View Full Version : Core classes builds help

2016-10-26, 07:24 PM
Hello, I'm planning a one off game to try to get my son into playing and I was needing some amount of help.

I understand d that, to us, building the perfect character is a major thing. We enjoy it. However, a new player gets bored and tired trying to build one without really knowing the game.

I was hoping to make 1 basic build elite array from each of the core classes from the players handbook at about level 6.

I don't know enough about building each class to do this though. Would you wonderful people be willing to build the basic classes using an elite array from the Phb?

No other books on this one. Standard gear appropriate for the level. Such as +1 armor and weapons. And a list with each one where skills points should go and what feats to take for the most fun at that level.

2016-10-26, 08:11 PM
Just speaking from personal experience, are you sure you want to start at level 6? Level 3 would be easier to handle (and not too squishy). By level 6 you can have a lot of options (and therefore too many) for a first-time player to keep track of.

Back to the question at hand. Do you want a build for each class in the Player's Handbook?

2016-10-26, 08:15 PM
How old is your son? A 7-year old can handle very different amounts of complexity than, say, a 15-year old? Assuming towards the latter end of the spectrum... Filling the four classical archetypes you could use:


Druid would break things in half more automatically than a Wizard or a Cleric ever would, Sorcerer would be behind half a level compared to Cleric. Rogue misses out on most of their cool stuff but they still are pretty good at skills and stuff, and in core, Barbarian is going to be the best non-caster frontline option available. You could do:

15 Key Stat, 14 Con, 13 feat qualification, 12/10/8 in whatever.

Human Barbie:
15 Str, 14 Con, 13 Int, 12 Dex, 10 Wis, 8 Cha

Halfling/Human/Goblin Rogue (more than 8 Str if an Str-penalty race):
15 Dex, 14 Con, 13 Cha, 12 Int, 10 Wis, 8 Str

Dwarf Cleric:
15 Wis, 14 (16) Con, 13 Str, 12 Int, 10 Dex, 8 (6) Cha

Gray Elf/Dwarf Wizard
15 (17) Int, 14 (12) Con, 13 (15) Dex, 12 Cha, 10 (8) Str, 8 Wis

Rogue is the hard one. On one hand, Hide-bonuses are nice but so are skill points and a 30' movement speed. Ultimately Sneak Attack in Core is quite limited so he should be prepared to act as a secondary caster with Use Magic Device though, when that does come up. Bard is the other option for the same slot, if you're willing to waive Trapfinding away from the game (and there are good arguments for doing just that).

Far as feats go, I'd say:

Barbarian: Power Attack, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Mounted Combat (headed for Spirited Charge). Give him a Lance, a Guisarme, a Greatsword and a Composite Longbow, complete with a combat mount. This plays up the martial weapon proficiencies. He has mastered many weapons, he gets to pick between damage, control, mounted and ranged combat.

Rogue: Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, whatever (Blind-Fight, Weapon Focus, Iron Will, Point Blank Shot, even random stuff like Skill Focus, it doesn't really make much difference unless you use Leadership, which you probably shouldn't)

Wizard: Extend Spell, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, whatever. If you want to introduce player Crafting, add Craft Wondrous Items. If you want to stay away from that, Improved Initiative or such is always fine.

Cleric: Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning, Power Attack. Cleric lacks a bit in many types of combat spells but they still get good summons so if the complexity isn't overwhelming (if you prepare premade stats for a summon or two and just describe what they can summon, it should be okay), this might be a good place to introduce that particular game.

Skills would take too much time, not gonna do that right now. Barbie handles wilderness, Rogue social & Rogue-stuff, Wizard Knowledges and Int-based stuff, Cleric only has enough for their bare essentials (Concentration, Spellcraft, Knowledge: Religion). See if a Familiar is to the players liking. Far as God and Domains for the Cleric go, it's a Dwarf so Moradin seems like a given particularly for a starter group. Moradin's Domains leave something to be desired, but Earth at least has some interesting spells and Protection granted power is somewhat interesting. So you could go with those and just expect that they do not play overtly much into the game aside from the spell per level.

The other option would be using a "metacore"; take classes from e.g. Tome of Battle and PHBII instead and construct a T3-4 party of classes that kinda build themselves and offer more play than build choices. That would use different sources but probably be easier in actual play.

2016-10-26, 09:22 PM
He is 10 and adHD so sitting through 4 hours of character building just isn't in him. Thanks for the info on skill selections. I'm using the spell points system as its more like mana like he is used to in console games and easier to understand.

I will be doing traps if he goes rogue but nothing he can't handle and I won't be putting him up against anything that a rogue can't handle. I usually play a rogue so I can teach him well there lol.

2016-10-26, 11:28 PM
I'd skip a few of the melee oriented classes. Instead, use the horizon tripper (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?80415-The-Horizon-Tripper-(Core-Melee-Build)). Yes, on a build level, it's more complicated than most core only melee builds, but the play half of it is pretty straightforward, and the build half is your half anyway. That mostly supplants the need for a full barbarian, ranger, monk, fighter, or paladin build. That leaves only six classes, and, aside from the rogue, those tend to be more about proper spell selection than feat, level, or skill choices.

2016-10-27, 08:24 AM
I'm confused.
1. Do you WANT to play a perfect character? Flawed characters tend to be so much more fun.
2. is this a solo game? Because then I woud recommend a skillful character over a strong character.

2016-10-27, 06:50 PM
Characters don't need to be perfect. Just basic.

I'm imagining one of each of the starter classes built with what is considered the basic builds.

For example.

We know a rogue is best built to handle traps, locks and umd.

The rogue archetype though is a thief. DO, OL, Hide, move silent. With a sneaky combat style.

I want each base class with the elite array stats built around what would be the normal archtype.

The game will be a 1 off. I've got a dungeon built that teaches a fair bit about the base mechanice from combat and traps to exploration and dealing with npcs. Multiple routes to the end and everything.

2016-10-27, 07:12 PM
johnbragg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?476248-Campaign-Journal-Dad-is-the-DM) had a pretty great introductory game for younger players; you might want to take a look and see if you could take some ideas. Teach it on the fly as it goes and don't worry about the fine detail. For a 10yo. that's probably more enjoyable than the full-on numbercrunching system. That's pretty close to how I was introduced to roleplaying myself and I enjoyed it (of course, it was a different game but still).

2016-10-29, 12:33 AM
He has a good game laid out.

However, I already have a story, sungeon, monsters and more. I just have no experience with the other classes other than rogue. That's why I'm trying to get the basic build for the archtype that is each core class.

For example.

Rogue- Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 13
Feats- lvl1 Twf, lvl 3 Weapon Finesse, lvl 6 improved Twf .
Skills I can handle.
Armor type Light
Weapons Dual Short swords.
Extra Gear: Lockpicks/Thieves tools

Suggested magical Items:
Gloves of the Deft Hands

I need something like that for each core class. It's what the rogue is perceived to be by its general style.

2016-10-29, 02:31 AM
Half Orc Barbarian- Str 15(17), Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10(8), Wis 12, Cha 8(6)
Feats- lvl1 extra rage (2 more rages/day) lvl3 power attack lvl6 cleave
Armor type medium
Weapons greatsword or battleaxe, composite longbow

Suggested magical Items:
combat gloves

Gnome Sorcerer- Str 8(6), Dex 14, Con 13(15), Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 15
Feats- lvl1 improved initiative lvl3 spell focus lvl6 improved familiar
Armor type none
Weapons light crossbow
lvl 1 spells: grease, shield, color spray (swap for silent image at lvl4), magic missile
lvl 2 spells: glitterdust, invisibility, summon monster 2, scorching ray
lvl 3 spells: haste, fly, fireball

Suggested magical Items:
wand of mage armor

Half Elf Fighter- Str 15, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8
Feats- lvl1 power attack, combat reflexes lvl2 combat expertise lvl3 imroved trip lvl4 weapon focus lvl6 weapon spec, improved bull rush
Armor type heavy
Weapons glaive, composite longbow

Suggested magical Items:
combat gloves

Halfling Wizard- Str 8(6), Dex 13(15), Con 14, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 10
Feats- lvl1 improved initiative lvl3 spell focus lvl5 craft wondrous item lvl 6 craft arms and armor
Armor type none
Weapons light crossbow
lvl 1 spells: grease, mage armor, burning hands, unseen servant
lvl 2 spells: glitterdust, invisibility, mirror image, web
lvl 3 spells: haste, fly, fireball

Suggested magical Items:
pearl of power

Human Ranger- Str 12, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 8
Feats- lvl1 point blank shot, precise shot lvl2 rapid shot lvl3 weapon focus lvl6 manyshot, far shot
Armor type light
Weapons composite longbow, greatsword

Suggested magical Items:
wand of CLW
Animal Companion: horse

Elf Bard- Str 10, Dex 13(15), Con 14(12), Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 15
Feats- lvl1 weapon finesse lvl3 skill focus lvl6 combat casting
Armor type light
Weapons rapier, shortbow, whip

Suggested magical Items:

lvl 1 spells: grease, silent image, cure light wounds, charm person, comprehend languages
lvl 2 spells: invisibility, alter self, heroism, calm emotions

Dwarf Druid- Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12(14), Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8(6)
Feats- lvl1 spell focus conjuration lvl3 augment summoning lvl6 natural spell
Armor type medium or none
Weapons quarterstaff, scimitar
lvl 1 spells: entangle, shillelagh, obscuring mist, cure light wounds
lvl 2 spells: barkskin, flaming sphere, lesser restoration, soften earth and stone
lvl 3 spells: call lightning, sleet storm, greater magic fang

Suggested magical Items:
monk's belt w/ wilding clasp
Animal Companion: wolf

Human Cleric- Str 13, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 10
Feats- lvl1 Combat Casting, spell focus conjuration lvl3 augment summoning lvl6 power attack
Armor type heavy+shield
Weapons mace, light crossbow
lvl 1 spells: divine favor, comprehend languages, command, bless, sanctuary, protection from evil
lvl 2 spells: silence, lesser restoration, calm emotions, resist energy, summon monster 2
lvl 3 spells: dispel magic, bestow curse, magic vestment

Suggested magical Items:
wand of CLW

Dwarf Monk- Str 15, Dex 12, Con 12(14), Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8(6)
Feats- lvl1 dodge, improved grapple lvl2 combat reflexes lvl3 weapon focus lvl6 improved trip, improved natural attack
Armor type none
Weapons shurikens, quarterstaff, light crossbow

Suggested magical Items:
amulet of mighty fists+1
monk's belt
wand of mage armor

2016-10-29, 04:44 AM
That will work nicely. Thanks man I can use that easily. And the playerst can decide names, gender and personalities on their own. That's exactly what I needed. Thank you

I also appreciate noting which stats where increased or decreased by race. That'll make it easy to quickly change them if the players wants a different race.

2016-10-29, 12:37 PM
You're welcome. I left out Monk and Pally because I have no idea how to build them with elite array/core-only. Also their codes of conduct and alignment restrictions are kinda stupid and I doubt your 10-year-old will have much patience for that kind of thing.

EDIT: I threw a monk in there anyway.

2016-10-29, 01:59 PM
Well, I have a random Monk-stub lying around so feel free to use that if you want to offer the option. It uses feats from Monster Manual (Ability Focus & Improved Natural Attack) but Monk does need the help.

Dwarf Monk
Str: 18 (+1 level-up + 2 item)
DeX: 13
Con: 14 (+2 racial)
Int: 10
Wis: 16 (+2 item)
Cha: 6 (-2 racial)

B. Stunning Fist
1. Ability Focus: Stunning Fist
B. Combat Reflexes
3. Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike
6. Improved Natural Attack: Unarmed Strike
B. Improved Trip

Mw. Reach Weapon - Guisarme or Spiked Chain work; just for taking long reach trip AoOs
Ring of Deflection +1
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Headband of Wis +2
Gauntlets of Ogre Strength +2
Alchemical Silver/Cold Iron versions of Monk-weapons (particularly piercing and slashing)

Significant stacks of Potions of Mage Armor and Enlarge Person, and Oils of Magic Weapon/Fang for fighting incorporeals or such. Perhaps others too.

Move Silently
Spot/Listen (pick one or half of each)

As for Pally, it builds itself:
Human/Gnome Paladin
18 (16) Str (+1 level-up + 2 item)
8 Dex
12 (14) Con
10 Int
13 Wis
16 Cha (+2 item)

1. Mounted Combat, Ride-By Charge
3. Spirited Charge
6. Power Attack

Gauntlets of Ogre Strength +2
Cloak of Charisma +2
+1 Lance
+1 Full-Plate
+1 Heavy Steel Shield & Mw. Longsword

Wands and Scrolls (including at least Wand of Cure Light Wounds)

1. Protection from Evil + Lesser Restoration

Gnome has the significant advantage of being Small and thus being able to fight mounted in 5' dungeons. It does however lose a lot: penalty to Strength, no skill bonuses (Pally is really tight on skill points and probably wants skills like Ride, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Knowledge: Religion and Concentration; you'll have to make some cuts), no bonus feat (Pally even in Core is quite tight on feats). Though getting those spell-likes can be cool to augment Pally's magical shtick.