View Full Version : Help reflavoring the warlock patrons into elements

2016-10-28, 07:09 AM
I'm looking at reflavoring four warlock patrons into the primordial elements: earth, air, fire, and water.

The phb only has three; is there a fourth in SCAG or UA?

With that, what would you change (if anything besides the name) to make each patron an element?

2016-10-28, 07:22 AM
I think that you could easily turn the Fey Patron into the air primordial. Maybe you'd have to redo a couple of spells from their list, but nothing major. And the fiend patron is obviously fire in theme.

Water and Earth are a little harder. I think that the Great Old One is closest to water, but I think that you'd need to redo the spell list to be more water/ice themed, and the abilities would need to be completely redone.

There is the Undead Patron in SCAG, and I believe an Undying Light Patron in one of the UA, but neither of those really goes with the earth theme. But you might be able to find something in the homebrew section, or you might have to make something up yourself.

2016-10-28, 07:40 AM
Not what you are trying to do but I had a player reflavor elemental monk as a djinn-Warlock

2016-10-28, 07:42 AM
It would probably be easier to homebrew a new warlock patron called The Primordial, with a choice of favored element.

2016-10-28, 08:06 AM
I am not super familiar with the warlock but re-fluffing the spells is an easy start. The undying light patron could be fire I supose... if you were willing to go with the wholesome version of fire.

2016-10-28, 08:45 AM
Well... I could see it being super easy to reflavor the 'Fiend' as a fire elemental-type. Imix anyone? The spells are pretty close to being right too. I agree with Fey = Air and GOO = Water, not at all sure what to do about Earth except to change fiend to be more earth themed and use Ogremoch.

2016-10-28, 09:11 AM
I think that for Water and Earth, you could start the spell lists with Druid Circle spell lists, and modify as necessary. For example, you might be able to go with the following lists:

1st: Earth Tremor, Shield (?)
2nd: Spike Growth, Heat Metal
3rd: Meld Into Stone, Erupting Earth
4th: Stone Shape, Stoneskin
5th: Passwall: Wall of Stone

1st: Fog Cloud, Thunderwave
2nd: Blur, Silence
3rd: Stinking Cloud, Wind Wall
4th: Freedom of Movement, Conjure Minor Elementals
5th: Cloudkill, Telekinesis

2016-10-28, 10:06 AM
I found two resources for this:

One on GitP. link (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php%3F407935-Elemental-Warlock&ved=0ahUKEwjCm87b4v3PAhUiCZoKHX2CATUQFggbMAA&usg=AFQjCNHgzo3lDx99dcKDh9a6B-Sr76LChg&sig2=XlamGyhBm56njIfs5FkwPQ)

And one on DM guild. link (http://www.dmsguild.com/m/product/191686)