View Full Version : Need help remembering alchemical tool

2016-10-27, 11:36 PM
Hey all, trying to remember a fairly specific alchemical tool. Can't remember what book it might be in or rough cost or anything, but i remember its function quite well.

It's a jar or beaker or something similar, with small taps surrounding the base. You can pour a liquid in, and the taps will filter certain parts out. You could use it to separate poison or contaminants from water, for instance, or you could even specifically filter a potion into its more base elements.

I think it was a bit of a pseudo-magical device, it might not have been fully in the realms of wonderous items, but nor was it purely mundane to my memory.

I'd really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction!

Thanks =)

2016-10-28, 04:35 AM
I know exactly which item you mean but I cannot find it again myself, nor do I remember what it's called.

If it springs to mind later, I'll be sure to let you know!

2016-10-28, 07:42 AM
I remember it. It was either in a dragon mag, pathfinder or a 3x 3rd party book if I recall.

2016-10-28, 12:37 PM
Ah yes, I found it thanks to Vizzerdrix.

It's called an Alchemist's Glass and it's from Dragon Magazine nr. 289. It's also included in the Dragon Magazine Compendium which is where I originally read it.

Mystery solved! :D

2016-10-28, 09:35 PM
Ah yes, I found it thanks to Vizzerdrix.

It's called an Alchemist's Glass and it's from Dragon Magazine nr. 289. It's also included in the Dragon Magazine Compendium which is where I originally read it.

Mystery solved! :D

Awesome work! Thanks so much =D

Such a great device. Filter out poisons, identify potion reagents, brew tea, mix things, purify salt water, filter urine (Bear Grylls campaign anyone?), extract small amounts of gold/precious minerals from river water, salvage raw iron from large quantities of blood... mmmm so many possibilities