View Full Version : Homebrewing Someone Else's Homebrew: Etiquette?

2016-10-29, 04:57 PM
A while back I stumbled onto MammonAzrael's Warlock rewrite (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?226021-The-Warlock-a-massive-rewrite-3-5-Base-Class-WIP), and I fell in love. I've always liked the 3.5 warlock, even though it wasn't particularly powerful, but I had a problem that the warlock's supporting material always considered it to be capitle E evil, even though the fluff states that they can inherit their powers or make pacts with non-fiendish creatures, such as fey. MA's warlock addressed both the power issues and the alignment issues and mechanically represented the different sources of a warlock's power in a flavorful and mechanically interesting way. In short, it is awesome.

MA wrote re-write for 3.5, and I thought it would be nice if it was updated for Pathfinder, with favored class bonuses, archetypes, etc. And while I'm at it, I might as well update the links to the PFSRD. And in keeping with the Pathfinder feel, maybe I could add a bit more the pacts, and perhaps tweak them slightly. And hey, there's a niche that the existing pacts don't cover, why don't I add a pact to cover that. Oh, while I'm on the archetypes, I'll bet I could convert the DFA as an archetype for this class...

The project ended up getting bigger than I thought it would be. It's still very recognizably MA's re-write, but I've added and changed enough for there to be quite noticeably differences. As I worked, I admit I grew fairly attached to it, viewing it almost like an adopted child. I would really like to post it to the forum's homebrew section, both to give other PF players the opportunity to play and to get more experienced homebrewer's evaluation and critiques on what I changed, particularly any balance issues.

Which brings me to the point of this post: is there any etiquette or faux-passes on homebrewing other people's homebrew that I should know about? I know rewrites and conversions of classes are fairly popular in the forums, but all of the ones I have read are rewrites/conversions of official material, and I don't know if it's different with other's homebrew. I PMed MA twice asking for permission, once a month and a half ago and once a week ago, and got no response either time. If I do post the class, I intend to give MA both original credit and quote his original comments in each section, with my own responses when necessary. I'm not trying to steal his work, just edit and convert it. That's my justification anyway.

So, in the expert opinion of the playground, what is the etiquette on homebrewing other people's homebrew?

2016-10-29, 06:22 PM
I PM/message the homebrewer if possible and link to the previous homebrew if I used anything from it. Nobody seems to mind that method, and I always keep the permission PMs in case I need them.

2016-10-29, 06:34 PM
Sending a message to the original creator of the homebrew would be a good idea. Include a link to your updated works, ask for a critique maybe. And if you feel like going really crazy, include a link to the original homebrewed warlock in your own thread.

2016-10-29, 07:01 PM
I PM/message the homebrewer if possible and link to the previous homebrew if I used anything from it. Nobody seems to mind that method, and I always keep the permission PMs in case I need them.

Sending a message to the original creator of the homebrew would be a good idea. Include a link to your updated works, ask for a critique maybe. And if you feel like going really crazy, include a link to the original homebrewed warlock in your own thread.

As I said, I already sent two PMs. The second had a link to the work. I got no response from either.

2016-10-29, 08:54 PM
As I said, I already sent two PMs. The second had a link to the work. I got no response from either.

Ah, must have missed it. My bad.

In that case, if you think it borders on plagiarism, you'll probably want to change it enough that it's not or just simply not post it until you get permission. Mammon was active today, apparently, so at least they're still active. I'd wait and see if you get a response. If you don't within a couple of weeks, send another PM. Could be that they just missed it.