View Full Version : Player Help We're stuck in the BBEG fight

2016-10-27, 09:37 AM
Hi guys,
I am playing a 3.5e campaign where our party currently consists of a level 14 crusader, a 5/8 sorcerer/incantatrix, 6/9 cleric/fighter, 15 paladin, and level 15 ranger-mix and level 15 wizard-mix that I don't fully know what they mixed in there.
We are fighting a group consisting of a huge fire giant (with 15-ft. reach), three casters (cleric, wizard, and something else we don't know), and an orc that is the BBEG.
Both the Crusader and the Wizard died, only to be returned to the fight being revived by Hextor to finish it, and they were spawned behind the orc and the fire giant, granting them a surprise round that allows full attack, and they both have fly so they can reach two of the casters which are above the battlefield. The fighter can possibly kill the third caster in the same round
Up until now, the orc wasn't involved in the fight, we were just getting decimated by the giant, and the casters were interfering.
When spawned, we noticed that the orc has magical tattoos, bascially meaning he has magical items without the encumberance that accopanies them. He also has a "presence", or "aura", as described by our DM, making us believe he might be an avatar of Gruumsh following some descriptions and hints given to us.
The wizard has a sword with a special abillity, that once activated, has in the past either petrified or turned the target to stone.

My question is, who do we attack?
Killing the orc will pretty much end the battle, but we can't come to an agreement on who to attack.
Most of the group says attack the casters, while I say we should attack the orc because thinking roleplay-wise, why would Hextor, or our DM, put us there, if not for that?
We were sent on a religious mission to kill him, and then when we got revived we got put smack dab at his back.
Killing the casters makes the most sense mechanic-wise, because it'll make the battle easier, but our DM prefers roleplay much more.
Can anyone help us in this predicament?

2016-10-27, 09:55 AM
Your characters are not dumb, especially the Wizard. They should clearly know that killing the casters first is the strategically superior tactic.

2016-10-27, 10:06 AM
What the hell are your casters doing? They should be using BFC. Then you can burn down one enemy at a time without the others interfering.
Having 5 enemies running around at once, 3 of them spellcaster, is a recipe for disaster.

Fire Giants have mediocre will and low reflex saves, and nearly all primary casters have low reflex saves. Then there's tons of spells that don't allow saves at all.
Something like Solid Fog or Wall of Stone can "park" one or more enemies while you deal with the rest. The giant especially is easily dealt with by casting Resilient Sphere and leaving him until last instead of tanking his attacks. Hell, something as simple as Grease could turn the fight in your favor.

The point is that your enemies are fully effective even with only 1 hp left, so don't start chewing through something like a Fire Giant's 142hp (and tanking his full attacks and AoO's in the process) until you've neutralized him.
Assuming the orc is a melee fighter and since he's apparently undamaged attacking him is probably the worst choice you can make. High hp, non-casting enemies are prime targets for BFC effects because they usually have nothing to counter them. This counts double if he isn't even taking part in the fight at the moment.
Casters are the dangerous ones you want to get rid of asap, and they tend to have lower hp as well. Smart money is on leading of with a dispel, which should deal with their flying as well as any other buffs.

2016-10-27, 12:10 PM
Yeah sounds like you need a way to split things off. Wall spells as mentioned above. entangles. web if you must or any sort of hold person to keep the giant at bay while you deal with the flying casters. The biggest thing is to focus energy. control what you can and all hit the same target. removing one enemy helps you a lot. and as they fall the battle will be yours. Dispel is a great idea to try and get a effect like flying off the casters. Other spells like sleet storm etc could help as well. anything to confuse and split their efforts while the party focuses its energy on single target.

2016-10-27, 02:38 PM
I know this won't be a favorite, but... You could always try to get away. I mean, the situation seems rather unfavorable for you, and now that you've seen what the Orc looks like, you might have an easier time finding him via Gather Information and Divinations the next time.

Personally I see no reason in trying to take them on now, at least not from your post, so I'd say waiting for a better time to strike would be a good idea.

2016-10-27, 03:11 PM
I know this won't be a favorite, but... You could always try to get away. I mean, the situation seems rather unfavorable for you, and now that you've seen what the Orc looks like, you might have an easier time finding him via Gather Information and Divinations the next time.

Personally I see no reason in trying to take them on now, at least not from your post, so I'd say waiting for a better time to strike would be a good idea.

The problem is that the same applies in reverse. With three enemy spellcasters nothing is stopping them from scrying you and following to finish you off while they still have the upper hand, because chances are not everybody in the party is protected by Mind Blank yet.

Okay, in this specific case it probably won't happen. It doesn't sound like the most optimized group so unless the DM is very cruel retreating may be the best option. But in general it's a dangerous gamble unless you have a fallback position, ideally warded with Private Sanctum or the like or at least with reinforcements.

2016-10-28, 09:57 AM
Hi guys,
I am playing a 3.5e campaign where our party currently consists of a level 14 crusader, a 5/8 sorcerer/incantatrix, 6/9 cleric/fighter, 15 paladin, and level 15 ranger-mix and level 15 wizard-mix that I don't fully know what they mixed in there.
We are fighting a group consisting of a huge fire giant (with 15-ft. reach), three casters (cleric, wizard, and something else we don't know), and an orc that is the BBEG.
Both the Crusader and the Wizard died, only to be returned to the fight being revived by Hextor to finish it, and they were spawned behind the orc and the fire giant, granting them a surprise round that allows full attack, and they both have fly so they can reach two of the casters which are above the battlefield. The fighter can possibly kill the third caster in the same round
Up until now, the orc wasn't involved in the fight, we were just getting decimated by the giant, and the casters were interfering.
When spawned, we noticed that the orc has magical tattoos, bascially meaning he has magical items without the encumberance that accopanies them. He also has a "presence", or "aura", as described by our DM, making us believe he might be an avatar of Gruumsh following some descriptions and hints given to us.
The wizard has a sword with a special abillity, that once activated, has in the past either petrified or turned the target to stone.

My question is, who do we attack?
Killing the orc will pretty much end the battle, but we can't come to an agreement on who to attack.
Most of the group says attack the casters, while I say we should attack the orc because thinking roleplay-wise, why would Hextor, or our DM, put us there, if not for that?
We were sent on a religious mission to kill him, and then when we got revived we got put smack dab at his back.
Killing the casters makes the most sense mechanic-wise, because it'll make the battle easier, but our DM prefers roleplay much more.
Can anyone help us in this predicament?

I would be trying to subdue those casters first and foremost. It doesn't matter if your DM prefers something else. His input should be kept to himself. Players have full control on how they choose to fight someone.

2016-10-28, 10:35 AM
I would be trying to subdue those casters first and foremost. It doesn't matter if your DM prefers something else. His input should be kept to himself. Players have full control on how they choose to die fighting someone.

Fixed it for you