becca starts dialing Claire.

If anyone could lure him... She thought to herself.

[Give me a Luck check, right now. D5.]

"Betty was one of the first people I ran into this year. She's a good friend of my own best friend. I'd injure her if necessary, but I would hate to kill her. You're not worth her life.

How did you think this would work out? We'd just hand Betty to you and be on our way? You have to have expected this, to some extent."

"Well, duh you wouldn't hand her over," Stacy said, "That's what the gun was for. Well that and to make sure you couldn't harass me again."

2016-10-30, 01:09 AM
Sakuya chuckles, nodding over at the knife. "I see that went well. Out of curiosity, we know I would feel bad if Betty got hurt. What if I actually shot at you? Would you sacrifice her? I'd find that rather selfish, honestly. You've got no plan after this."

The TechnoGnome
2016-10-30, 02:23 AM
Becca starts dialing Claire.

If anyone could lure him... She thought to herself.

As Becca starts to dial, Claire runs up to Jill, her whole body trembling as she grips her girlfriend tightly.

"A-Are you hurt?" she asked, fighting back her own tears, "D-Don't be hurt p-please don't be hurt I l-love you I n-need you y-you can't be hurt please no d-don't be h-hurt..."

Sakuya chuckles, nodding over at the knife. "I see that went well. Out of curiosity, we know I would feel bad if Betty got hurt. What if I actually shot at you? Would you sacrifice her? I'd find that rather selfish, honestly. You've got no plan after this."

"Says you," Stacy said, tightening her grip as Betty whimpered and tried to break away again, "We're going to go far away, start a new life together. No more people poisoning her mind or trying to kill us... Just her and me, forever."

2016-10-30, 02:26 AM
Jill's fine, Claire. Becca said clearly meeting Claire's eyes.

Do you know where Greg is? She asks firmly but calmly.

2016-10-30, 05:45 AM
Sakuya aims at Stacy's head as best she can, but doesn't fire. "I mean when you pulled a gun on us in front of the audience."

2016-10-30, 09:03 AM
"And if you don't," Molly says, "You're coming with me to help find him."

2016-10-30, 09:20 AM
Jill's sobbing quiets a little as she lets go of Becca to latch onto Claire instead. "I thought I'd never see you again," she whimpers, sniffling.

The TechnoGnome
2016-10-30, 06:59 PM
Sakuya aims at Stacy's head as best she can, but doesn't fire. "I mean when you pulled a gun on us in front of the audience."

"I figured that those idiots down there would think it was part of the show, and I would already be halfway out of here by the time they realized something was wrong," Stacy said, "I knew you would try something, which is why I was gonna shoot you first, but I didn't count on the German bitch being ballsy enough to charge me like that, much less have the physical ability to pull it off. Won't make that mistake again..."

At this point, Betty tries to break free again, this time flailing her arms and jerking toward the side of Stacy with the knife sticking out.

"Goddamit, hold still!" Stacy yelled, the two of them banging against the soundboard again. The cheerleader manages to regain control again, but with her back to the soundboard to face Sakuya, she's failed to notice that a little red light under the announcement microphone had been turned on during the struggle.

Jill's sobbing quiets a little as she lets go of Becca to latch onto Claire instead. "I thought I'd never see you again," she whimpers, sniffling.

Claire looks startled from the sudden outpouring of emotion, but quickly regains enough composure to start stroking her hair, "Sssshhhh... It is okay. I am here. I am not sure I can keep you safe, but I will not leave you. No matter what, I will not leave you."

Jill's fine, Claire. Becca said clearly meeting Claire's eyes.

Do you know where Greg is? She asks firmly but calmly.

"Oh, him," Claire said, not looking away from Jill, "I saw him in the maintenance closet on the way here. He was stripped and tied up with electrical cables. It is possible he might still be alive."

"And if you don't," Molly says, "You're coming with me to help find him."

Claire blinked and looked up at Molly, "Why would I do that? Jill needs me."

2016-10-30, 07:28 PM
"Because your girlfriend's alive," Molly says coldly. "And before you told us where you saw him, and apparently left him to suffocate, we didn't know if he was."

Molly gestures to Becca to follow her, and starts off towards the maintenance closet. "C'mon. Claire may not care if other people might be dying, but I do. We'll get Greg, and then we'll help the security people see if everybody else is alright."

2016-10-30, 07:35 PM
"Oh, him," Claire said, not looking away from Jill, "I saw him in the maintenance closet on the way here. He was stripped and tied up with electrical cables. It is possible he might still be alive."

Claire blinked and looked up at Molly, "Why would I do that? Jill needs me."

What the **** Claire! You left Greg in danger! Becca screamed at her, immediately moving to follow Molly assuming there's one maintenance closet. On the off chance that their are multiple she could be talking about, Becca will ask for more details.

2016-10-30, 07:38 PM
Part of Jill knows she should be worried about Greg, but when she tries to let go of Claire and stand up, she can't get her legs to support her. Collapsing back into Claire, she breaks down into a bout of renewed sobbing, now feeling awful for not going to help on top of having almost been shot.

2016-10-30, 08:29 PM
"So let me get this straight - you thought you could pull a gun on me and get away with it? You've failed already. No plan that gets to the point of 'Get in hostage situation with person I was supposed to kill' ends happily for the person holding the hostage. Betty is clearly terrified of you. If you shot me, you'd have had the police after you. If you didn't, you'd have us reporting that you used a semiautomatic pistol to hold us up, clearly a real gun given that it was a different model than the one we practiced with. There is not a winning scenario here."

The TechnoGnome
2016-10-30, 08:33 PM
"Because your girlfriend's alive," Molly says coldly. "And before you told us where you saw him, and apparently left him to suffocate, we didn't know if he was."

Molly gestures to Becca to follow her, and starts off towards the maintenance closet. "C'mon. Claire may not care if other people might be dying, but I do. We'll get Greg, and then we'll help the security people see if everybody else is alright."

What the **** Claire! You left Greg in danger! Becca screamed at her, immediately moving to follow Molly assuming there's one maintenance closet. On the off chance that their are multiple she could be talking about, Becca will ask for more details.

There is indeed only one maintenance closet (at least backstage), so the two girls make it there at about the same time. True to what Claire said, Greg was stripped down to his boxers, tied up with cables, and gagged with electrical tape. Thankfully, he does indeed appear to be still alive, though he's only just now beginning to stir.

Part of Jill knows she should be worried about Greg, but when she tries to let go of Claire and stand up, she can't get her legs to support her. Collapsing back into Claire, she breaks down into a bout of renewed sobbing, now feeling awful for not going to help on top of having almost been shot.

"There, there..." Claire said, continuing to stroke her hair, "It is alright. I know what it is like... I am just glad you are safe. That is all that matters."

2016-10-30, 08:35 PM
"G-Greg's in danger," Jill chokes out. "And I c-can't even move...I'm pathetic..."

2016-10-30, 08:57 PM
Molly crouches down and taps Greg on the shoulder. "Hey, Greg," she says, trying to speak loudly to get him up faster. "I'm going to get the tape off. Do you want me to just rip it?"

The TechnoGnome
2016-10-30, 09:23 PM
"G-Greg's in danger," Jill chokes out. "And I c-can't even move...I'm pathetic..."

"No, you are not," Claire said firmly, "You are scared, which is different. And you did not run from Stacy, which was brave of you to do."

Molly crouches down and taps Greg on the shoulder. "Hey, Greg," she says, trying to speak loudly to get him up faster. "I'm going to get the tape off. Do you want me to just rip it?"

Greg groggily focuses on Molly, and looks confused for a moment as to what she means. Then he realizes he's tied up, and squirms for a bit, before bracing himself and nodding.

"So let me get this straight - you thought you could pull a gun on me and get away with it? You've failed already. No plan that gets to the point of 'Get in hostage situation with person I was supposed to kill' ends happily for the person holding the hostage. Betty is clearly terrified of you. If you shot me, you'd have had the police after you. If you didn't, you'd have us reporting that you used a semiautomatic pistol to hold us up, clearly a real gun given that it was a different model than the one we practiced with. There is not a winning scenario here."

"I had to work with what I had," Stacy admitted, "They don't let minors buy handguns, after all. And none of that matters anyway. I knew the police would come after me eventually, but I could avoid them. And once we're alone, away from everyone... She'll learn to love me again. Even if I have to break her little legs to keep her from running, she'll learn."

And all of this, of course, is being broadcast over the PA system to the audience below, who are now starting to noticably freak out.

"What? What's going on?" Stacy said, looking over her shoulder to the balcony below, "What just happened?"

2016-10-30, 09:26 PM
"Alright. I'm sorry about this." Molly grabs a corner of the tape, and then tears it off with a quick jerk.

2016-10-30, 09:36 PM
"I didn't even know what I was doing," Jill protests, starting to breathe more normally again. "It was just reflex. All that practice, staying in character..." Her face falls, and she buries it in Claire's shoulder. "Guess the play's ruined now, huh?" she says, her voice a little muffled.

2016-10-30, 10:26 PM
Becca starts undoing the ropes with practiced grace.

Are you alright? Um... Do you know where you are, do you know who we are, and do you know who you are? Becca replied trying to remember the questions to ask a possibly injured person.

The TechnoGnome
2016-10-30, 10:47 PM
"I didn't even know what I was doing," Jill protests, starting to breathe more normally again. "It was just reflex. All that practice, staying in character..." Her face falls, and she buries it in Claire's shoulder. "Guess the play's ruined now, huh?" she says, her voice a little muffled.

"Yes, but not because of you," Claire replied, "You were wonderful. Stacy was the one who ruined everything. But once Sakuya kills her, everything will be alright."

"Alright. I'm sorry about this." Molly grabs a corner of the tape, and then tears it off with a quick jerk.

"Yow! My mustache!" Greg says right after the tape comes off, "Thanks for coming."

Becca starts undoing the ropes with practiced grace.

Are you alright? Um... Do you know where you are, do you know who we are, and do you know who you are? Becca replied trying to remember the questions to ask a possibly injured person.

"Yeah, I know all that stuff," Greg replied, "Though I'm not sure exactly how I got tied up like this..."

2016-10-30, 11:03 PM
"Yeah, I know all that stuff," Greg replied, "Though I'm not sure exactly how I got tied up like this..."

Retrograde amnesia is not surprising after an accident. Rebecca replied, as she un did the ropes.

Lending him a hand and attempting to get him to a standing position.

Stacy.... .... Actually. Her eyes bug out as she starts checking him for bullet holes.

He's good Molly. She says assuming she doesn't find anything.

The TechnoGnome
2016-10-31, 01:59 AM
Retrograde amnesia is not surprising after an accident. Rebecca replied, as she un did the ropes.

Lending him a hand and attempting to get him to a standing position.

Stacy.... .... Actually. Her eyes bug out as she starts checking him for bullet holes.

He's good Molly. She says assuming she doesn't find anything.

Greg's got one nasty bump on the back of his head, but otherwise he's fine.

"Well that explains why I saw her in the mirror then..." he said, before bolting up with a start, "Wait, Stacy! ****, is everyone alright? It sounds pretty bad out there..."

2016-10-31, 01:59 AM
"If I were to guess," Sakuya says, not at all hiding her smile, "I think you just admitted to knowing that what you were doing is wrong, planning to abduct and maim Betty, all over the PA system. So... yeah. I wish you luck in getting away. Oh, and you still have to get away from me, plus the police. So... again, give up."

The TechnoGnome
2016-10-31, 02:08 AM
"If I were to guess," Sakuya says, not at all hiding her smile, "I think you just admitted to knowing that what you were doing is wrong, planning to abduct and maim Betty, all over the PA system. So... yeah. I wish you luck in getting away. Oh, and you still have to get away from me, plus the police. So... again, give up."

Stacy's expression went straight from confusion to shock as she realized just how screwed she was. After a second of thought, she shoved Betty hard towards Sakuya and bolted towards the exit as the girl tumbled into her assailant.

2016-10-31, 02:46 AM
Kill! Sakuya braces against Betty, but runs after Stacy as soon as the girl was stable. As soon as she gets a clean shot, she fires at Stacy, center of mass. "I gave you a chance, Stacy! I gave you a lot of chances! You threatened my friends! You threatened me! You threatened the boy I love!" She fires again, a mix of sheer joy and anger on her face as she chases the girl. Four shots.

I assume Conflict rolls?


Maybe terrifying presence would apply, but eh, I apply that to a lot. Add two if you think it applies.

2016-10-31, 09:51 AM
Dizziness hits Jill at Claire's reassurance, and she slumps against her. "This is f***ed..."

The speaker system startles her out of her daze, Stacy and Sakuya's words coming clearly through the curtain. Jill's eyes widen in horror. "Oh God...they're not--" The shots ring out, audible directly even without the sound equipment, and she lets out a terrified yelp, once more seizing Claire in a deathgrip and hiding her face. ""Oh f*** oh f*** oh f***..."

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-01, 02:32 AM
Kill! Sakuya braces against Betty, but runs after Stacy as soon as the girl was stable. As soon as she gets a clean shot, she fires at Stacy, center of mass. "I gave you a chance, Stacy! I gave you a lot of chances! You threatened my friends! You threatened me! You threatened the boy I love!" She fires again, a mix of sheer joy and anger on her face as she chases the girl. Four shots.

I assume Conflict rolls?


Maybe terrifying presence would apply, but eh, I apply that to a lot. Add two if you think it applies.

The first shot ends up hitting her in the back of the leg, causing Stacy to scream and lurch to the side from the pain. She begins hobbling further away, fueled by adrelenine, but the injury makes her movements more erratic, and thus the second shot only grazes her already wounded arm.

"****... ****..." She hisses under her breath, stumbling into an empty classroom to try to get out of the line of fire.

Dizziness hits Jill at Claire's reassurance, and she slumps against her. "This is f***ed..."

The speaker system startles her out of her daze, Stacy and Sakuya's words coming clearly through the curtain. Jill's eyes widen in horror. "Oh God...they're not--" The shots ring out, audible directly even without the sound equipment, and she lets out a terrified yelp, once more seizing Claire in a deathgrip and hiding her face. ""Oh f*** oh f*** oh f***..."

At this point, Claire's own facade of composure broke, and she clutched Jill just as tightly.

"I'm s-s-sorry..." She said to Jill, "I am t-trying to be st-strong for you... But I d-do not th-think I can t-take much more of th-this. P-Please just tell me when sh-she's dead."

The gunfire seems to have drawn the attention of several people, with those who are not running away from it instead running towards it in an attempt to help the police, who actually happen to have an officer or two already there, not counting Stacy's own father of course.

2016-11-01, 02:47 AM
Sis! Becca stands up immediately upon hearing the gunfire, starting to bolt out of the room and head towards the sound booth where the mic was activated to try and help however she could. Thoughts of Sakuya laying bleeding out on the floor filling her thoughts.

2016-11-01, 03:22 AM
"Now where do you think you're going?" Sakuya says airily, anger fading from her voice as she follows the girl into the classroom, now slowing down as the hunt came to a close. Neither wound was lethal on their own, but between pain and the injury to her leg, she wasn't going to win in a dead sprint through the school. Hiding was Stacy's only option.

"I'm in a little debate with myself," she says with a laugh, calmly walking into the room and toward Stacy, gun only half drawn at this point. What was she going to do? What could she do? "You're still kinda fast, so I'm wondering whether I should put another hole in you, and where. Maybe blow out a knee, so you can't get away? Or maybe an arm, so it's harder for you to fight back? Or maybe both? After all, gotta cover the bases. We'd hate for you to fail to learn your lesson again now, wouldn't we?"

2016-11-01, 10:45 AM
It's like waking up from a dream. All of a sudden, Jill feels how tightly Claire is holding onto her, how hard she's trembling, hears the strain in her voice.

Snap out of it, you ass. You're alive. She needs you.

Her own trembling stills, and she shifts from holding onto Claire like a life preserver in a stormy ocean to a more protective embrace. "It's okay, sweetie," she says softly. "We're okay, we're together. I'm not going anywhere."

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-01, 02:21 PM
Sis! Becca stands up immediately upon hearing the gunfire, starting to bolt out of the room and head towards the sound booth where the mic was activated to try and help however she could. Thoughts of Sakuya laying bleeding out on the floor filling her thoughts.

By the time Becca makes it up to the sound booth, Stacy and Sakuya have already left, leaving Betty alone to try and treat an unconscious and apparently bleeding Riley. Given how shaken up she is, she isn't doing very well at it, mostly trying to wake her up while blubbering her name under her breath.

There is, however, a blood trail starting in the hallway. It's not a continuous one, but the blood drops are close enou together that Becca could probably make her way to Sakuya if she wanted.

"Now where do you think you're going?" Sakuya says airily, anger fading from her voice as she follows the girl into the classroom, now slowing down as the hunt came to a close. Neither wound was lethal on their own, but between pain and the injury to her leg, she wasn't going to win in a dead sprint through the school. Hiding was Stacy's only option.

"I'm in a little debate with myself," she says with a laugh, calmly walking into the room and toward Stacy, gun only half drawn at this point. What was she going to do? What could she do? "You're still kinda fast, so I'm wondering whether I should put another hole in you, and where. Maybe blow out a knee, so you can't get away? Or maybe an arm, so it's harder for you to fight back? Or maybe both? After all, gotta cover the bases. We'd hate for you to fail to learn your lesson again now, wouldn't we?"

[Give me a Conflict Roll, but no fluff just yet.]

It's like waking up from a dream. All of a sudden, Jill feels how tightly Claire is holding onto her, how hard she's trembling, hears the strain in her voice.

Snap out of it, you ass. You're alive. She needs you.

Her own trembling stills, and she shifts from holding onto Claire like a life preserver in a stormy ocean to a more protective embrace. "It's okay, sweetie," she says softly. "We're okay, we're together. I'm not going anywhere."

Jill's voice seems to calm Claire down some, enough that she seems to snap back into something resembling stability.

"Neither am I," she adds, pulling Jill even closer to her, "I love you, Jill. And I will do whatever is necessary to make sure you get out of this unharmed."

2016-11-01, 03:31 PM
"Oh, ****." Molly runs out of the room after Becca, arriving at the sound booth not long after her. She takes in the scene for a moment, stunned, and then runs to Betty and Riley. "Betty," she says gently. "Can you show me where Riley got hurt?"

2016-11-01, 06:22 PM
Jill focuses for a moment on hugging Claire back. "I love you too, babe." With that, she loosens her hold and makes to stand, guiding Claire to do the same. "Come on. No point just sitting here. Sounds like the others already called the cops, so let's go look for Valjean and ask him what we should do 'til they get here."

2016-11-01, 06:41 PM
Becca starts shivering as she moves to check on Riley.

She starts looking on the walls for a first aid case.

Do you know first aid? She asks hopefully her voice going in and out.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-01, 09:26 PM
"Now where do you think you're going?" Sakuya says airily, anger fading from her voice as she follows the girl into the classroom, now slowing down as the hunt came to a close. Neither wound was lethal on their own, but between pain and the injury to her leg, she wasn't going to win in a dead sprint through the school. Hiding was Stacy's only option.

"I'm in a little debate with myself," she says with a laugh, calmly walking into the room and toward Stacy, gun only half drawn at this point. What was she going to do? What could she do? "You're still kinda fast, so I'm wondering whether I should put another hole in you, and where. Maybe blow out a knee, so you can't get away? Or maybe an arm, so it's harder for you to fight back? Or maybe both? After all, gotta cover the bases. We'd hate for you to fail to learn your lesson again now, wouldn't we?"

As Sakuya enters the room, Stacy lets out a yell and charges from the side of the doorway, brandishing the knife that was moments ago buried in her own shoulder. Before Sakuya can react, she jabs the knife the primary arm holding the gun, in an attempt to make her drop it.

"Gonna die..." she mutters, her face starting to pale from blood loss as she leans against Sakuya to slam her against the wall, "...but not alone!"

Jill focuses for a moment on hugging Claire back. "I love you too, babe." With that, she loosens her hold and makes to stand, guiding Claire to do the same. "Come on. No point just sitting here. Sounds like the others already called the cops, so let's go look for Valjean and ask him what we should do 'til they get here."

Claire looks very hesitant to do so, but is at least willing to follow Jill's lead.

"Wh-What if we get a-ambushed?" she asks, eyes darting around wildly as they make their way to the audience.

"Oh, ****." Molly runs out of the room after Becca, arriving at the sound booth not long after her. She takes in the scene for a moment, stunned, and then runs to Betty and Riley. "Betty," she says gently. "Can you show me where Riley got hurt?"

It takes a moment for Betty to realize there are other people in the room, but when she sees Molly she nods and turns Riley on her side. Her face looks pretty badly beat up, and by the blood on her face and the angle of her nose, it's quite possible that it's broken.

"S-Stacy s-slammed h-her... S-Slammed her a-against the... A-against th-the... Sh-she..." Betty groans in frustration and gestures to the soundboard to show what she meant.

Becca starts shivering as she moves to check on Riley.

She starts looking on the walls for a first aid case.

Do you know first aid? She asks hopefully her voice going in and out.

"N-No..." Betty whimpers, "I... I d-don't kn-know... I d-don't know wh-what... I..."

2016-11-01, 09:49 PM
Sakuya's hand clenches, firing another shot worthlessly into the floor. Five. The tensing response forces more blood from the wound than otherwise would, but being unarmed against Stacy would be deadly. She had broken an important rule of combat: never arm your opponent. She would not make that mistake again. Focus. Does your arm still - Sakuya lets out an enraged grunt as her arm moves back a little, knife tearing a little more muscle. Good. Doctors can take care of the extra damage later. At this point though, her hand could still angle toward the other girl.

"No, still alone. Still unloved." Several point blank shots ring out. Six. Seven. Eight. "Just more quickly."

2016-11-01, 10:08 PM
"We're not gonna get ambushed," Jill says firmly, leading Claire out into the audience seats and scanning for Valjean. "Stacy's just one woman, and she'll have her hands full with Sakuya. She--"

Another yelp interrupts her as more shots ring out, her hand nearly crushing Claire's. Breathe. Come on. You're okay. It's not near you. You're not in danger. Slowly, she relaxes her grip. "We've got to find a teacher. They're gonna want to evacuate everybody." A sudden wave of gratitude at her mom not having been able to make it to the opening performance sweeps over her as she pulls Claire into the crowd.

2016-11-01, 10:49 PM
Becca nodded.

Okay that might be.... She says heading to the box and opening it with one hand, google to the other.

Does she have a pulse and is she breathing? She asks immediately. And keep her head and neck still. Becca warned as she gathered dressing and cleaners. Moving back to start taking care of Riley.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-01, 11:02 PM
Sakuya's hand clenches, firing another shot worthlessly into the floor. Five. The tensing response forces more blood from the wound than otherwise would, but being unarmed against Stacy would be deadly. She had broken an important rule of combat: never arm your opponent. She would not make that mistake again. Focus. Does your arm still - Sakuya lets out an enraged grunt as her arm moves back a little, knife tearing a little more muscle. Good. Doctors can take care of the extra damage later. At this point though, her hand could still angle toward the other girl.

"No, still alone. Still unloved." Several point blank shots ring out. Six. Seven. Eight. "Just more quickly."

The shots aren't exactly on target due to a combination of Sakuya's injury and the position Stacy forced her into, but the second two shots manage to hit her.

"Gonna... Gonna..." Stacy muttered, barely catching herself with her arms as she falls backwards. Given how hard said arms are trembling, it's all she can do to remain sitting upright.

"You... Bitch..." Stacy said, coming up blood (and what looks like a tooth or two), "You're all... Bitches and whores... I just..."

Her eyes tear up, "...Why does... Why does it work for you?"

Sakuya can hear footsteps rapidly approaching. Seems the police heard all that gunfire after all.

"We're not gonna get ambushed," Jill says firmly, leading Claire out into the audience seats and scanning for Valjean. "Stacy's just one woman, and she'll have her hands full with Sakuya. She--"

Another yelp interrupts her as more shots ring out, her hand nearly crushing Claire's. Breathe. Come on. You're okay. It's not near you. You're not in danger. Slowly, she relaxes her grip. "We've got to find a teacher. They're gonna want to evacuate everybody." A sudden wave of gratitude at her mom not having been able to make it to the opening performance sweeps over her as she pulls Claire into the crowd.

Once the two get to the audience, they are immediately approached by ValJean, who unsurprisingly looks very upset.

"Oh thank God you're alright!" He said, "With all the chaos going on, I though... Where's everyone else?"

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-01, 11:04 PM
Becca nodded.

Okay that might be.... She says heading to the box and opening it with one hand, google to the other.

Does she have a pulse and is she breathing? She asks immediately. And keep her head and neck still. Becca warned as she gathered dressing and cleaners. Moving back to start taking care of Riley.

"O-Okay..." Betty said with a nod, watching Rebecca work.

Becca can tell Riley is still alive, thankfully, although her breathing is ragged from all the blood. Hopefully cleaning her up will help with that somewhat.

2016-11-01, 11:17 PM
How long has she been like this? Becca replied starting to clean Riley focusing on that, and not the whereabouts of her sister.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-01, 11:25 PM
How long has she been like this? Becca replied starting to clean Riley focusing on that, and not the whereabouts of her sister.

"S-Since St-St-Stacy... S-Since St-St-St-St..." Betty stammered, not able to get the words out, "Mi-Min... M-Minutes."

2016-11-01, 11:37 PM
"S-Since St-St-Stacy... S-Since St-St-St-St..." Betty stammered, not able to get the words out, "Mi-Min... M-Minutes."

Okay. Betty, call 911. Tell them that we're at East Marshall high. There's a student with a gun, and another student is unconscious, but not as a result of bullet wounds. Becca replies.

Is Sakuya okay? She asks keeping an eye on Riley's breathing and pulse.

2016-11-01, 11:40 PM
"Pick your battles, better," Sakuya says, tiredness in her voice coming up as the knife wound takes its toll and the adrenaline fades from her system. Think, be smart... With a sigh, Sakuya walks over to the teacher's desk and takes a seat, letting relief wash over her. If Stacy had a last burst of energy, she had a few more shots and enough range to pull the gun up. Unless that happens though, she just rests, letting the knife hold her blood inside her body.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-02, 12:19 AM
Okay. Betty, call 911. Tell them that we're at East Marshall high. There's a student with a gun, and another student is unconscious, but not as a result of bullet wounds. Becca replies.

Is Sakuya okay? She asks keeping an eye on Riley's breathing and pulse.

"Sh-She s-s-saved m-me..." Betty stammered, fumbling to get her phone out, "A-And then sh-she... She st-started... She..."

She drops her phone, then hurriedly picks it up and finishes dialing.

"Y-Yes, I... I w-w-want... S-Someone's... M-M-My fr-friends... I... H-Help..."

"Pick your battles, better," Sakuya says, tiredness in her voice coming up as the knife wound takes its toll and the adrenaline fades from her system. Think, be smart... With a sigh, Sakuya walks over to the teacher's desk and takes a seat, letting relief wash over her. If Stacy had a last burst of energy, she had a few more shots and enough range to pull the gun up. Unless that happens though, she just rests, letting the knife hold her blood inside her body.

Two officers arrive at the scene, and it takes a second for them to register what they're seeing.

"Holy hell... That's the chief's daughter!" one of the officers said, going over to Stacy in an attempt to stabilize her.

"What happened here?" The other officer asked, looking over as Sakuya.

"She... She sh-shot me!" Stacy coughed.

2016-11-02, 12:34 AM
Becca leans over not taking her fingers off the pulse.

We're at East Marshall high, there's a student with a gun, and one of my friends was blugenoned, she's unconscious can you send paramedics to the sound booth for the play. Becca replied starting to go over directions.

She is breathing, and she has a pulse. She adds.

2016-11-02, 12:51 AM
Sakuya looks at the knife still sticking out of her shoulder. "Let's just be honest, neither of us will give a fully accurate account of events. However," Sakuya turns the gun so that its handle is pointing toward the officers, "you'll find that this is either her or her father's gun. That aside, I refuse to speak further on the matter unless taken into police custody.

Now, if you're not going to arrest someone, I know several people I or my friends care about who need medical attention. Also, unless you want your coworker's daughter to bleed to death, much as the world would be a better place without her, I would call an ambulance."

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-02, 02:10 AM
Becca leans over not taking her fingers off the pulse.

We're at East Marshall high, there's a student with a gun, and one of my friends was blugenoned, she's unconscious can you send paramedics to the sound booth for the play. Becca replied starting to go over directions.

She is breathing, and she has a pulse. She adds.

"Paramedics are already on their way," the person on the other end replied, "I'll make sure they know where to find you."

Sakuya looks at the knife still sticking out of her shoulder. "Let's just be honest, neither of us will give a fully accurate account of events. However," Sakuya turns the gun so that its handle is pointing toward the officers, "you'll find that this is either her or her father's gun. That aside, I refuse to speak further on the matter unless taken into police custody.

Now, if you're not going to arrest someone, I know several people I or my friends care about who need medical attention. Also, unless you want your coworker's daughter to bleed to death, much as the world would be a better place without her, I would call an ambulance."

"Radio it in," the cop said to his partner, before turning back to Sakuya and yanking the gun out of her hand, "Well, at the very least we're going to have to take you in for questioning. And given everything that's happened, her too. We still need to figure out everything that happened here tonight."

2016-11-02, 02:15 AM
Okay, is there anything I should do, that's not covered in a first aid manual? Rebecca asked the operator.

2016-11-02, 02:20 AM
"I'm not surprised. Would you mind having them bring a streacher if there's one available? I'm feeling a little faint," Sakuya says, wincing as she takes a breath in.

2016-11-02, 06:47 AM
"Not sure," Jill says, shaking her head. "I think Sakuya went after Stacy, and Becca and Molly might've gone to see if anybody was hurt. Anyway, there's still someone with a gun in the building. What should we do?"

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-02, 07:30 PM
Okay, is there anything I should do, that's not covered in a first aid manual? Rebecca asked the operator.

"What are the injuries, exactly?" The operator asked.

"I'm not surprised. Would you mind having them bring a streacher if there's one available? I'm feeling a little faint," Sakuya says, wincing as she takes a breath in.

The policeman nodded, "Sure, though I think Stacy's going to be the main priority here. Is the knife wound your only injury?"

"Not sure," Jill says, shaking her head. "I think Sakuya went after Stacy, and Becca and Molly might've gone to see if anybody was hurt. Anyway, there's still someone with a gun in the building. What should we do?"

"Well, usually in the event of a shooter, we're supposed to stay put as the school goes into lockdown," ValJean replied, "But then again, that procedure usually assumes the shooting is happening during class time, not an extra-curricular like this where everyone is in one place. I still think we're supposed to stay put until the police give the all clear though."

2016-11-02, 07:53 PM
"Yes, though I know that Stacy also knocked my friend's SO out. I don't know much about medicine, but I know being unconscious for that long is not good. Not sure if anyone else is, though Betty is probably a nervous mess."

2016-11-02, 08:03 PM
"What are the injuries, exactly?" The operator asked.

She was smashed into the soundboard. Rebecca replied looking to Betty to see if she had anything to add.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-02, 09:51 PM
"Yes, though I know that Stacy also knocked my friend's SO out. I don't know much about medicine, but I know being unconscious for that long is not good. Not sure if anyone else is, though Betty is probably a nervous mess."

"Right," he said, then rubbed the back of his head, "****ing hell... Job or not, never thought I'd actually have to deal with a mess like this.

She was smashed into the soundboard. Rebecca replied looking to Betty to see if she had anything to add.

"A-And th-there's a l-lot of b-blood... A-and h-her n-nose... N-nose..."

2016-11-02, 10:03 PM
Her nose might be broken, but I don't know enough to reset it. Becca said into the phone.

2016-11-02, 10:17 PM
"I never expected to have our play interrupted by a psycho wielding a gun," Sakuya says, looking at the blade. "I hope you don't have any blood diseases, Stacy."

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-03, 03:39 AM
Her nose might be broken, but I don't know enough to reset it. Becca said into the phone.

"Okay, well, just make sure she's not choking on her own blood then," the operator said, "The EMTs should be able to deal with it when they arrive."

"I never expected to have our play interrupted by a psycho wielding a gun," Sakuya says, looking at the blade. "I hope you don't have any blood diseases, Stacy."

"****... You..." Stacy groaned softly.

2016-11-03, 04:02 AM
"Save your breath. You might not have many of them left. Seriously, removing the knife was a horrible plan. You're bleeding so much more than you would have."

2016-11-03, 02:17 PM
Okay. Becca nods to the operator, seeming to withdraw a bit internally as she focused on Riley.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-06, 08:44 PM
Episode 13, Scene 13

Unsurprisingly, the rest of the play was cancelled due to the events of the night. Instead, everyone is treated to paramedics and police showing up and making the rounds, trying to find out who was injured and who was responsible, respectively. News crews have started to show up outside as well, but the police have not been allowing them inside until they finished their investigation.

As part of said investigation, you are all stuck inside at the moment while the police question you about the events of the night. None of them seem willing to believe Stacy was responsible, being more suspicious of Sakuya at first, but the overwhelming testimony is starting to sway even them. There's no better chance of pinning Stacy down once and for all than this!

Allure D6: Reassure the many, many scared people around you that everything will be alright. +2 VP

Skill D12: Sneak outside of the heavy police blockade, and make sure the media knows the truth about what happened tonight! +5 VP

Conflict D8: Let the police know what really happened, and that you will not be silent about it! +3 VP

2016-11-07, 06:54 AM
Sakuya frowns, death still in her eyes as she is asked questions, blood coagulating on her shirt at this point as the knife remains. Someone was getting stabbed once this was over.

As she speaks, every sentence is an effort, punctuated with decent length breaths and general pauses as muscles tense. "I fully admit to acting... with reasonable force when Stacy pulled a gun on me... I disarmed her, grabbed the gun, and chased her down as she fled, and tried to hold her in one place... When she bumped into a button, it turned on the speakers, and she made the mistake of announcing things that no doubt the others told you... She ran, I shot, and gave chase, having told her I would shoot, if she ran... Even after she had been shot several times, she still ran, then kept trying to fight me. She stabbed me, and I shot her at point blank range... Three times... Only then did police finally arrive. With the threat of harm to Betty, I couldn't just let her go."

The girl leans forward, pain clearly visible on her face, but just as clearly being ignored. "I can tell... you all want to paint this as the crazy bitch attacked your chief's daughter... I'll admit to using force to subdue someone... when the police should have handled it... But, there were no police, so I did what made sense to protect my friends and family... from someone who was clearly dangerous... Neither of us is innocent here, and if you think I'll go down without Stacy going down with me, I will happily show you why there are mobster henchmen whose blood runs cold at the mention of my name... were it not for my current injury..."

She was either serious, or lack of blood to the brain was causing her to ramble like a crazy person in shock that she just shot someone.
Conflict (+1), Terrifying (+2)

2016-11-07, 07:22 PM
Still in her costume, Molly mingles with the crowd of people stuck inside the theatre. She goes from group to group, helping pass out whatever was left of drinks and snacks from the concessions, and generally does whatever she can to help keep everyone calm, all the while desperately trying to stop from breaking down crying.

Strong Allure, Boyish Charm. +2

2016-11-07, 09:07 PM
So turns out, the emergency response vehicles. Jacked up a bit high.

How did Becca know this? Tripping under the police barricade is how. Practically twirling and rolling under one of the vehicles.

One reporter noticed her as she got up.

And what looked better then Becca on a camera?

Well you see, we were performing a play. You might have heard of about it, and then one of the actresses, she didn't practice her lines at all. And when one of the actors called her out on it, she attacked him. She was thrown out of the play, then storms in with a loaded gun. It could have been another Columbine. Rebecca started.

Weak skill, Easily forgiven.

2016-11-07, 09:11 PM
Catching sight of Molly moving among the audience, Jill reaches up to tap Claire on the shoulder. "Hang on a sec."

Passing by the many confused viewers, she moves to Molly's side. "Hey, uh...you okay?" Her eyes fall to the floor, watching her fingers fuss with the hem of her dress. "I, uh...sorry I freaked out before...y'know, not going to help Greg. I should've helped."

Allure, +2 Shameless, +2 Cosplay Enthusiast.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-12, 10:14 PM
Sakuya frowns, death still in her eyes as she is asked questions, blood coagulating on her shirt at this point as the knife remains. Someone was getting stabbed once this was over.

As she speaks, every sentence is an effort, punctuated with decent length breaths and general pauses as muscles tense. "I fully admit to acting... with reasonable force when Stacy pulled a gun on me... I disarmed her, grabbed the gun, and chased her down as she fled, and tried to hold her in one place... When she bumped into a button, it turned on the speakers, and she made the mistake of announcing things that no doubt the others told you... She ran, I shot, and gave chase, having told her I would shoot, if she ran... Even after she had been shot several times, she still ran, then kept trying to fight me. She stabbed me, and I shot her at point blank range... Three times... Only then did police finally arrive. With the threat of harm to Betty, I couldn't just let her go."

The girl leans forward, pain clearly visible on her face, but just as clearly being ignored. "I can tell... you all want to paint this as the crazy bitch attacked your chief's daughter... I'll admit to using force to subdue someone... when the police should have handled it... But, there were no police, so I did what made sense to protect my friends and family... from someone who was clearly dangerous... Neither of us is innocent here, and if you think I'll go down without Stacy going down with me, I will happily show you why there are mobster henchmen whose blood runs cold at the mention of my name... were it not for my current injury..."

She was either serious, or lack of blood to the brain was causing her to ramble like a crazy person in shock that she just shot someone.
Conflict (+1), Terrifying (+2)

Unfortunately, the police seem to be leaning on the latter interpretation. Not surprisingly, considering the EMT was attempting to convince Sakuya to come to the hospital as well.

"So you're saying you fired the first shot?" the officer asked, "While she was fleeing?"

Still in her costume, Molly mingles with the crowd of people stuck inside the theatre. She goes from group to group, helping pass out whatever was left of drinks and snacks from the concessions, and generally does whatever she can to help keep everyone calm, all the while desperately trying to stop from breaking down crying.

Strong Allure, Boyish Charm. +2

Catching sight of Molly moving among the audience, Jill reaches up to tap Claire on the shoulder. "Hang on a sec."

Passing by the many confused viewers, she moves to Molly's side. "Hey, uh...you okay?" Her eyes fall to the floor, watching her fingers fuss with the hem of her dress. "I, uh...sorry I freaked out before...y'know, not going to help Greg. I should've helped."

Allure, +2 Shameless, +2 Cosplay Enthusiast.

At some point during all off this, Charlie comes up to Molly and Jill, looking very distraught herself.

"Hey..." she said with a weak wave, "Don't worry, I'm here as a friend, not a reporter. Are you... are you guys doing okay?"

So turns out, the emergency response vehicles. Jacked up a bit high.

How did Becca know this? Tripping under the police barricade is how. Practically twirling and rolling under one of the vehicles.

One reporter noticed her as she got up.

And what looked better then Becca on a camera?

Well you see, we were performing a play. You might have heard of about it, and then one of the actresses, she didn't practice her lines at all. And when one of the actors called her out on it, she attacked him. She was thrown out of the play, then storms in with a loaded gun. It could have been another Columbine. Rebecca started.

Weak skill, Easily forgiven.

"Wait, this was a shooting?" the reporter asked in shock, "Do you know the identity of the shooter?"

"Hey, Becca!" Valerie shouted, trying and failing to get past the barricade, "Over here! How'd you get out?"

Rebecca gains +5 VP, Molly and Jill gain +3 VP.

2016-11-12, 10:21 PM
Yes. Stacy Carmichael Becca replied before getting distracted by Val.

Hey. Hey Sweetie! What happened. Becca moved over, intending to help her out of the barricade.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-12, 11:10 PM
Yes. Stacy Carmichael Becca replied before getting distracted by Val.

Hey. Hey Sweetie! What happened. Becca moved over, intending to help her out of the barricade.

"Wait, as in Chief Carmichael?" the reporter asked, "This is big! No wonder they haven't released any details..."

Her words fade into the background as Becca goes to help Valerie, who winces as she tries pulling her arm out of the tangled mess of police tape she's stuck in, "Trying to get to you! Everything got crazy and we were forced to wait in the hall! I didn't know what happened to you, so when I saw you I got excited and... well, this happened."

2016-11-12, 11:14 PM
"After I told her to stay where she was, and she suggested breaking Betty's legs to keep her from escaping from her, and she fled shortly after I told Robert to get the police, yes.

This is also after we found one of our friends unconscious and beaten by her. So yes, I fired the first shot, but she drew first blood, before we even confronted her." Sakuya lets the injuries show on her face and tone more, given the changes in tone as people pay more attention to her injuries.

2016-11-12, 11:35 PM
"Wait, as in Chief Carmichael?" the reporter asked, "This is big! No wonder they haven't released any details..."

Her words fade into the background as Becca goes to help Valerie, who winces as she tries pulling her arm out of the tangled mess of police tape she's stuck in, "Trying to get to you! Everything got crazy and we were forced to wait in the hall! I didn't know what happened to you, so when I saw you I got excited and... well, this happened."

Is everyone alright? Becca asks her attempting to gingerly pull the tape off of Val.

Hey, miss! Becca calls out to the reporter. Can you help me with this!? She asks hopefully.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-13, 12:16 AM
"After I told her to stay where she was, and she suggested breaking Betty's legs to keep her from escaping from her, and she fled shortly after I told Robert to get the police, yes.

This is also after we found one of our friends unconscious and beaten by her. So yes, I fired the first shot, but she drew first blood, before we even confronted her." Sakuya lets the injuries show on her face and tone more, given the changes in tone as people pay more attention to her injuries.

"Still, firing on a fleeing target is a clear show of excessive force," the cop said.

"Hey, give her some space," the EMT said, "If she gets worked up again, it could make things worse for her. Are you feeling alright, miss?"

Is everyone alright? Becca asks her attempting to gingerly pull the tape off of Val.

Hey, miss! Becca calls out to the reporter. Can you help me with this!? She asks hopefully.

"Roger is, but we split up to find you," Valerie said, "Other than that, I don't know."

The reporter seems busy making a broadcast with the news Becca gave her, "And we have received an unconfirmed report about the identity of the shooter..." [Allure to try and get her to help anyway]

2016-11-13, 12:32 AM
Text Roger, so he doesn't worry. Rebecca whispered to Val if she has enough locomotion to do so, before turning to the camera.

Miss. She said consciously twirling her hair with a finger, and unconsciously leaning forward. I could tell you so much more if you'd only help me.

Strong Allure, Shameless.


The TechnoGnome
2016-11-13, 01:50 AM
Text Roger, so he doesn't worry. Rebecca whispered to Val if she has enough locomotion to do so, before turning to the camera.

Miss. She said consciously twirling her hair with a finger, and unconsciously leaning forward. I could tell you so much more if you'd only help me.

Strong Allure, Shameless.


The reporter sighed, then said, "Alright, fine, here."

She handed the microphone off to the rather distracted cameraman, then went over to help Becca get Valerie out of her predicament.

2016-11-13, 02:03 AM
The reporter sighed, then said, "Alright, fine, here."

She handed the microphone off to the rather distracted cameraman, then went over to help Becca get Valerie out of her predicament.

Thanks! Becca beamed at both of them, as she got the rest of the tape off of Val.

So yeah, Stacy has a history of self-centered behavior. She started. This isn't the first time she's uh... acted up. But it is the first time the cops have been called.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-13, 02:32 AM
Thanks! Becca beamed at both of them, as she got the rest of the tape off of Val.

So yeah, Stacy has a history of self-centered behavior. She started. This isn't the first time she's uh... acted up. But it is the first time the cops have been called.

"Has she done any of this at school?" The reporter asked, gesturing for the cameraman to start rolling again, "And if so, why do you think the police weren't called before?"

2016-11-13, 02:47 AM
"Has she done any of this at school?" The reporter asked, gesturing for the cameraman to start rolling again, "And if so, why do you think the police weren't called before?"

Usually because the people involved don't believe the cops will do anything. Not exactly helped by the fact that the chief of police is her dad. Of course he's going to protect his daughter. Becca explained, holding Val close.

2016-11-13, 02:56 AM
"I don't blame you, Jill," Molly mutters as Charlie approaches. "You didn't do anything wrong. Claire did."

At Charlie's question, she gives a small nod. "I'm dealing with it."

2016-11-13, 03:09 AM
"So what should I have done!?" Sakuya shouts, anger welling right back up. "She showed intent to kill several of us when she pulled that gun! She wanted to break one of my friend's legs so she could more easily abduct her! Several people need intensive care after being attacked by her! Maybe if you guys actually arrived sooner, I wouldn't have been necessary! If I stayed, she would likely escape, nobody would bother to look for her because she's your boss's goddamned daughter and can do no wrong! If Molly didn't tackle her, it's very likely she would have shot at least one of us! I had every goddamn right to shoot at that monster!"

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-13, 03:13 AM
Usually because the people involved don't believe the cops will do anything. Not exactly helped by the fact that the chief of police is her dad. Of course he's going to protect his daughter. Becca explained, holding Val close.

"I see," the reporter said, "And what other incidents has she been involved in?"

"I don't blame you, Jill," Molly mutters as Charlie approaches. "You didn't do anything wrong. Claire did."

At Charlie's question, she gives a small nod. "I'm dealing with it."

"Are you sure?" Charlie said, "If you want, I can try to keep you out of the papers. And keep the others from interviewing you."

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-13, 03:15 AM
"So what should I have done!?" Sakuya shouts, anger welling right back up. "She showed intent to kill several of us when she pulled that gun! She wanted to break one of my friend's legs so she could more easily abduct her! Several people need intensive care after being attacked by her! Maybe if you guys actually arrived sooner, I wouldn't have been necessary! If I stayed, she would likely escape, nobody would bother to look for her because she's your boss's goddamned daughter and can do no wrong! If Molly didn't tackle her, it's very likely she would have shot at least one of us! I had every goddamn right to shoot at that monster!"

The cop looks shocked at the sudden outburst, enough that he didn't have anything to say.

At least not before the EMT intervened and put his hands on Sakuya's shoulders, "Easy... we don't want you to bleed out before we get that wound stitched up. Do you have any other injuries?"

2016-11-13, 03:44 AM
"Fine!" she shouts, before going quiet again, glaring daggers at the officer. "I'm fine besides this. There's a reason she had to pull a gun if she was going to fight me."

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-13, 08:37 AM
"Fine!" she shouts, before going quiet again, glaring daggers at the officer. "I'm fine besides this. There's a reason she had to pull a gun if she was going to fight me."

"...Right," the cop said, looking Sakuya over once more, "It's a miracle both of you are still alive, honestly."

"Can't say that for certain yet," the EMT replied back, causing the cop's frown to worsen.

2016-11-13, 10:23 AM
"I'm good, thanks," Jill says, shaking her head. "I'll talk to whoever comes. People gotta know what happened, right?"

2016-11-13, 01:50 PM
"I see," the reporter said, "And what other incidents has she been involved in?"

She was emotionally abusive towards her ex. She beat up and kidnapped my friend. Becca replied.

She tried to blackmail one of my friends for a job all three of us were competing for. She adds, before turning to Val.

Should I call Nat, and tell her? She adds questioningly

2016-11-13, 03:13 PM
"...Right," the cop said, looking Sakuya over once more, "It's a miracle both of you are still alive, honestly."

"Can't say that for certain yet," the EMT replied back, causing the cop's frown to worsen.

Sakuya can't help but smile a little. For a moment she looks like she wants to speak, but for once holds her tongue. She's already said enough stuff to get herself sent to a juvenile detention center. Didn't need to strengthen the evidence that she did this as much out of malice toward Stacy as she did to protect her friends.

"How bad is she, anyways?"

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-13, 11:33 PM
"I'm good, thanks," Jill says, shaking her head. "I'll talk to whoever comes. People gotta know what happened, right?"

"Right," Charlie said, "It's just... Well, how much did you actually see in the first place?"

She was emotionally abusive towards her ex. She beat up and kidnapped my friend. Becca replied.

She tried to blackmail one of my friends for a job all three of us were competing for. She adds, before turning to Val.

Should I call Nat, and tell her? She adds questioningly

"I'm not sure she'll care," Valerie said, "Though if she does, I doubt you would need to tell her yourself anyway."

Sakuya can't help but smile a little. For a moment she looks like she wants to speak, but for once holds her tongue. She's already said enough stuff to get herself sent to a juvenile detention center. Didn't need to strengthen the evidence that she did this as much out of malice toward Stacy as she did to protect her friends.

"How bad is she, anyways?"

"Way worse than you, that's for sure," the EMT replied, "Beyond that, hard to say until we get her to the hospital. Which you might want to consider going to yourself, if only to be safe."

2016-11-13, 11:45 PM
"She's threatened to kill me before. If I go to a hospital, I want someone to watch my door constantly... They should watch hers too, honestly. As I said, she's made a lot of threats I don't want to see carried out."

2016-11-13, 11:48 PM
"I'm not sure she'll care," Valerie said, "Though if she does, I doubt you would need to tell her yourself anyway."

Well we're both working for her, so... How does that work...? Rebecca questioned looking up at the sky.

2016-11-13, 11:49 PM
"I saw her pull a gun on us--a real one," Jill says with a shudder, "and threaten to shoot us all. I mean, she can't get out of that, right? Everybody in the audience saw her...and, like, the cops must have found it by now. Her fingerprints have gotta be on it...don't they?"

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-14, 12:12 AM
"She's threatened to kill me before. If I go to a hospital, I want someone to watch my door constantly... They should watch hers too, honestly. As I said, she's made a lot of threats I don't want to see carried out."

"Well, of course you both would be under police surveillance," the EMT stated, "Though if I'm being completely honest, I don't think you have to worry about her attacking anyone anytime soon. She can barely stay conscious at the moment, much less support her own weight enough to make it out of a bed."

Well we're both working for her, so... How does that work...? Rebecca questioned looking up at the sky.

"How does what work?" Valerie asked, not really understanding the question.

"I saw her pull a gun on us--a real one," Jill says with a shudder, "and threaten to shoot us all. I mean, she can't get out of that, right? Everybody in the audience saw her...and, like, the cops must have found it by now. Her fingerprints have gotta be on it...don't they?"

"I didn't see any gloves on that gun," Charlie said, "Though if it's really her dads, they might try to play it off as residual prints from earlier. But with a whole roomful of witnesses to everything, I have a hard time seeing that flying with anyone."

2016-11-14, 12:18 AM
Who tells the employer, their employee is in jail. The state? Becca questions.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-14, 01:48 AM
Who tells the employer, their employee is in jail. The state? Becca questions.

"I just meant she would probably see it on the news," Valerie explained, gesturing to the cameras, "But I think that's how it's usually done."

2016-11-14, 01:53 AM
"I just meant she would probably see it on the news," Valerie explained, gesturing to the cameras, "But I think that's how it's usually done."

I have no idea if Nat watches the news. Becca pointed out.

How are you doing? You holding up okay? She asks hugging Val tightly.

2016-11-14, 03:43 AM
"While true, she also stabbed me before receiving the shots to the stomach. If I were to believe in her in any one thing, it would be her ability to shake off pain and to recover alarmingly quickly..." Sakuya says, laughing a little. "But, I'm somewhere between tired and still aggravated. Can we at least defer more questioning until after I've been bandaged up? I'm partial to just not saying anything anymore, period."

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-14, 03:31 PM
I have no idea if Nat watches the news. Becca pointed out.

How are you doing? You holding up okay? She asks hugging Val tightly.

"Better now that I know you're okay," Valerie said, hugging her back.

"So, uh... is there anything else you would want to say?" the reporter asked, looking rather uncomfortable.

"While true, she also stabbed me before receiving the shots to the stomach. If I were to believe in her in any one thing, it would be her ability to shake off pain and to recover alarmingly quickly..." Sakuya says, laughing a little. "But, I'm somewhere between tired and still aggravated. Can we at least defer more questioning until after I've been bandaged up? I'm partial to just not saying anything anymore, period."

"I think that would be best," the EMT said with a nod, looking over at the officer.

"...Alright, fine," the officer said after a long moment, "You are looking pretty bad, after all."

2016-11-14, 04:12 PM
"It's Stacy," Molly grumbles. "I would genuinely be surprised if any of this stuck."

2016-11-14, 04:38 PM
"Better now that I know you're okay," Valerie said, hugging her back.

"So, uh... is there anything else you would want to say?" the reporter asked, looking rather uncomfortable.

It's just you know.... If Stacy can bring a rifle to school... I'm scared. Becca admits to the reporter, rubbing the back of her head.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-14, 04:41 PM
"It's Stacy," Molly grumbles. "I would genuinely be surprised if any of this stuck."

"Well considering everything that happened, I'm curious as to how she thinks she can talk her way out of this one," Charlie said, "I mean, there were a lot of people that heard what she said."

It's just you know.... If Stacy can bring a rifle to school... I'm scared. Becca admits to the reporter, rubbing the back of her head.

"A rifle?" the reporter asked, "How did she get that in there?"

"Babe, it was a handgun, not a rifle," Valerie said soothingly, "I think you may still be in shock."

2016-11-14, 04:45 PM
"Good." Unless there is further interruption, Sakuya lets the EMTs do their job.

2016-11-14, 04:48 PM
"A rifle?" the reporter asked, "How did she get that in there?"

"Babe, it was a handgun, not a rifle," Valerie said soothingly, "I think you may still be in shock."

Right, right it was a rifle in the play. Becca said trying to shake her head to clear it.

2016-11-15, 04:07 PM
"Her dad is chief of police," Molly points out. "So I wouldn't be surprised if he just made this whole thing disappear. And let's be honest, after all the times Sakuya's tried to kill people this year and gotten away with it, what makes you think that what happened with Stacy is going to be any different?"

2016-11-15, 05:29 PM
"If she gets away with this," Jill says, rolling her eyes, "I will lose all faith in humanity. But I don't think she will. Sakuya's never had so many witnesses to anything she's done. I mean, she was up on the stage, in front of the whole audience. And they all heard her threaten to kill us. There's too much evidence to just ignore. And her dad might have covered for her in the past, but I doubt he's ever had to ignore anything as bad as an attempted school shooting. You can't just sweep that under the rug...right?" She gives Charlie an uncertain look.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-15, 10:15 PM
"Good." Unless there is further interruption, Sakuya lets the EMTs do their job.

The EMT ends up radioing for an ambulance to come pick Sakuya up. After he's done, he looks down at her and says, "So, you're probably going to end up getting quite a few stitches at the very least, but I think you'll probably be able to leave the hospital tonight, assuming you haven't lost enough blood to require a transfusion."

Right, right it was a rifle in the play. Becca said trying to shake her head to clear it.

"Well, in any case, it's a relief no one got killed tonight," the reporter said, "Wait, no one did die tonight, right?"

"Her dad is chief of police," Molly points out. "So I wouldn't be surprised if he just made this whole thing disappear. And let's be honest, after all the times Sakuya's tried to kill people this year and gotten away with it, what makes you think that what happened with Stacy is going to be any different?"

"If she gets away with this," Jill says, rolling her eyes, "I will lose all faith in humanity. But I don't think she will. Sakuya's never had so many witnesses to anything she's done. I mean, she was up on the stage, in front of the whole audience. And they all heard her threaten to kill us. There's too much evidence to just ignore. And her dad might have covered for her in the past, but I doubt he's ever had to ignore anything as bad as an attempted school shooting. You can't just sweep that under the rug...right?" She gives Charlie an uncertain look.

"What Jill said," Charlie replied, "The only way Stacy could have been caught more red-handed here is if she actually shot one of you up there. I don't doubt that they will try to spin this in a way to lessen her sentence, but getting her off entirely is not going to happen."

2016-11-15, 10:18 PM
Just a couple of injuries. No one's dead. Rebecca assured the reporter, as she leaned on Val.

2016-11-15, 10:58 PM
"I doubt I'm going to. I feel like I donated a little too much blood is all."

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-16, 12:49 AM
Just a couple of injuries. No one's dead. Rebecca assured the reporter, as she leaned on Val.

"That's good to hear," the reporter said with a sigh of relief.

Valerie suddenly frowned, then turned to Becca and asked, "Should we try to find Roger? He's probably worried sick, and since he went to the opposite side of the school, he might be a while if we don't."

"I doubt I'm going to. I feel like I donated a little too much blood is all."

"Well, what you feel and what's actually happening may not always line up," the EMT replied, "But yes, that is a good sign. Any emergency contacts you want us to call?"

2016-11-16, 12:57 AM
"Not really. I'll just tell my family when I get home."

2016-11-16, 01:03 AM
"That's good to hear," the reporter said with a sigh of relief.

Valerie suddenly frowned, then turned to Becca and asked, "Should we try to find Roger? He's probably worried sick, and since he went to the opposite side of the school, he might be a while if we don't."

Yeah, we should. Is that all you need miss? Rebecca asked making sure the reporter was good before wandering off.

2016-11-18, 01:52 PM
"Let's hope," Jill agrees, crossing her fingers. "Honestly, right now, I feel no shame about hoping she ends up in jail for long enough that none of us ever have to deal with her again."

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-20, 11:28 PM
Episode 13, Scene 14

It's about two months later, and the trial of Stacy Carmichael has begun! You have all been brought in as witnesses to testify against her. The courtroom itself feels unusually quiet and somber, especially compared to the media circus right outside the courthouse you had to make it through to get here. Stacy herself looks like a mess, with faint scars littering her face, confined to a wheelchair, and if you look closely when she talks, a few missing teeth. The bright orange prison uniform seems absolutely tame by comparison. And despite her weakened state, she looks like she is barely able to contain her rage when you come into the courtroom.

Robert had given his testimony first, and you all notice that he seems unusually curt, answering in a detached but highly detailed style that seemed to leave no room for emotion. Betty on the other hand was so frightened that she ended up not saying a word until she was escorted out of the courtroom, Stacy glaring at her the entire time. And as the DA calls you to the stand, she turns that hate-filled glare onto you. And even though she can't do anything in those cuffs and with the guards near her, she still looks perfectly willing to finish what she started. Gulp.

Allure or Skill: Give the best testimony possible to convince everyone in town Stacy is the monster the school knows she is! +4 VP

2016-11-21, 12:05 AM
Becca took the stand first.

Tripping as she was called to the stand, the jury was treated to a nice long view of her legs up the dress, as she dusted herself off, then got up. She met Stacy's gaze.

Oh god. Oh god. I'm going to die. She's going to have super strength, and I'm going to die.

W...well.... You see. It all started, when she was so focused on trying to take my friend's Jill's spot on the play she completely neglected her own part. She started shivering.

My... my other friend Greg, innocently called her out on this, that she was letting the rest of us down. And instead of doing a last minute reading of lines, she proceeded to slam his face. Becca continued, noticing her chest shaking a little bit Dammit she had grown a couple of inches taller, did she also need new bras.

Then when the security guard escorted her out, she decided that it wasn't enough. If she couldn't star in the play, no one could have a play. She came back with a loaded handgun after kidnapping Greg and raved about how if we didn't let her abuse Betty, she would shoot all of us and run away with her.

She then assaulted Riley. A girl Betty was interested in, and who I had to treat before the EMT's got there? She's dangerous, has no ability to tolerate not getting what she wants, and she will harm other people again. Becca assured them.

Strong allure, Shameless, Scaredy cat

2016-11-21, 08:54 AM
The date went... differently than expected. The local restaurant was the hospital cafeteria, for starters. The entertainment was reruns of some 90's shows. Given the monitoring of the room, the most Sakuya tried for was a kiss as Robert left. Probably the worst first date ever. At least the bed was comfy.

Dealing with parents was... weird. Her mother was still passed out from the amount that she drank that night when she heard that Sakuya was among the injured, and when she woke up from it, simply pretended that the previous day didn't happen. When she told her father the full story of what happened, his responses were brief. "The gun was real?" "Yes." "Did you do it out of anger?" "Yes, in part." "The rest?" "Protecting Becca and my friends." "...you know I cannot condone what you did-" "I know-" "-but I do not condemn you for protecting them, either." "...thank you."


In the time since the evening and morning in the hospital, Sakuya busied herself with physical training as soon as possible. Rather than practicing forms and techniques with Robert as they had focused on in the past, it became running, weights, and running with weights. When word got out that Stacy had survived her injuries, the school found one of the 25lb weight plates half way into the side of the weight room.

A new experience for the girl, anger and fury can get one through a fight with severe injuries, but day to day training with ripped muscles takes its toll when not allowed to rest and heal. By the time of the trial, several training sessions were cut short by Sakuya breaking down in tears as she found herself unable to push herself as far as she wanted to. She was the thing she looked down on most: weak.


It is with these thoughts and memories that Sakuya quietly walks up to testify against Stacy. Uncomfortably for her, she's dressed in a suit. The lawyer had said it would help the jury distinguish between her and her sister better, seeing the people hurt as being slightly more varied than they otherwise would. More uncomfortably, security here was actually good, and she was not permitted to bring a knife to the courtroom, even if that was the only reason Stacy didn't end up shooting someone. She'd have to comply with the same rules as everyone else, so it would be fine.

She had watched Stacy the entire time, tense, though also amused. Her arm still ached from working it out, but at least it wasn't as bad as the first two weeks, when she couldn't even lift a weight with it. Stacy's attempts to look intimidating nearly forced a laugh out of Sakuya. The girl had to have a death wish. She had been stabbed and shot several times, and she had the gall to look at anyone with malice? In that condition? She should put the poor creature out of its misery.

"Well, same as your friends: What do you recall, starting from the beginning of the play?"

"Really, the dress rehearsal should have been a red flag. Several previous incidents led me to check on Stacy before the rehearsal, just to remind her that her antics would not be tolerated. Some tense things were said, mostly about gossip going around the school, among reminders that she was quickly losing support from people for acting out, and that I would have to stand up to her if she did anything rash. She responded with, quote 'A nine millimeter isn't enough of a deterrent for you?' I figured she was bluffing and casually reminded her that several portions of my martial arts training deals with guns being pointed at one's self and how to change said circumstances. I didn't expect to actually use any of that at the play. Maybe after school one day, but not at the play.

At the play though..." Sakuya continues, now growing a little more red. She didn't care much about getting all the information out. There were other witnesses to bring in accuracy and detail. She wanted to remind Stacy, injury or not, the only thing keeping Sakuya from leaping at her and feeling those sweet last breaths escape her lungs, was the presence of witnesses and guards.

She slams her left forearm on the desk, pointing at Stacy. "First there was her f***ing up her goddamned lines! Probably because she wanted the leading role and was p***ed off about Jill getting it! Every dress rehearsal, if something was even slightly off, if Jill was a minute late, she thought it was grounds for her to play the role. She knew the leading lines better than she knew her own. When she screwed up on opening night, everyone voiced their concerns and she flipped out! I had to pull her off of one of the other actors and security had to drag her out!

After that, I was balancing my role in the play and helping the security to make sure she didn't do anything crazy. I escorted actresses to the restroom because they were scared that she were going to attack them! I am quite literally the only student who is not afraid of her, and she knows it! It's why she brought what I assume is her father's gun to our school and threatened all of us in front of an entire audience! Dressed as someone else's character, even! Who the f*** does that!? If it weren't for Molly and myself, one of us would have almost certainly been killed! Since she was dressed like one of the other actors, I assumed they were in danger, so I grabbed the gun that she dropped, and chased after her. Sure enough, I find her holding Betty. She was talking about breaking the girl's legs so she couldn't get away!" Sakuya lets that hang in the air as she regains her breath and composure. She lowers her tone and makes sure the following is clearly understandable. While before she looked around the courtroom, she zeros in on Stacy, returning her hostile glare with one of distance, as though reminding the girl that everything that happened was just a game that she was light years ahead of her in, that Stacy Charmichelle was inferior in every way to Sakuya Himura. Stacy made Sakuya bleed, but Sakuya held Stacy's life in her hands, and shrugged.

"If it weren't for how she was holding Betty, I would have shot her then and there, and not lost a wink of sleep. Robert went to get the police, and I told her that we could wait for them, but if she fled I would shoot her. Say what you want, but she threatened to kill people I care about and people I love. I do not let people harm my friends or family. When she ran, I followed and shot at her twice, hitting her in the leg and grazing her arm. She ducked into a classroom, and when I followed, she lept at me and stabbed my shoulder, the same arm I had the gun in. I accidentally fired one shot into floor, but noting that my arm still worked, albeit very painfully, I managed to fire several shots into her stomach, and she fell. I considered killing her there, but could hear the police at that point, and given the blood loss from pulling out the knife, Stacy was no longer an immediate danger to anyone, so I decided to let them do their job, rather than do what would have felt good.

And believe me, after what we have gone through from her, it would have felt really good," Sakuya finishes, looking directly at Stacy.

"That's... just step down."
Conflict (+1), Terrifying (+2)
Odd Roll, Murderous Love

2016-11-22, 06:37 PM
When it's her turn to take the stand, Molly does so with quiet dignity and grace. Wearing a black suit remarkably similar to her costume from the play, she walks past the still-shaken lawyer, sits down and goes through whatever formalities he wants her to before she starts explaining what happened two months ago.

"Okay, so, like they said, this sort of started because Stacy had been screwing up in the play. She had been being abusive to one of my friends before that, and I think she was also really angry that a different friend of mine beat her at the sports festival our school had a few months ago, but I'm not so sure that was what made her snap like that."

"The day of, she had been even worse than usual, enough that even Greg comment on it, and she sorta blew up because of that. She ended up hitting him in the face part of the way through the performance, and so she got pulled away by a security guard. Then, right up towards the end of the play, Greg disappears, and Stacy shows back up, but this time with a gun."

"The script did call for us to get threatened by Stacy's character at this point, but she had a real gun, and she looked like she had gone completely insane at that point. So, I panicked, and sorta kicked her in the head." Molly coughs nervously, and continues giving her account of what happened. "Sakuya also did something at that point to get her to run away, but I was a bit busy being freaked out to notice what."

"Anyway, Stacy ran away, and Sakuya ran to try and stop her from getting away. I don't know what happened between those two, but I ended up helping the security guy I mentioned make sure everyone was fine. It turned out that Stacy had knocked Greg out, gagged him, and stuffed him in a closet. By the time we found him, the two of them had apparently gotten into some kind of confrontation, since the broadcasting system had gotten flipped on, and the stuff Sakuya said got transmitted to the rest of the school. Me and Rebecca ran to try and find them, but they were gone by the time we got to the booth."

"However, Betty was still there, and so was Riley. I'm still not sure what Stacy did to Riley, but she was also out, and bleeding pretty bad. And that... pretty much all I know about what happened," Molly finishes lamely. "But I saw the aftermath of Stacy's assaults on two people, she threatened to kill me, and she was abusing Betty before Betty ended their relationship. I know for a fact that she's dangerous, and I don't doubt that if she gets away with this, at least one of my friends is going to end up dead. And I wouldn't be surprised if I was one of them after what happened that day."

Strong Allure, Boyish Charm, Stand out. +3

2016-11-22, 11:25 PM
Jill tries to see these proceedings as something worth caring about as she takes the stand, but despite her best effort, she can't seem to get worked up over them. After everything that's happened, all the stress and anxiety and exhaustion, she just wants this to be over, and to never have to think about Stacy or this trial again. That Stacy's conviction might rest on her testimony seems laughable to her; all she has to do is tell the truth as she knows it, and as long as everyone else does the same, justice should be served. That, at least, she can believe in.

Not wanting to risk being held in contempt of court, she's dressed conservatively for once, in a simple white blouse and dark skirt. One glance over at Stacy is all she bothers with. She doesn't have the energy to be scared or angry anymore, and she's hardly in any danger here anyway. As the attorney puts forth the first question, she catches her mother's eye, and manages to sit up a little straighter.

She clears her throat, calling to mind the notes she wrote up and practiced covering the important points. "Well, most of it's like my friends have said," she starts. "Stacy auditioned against me for the lead in the play, and she was pretty clearly upset when I got the part. On opening night, I happened to be a little bit late for our final dress rehearsal, and when I got there, I heard from the rest of the cast and the crew that she'd tried to convince our teacher to give my role to her instead. She didn't end up getting it, and she already seemed angry about that when I saw her next.

She kept acting upset once we started the show, flubbing lines, breaking character, and it seemed like that was getting her more and more worked up. We got to the first intermission, and while we were all backstage, she started yelling about how she was doing badly 'cause the script was terrible. Greg called her out on it, said something like she just didn't know her lines, and she grabbed him and pinned him against the wall, and was yelling in his face and threatening him. Someone called in security--I think that was Becca--while Sakuya and Robert pulled her off him, and held her back until they showed up. She denied attacking first, everyone else confirmed she did, the guard led her out.

The next time I saw her was during the third act. We'd replaced her with another actor, but when that character was supposed to come on-stage, it was her again, and she was holding a real gun, not the prop we'd rehearsed with. She held it on us, and said if we didn't tell the mutual friend of ours who she'd abused in a relationship in the past to start talking to her again, she'd shoot us all. I tried to stay in-character, and it seemed to distract her, and then Molly charged her and kicked her in the head, and Sakuya threw a knife and got her in the shoulder. She dropped the gun and ran for it off-stage, and I sort of, uh..." Don't stop. Just say what you remember. "...Lost track of what happened for a bit. I know some of the others left the stage, I guess at least Sakuya must have followed Stacy. Claire said she'd seen Greg tied up somewhere, Molly and Rebecca went to find him.

Anyway, a minute later, I heard Sakuya and Stacy's voices come on over the PA system. Sakuya was saying something about a hostage situation with Betty, and that Stacy had no way out--I don't remember the exact words. I do remember Stacy admitted to sneaking in a gun, and threatened to break Betty's legs to keep her from running away. Then I heard two gunshots, then a minute later one more, from farther away, I think, and then three more all together. And...that's the last I really know of what happened before the emergency responders showed up. After the shots, I stayed backstage until they got there, so the only people I saw were other cast and crew, not including Stacy or Sakuya."

Strong Skill, +2 Professional Novelist (since she wrote out her big talking points to practice ahead of time).

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-22, 11:55 PM
You all manage to get through your testimonies just fine, though by the end of Jill's the jury seemed to be looking tired of hearing the same story five times in a row. Regardless, they do at least seem convinced that you are all telling the truth, even with Stacy doing her best to play the injured lamb once she realized she wasn't going to scare you out of testifying like she did Betty.

"Th-They're just trying to protect their psycho friend!" she blurted out near the end of Jill's testimony, "She said that stuff, not me! It's a setup!"

"That is enough, defense!" the judge exclaimed, preparing to lay into her as Jill was dismissed, "Outbursts like that will not be tolerated in my courtroom!"

You all meet Robert out in the lobby, who looks up as you make your way out, "So... not sure how she's getting out of this. I think we finally did it. She's going to be gone for good."

Rebecca gains +4 VP

2016-11-23, 12:05 AM
How are you holding up? Rebecca questioned fretting over Robert, Betty, nervous about her parents yelling at her.

Really she just seemed to unravel as soon as she exited the courtroom.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-23, 02:49 AM
How are you holding up? Rebecca questioned fretting over Robert, Betty, nervous about her parents yelling at her.

Really she just seemed to unravel as soon as she exited the courtroom.

"...Okay, I suppose," Robert said, "Surprisingly, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it wold be to go up there. Maybe I just blocked it out or something."

2016-11-23, 03:10 AM
"...Okay, I suppose," Robert said, "Surprisingly, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it wold be to go up there. Maybe I just blocked it out or something."

I wish I could do that.Becca replied leaning on a nearby wall.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-23, 03:32 AM
I wish I could do that.Becca replied leaning on a nearby wall.

"The courtroom got on your nerves then?" Robert asked.

2016-11-23, 04:20 AM
"The courtroom got on your nerves then?" Robert asked.

And Mom and Dad blamed me for what happened to Sakuya. Rebecca added.

2016-11-23, 05:14 AM
Sakuya puts her arm around Becca. "I'm trying to remind them that it was my choice to chase after Stacy. It's just some torn muscles. I'm practically healed," she says, lying toward the end. "I'm working on father. He's harsh, but he's more likely to listen to reason. They'll get over it when the doctors say I'm fully healed. This is no different than the fight in middle school when I beat up that boy for picking on you and got suspended. They'll be mad, and they'll forget.

I'm just excited to see Stacy get what's been coming for so long. I don't think she can be any more humiliated at this point."

2016-11-23, 09:41 AM
"I wish I could be excited," Jill groans. "Honestly, I just want all this s*** to be over, already. But yeah, kinda don't think she's getting out of this."

She chews on her lip, thinking. "Wonder what her sentence will be. I mean, what do they do for cases like this where it's a minor?"

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-23, 11:41 PM
And Mom and Dad blamed me for what happened to Sakuya. Rebecca added.

Sakuya puts her arm around Becca. "I'm trying to remind them that it was my choice to chase after Stacy. It's just some torn muscles. I'm practically healed," she says, lying toward the end. "I'm working on father. He's harsh, but he's more likely to listen to reason. They'll get over it when the doctors say I'm fully healed. This is no different than the fight in middle school when I beat up that boy for picking on you and got suspended. They'll be mad, and they'll forget.

I'm just excited to see Stacy get what's been coming for so long. I don't think she can be any more humiliated at this point."

Robert frowned at Sakuya's statement, then turned to Becca and said, "Yeah, don't worry about it. They're just being stupid, it's not your fault."

"I wish I could be excited," Jill groans. "Honestly, I just want all this s*** to be over, already. But yeah, kinda don't think she's getting out of this."

She chews on her lip, thinking. "Wonder what her sentence will be. I mean, what do they do for cases like this where it's a minor?"

"I know what you mean," Robert admits, "I feel the same. And as for sentencing, well, normally she would get several years in juvie for something like this. From what I've heard though, the charges are serious and numerous enough that they are going to charge her as an adult, which means there's a decent chance she could get life, or close to it."

2016-11-23, 11:53 PM
Robert frowned at Sakuya's statement, then turned to Becca and said, "Yeah, don't worry about it. They're just being stupid, it's not your fault."

They still blame me though. She comments sadly.

2016-11-24, 01:03 AM
"Holy s***," Jill says flatly. "I didn't hear about that..." She spends a moment staring silently into space, absently reaching over to pat Becca's shoulder. "That's kinda f***ed, isn't it? I mean, I know it's Stacy, but still...life in prison..." She shakes her head in amazement, trying to process the thought of their actions bringing about something like that. "I'd almost rather just be dead..."

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-24, 01:39 AM
They still blame me though. She comments sadly.

"Ignore them then," Robert said, "It's not productive to worry about it."

At this point, Valerie and Roger manage to find you guys.

"Hey, are you doing okay?" Roger asks.

"Holy s***," Jill says flatly. "I didn't hear about that..." She spends a moment staring silently into space, absently reaching over to pat Becca's shoulder. "That's kinda f***ed, isn't it? I mean, I know it's Stacy, but still...life in prison..." She shakes her head in amazement, trying to process the thought of their actions bringing about something like that. "I'd almost rather just be dead..."

"She deserves it," Robert states darkly, "She deserves to suffer for everything she did."

2016-11-24, 01:51 AM
"Ignore them then," Robert said, "It's not productive to worry about it."

At this point, Valerie and Roger manage to find you guys.

"Hey, are you doing okay?" Roger asks.

About as well as could be expected. Becca admits hugging them both tightly.

2016-11-24, 02:02 AM
"Ignore them then," Robert said, "It's not productive to worry about it."

At this point, Valerie and Roger manage to find you guys.

"Hey, are you doing okay?" Roger asks.

"She deserves it," Robert states darkly, "She deserves to suffer for everything she did."

Sakuya smiles as Robert speaks. "Very much so. That's the beauty of life sentencing: no blood, no mess, just living to death. Maybe that will give her some time to think about how she can better herself.

But hey, she'll have quite a story for everyone inside. 'You wanna know how I got these scars?'" Sakuya says, rasping her voice before laughing. "I don't think I ever got to say it after the incident though, Molly: that was a damn fine kick to the jaw that you got on her," she adds, giving the girl a firm pat on the back.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-24, 05:38 AM
About as well as could be expected. Becca admits hugging them both tightly.

"So... not well at all?" Valerie guessed.

Sakuya smiles as Robert speaks. "Very much so. That's the beauty of life sentencing: no blood, no mess, just living to death. Maybe that will give her some time to think about how she can better herself.

But hey, she'll have quite a story for everyone inside. 'You wanna know how I got these scars?'" Sakuya says, rasping her voice before laughing. "I don't think I ever got to say it after the incident though, Molly: that was a damn fine kick to the jaw that you got on her," she adds, giving the girl a firm pat on the back.

"Yeah, going up to her like that took a lot of guts, especially given that she was armed," Robert agreed.

2016-11-24, 05:49 PM
Molly takes the pat with a grimace, and replies, "I'm not exactly the most proud of that. Even if it was Stacy, I really don't like hurting people."

2016-11-24, 05:59 PM
"Well take it from someone who does then - I would question picking a fight with you after seeing that."

2016-11-24, 06:14 PM
"You did kinda save all our asses," Jill concedes. "I mean, I hate fighting too, but I really wouldn't feel bad about doing what you did."

2016-11-24, 06:15 PM
"So... not well at all?" Valerie guessed.

Mediocre. Becca admits with a sigh. Yourselves? She asks hopefully.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-25, 09:10 AM
Molly takes the pat with a grimace, and replies, "I'm not exactly the most proud of that. Even if it was Stacy, I really don't like hurting people."

"You did kinda save all our asses," Jill concedes. "I mean, I hate fighting too, but I really wouldn't feel bad about doing what you did."

"Exactly," Robert agreed, "Sometimes hurting people is unavoidable, and the fact that you were able to step up to the plate to defend us when it mattered says a lot of good things about your character."

He smirked, "Plus, that was a pretty sick kick. Seriously, where'd you learn to do that?"

"Well take it from someone who does then - I would question picking a fight with you after seeing that."

"And considering how rough she is on me during practice, that's saying a lot," Robert added.

It's at this point Claire comes out of the courtroom, having finished giving her testimony. She looks pale, but more composed than Becca at least.

Mediocre. Becca admits with a sigh. Yourselves? She asks hopefully.

"Okay," Roger replied.

"Then again, we weren't really called up as witnesses like you were," Valerie said, "So it's understandable we're doing better."

2016-11-25, 11:37 AM
"Claire, are you alright?" Sakuya asks, rather concerned that the normally controlled girl looked terrified.

2016-11-25, 11:49 AM
"Exactly," Robert agreed, "Sometimes hurting people is unavoidable, and the fact that you were able to step up to the plate to defend us when it mattered says a lot of good things about your character."

He smirked, "Plus, that was a pretty sick kick. Seriously, where'd you learn to do that?"

"Joshi," Molly replies glumly. "Plus, it's not like kicking someone in the head is all that complicated."

2016-11-25, 03:05 PM
Hey Claire. Anything we can do to help? Becca offered from Val's arms.

2016-11-25, 03:11 PM
Jill holds out her arms and beckons Claire over. "This'll all be done soon, babe."

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-26, 12:46 AM
"Claire, are you alright?" Sakuya asks, rather concerned that the normally controlled girl looked terrified.

Hey Claire. Anything we can do to help? Becca offered from Val's arms.

"No," Claire said, not making it clear exactly which one of them she was responding to, "Courtrooms make me rather nervous. I do not even understand why I needed to testify, since I was not on stage with the rest of you."

Jill holds out her arms and beckons Claire over. "This'll all be done soon, babe."

"I know," Clare said, dropping into the hug, "And if this means Stacy goes to prison for good, it will all be worth it. But it is still not something I enjoyed doing."

"Joshi," Molly replies glumly. "Plus, it's not like kicking someone in the head is all that complicated."

"I still haven't figured out how to do it," Robert said glumly. Before forcing himself to perk up a bit and adding, "Look, maybe we should do something to get our mind off of all this. You guys want to grab a pizza or something?"

2016-11-26, 01:06 AM
"I still haven't figured out how to do it," Robert said glumly. Before forcing himself to perk up a bit and adding, "Look, maybe we should do something to get our mind off of all this. You guys want to grab a pizza or something?"

Yeah, sure we're free to leave whenever, right? Rebecca replied.

2016-11-26, 01:14 AM
"Yeah, I think we should get out of here," Jill agrees, glancing significantly up at Claire. She keeps one arm around her girlfriend while she pulls her phone out of her bag with the other, quickly texting her mother to let her know she's leaving with the others.

I assume our parents are all here?

2016-11-26, 01:42 AM
"I would love nothing more," Sakuya says, taking Robert's hand.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-26, 08:40 AM
Yeah, sure we're free to leave whenever, right? Rebecca replied.

"As long as we've all testified, yeah I think so," Robert said, "And if not, who cares? I think they've got bigger things to deal with in there now than us."

"I would love nothing more," Sakuya says, taking Robert's hand.

Robert smiles at her, then whispers, "Hey, maybe if we get a minute alone we can talk."

"Yeah, I think we should get out of here," Jill agrees, glancing significantly up at Claire. She keeps one arm around her girlfriend while she pulls her phone out of her bag with the other, quickly texting her mother to let her know she's leaving with the others.

I assume our parents are all here?

"Oh, right," Robert said, pulling out his own phone with his free hand and texting, "We might want to find Betty too before we go. I'm not sure if they would want to try to get her to talk again, but I think this building is the worst possible place for her right now."

Rebecca and Sakuya's parents only stuck around long enough to drop them off, but Jill and Molly's should be hanging around somewhere.

2016-11-26, 08:57 AM
"Pizza sounds good to me," Molly replies, likewise pulling out her phone to text her parents.

2016-11-26, 10:08 AM
"Nothing bad I hope," the girl whispers back. "Anyone see where Betty went?"

2016-11-26, 04:08 PM
"As long as we've all testified, yeah I think so," Robert said, "And if not, who cares? I think they've got bigger things to deal with in there now than us."

True yeah, I wonder if they got anyone in the crowd as witnesses? Becca mused out loud.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-27, 12:29 AM
"Pizza sounds good to me," Molly replies, likewise pulling out her phone to text her parents.

"Awesome," Robert said, "Honestly, it's been a while since we've all hung out like this. If it wasn't for what we had to go through to get here, it would have been nice."

"Nothing bad I hope," the girl whispers back. "Anyone see where Betty went?"

"Don't worry, you should like what I have to say," Robert whispered.

"She might have gone to the bathroom," Claire replied, "Either to cry or throw up. But I do not know for certain. If she was thinking anything like I am now, she could have run away from the courtroom entirely."

True yeah, I wonder if they got anyone in the crowd as witnesses? Becca mused out loud.

"Not sure how much they would have seen that we hadn't," Robert said, "After all, most of what happened took place backstage and in the sound booth. At most I'm thinking they would just want to confirm that it was Stacy saying that stuff over the intercomm."

2016-11-27, 12:36 AM
Anyone try texting her? Becca asked the group as she pulled out her phone to do just that.

Hey, Betty. Is everything okay?

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-27, 12:46 AM
Anyone try texting her? Becca asked the group as she pulled out her phone to do just that.

Hey, Betty. Is everything okay?

"No," Robert admitted, "Should we all? I mean, if too many people text her at once, it could scare her more than she already is. Or you think she would like it?"


2016-11-27, 12:51 AM
I'll bring it up. Rebecca assured Robert.

What's wrong? We're all hear for you. <3

2016-11-27, 02:24 AM
"Oh good," she says, mind racing at what it could be. "I'll go check on her," Sakuya adds before leaving to find the girl.

2016-11-27, 03:03 AM
"I'll come," says Jill, following.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-27, 03:41 AM
I'll bring it up. Rebecca assured Robert.

What's wrong? We're all hear for you. <3

I want to go home.

And it's 'here'.

"Oh good," she says, mind racing at what it could be. "I'll go check on her," Sakuya adds before leaving to find the girl.

"I'll come," says Jill, following.

The two girls manage to make it to the restroom without drawing too much attention, though they find Betty's mom Celia standing outside the door.

"Hey," she said weakly, "If you're here for Betty, I'm not sure if she wants to see anyone... God, I don't know what to do."

2016-11-27, 03:43 AM
Do you want us to bring you home?

And damn you autocorrect! :p

2016-11-27, 05:06 AM
"I am sure she does. Hey Jill, give me a moment with her. If I can't get her out, I'll send you in," Sakuya says, before gently opening the door.

"Betty?" the redhead says, as gently as possible. "What's wrong? Everyone's wondering where our favorite little brunette went."

2016-11-27, 10:29 AM
"Sure," Jill says, nodding. "What happened?" she asks Celia. "Did she say anything?"

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-27, 08:36 PM
Do you want us to bring you home?

And damn you autocorrect! :p

I don't know. I don't really want to see anyone right now.

"I am sure she does. Hey Jill, give me a moment with her. If I can't get her out, I'll send you in," Sakuya says, before gently opening the door.

"Betty?" the redhead says, as gently as possible. "What's wrong? Everyone's wondering where our favorite little brunette went."

After several sobs and sniffles, Betty responds with, "I... I d-don't... Y-You th-think... I'm s-sorry, I c-can't d-do it..."

"Sure," Jill says, nodding. "What happened?" she asks Celia. "Did she say anything?"

"No," Celia said with a shake of her head, "She just froze on the stand. Neither side could get her to say anything... I think this is just her nerves getting to her."

2016-11-27, 08:54 PM
Okay if you really want me to leave you alone for now I will, but I'd like to help if I can.

2016-11-27, 09:03 PM
Jill heaves a weary sigh. "Guess I'm not surprised. And we need her to confirm Stacy abused her, right?"

She shrugs uncertainly. "I mean, there are worse things for our case than her freezing up on the stand. It proves something went seriously bad. Like, why would she be that scared to talk if there wasn't?"

2016-11-27, 09:43 PM
"It's alright. Do you think we're mad at you?" she asks, seeing if it will be easier to just get a yes-no answer than having her explain herself.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-27, 10:17 PM
Okay if you really want me to leave you alone for now I will, but I'd like to help if I can.

There's no response.

Valerie frowned, "So... should we wait for her, or..."

Jill heaves a weary sigh. "Guess I'm not surprised. And we need her to confirm Stacy abused her, right?"

She shrugs uncertainly. "I mean, there are worse things for our case than her freezing up on the stand. It proves something went seriously bad. Like, why would she be that scared to talk if there wasn't?"

"Considering everything else, I'm not even sure why it's crucial to the case," Celia added, "I mean, that horrible girl has done enough already to get her locked up for a long time. This is just one of many, many things she did. Though it is the worst in my opinion..."

She looks over at Jill again and frowns, "Oh God, I'm so sorry. That was insensitive of me to say."

"It's alright. Do you think we're mad at you?" she asks, seeing if it will be easier to just get a yes-no answer than having her explain herself.

"N-No..." Betty replied, "I... I'm j-just t-tired of b-being u-useless..."

2016-11-27, 10:20 PM
I think we need to wait for the others Becca replied leaning against a nearby wall sadly.

2016-11-27, 10:24 PM
Jill holds up a forestalling hand. "Hey, I get it. I just sorta feel like, with Stacy's dad being chief of police and having covered for her so often before, we want every bit of dirt we can find if we want to get her put away."

She glances over at the bathroom door, chewing on her lip. "How's she been holding up? Like, in general?"

2016-11-27, 10:45 PM
Sakuya slides herself under the stall (gross) and hugs Betty. "You are not useless. You are surrounded by people who love you and care for you. Even if you were we wouldn't care. Life isn't about whether people are useful or not. People don't love each other because of what they can get out of the person. They love each other because simply being around them feels amazing. People love each other even if and because they are imperfect. Just so you know, I liked protecting you this year. It felt like I was doing something good. That you can't do the same thing doesn't matter."

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-27, 11:19 PM
I think we need to wait for the others Becca replied leaning against a nearby wall sadly.

"Yeah, it'd be a jerk move to ditch them," Robert added.

"Yeah, you're right," Valerie said with a frown.

Jill holds up a forestalling hand. "Hey, I get it. I just sorta feel like, with Stacy's dad being chief of police and having covered for her so often before, we want every bit of dirt we can find if we want to get her put away."

She glances over at the bathroom door, chewing on her lip. "How's she been holding up? Like, in general?"

"Not well," Celia replied, "Unsurprising, but it's still heartbreaking to watch. That girl she was so excited about won't talk to her, and she blames herself for it."

Sakuya slides herself under the stall (gross) and hugs Betty. "You are not useless. You are surrounded by people who love you and care for you. Even if you were we wouldn't care. Life isn't about whether people are useful or not. People don't love each other because of what they can get out of the person. They love each other because simply being around them feels amazing. People love each other even if and because they are imperfect. Just so you know, I liked protecting you this year. It felt like I was doing something good. That you can't do the same thing doesn't matter."

Betty sniffled, but relaxed into the hug, "I... I j-just want to b-be br-brave. L-Like you, a-and M-Molly, a-and Jill... I w-want to d-do s-something to p-pay you b-back for e-everything y-you've done... a-and not b-be seen as th-the l-little g-girl a-anymore."

2016-11-27, 11:41 PM
"Wait, Riley?" Jill says, suddenly confused. "The f***'s up with that? Betty didn't do anything to her." Unless she's still salty about Betty running off when she brought up three-ways, she thinks, but decides to keep that idea to herself, making a mental note to ask Riley about it next time she sees her.

2016-11-27, 11:49 PM
Anything you think I can do to help Betty? Becca asks Robert.

2016-11-27, 11:52 PM
"Well... you have to figure out what that means, and how you're going to get there. I can't wave a wand and make you braver and confident. That's something you have to figure out on your own."

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-28, 01:40 AM
"Wait, Riley?" Jill says, suddenly confused. "The f***'s up with that? Betty didn't do anything to her." Unless she's still salty about Betty running off when she brought up three-ways, she thinks, but decides to keep that idea to herself, making a mental note to ask Riley about it next time she sees her.

"I'm not sure. Betty won't say," Celia replied, "I just hope she bounces back from this eventually."

Anything you think I can do to help Betty? Becca asks Robert.

"Hey, if I knew, I would be doing it," Robert said, "She might just need time."

"Well... you have to figure out what that means, and how you're going to get there. I can't wave a wand and make you braver and confident. That's something you have to figure out on your own."

"I kn-know..." Betty said, "I j-just don't th-think I can be st-strong..."

After a moment, she added, "...Th-Thank you for s-saving me. I... I n-never got a-around to s-saying that. I'm s-sorry it t-took so l-long."

2016-11-28, 01:52 AM
"Think nothing of it. Like I said, it felt good," she says, holding the girl and petting her head. "What do you mean by strong, though? Physically strong? Because a month with Robert and me will quickly change that, I guarantee you."

2016-11-28, 02:32 AM
"Hey, if I knew, I would be doing it," Robert said, "She might just need time."

I just.... I feel so useless.... Rebecca said sadly.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-28, 03:06 AM
"Think nothing of it. Like I said, it felt good," she says, holding the girl and petting her head. "What do you mean by strong, though? Physically strong? Because a month with Robert and me will quickly change that, I guarantee you."

"T-Training with L-Lily didn't change m-much," Betty admitted, being somewhat soothed by the petting, "A-And y-yes... b-but also e-emotionally. O-Or m-mentally. Or in a-any way that m-makes me st-stop being th-the one e-everyone has t-to p-protect, o-or calm down, o-or... you kn-know..."

I just.... I feel so useless.... Rebecca said sadly.

"Hey, you aren't useless," Robert said, "There's just some problems we can't fix. We can only help others weather through them."

2016-11-28, 03:49 AM
"Hey, you aren't useless," Robert said, "There's just some problems we can't fix. We can only help others weather through them."

I don't need to fix it entirely to help. Becca protests.

2016-11-28, 03:56 AM
"Then don't be something you're not," she says plainly. "We all accept you. You'll grow out of it in time."

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-28, 10:07 PM
I don't need to fix it entirely to help. Becca protests.

"True," Robert said with a frown, "But you showed your support, right? That might be all you can do."

"Then don't be something you're not," she says plainly. "We all accept you. You'll grow out of it in time."

"Y-You really th-think so?" Betty asked, "I... I'm n-not s-sure about th-that..."

2016-11-28, 10:26 PM
"Of course. It's no different than Becca being clumsy - just another awkward phase of growing up. Now come on, let's go focus on something happier."

2016-11-28, 10:42 PM
"True," Robert said with a frown, "But you showed your support, right? That might be all you can do."

Are you mocking me? Becca raised an eyebrow at that.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-28, 11:34 PM
"Of course. It's no different than Becca being clumsy - just another awkward phase of growing up. Now come on, let's go focus on something happier."

"L-Like wh-what?" Betty asked.

Are you mocking me? Becca raised an eyebrow at that.

Robert blinked, "No, why would I... was I doing it again?"

2016-11-28, 11:52 PM
Robert blinked, "No, why would I... was I doing it again?"

It was close... Becca replied. Not quite a perfect mimic though.

2016-11-29, 12:07 AM
"Well, we were all planning to go to get pizza. Who can be sad while eating pizza? Come on."

2016-11-29, 08:12 AM
"What's the saying again?" Molly asks. "People have to help themselves. One person helping another is impossible. Or something like that."

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-30, 02:45 AM
"Well, we were all planning to go to get pizza. Who can be sad while eating pizza? Come on."

Surprisingly, this seems to lift her spirits a tiny bit.

"...R-Really?" Betty asked, "E-Everyone?"

"What's the saying again?" Molly asks. "People have to help themselves. One person helping another is impossible. Or something like that."

"Eeh, not impossible," Robert said, "But yeah, I get your point. We can offer support, but at some point Betty has to take steps towards recovering herself. Not that I don't think she will, since she's done it before, but it'll take time for her to be ready. We just have to be there until she is."

It was close... Becca replied. Not quite a perfect mimic though.

"Wow, are our voices really that similar?" Robert mused.

2016-11-30, 03:07 AM
"Wow, are our voices really that similar?" Robert mused.

Not normally. But again, you're a natural mimic. Rebecca replied.

2016-11-30, 03:36 AM
"Yep, everyone," she says, moving toward the doorway.

The TechnoGnome
2016-11-30, 04:34 AM
Not normally. But again, you're a natural mimic. Rebecca replied.

"At least of you," Valerie said, "I doubt he could do me."

"Oh, I could totally do you," Robert said, in what seems like a pretty piss-poor attempt to sound like Valerie.

"That is nothing like me," Valerie replied with a huff.

"Yeah," Roger agreed with a wince, "Like, that is offensively bad."

"Yep, everyone," she says, moving toward the doorway.

Betty watches Sakuya start to leave, looking at first like she wouldn't come. But just before Sakuya opens the door, she darts out of the stall and grabs onto the larger girl's back, shielding herself behind her as they walk out together.

"Hey sweetie," Celia said gently as she sees the two exit, "Feeling better?"

2016-11-30, 04:37 AM
"At least of you," Valerie said, "I doubt he could do me."

"Oh, I could totally do you," Robert said, in what seems like a pretty piss-poor attempt to sound like Valerie.

"That is nothing like me," Valerie replied with a huff.

"Yeah," Roger agreed with a wince, "Like, that is offensively bad."

It seems easier if you get him to do it the first time unprompted I notice. Like he's never sounded like Jill before, and he couldn't do her voice on command, either. Rebecca replied.

The TechnoGnome
2016-12-02, 11:20 PM
Episode 13, Scene 15

So with testimonies given and parents notified, you all manage to make your way out of the courthouse and down to the local pizza place without too much trouble. You even manage to get one of the biggest tables in the place, so you end up having some extra seats open!

The difference between how the Hartwells are handling things is most apparent once they're seated side by side, with Robert opening up and getting caught up in the jovial atmosphere while Betty simply retreats into her seat, only responding when she's spoken to. Regardless, this is a time to celebrate! And with the looks Robert is shooting Sakuya every now and again, he seems to know it.

What do you do while waiting for the pizza to show up?

Allure D5: Text some more friends and invite them over! No VP, but you can choose one or two additional NPCs of your choice to show up for the scene. For reference, the NPCs already present are Claire, Betty, Valerie, and Roger.

Allure D7: Get Betty to relax and enjoy the party. No VP, but Betty opens up more with more successes.

Skill D7: Oh, they have a karaoke machine here? Crank up the music and get this party really rolling. No VP, but lightens the atmosphere and gets the party really moving.

Luck D7: Oh crap, a waiter spilled their drinks on you! No VP, but the pizzas become free!

Allure or Luck D4 (Sakuya only): Make sure Robert remembers about that talk he wanted to have. No VP, but unlocks the confession scene early.

2016-12-02, 11:41 PM
Rebecca had been up and dancing with Val to the blaring bad music that was being shot out of the speakers.

Of course she had recently changed out of her dress into a cute white t-shirt that she had recently modeled.

Anyone who knew Becca knew what was happening next.

Taking a spill she tripped chest first onto the waiter, sending sprays of liquids that of course she HEROICALLY shielded her friends from! Like a hero!

Uh... hey. I'm so so sorry. Becca assured the waiter who was currently nestled between chest and hand.

Luck, Accident prone, Splash magnet.

2016-12-03, 12:07 AM
Sakuya simply returns Robert's look, but doesn't say anything. He'll say what he needs to in his own time.

More important right now was breaking Betty out of her shell. Among other things, she wanted to remind the boy that she wasn't just his tough trainer. She could be sweet. You know, in her own, rough, not-very-sweet sort of way. "Hey, Betty," she says quickly, "come on, open up, have a slice of pizza." Sakuya quickly slices the girl a larger than normal piece (with the normal pizza cutter!) and passes her the plate. "So, how are things between you and... Charlie was her name?"
Conflict (+1)
Murderous Love

2016-12-03, 10:13 PM
"You ever think about how dogs must see humans?" Jill says to Betty as she reaches for another slice. "I mean, we live, like, six times as long as they do. We're basically elves to them, right?" Uncomfortable in the heat of the crowded booth, she sets down her new slice and unbuttons the top of her blouse, leaving it open a lot lower than she probably should; her other hand doodles absently on a napkin between her plate and Betty's.

Allure, +2 Shameless, activating Doujinshi Enthusiast for the last time ever.

2016-12-04, 08:13 PM
Molly drapes her jacket over the corner of the booth and slides in besides Jill. "Nein, es ist Riley," Molly says, once she gets settled and claims a portion of the pizza for herself. "You doing okay after she broke up with you?"

Second Allure option

Strong Allure, Boyish Charm, Quaint Greeting. +3

The TechnoGnome
2016-12-05, 03:28 PM
Rebecca had been up and dancing with Val to the blaring bad music that was being shot out of the speakers.

Of course she had recently changed out of her dress into a cute white t-shirt that she had recently modeled.

Anyone who knew Becca knew what was happening next.

Taking a spill she tripped chest first onto the waiter, sending sprays of liquids that of course she HEROICALLY shielded her friends from! Like a hero!

Uh... hey. I'm so so sorry. Becca assured the waiter who was currently nestled between chest and hand.

Luck, Accident prone, Splash magnet.

"N-No, it's fine ma'am..." the waiter said nervously, "Seriously, you're on me. IT'S! Your meal, I mean! Dammit..."

"Relax, man," Roger says, helping the boy up, "She has that effect on everyone. Though you sure you want to pay for us? We're part of that huge party over there."

"Uh... yeah. I will," the waiter replied, looking like he already regretted his decision, "Company policy for something like this..."

Sakuya simply returns Robert's look, but doesn't say anything. He'll say what he needs to in his own time.

More important right now was breaking Betty out of her shell. Among other things, she wanted to remind the boy that she wasn't just his tough trainer. She could be sweet. You know, in her own, rough, not-very-sweet sort of way. "Hey, Betty," she says quickly, "come on, open up, have a slice of pizza." Sakuya quickly slices the girl a larger than normal piece (with the normal pizza cutter!) and passes her the plate. "So, how are things between you and... Charlie was her name?"
Conflict (+1)
Murderous Love

Betty takes the plate, though doesn't move to eat the pizza.

"Th-Thank you..." she says, barely above a whisper. Ah well, at least Robert looks hapy at the gesture, even if it didn't work. Speaking of...

"Hey, is this seat open?" he asks, sitting down next to Sakuya before she can respond.

"You ever think about how dogs must see humans?" Jill says to Betty as she reaches for another slice. "I mean, we live, like, six times as long as they do. We're basically elves to them, right?" Uncomfortable in the heat of the crowded booth, she sets down her new slice and unbuttons the top of her blouse, leaving it open a lot lower than she probably should; her other hand doodles absently on a napkin between her plate and Betty's.

Allure, +2 Shameless, activating Doujinshi Enthusiast for the last time ever.

"Um... w-well I'm n-not really a d-dog person, s-so... um, I w-wouldn't know," Betty said, still picking at her food.

"Dogs are colorblind, so they would most likely see us much differently," Claire said, attempting to continue the conversation.

Molly drapes her jacket over the corner of the booth and slides in besides Jill. "Nein, es ist Riley," Molly says, once she gets settled and claims a portion of the pizza for herself. "You doing okay after she broke up with you?"

Second Allure option

Strong Allure, Boyish Charm, Quaint Greeting. +3

"No..." Betty admitted, though she did give Molly a very weak smile, "Th-Thanks for a-asking though."

Rebecca and Molly succeed, Jill and Sakuya fail. No one gets VP.

2016-12-05, 03:43 PM
Again. I am so so sorry. My name's Rebecca. She said getting up and extending a hand forward for the waiter to shake.

2016-12-05, 03:51 PM
Hm. Well Jill and Claire are making the attempt as well, and Robert seems to appreciate the gesture. "Of course," Sakuya says, smiling.

The TechnoGnome
2016-12-05, 04:07 PM
Again. I am so so sorry. My name's Rebecca. She said getting up and extending a hand forward for the waiter to shake.

"Wait, like Rebecca Himura?" the waiter asked, "I heard about you! No wonder that happened!"

He seems to be looking at Rebecca with more interest as he shakes her hand, "So what are you guys doing here?"

Hm. Well Jill and Claire are making the attempt as well, and Robert seems to appreciate the gesture. "Of course," Sakuya says, smiling.

"Great," Robert said with a smile, "So, what did you get?"

2016-12-05, 04:17 PM
"For pizza? Pepperoni, pineapple, with pepperoncinis on it. What about you?" Sakuya says, ears perking up as the waiter begins talking to Becca.

2016-12-05, 04:20 PM
"Wait, like Rebecca Himura?" the waiter asked, "I heard about you! No wonder that happened!"

He seems to be looking at Rebecca with more interest as he shakes her hand, "So what are you guys doing here?"

Wait what have you heard about me? Rebecca questions, missing the most likely reason why the guy had heard of her.

The TechnoGnome
2016-12-05, 09:56 PM
"For pizza? Pepperoni, pineapple, with pepperoncinis on it. What about you?" Sakuya says, ears perking up as the waiter begins talking to Becca.

"Sausage, mushroom, and olive," he replies with a shrug, "What can I say? I like the classics."

Wait what have you heard about me? Rebecca questions, missing the most likely reason why the guy had heard of her.

"Well, um... you're a model," he says, his face going red, "A real pretty one at that. And open."

Roger raises a brow at this, while Valrie looks livid.

2016-12-05, 09:58 PM
"Yeah, uh, hey," says Jill cautiously, turning to face Betty. "I wanted to ask...what happened with that? Any idea why she did it?"

2016-12-05, 10:04 PM
"Well, um... you're a model," he says, his face going red, "A real pretty one at that. And open."

Roger raises a brow at this, while Valrie looks livid.

Without even looking at the two, Rebecca lays cooling hands on the waiter.

Reports of my openness have been exaggerated. Becca replied.

2016-12-05, 10:32 PM
"Not a fan of crimini mushrooms," Sakuya says, scrunching her nose. "Rest sounds good, though."

The TechnoGnome
2016-12-06, 12:15 AM
"Yeah, uh, hey," says Jill cautiously, turning to face Betty. "I wanted to ask...what happened with that? Any idea why she did it?"

Betty frowned and replied, "Sh-She, um... sh-she said th-that I a-attracted too m-many cr-crazy people... a-and she d-didn't w-want to d-deal with th-that. I g-guess I w-wasn't w-worth it to h-her..."

Without even looking at the two, Rebecca lays cooling hands on the waiter.

Reports of my openness have been exaggerated. Becca replied.

The waiter noticeably slumps at this, "Oh... Well, still. That's what people say. Probably because it makes the guys feel good to have a shot at you."

"Yeah, but what do the girls think?" Valerie asked.

"...Not the best things, admittedly," he replied with a wince, "B-But some see you as brave!"

"Not a fan of crimini mushrooms," Sakuya says, scrunching her nose. "Rest sounds good, though."

"Well, I'll have to remember that," Robert said with a laugh, "Are you fine with portabello?"

2016-12-06, 12:31 AM
Betty's words feel like getting stabbed in the gut and having the blade twisted. It takes Jill a second to be able to answer, her voice choking up. "That's...you've gotta be..."

Setting down her pizza, she grabs Betty and pulls her into a tight hug. "F*** her. F*** her with a cactus covered in rusty razor blades. Don't ever listen to her, okay? You are so worth it. She just doesn't appreciate you."

2016-12-06, 12:31 AM
Seriously, most girls slut shame me? Becca sighs dejectedly.

2016-12-06, 01:00 AM
"Off of pizza, yeah. Like as stuffed mushrooms. Shiitake in soup are also good," she says, still listening to Becca's conversation as well. "Is that so? You wouldn't happen to know specific names, would you?"

The TechnoGnome
2016-12-06, 04:22 AM
Betty's words feel like getting stabbed in the gut and having the blade twisted. It takes Jill a second to be able to answer, her voice choking up. "That's...you've gotta be..."

Setting down her pizza, she grabs Betty and pulls her into a tight hug. "F*** her. F*** her with a cactus covered in rusty razor blades. Don't ever listen to her, okay? You are so worth it. She just doesn't appreciate you."

"...Yeah. Th-Thanks," Betty said unconvincingly, then added more genuinely, "I w-wouldn't trade you g-guys for a-anything."

Seriously, most girls slut shame me? Becca sighs dejectedly.

"A good chunk of them, yeah," he replied.

"Off of pizza, yeah. Like as stuffed mushrooms. Shiitake in soup are also good," she says, still listening to Becca's conversation as well. "Is that so? You wouldn't happen to know specific names, would you?"

"I'll keep that in mind," Robert replied with a sly grin.

[Roll Conflict for the waiter to spill the beans.]

2016-12-06, 04:36 AM
"A good chunk of them, yeah," he replied.

I wish I surprised.... Just because I'm not monogamous doesn't mean I'm not a virgin. Becca replied.

2016-12-06, 08:00 AM
Sakuya smiles briefly as Becca reiterates their earlier discussion. While she was fine with her sister being sexually active (she'd be hypocritical after her own failed attempt), she was strongly in favor of her being in a better state before beginning that part of her life. Not that she could control her, but it still rubbed her wrong.

Said smile quickly fades as she locks eyes with the waiter. She silently cuts her pizza with a fork and knife, smoothly as though it were a rehearsed motion, eating the slice before quickly rotating the cutlery to an offensive position, as though she could in a moment leap at the worker and attack.
Conflict (+1), Terrifying (+2), Armed (+1)

2016-12-06, 07:16 PM
"...Okay, yeah, I hadn't heard that side of the story before," Molly says, tearing another bite out of her pizza. "I think I'm going to have a talk with Riley the next time I see her."

The TechnoGnome
2016-12-06, 11:51 PM
I wish I surprised.... Just because I'm not monogamous doesn't mean I'm not a virgin. Becca replied.

"You are?" both the waiter and Roger ask at the same time.

"Of course she is!" Valerie said with a huff.

"Surprised that topic never came up..." Roger mused.

Sakuya smiles briefly as Becca reiterates their earlier discussion. While she was fine with her sister being sexually active (she'd be hypocritical after her own failed attempt), she was strongly in favor of her being in a better state before beginning that part of her life. Not that she could control her, but it still rubbed her wrong.

Said smile quickly fades as she locks eyes with the waiter. She silently cuts her pizza with a fork and knife, smoothly as though it were a rehearsed motion, eating the slice before quickly rotating the cutlery to an offensive position, as though she could in a moment leap at the worker and attack.
Conflict (+1), Terrifying (+2), Armed (+1)

The waiter looks to be petrified with fear at Sakuya's intimidation tactic, enough that he ends up staring at her in stock silence.

"Yeah, think you went a little overboard there," Robert teased.

"...Okay, yeah, I hadn't heard that side of the story before," Molly says, tearing another bite out of her pizza. "I think I'm going to have a talk with Riley the next time I see her."

"Th-That's why I d-didn't say a-anything," Betty said, "I kn-knew you g-guys wold a-act like this. Sh-She just w-wants to be l-left alone, a-and I don't th-think i-it's worth m-making th-this b-berakup messy a-and disrespecting h-her like th-that..."

2016-12-07, 12:05 AM
"Perhaps..." Sakuya snaps her fingers at the guy, moving back into a more normal posture. "Hey, I asked a question, sir. Who is spreading those lies about my sister?"

2016-12-07, 12:05 AM
"You are?" both the waiter and Roger ask at the same time.

"Of course she is!" Valerie said with a huff.

"Surprised that topic never came up..." Roger mused.

Why are you so shocked? Rebecca turns to ask Roger.

The TechnoGnome
2016-12-07, 12:34 AM
"Perhaps..." Sakuya snaps her fingers at the guy, moving back into a more normal posture. "Hey, I asked a question, sir. Who is spreading those lies about my sister?"

"Um, quite a few people," he said, "I don't know exact names, but it's been floating around the rumor mill for a while."

Why are you so shocked? Rebecca turns to ask Roger.

"I dunno, it just seems a little weird that you haven't really fooled around all that much," Roger said, "Since you're so pro-sexual freedom and all that."

2016-12-07, 01:01 AM
"I dunno, it just seems a little weird that you haven't really fooled around all that much," Roger said, "Since you're so pro-sexual freedom and all that."

Well yeah, which also includes the freedom to make my own choices. Rebecca replies.

2016-12-07, 01:12 AM
"Uh huh..." she says, absolutely no belief in her voice. "Just make sure to not keep spreading those rumors. Would be a shame to have to explain something as obvious as why spreading rumors is rude." Her tone suggests that very few words would be used in said explanation.

The TechnoGnome
2016-12-07, 02:45 AM
Well yeah, which also includes the freedom to make my own choices. Rebecca replies.

"Yeah, Roger," Valerie said, glaring at the boy.

"Okay, okay, fair enough," Roger said, putting his hands up defensively, "Sorry."

"Uh huh..." she says, absolutely no belief in her voice. "Just make sure to not keep spreading those rumors. Would be a shame to have to explain something as obvious as why spreading rumors is rude." Her tone suggests that very few words would be used in said explanation.

"R-Right," he said, "Um, do any of you need anything? Other than a couple of towels, of course."

"Much better," Robert whispered.

2016-12-07, 02:47 AM
"Yeah, Roger," Valerie said, glaring at the boy.

"Okay, okay, fair enough," Roger said, putting his hands up defensively, "Sorry."

Just try not to make the same assumptions about other people wanting sexual freedom. Rebecca asked of Roger.

2016-12-07, 03:31 AM
"Just some more water."

2016-12-07, 04:33 AM
"Th-That's why I d-didn't say a-anything," Betty said, "I kn-knew you g-guys wold a-act like this. Sh-She just w-wants to be l-left alone, a-and I don't th-think i-it's worth m-making th-this b-berakup messy a-and disrespecting h-her like th-that..."

"Well, no, see, that's what I wanted to talk to her about," Molly replies. "'Cause that explanation is a lot more reasonable. Crazy stuff does happen to us, and people tend to get pulled along by association. God know, I wouldn't want to date me for the same exact reason. I'm just not sure that it's entirely fair to you."

The TechnoGnome
2016-12-07, 04:24 PM
Just try not to make the same assumptions about other people wanting sexual freedom. Rebecca asked of Roger.

"Got it, lesson learned," Roger replied.

Valerie shot him one last look, then turned to Rebecca, "So, do you need some new clothes, or...?"

"Just some more water."

"R-Right away!" the waiter said with a nod, before hurrying off to do his job.

"Well, that certainly could have gone worse," Robert said once the waiter was out of earshot, "What with Becca being the one to trip into him and all."

"Well, no, see, that's what I wanted to talk to her about," Molly replies. "'Cause that explanation is a lot more reasonable. Crazy stuff does happen to us, and people tend to get pulled along by association. God know, I wouldn't want to date me for the same exact reason. I'm just not sure that it's entirely fair to you."

"R-Really?" Betty asked, actually looking surprised at Molly's response, "...D-Do you r-really think th-that would w-work?"

2016-12-07, 05:02 PM
"Got it, lesson learned," Roger replied.

Valerie shot him one last look, then turned to Rebecca, "So, do you need some new clothes, or...?"

Glancing down, Becca shrugged. Eh, you get used to it, I'll probably be fine. She replied honestly going back to sitting down.

The TechnoGnome
2016-12-07, 08:08 PM
Glancing down, Becca shrugged. Eh, you get used to it, I'll probably be fine. She replied honestly going back to sitting down.

"You sure about that?" Robert asked as she joined the others, "Wouldn't want you to get sick or something."

2016-12-07, 08:20 PM
"You sure about that?" Robert asked as she joined the others, "Wouldn't want you to get sick or something."

I never get sick from water. Becca replies assuredly.