View Full Version : Suggestions for character concepts?

2016-10-28, 01:56 PM
My current character needs to die. i hate her so much oh my god shes the worst. i used to like her but she just doesnt jive with the story or the other characters because i made her inherently wrongly. So now i need to work on some new ones.

I want to get some archetypes i can try to build so that i can have basic builds ready so we can include the one thats most appropriate. So basically... what are some cool character archetypes i should try to build? Currently i have a mage cop, an poor consistency chosen one type, a sea witch, litterally odin, and a sloth supremecist.

If you care, people in party include a greasy cleric front line and a turtle monk who CANNOT be damaged at all, a portal mage, and a paladin dragon god type dude.

Also i used to be a shadowcraft mage beguiler lady who was flavored as a mafia informant, but they didnt fit in with the setting and wouldnt until like... a year from now.

2016-10-28, 01:59 PM
What is the setting of the campaign?

What has the group been doing in the campaign?

What are the other characters like? (Not their class composition, but what is their character like)

What is the party dynamic?

2016-10-28, 02:03 PM
Without knowing more about the campaign it is hard to say. I notice the party lacks a rogue. There are various Rogue archetypes you could play around with but it's hard to make a suggestion without knowing more.

2016-10-28, 10:53 PM
A kender struggling with her sexuality.

A monk who, despite that speed bonus, wouldn't you know it, is just always late for things.

A hexblade who doesn't have the courage to stand up to his abusive father.

Literally Kevin McAllister.

A perform (stand-up) bard who begins every joke with "Have you seen this? Have you heard about this?"

2016-10-28, 11:54 PM
setting is homebrew, though it has alot of magitech type themes, lots of planar shenannigans and some very... strange locals (there is an npc named uncle funkle who is famous for his "bad touch").
That said, the dm is a man of science who appreciates that a given planet will have vast array of ecosystems and cultures within, so most anything that isnt blatantly one thing will fly just fine.

Our group has been focusing mostly on capturing and returning shattering or containing fragments of gods. They seem more like Norse gods or even Gaelic deities than traditional Judeo-Christian or even Egyptian gods, in that they are all pretty human but with ridiculous power tacked on.

The cleric is super down to commit genocide, but the second you start using mind effecting stuff, that is an invasion and is morally repugnant. he is a draco-sexual and is extremely greasy... like really greasy. He and the previous character had a cool dynamic where they were both "whatever it takes" types but given that her kit was all mind effecting we had some problems.

The Wizard is super into knowledge for knowledge's sake, has no faith in humanity at large, and very quickly aligns with authority, even when everyone else thinks its stupid. in this world he invented teleportation, and his body occasionally becomes a dimensional rift. as you do. He respects only the people who have earned it and most others are fodder for the cannons or the sheets (he regularly has extra "combat" when we visit inns)

The paladin thinks hes a god, but we don't actually know. he is super trigger happy and even tried to kill the mage because he sensed my alignment nearby and assumed that the black guy (literally black, he has pitch black skin) was the evil one. he fancies himself a diplomat but has no tact or restraint verbally which makes for some... interesting exchanges.

The Turtle is a sage who traveled the world for ages slowly trying to absorb the power of a single fragment of a god, to little success. hes kind of radical in his beliefs but keeps it under wraps well. Vow of Poverty. He avoids combat AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, to the point of standing in the middle of a literal tidal wave of enemies and he asked them to please go home, and when the big bad of the group cast a spell that melted a chunk of the city, he just gave him a firm talking to.

Party dynamic right now is in flux. We just caused a national tragedy. we killed a queen that we desperately needed to save. In general, the cleric and i would bitch about the mage, the mage would bitch about us bitching, the paladin would bitch about us being evil and the turtle would... eat some lettuce? idk, the pally and the turtle are both recent additions. Everyone thinks the pally is lying about being a god... but we arent sure. the turtle is trusted as reliable but is a moral hindrance for what needs to be done often, even to the mage. everyone thinks the cleric is sketchy af... but crazy strong and capable.

I was kindof just the sneaky sneaky and the utility caster. i could have done the skill monkey thing but we NEEEEEEVER need skills other than spot listen and spellcraft... maybe diplomacy bluff and sense motive. We do have a homebrewed skill called "wet" where you roll to see how wet you were... my character was typically quite dry.

And when i ask for archetypes, i mean more in the way of story archetypes, like the cop, or a black widow type, or the cheerleader. something that i can use as a prompt to build a character that is an interpretation. I do like the idea of making a stand up comedian... i will look into that one, but i think i will need to make him have some other hook to go along with it, like maybe his jokes are so groan inducing he functions as a debuffer?