View Full Version : Rules Q&A Paladin Skill.

2016-10-27, 01:57 PM
So I noticed under Paladin it says:

While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

So would this mean - for example, two people wearing the same exact armor...

A regular fighter would have an AC (for example) of 5, while the Paladin with that same armor would have an AC of 6?

I assume that's what it means - just wanting to see if I am reading that right.

2016-10-27, 02:00 PM
So I noticed under Paladin it says:

While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

So would this mean - for example, two people wearing the same exact armor...

A regular fighter would have an AC (for example) of 5, while the Paladin with that same armor would have an AC of 6?

I assume that's what it means - just wanting to see if I am reading that right.

Yes. Unless the fighter also has the Defense fighting style.

2016-10-27, 02:01 PM
The Defence fighting style is available to Fighters as well, so it's not a great comparison. If you had two PCs wearing split mail (base AC 16) and using no shield, then one with the Defence fighting style would have AC 17 and the other would have AC 16.

However, note that not all Paladins (or Fighters, or whatever) will have the Defence fighting style. You only get to choose one*, so taking Defence means not getting Great Weapon Fighting, or Duelling, or any other fighting style.

* Well, Champions get a second eventually, and you can get more through multiclassing, but a normal single-classed PC gets only one ever.

2016-10-27, 02:31 PM
You're right. Choosing a fighter as an example was a bad idea. :)

Should have just said, "If X_ARMOR normally gives an AC of 16, a Paladin would have a score of 17 wearing X_ARMOR."

Thanks guys and gals!

2016-10-27, 03:50 PM
Fighting Styles are one of the stranger aspects of Multiclassing in 5e.

A Champion Fighter gets a second Fighting Style at 10th level.

A Fighter 1/Ranger 2/Paladin 2 has THREE Fighting Styles at 5th level.


2016-10-27, 06:09 PM
Fighting Styles are one of the stranger aspects of Multiclassing in 5e.

A Champion Fighter gets a second Fighting Style at 10th level.

A Fighter 1/Ranger 2/Paladin 2 has THREE Fighting Styles at 5th level.


This reminds me of a silly build I once made for s***s & giggles:

Fighter12/Ranger4/Paladin4, the Ultimate Fighting Style Specialist!

Archery, Dueling, Defense, and Protection Styles for a "sword" and boarder with Javelin and shield.
Javelin can be used for both melee and ranged attacks :P

2016-10-27, 06:11 PM
This reminds me of a silly build I once made for s***s & giggles:

Fighter12/Ranger4/Paladin4, the Ultimate Fighting Style Specialist!

Archery, Dueling, Defense, and Protection Styles for a "sword" and boarder with Javelin and shield.
Javelin can be used for both melee and ranged attacks :P

But they are not ranged WEAPON, so archery FS doesn't work with them.

2016-10-27, 06:13 PM
But they are not ranged WEAPON, so archery FS doesn't work with them.

Blast it! I knew I missed something. That would have been too good to be true.

Even so, with high enough dexterity, he could swap to longbow occasionally and rain hell upon his foes with three attacks per Attack action.

Edit: alternatively, if good enough stats (Str 16+, Dex 16) for it and unearthed arcana is allowed, Defense, Dueling, Mariner, and Protection Styles, Half-plate and Medium Armor Master would make up for ridiculously high AC before any additional boosts.

Total AC 22 (15 from half-plate + 3 from dexterity + 2 from shield + 1 from defense style while wearing armor + 1 from mariner style while not wearing heavy armor; IIRC, shield was allowed) + 2 with Shield of Faith for a total AC 24 with only personal buffs.

2016-10-27, 09:04 PM
Fighting Styles are one of the stranger aspects of Multiclassing in 5e.

A Champion Fighter gets a second Fighting Style at 10th level.

A Fighter 1/Ranger 2/Paladin 2 has THREE Fighting Styles at 5th level.


Though that character will be 3 levels from being able to get extra attack so that kind of sucks so not exactly a free lunch.

2016-10-28, 07:58 AM
But they are not ranged WEAPON, so archery FS doesn't work with them.

That's nuts. But you are 100% correct. That is RAW. Wow.

So, now I'm picturing a build with Archery and Dueling and Tavern Brawler.

He uses a Longbow as a one-handed improvised club, gaining proficiency from Tavern Brawler, +2 attack from Archery and +2 damage from Dueling.

2016-10-28, 10:15 AM
That's nuts. But you are 100% correct. That is RAW. Wow.

So, now I'm picturing a build with Archery and Dueling and Tavern Brawler.

He uses a Longbow as a one-handed improvised club, gaining proficiency from Tavern Brawler, +2 attack from Archery and +2 damage from Dueling.

Edit: it might be that if a weapon that was intended as a ranged weapon was then used as an improvised weapon wouldn't qualify for the Archery fighting style's attack bonus.