View Full Version : Would the playground be interested in a campaign log?

2016-10-28, 02:59 PM
Hi all

So I am running a campaign in my newly rebuilt world. Its a campaign that will probably run for the next year, maybe more. Its low op, with all new players (I am experienced with 3.5e, they have all played a single game of 5e each before this). We have already had the first session, but I remember it all clearly.

Would that be something the forum would be interested in? I doubt its going to produce Tippy levels of cheese, or Red Fel levels of Machiavellian plot twists and character development, but I am enjoying it, and it would give me an outlet to vent when they do something no self respecting 3.5e player would do.

What do you say?

2016-10-28, 02:59 PM
Go for it: more campaign logs are always good.