View Full Version : What was the most satisfying end to an adventure you ever played through?

2016-10-28, 07:01 AM
Here's mine:

We started off playing Ravenloft, because everyone wanted to try it out. DM most of all. Party was Swordsage (Me, Neutral Good. His backstory was that he was essentially a wandering samurai. His master had been slain in combat but the Swordsage knew he wasn't strong enough to avenge his master and he didn't want to take his own life), Wizard (Lawful Neutral) and a Cleric (His god wasn't that important because it was refluffed to be that the Dark Powers answered his prayers. He started out LG. He was playing more of a battle/buff cleric than a caster cleric).

We weren't playing Total OP here, but the DM would hand out some stuff as you made deals with the Dark Powers.

Partway through the Campaign (Around level 12), Bloodborne was released for PS4 and all of us played the heck out of that game. DM loved the game so much that he refluffed the setting to be more Bloodborne-esque. So of course, I became Gehrman and picked up a Scythe from one of them Grim Reapers.

That's about as much backstory as is needed for the ending to the campagin:

We beat up the BBEG after a long and drawn out fight and were awarded level 20 for our efforts. By this point my character was the only one who could maintain his good alignment (He was adamant that his master would want him to overcome his trials with only his personal skills), the other two had been corrupted. Wizard was due to become a Lich & Dreadlord, Cleric was due to become a Dreadlord as well.

Of course, because I was RPing Gehrman, I wanted to give them a way out of the "Horrible Dream" (Ravenloft). So of course, I hammed up and gave them the Gehrman dialogue:

Me: "My friends, you have done well, the night is near it's end. Now, I'm willing to offer you mercy. You will die, forget this dream and awaken under the Greyhawk sun. You will be freed... from this terrible, terrible dream..

They knew what was up. They also tried to stay in character, so they refused (obviously).

Me: "Haha, dear oh dear. What was it? The Dark Powers, the Mist or this horrible dream? Oh it doesn't matter. It always comes down to the PCs helper to clean up after these sorts of messes." Draw Scythe "Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt..."

<DM just gave a stat, spell and manoevre reset here as it became the True Final Battle>

Well, I got awarded a surprise round for rule of cool. But, here I was playing a Swordsage 20 with no special benefits (Aside from the Reaper's Scythe special ability, which was useful but they were immune to death effects anyway) against a Wizard 20 who got "awarded" most of the broken spells (PaO, Gate and a couple of others were still off the table, but he had the second tier broken, like Shapechange) for his devotion to the dark powers and a DMM Cleric. So I was royally screwed unless I could pull a miracle out of my ass.

Might as well start with Moment of Alacrity to give myself the second turn. Now I just needed to figure out how to beat them. They weren't immune to ability damage, and the Wizard still had low STR so I figured I had the best chance of taking him out of combat with a manoevre. So I literally just walked up to him and used Five-Shadow-Creeping-This-Strikes-Name-Is-Too-Long. After some very good rolls, he fell over from having 0 STR.

Cleric is, of course, still Evil, so he's thinking about himself before the Wizard. Don't have to worry too much about him healing up the Wizard. Well, if I cheesed out the Wizard I might as well cheese out the Cleric too. Teleport right next to him and use Feral Death Blow because he isn't immune to crits. Got the jump check. Screwed up the attack roll. Welp, now I'm about to die.

Well not exactly. Our Cleric knew I had the Moment of X line (And diamond defense) to stop any save-based spells. He didn't exactly scour the entire cleric list to get some no saves, and Miracle was off the table for this fight (DM gave some fluff about this fight amusing the Dark Powers). He didn't want to summon because summoning is for babies or something. He felt like the best option to prove his RAW PHYSICAL POWER was to full attack (Because at the end of the day, he's just a glorified big dumb fighter). He didn't actually have Ghost Touch on his weapon though, so I become One With Shadow to not get hit 50% of the time. I got hit once, still, and it took off a sizeable chunk of hit points. Was probably dead next turn if I didn't bust something out.

Well, luckily I was investing in some + to trip magic items, so I just Ragdolled Ballista Throw'd him 60ft away, then ran.

He tried to cover the distance by charging, and fell straight into my Counter Charge. Which coveniently placed him right next to me, now missing about a little bit of hp from Ballista Throw. But it was enough to place him in range of Time Stands Still.

Well, Time certainly stood still for that Cleric as he got Scythe'd in half multiple times, and promptly fell over.

D&D 3.5 really doesn't have epic battle does it?

Well, only the Wizard was left (Barely) alive. So I slow-walked over to him as his eyes pleaded with me to leave him alive. The coup de grāce probably looked kinda like this... (https://youtu.be/VLcuo_atfn8?t=1m38s)

Me: "You must accept your death. Be freed from the night"

And that was how our Bloodloft Ravenborne Ravenloft adventure ended.