View Full Version : The Monster not appearing in this manual

2016-10-28, 01:12 PM
I was comparing the 5th and 3rd edition Monster Manuals for creatures that don't appear in both, and there are actually not that many that didn't get ported over.

But it looks to me like those that didn't get carried over all fall into two clear categories: Lame and not missed by anyone (dragonne, frost worm, krenshar) and Planescape monsters.

Archons, Guardinals, and Eladrin are all out entirely, as are archerai, bodaks, howlers, barghests, bebiliths, rast, ravid, and so on.

Planar monsters in the 5eMM seem to be all demons and devils that go back to 1st edition, with the noteworthy exception of four yugoloths, which is nice. And the high level angels.

Was that some deliberate decision? Certainly looks like it. There's no denying that fiends have vastly greater uses in actual play, but somehow angels were included. Maybe to have a bit more stuff for the very high levels?

Falcon X
2016-10-28, 02:03 PM
I think the general idea is "We only have so much space, let's focus on variety and popular choices now and release specifics later."

A lot more people make games where they run into Demons/Devils than Guardinals.

In my wildest dreams, I hope we will get a planes sourcebook someday. I doubt it though...

2016-10-28, 02:18 PM
And you were so scared.....

2016-10-29, 09:39 AM
The Eladrin will not be like the 3.0/3.5 ones because of the "new cosmology", they will be the ones from 4e that were Noble Fey instead of generic Chaotic Good Outsider.

Now, on my personal opinion Bebliths are one of the few creatures the OP mentioned I want back, I always found those dog angels and balls of light weird, if you want to make something silly, at least make it look cool and edgy!

2016-10-29, 10:11 AM
Now, on my personal opinion Bebliths are one of the few creatures the OP mentioned I want back, I always found those dog angels and balls of light weird, if you want to make something silly, at least make it look cool and edgy!

I really liked Retrievers (reminded me of War of the Worlds Fighting Machines), so I agree with this by extension.

2016-10-29, 10:40 AM
Archons, Guardinals, and Eladrin are all out entirely
The Eladrin will not be like the 3.0/3.5 ones because of the "new cosmology", they will be the ones from 4e that were Noble Fey instead of generic Chaotic Good Outsider.The eladrin have already made an appearance in fifth edition. The DMG uses them as an example of custom subrace. Like in fourth edition, they are elves of the Feywild.

2016-10-29, 12:55 PM
The only thing I'm surprised they left out is barghests. I always thought they were commonly used monsters. The good aligned planar beings are generally useless to me since I don't run evil campaigns.

2016-10-29, 01:36 PM
The eladrin have already made an appearance in fifth edition. The DMG uses them as an example of custom subrace. Like in fourth edition, they are elves of the Feywild.

those aren't the eladrin we're looking for ;)

2016-10-29, 01:42 PM
It does make some sense though. Arborea and the Beastlands have been pretty much Planescape's Spiritworld from the start. With the Feywild these things have probably become vastly more prominent and used in D&D.

2016-10-29, 01:51 PM
I miss a few classics, the absence of Nymph and Phoenix were jarring (MM1 natives for as long as I can remember)

2016-10-29, 02:08 PM
those aren't the eladrin we're looking for ;)I can't say I was looking for them either.

The 4e Player's Handbook said that eladrin were also called high elves, and the 4e Forgotten Realms Player's Guide divided eladrin into sun elves and moon elves.

So when the 5e PHB described high elves, and the 5e SCAG said to use the traits of high elves for sun elves and moon elves, I thought they had just dropped the fancy "eladrin" appellation.

2016-10-29, 03:15 PM
Lame and not missed by anyone (dragonne, frost worm, krenshar)

I would throw every Yeti under a bus to get those squirmy buggers back. Yes they overlapped with White Dragons a bit, but I like arctic adventures so they were always a nice option to have. Pretty easy to just reskin a Purple Worm though.

2016-10-29, 03:27 PM
I can't say I was looking for them either.

The 4e Player's Handbook said that eladrin were also called high elves, and the 4e Forgotten Realms Player's Guide divided eladrin into sun elves and moon elves.

So when the 5e PHB described high elves, and the 5e SCAG said to use the traits of high elves for sun elves and moon elves, I thought they had just dropped the fancy "eladrin" appellation.

allow me to elaborate: in older editions, eladrin was not referring to extraplanar elves, it was referring to an entire category of good-aligned outsiders. i'm not saying that the eladrin weren't what people were looking for in terms of a conversion from the 4e race... i'm saying that the name used to mean something very different from what it meant in 4e.

2016-10-29, 03:58 PM
allow me to elaborate: in older editions, eladrin was not referring to extraplanar elves, it was referring to an entire category of good-aligned outsiders. i'm not saying that the eladrin weren't what people were looking for in terms of a conversion from the 4e race... i'm saying that the name used to mean something very different from what it meant in 4e.Here is the conversation as I understood it:
* Yora noticed the absence of eladrin in the 5e MM. Since eladrin were mentioned after archons and guardinals, I knew we were talking old school.
* DragonSorcererX said that 5e eladrin "will" not be old school but the elves 4e called eladrin.
* I said that was already the case as per the 5e DMG.
* You made what I thought was a Star Wars joke.
* I took that as an excuse to share my thoughts about 5e eladrin.
* You are now explaing to me something I already know.

I hope this clears things up. :smallsmile:

2016-10-29, 05:29 PM
And the high level angels.

Was that some deliberate decision? Certainly looks like it. There's no denying that fiends have vastly greater uses in actual play, but somehow angels were included. Maybe to have a bit more stuff for the very high levels?

. The good aligned planar beings are generally useless to me since I don't run evil campaigns.

I use Angels to keep the murder-hobos in line. Wanna take an evil bent do you? Well, you get a heaven-sent warning. Still wanna cop an attitude? Now there's an angel (or several) after you.

2016-10-29, 08:18 PM
And you were so scared.....

LOL, Love reading this to my kids.

2016-10-30, 01:16 AM
Makes me think I'll have to start studying the various fiends so as to make a new hordling generator.

2016-10-31, 06:21 AM
Volo's Guide is coming out very soon, maybe we'll see frost worms for the arctic region of Forgotten Realms