View Full Version : Pirate Adventures (Anima: Beyond Fantasy) IC

2016-10-29, 10:13 PM
The night before launch:
You have been told by Captain Alaric that launch will happen tomorrow at noon. He gives you directions to where his ship is currently docked, and smiles as he leaves you to go about any business you have before your high seas adventure. How you spend your last night is up to you, but it may be your last night on land, so spend it wisely.

The day of the launch:
You wake up and head for the port where the ship awaits, following the ebb and flow of the crowds and trying to avoid being mugged on your way down. In a city like this, opportunities await around every bend and turn for criminals who are willing to try, and unfortunately along your way you see several people less lucky than yourself struggling and fighting to keep hold of what little they have.

Most of them do not succeed.

At the docks:
The docks of Black Port surround most of the city, and who has access to which parts of the port are in constant flux as the pirate kings change lands on a daily basis. However, following the directions given to you by the Captain, you quickly find yourself in a less populated section of the docks, with few ships to mistake for your destination.

The Emerald Spectre, the ship of Captain Alaric, is a three masted frigate with green sails and a strange figurehead depicting a young woman with captivating beauty. As you get closer, you see the crew running about getting ready to depart. Several individuals who look a little lost seem to be attempting to come aboard, each being checked over by two men. One of whom appears to be a man in a long coat and fine clothes underneath, with long flowing hair and a big smile on his face, who you recognize as Captain Alaric. The other man, who towers over both the captain and the new guests, wears much less, seemingly wearing shorts and sandals and nothing else. He, from what you have gathered (Or from first hand experience in the case of Arjuna) is the First Mate of the ship, Martin Eckhardt. The two seems to be checking over people very carefully, but in the end allow each person inspected to come aboard. Noon quickly approaches, and the time to leave behind the city is rapidly closing in upon you.

2016-10-30, 04:31 PM
For Friedrich, the night was spent resting. All of his patience and energies would be required in order to keep himself in check when surrounded by so many lesser men. Rest was necessary.

Prefering to keep a low profile, the next day he quickly headed to the ship. It would be better if he stayed unseen. When being inspected, he keeps his hat on, causing a shadow to cover his upper face. Being examined by such a brute, more beast than man, is beneath a Daevar. But knowing that sacrifices must be made and that keeping his pride in check will be important for his survival, the young man tries to do everything he can to avoid showing his face of disgust at the small of hive of scum and villany that is the ship and its crew.

For now, he plays nice and silent.

2016-10-30, 05:16 PM
The couple of hours before meeting with the captain, Zahur spent his time expanding his knowledge and abilities in the occult, before resting the last few hours of the night. In the morning, he assembled his belongings and took his breakfast, a rather frugal one, considering his funds at the moment.

After making his way through the port to reach the docks, looking at the spectacle and the crew of the Emerald Specter. With not much on his person, Zahur doesn't have much to hide, his white tunic and sandals make him look like more a regular person than some kind of a mage.

He approaches the ramp leading up to the ship for inspection, with his usual jaded look, as when it comes to horrible things and monstruousities...Zahur has seen and created his fair deal of such creatures.

2016-10-31, 11:33 AM
Arjuna doesn't need to walk up the bridge, he's been a part of this crew for a few weeks now. That said, he wasn't a crew member in the most traditional sense. Other than pulling line, command didn't have much trust for his abilities on deck. He was largely used for 'other' purposes. Arjuna had spent the night and much of that morning in the bay, catching and consuming what fish dared peer towards the coast. But come the morning bell, Arjuna knew where he had to be!

As the new blood toddled their skinny legs onboard, Arjuna climbed the side of the ship, quickly crawling beneath a tarp hung there especially for him. He peaked over the rails, an unreasonably tall man swaddled in rough cloth and sipping wet from the sea. The garb kept most of his unusual features covered, other than the silvery sheen of his long hands and feet, or the sharp nails on his fingers and toes. It was his enforced state of cloth while they were in town. The fishman snickered revealing a row of inhumanly sharp teeth as he observed the line, waiting for one of them to slip up. All men overboard were fair game after all, a rule of the ship! Or at least, he liked to think so.

2016-11-06, 03:04 AM
As the last of the new recruits boards the ship, the captain and his towering firstmate head aboard the ship and immediately head towards the bow of the ship. Once there, Captain Alaric takes in a deep breath, and shouts to the crew.

"Alright listen up! Some of you are new to how things work on this ship. Let me fill you in. If you are attacking a target, then he" He juts his head at the towering man behind him. "Is who you take orders from. If you don't, we feed you to him." He points to Arjuna when he says this. "When not fighting, you listen to me, or Quartermaster Henson, who will make himself known to each of you in good time." During the captains speech, the more seasoned members of the crew have already begun quickly finishing up the preparations and the dock is now slowly moving away from the ship as the captain continues his speech.

"Now, some of you may have heard rumors about our next prize. Allow me to address these rumors. Yes, the place we are heading to holds a curse, and yes several ships before us have tried and failed to steal its secrets. However, I know something none of them did." The captain begins walking towards the center of the ship, his coat swishing behind him as he takes slow measured strides, his gaze passing over each crew member he passes.

"There is a ship, sent by Cardinal Vicente Aparicio." As he speaks the name, you hear several members of the crew mutter angrily under their breath. The captain pauses, but seems more happy at his crews hatred of the man rather than annoyed at their interruption. As he continues, he keeps walking, heading towards the helm of the ship, where a young lad currently holds the wheel. As the captain reaches the young man, he taps him on the shoulder, and they switch positions.

"Yes, a man who represents both the churchs hatred for those amongst us born differently, and who has constantly tried to hunt down every member of this crew. He and his people are everything standing in our way today, so I ask you all." The captain pauses, a terrifying smile spreading across his face. "Who here is ready to slaughter those damn, filthy clergymen?!"

A roar of approval goes up from the more seasoned members of the crew, including the young lad who was previously guiding the ship.

2016-11-06, 09:19 AM
Zahur listens to the speech and identifies the people in charge in the crew. Members of the clergy are on their trail and apparently it wouldn't be the first time. Taking down a few zealots doesn't sound too bad at the moment. Still, he'll probably need to make some preparation to not be caught off guard.

While the crew is cheering for the death of their enemies, the man in white simply nods and take a good look at the other new recruits around.

2016-11-09, 02:08 PM
Friedrich just nods quietly. While the prospect of fighting the Church wasn't exactly thrilling for him, sometimes a man has to do what he has to do.

He waits during the speech, approaching the captain as soon as he ends, to ask about where he should set his things.

2016-11-10, 09:09 PM
Arjuna clicked his teeth together, at the captains queue. His normal teeth, which were still actually quite sharp. But that was the only part he played. Once the meeting was over, he staggered over to the railing, plopping his scaly rear upon it and watching the others get to work. Humans, it took so much work just to get them a few miles oversea. Sails, coiled rope, tons of wood. He'd always thought them clumsy and childlike the moment they lost sight of shore. Arjuna watched the newbies, waiting for one of them to stumble the moment the rudder shifted. That person would be the one to watch for, when he was circling the ship on a stormy day.

2016-11-13, 06:33 PM
Looking around, you see a half a dozen other people who seem new to the crew based on how they stick out. Four of them seem to be doing the same thing you are, watching and analyzing the other new recruits. One, an older gentleman in all black, seems to be struggling to stay standing due to the motion of the ship, and another heads immediately for the captain.

The captain sees you coming and grabs the boy who was previously steering the ship. "Jeffrey, this man is one of our new recruits for the island job. Please show him where he can store his stuff." The young boy looks up at the captain and nods enthusiastically before leading you down a set of nearby stairs and through the ship towards the bow. Inside you find a small but nicely lit room with four bunks and storage containers along two of the walls.

You quickly find what you're looking for, as one of the new faces stumbles about with each wave. The man is an older gentleman in all black and despite his age he looks surprisingly juicy.