View Full Version : Down The Rabbit Hole IC

2016-10-28, 05:20 PM
The first thing you notice upon arriving at Atlanta is how little it's changed. Riding in on a borrowed bike (all your gear having been smuggled in separately), you get stuck in the eternal traffic right as you cross the Perimeter into Atlanta proper. It feels almost like it would have been faster to walk, but you'd have to go through some bad neighborhoods, and you'd rather just save yourself the trouble of cleaning blood off your clothes. The heat of the day is finally vanishing into the moonless night when your commlink chirps, showing in your AR display that Terrence was calling you. Something was wrong: you were supposed to simply meet up at the safehouse.

2016-10-29, 09:32 AM
The first thing you notice upon arriving at Atlanta is how little it's changed. Riding in on a borrowed bike (all your gear having been smuggled in separately), you get stuck in the eternal traffic right as you cross the Perimeter into Atlanta proper. It feels almost like it would have been faster to walk, but you'd have to go through some bad neighborhoods, and you'd rather just save yourself the trouble of cleaning blood off your clothes. The heat of the day is finally vanishing into the moonless night when your commlink chirps, showing in your AR display that Terrence was calling you. Something was wrong: you were supposed to simply meet up at the safehouse.

Rabbit's eyes flicked briefly to her AR display, activating the call with a gesture. The motorbike she was riding wasn't anything next to her own, but it did the job. She probably could have gone on foot and made it to the safehouse on time, but she was passing through some shifty areas and didn't particularly feel like washing blood off her suit tonight. It was colder than she remembered in her home city, but she'd never spent much time outside at night then.

"What's happening, chummer?" She asks, as she activated the call.

2016-10-29, 01:37 PM
"The slot heads I hired to smuggle your stuff in didn't. No contact from them, but I got a buddy in the Market saying they're trying to move your goods. I'm gonna refund you the charge, obviously, and throw an extra 8k on there for you to get your stuff back and make an example of them. If they're alive or dead at the end, up to you." The words pour rapid fire out of the 'link, an example of how riled up the usually laid back fixer was.

2016-10-30, 10:59 AM
"The slot heads I hired to smuggle your stuff in didn't. No contact from them, but I got a buddy in the Market saying they're trying to move your goods. I'm gonna refund you the charge, obviously, and throw an extra 8k on there for you to get your stuff back and make an example of them. If they're alive or dead at the end, up to you." The words pour rapid fire out of the 'link, an example of how riled up the usually laid back fixer was.

"Guess I am getting blood on this suit, then. Gimme an address, or your buddy's com code, and I'll get these slotheads sorted out. Make an example out of them, right? I haven't got my usual tool 'o the trade with me, but I made do with a knife in the old days. Hell, I'm actually feeling a little nostalgic." Rabbit said, stopping her motorcycle, and taking in what she had with her. She had a sapphire knife in a concealed quick draw holster, a credstick, and a shell casing she'd forgotten about in the pocket of her suit. She didn't have any of her extra run gear on her - no securetech armour kits, no ballistic mask; but at least she was wearing a motorcycle helmet to keep any overeager traffic cops at bay.

If she gets some sort of location, Rabbit will speed off on her motorbike until she gets close to the site, if it's viable, and will then sneak[1] in closer; taking a look before she acts. She'll use the darkness to close in, her movements swift not constrained by many normal vertical obstacles.

]https://rolz.org/embed?X16560371 (https://rolz.org/info?X16560371)

2016-10-30, 04:12 PM
You get an ARO giving the details of the proposed sale. It's supposed to be in a abandoned subbasement that shares a collapsed wall with a similarly abandoned subway station. You also get dossiers on the smugglers-turned-thieves. Alec and Mikael Rumov, cousins sho run a t-bird courier service and can be hired for light freight. Roll a regular and a visual perception as you approach.

2016-10-31, 09:30 AM
You get an ARO giving the details of the proposed sale. It's supposed to be in a abandoned subbasement that shares a collapsed wall with a similarly abandoned subway station. You also get dossiers on the smugglers-turned-thieves. Alec and Mikael Rumov, cousins sho run a t-bird courier service and can be hired for light freight. Roll a regular and a visual perception as you approach.

Rabbit approached the abandoned subway station from above ground, her footsteps lighter than the impact of a feather; her body seeming to meld in and out of the shadows. Her movements were crisp and professional, but even flitting from darkened cover to darkened cover her inhuman speed was evident. She kept vigilant, as her training and experience told her too, but she was distracted by her anger. She wanted to get up close and personal with the smugglers, right this instant.

Rolled one success on both tests.

Actually no, I set it to count sixes only. It's actually two for the regular perception, three for the visual (roll included one die from her contact lenses' vision enhancements)

2016-10-31, 10:03 AM
You notice the watcher about the same time as he notices you: he brings his gun up in a vague threat, but clearly doesn't expect much more than that is needed. It looks like just hired muscle, not either of the cousins, but being seen this early is bad news, and the sale's supposed to start in 10 minutes still, so the goods might not even be there. He doesn't look openly hostile yet, what do you do?

2016-10-31, 11:31 AM
You notice the watcher about the same time as he notices you: he brings his gun up in a vague threat, but clearly doesn't expect much more than that is needed. It looks like just hired muscle, not either of the cousins, but being seen this early is bad news, and the sale's supposed to start in 10 minutes still, so the goods might not even be there. He doesn't look openly hostile yet, what do you do?

"Hey chummer, I'm here for the sale. No need for violence, yeah? Just spotted some shifty looking dudes a while back that way, didn't feel like getting into a fight." Rabbit says, slowly lifting up her hands to show they're empty. She slowly walks in his direction, trying not to look threatening. However, she's actually judging the distance between them. She wants to be within around thirty meters of him - or closer. If her plan fails, and the gig is up, she wants to take him out before he can talk.

2016-10-31, 12:03 PM
He blinks, and waves you in. "Drek, I didn't realize you didn't have a piece. You really need this sale, huh? Fraggin' Rumovs, hate their guts but their money's good. One of them killed my sister, you know? Course, she was a fragoff, so no loss, but family honor y'know? Not one of the two in there, I killed that mofo." He prattles on, unlocking the chains on the subway entrance for you.
You got 6 successes. He glitched. Man my dice like you.

2016-10-31, 01:06 PM
He blinks, and waves you in. "Drek, I didn't realize you didn't have a piece. You really need this sale, huh? Fraggin' Rumovs, hate their guts but their money's good. One of them killed my sister, you know? Course, she was a fragoff, so no loss, but family honor y'know? Not one of the two in there, I killed that mofo." He prattles on, unlocking the chains on the subway entrance for you.
You got 6 successes. He glitched. Man my dice like you.

"Yeah, that's them. I wouldn't be dealing with them if I didn't have to, but times are tough; 'ya know? You have a nice night, chummer." Rabbit says, as she descends into the subway station. She walks forward cautiously, trying not to be seen as she checks the place out - trying to spot any other guards, and whether or not her stuff's here yet.

If needed:
Stealth: 10 (https://rolz.org/info?X16607687)
Perception: 2 (https://rolz.org/info?X16607673)
Perception (Visual): 2 (https://rolz.org/info?X16607681)

2016-10-31, 01:38 PM
You're very sure you're unseen, as you sneak along down into the subway proper. It looks like there's an auction looking thing, one of the Rumovs taking bids and the other taking note of who ends up with what. You notice a back door behind them both, presumably into the subbasement that was supposed to be... you check your aro and yup, it was supposed to be open to this room. They've probably been using this building before, and have it walled off crudely so that they can have a storeroom and a sales floor, so to speak. The door's guarded by two men with some sort of automatic weapon, at this distance it's hard to tell other than it's roughly rifle sized. The Rumovs would certainly recognize you if they saw you, however, so staying to the shadows or going in metaphorical guns blazing seem to be your best options. What do you do?

2016-10-31, 02:09 PM
Keeping her head down, Rabbit walks in. These are the fragheads who stole her beautiful collection of death dealing devices, and her other stuff. Petty smugglers dumb enough to steal from someone shipping in everything from an auto-assault 16 to a fragging rocket launcher! Regardless, they were now all in one underground space together, so it was time to do this thing; so to speak.

"I bid-" Rabbit withdrew the credstick she'd found in her pocket and checked the balance "- 23 nuyen for the lot!" She says, her knife by her side in her other hand. She turned to the crowd, and spoke once more. "Anyone who doesn't want to die tonight should leave now." She says politely, then bursts into action. Running at the Rumov's; intent on a deadly charge!

Initiative Count: 26 (https://rolz.org/info?X16608595)
Charging at the nearest of the brothers,
Attack: 7 (https://rolz.org/info?X16608683)

2016-11-02, 08:03 AM
The smuggler's jaw drops, and he's skewered on your knife, grunting in pain. He collapses off your knife, and the rest of the room, seems to wake up, reaching for weapons or running for the door. You have won initiative, what will you do?

I'm saying that was a surprise round, after looking at the rules, and he didn't' get a defense roll as a result.

2016-11-03, 07:22 AM
The smuggler's jaw drops, and he's skewered on your knife, grunting in pain. He collapses off your knife, and the rest of the room, seems to wake up, reaching for weapons or running for the door. You have won initiative, what will you do?

I'm saying that was a surprise round, after looking at the rules, and he didn't' get a defense roll as a result.

Rabbit never stops moving, rushing past the collapsing body of one of the Umov brothers; her knife painting a brilliant trail of scarlet along the dirty floor of the disused subway station. She advances on one of the two guards by the door to the subbasement; her knife flashing out in a blur of deep blue crystal.

Blades: 9 (https://rolz.org/info?X16696121)