View Full Version : Domains of Nagakabouros?

2016-10-30, 06:32 AM
(Woo. I spelled that right the first time [from memory]...and then I spelled "spelled" as "speed" as I typed this up. lol)


So, for those that don't want to watch, here's the basic rundown. Nagakabouros is the underwater, tentacled god of freedom and desire (OK, technically, God of Life, Ocean Storms, and Motion, but, yeah), in League of Legends. The religion has 3 fundamental beliefs:

1) Every spirit was born to serve the universe
2) Desire was built into every living being by the universe
3) The universe only moves toward its destiny when the living chase their desires.

Undead are hated, as is typical of gods of Life. The Truthbearer (Illoai), ie. the high priestess, professes disgust at Demacian units, often citing their laws and stuff as getting in the way of desire (in addition to that Garen x Katarina shipping). They also value strength, even so much as to rip a person's soul out to test it. Afterall, if a person doesn't have strength, then they can't pursue their desire. And lastly, Nagakabouros doesn't care about Good or Evil, merely desire, which actually lends itself towards Neutral Evil...but eh.

What domains would this god be over?

2016-10-30, 06:36 AM
Seems like an archetypical CN to me, except maybe for the 'ripping out souls' part (context, please?).

2016-10-30, 06:45 AM
Seems like an archetypical CN to me, except maybe for the 'ripping out souls' part (context, please?).

Context is 2:34 of the video. If they fail the test, they will be destroyed, but if they succeed, they will be forever changed, and often find the will to pursue their true destiny. Basically, "hey, why the heck not?"

For more detailed context...well, I'll not just transcribe the entire video. Again, the "why" is never explained. Just that it is used.

2016-10-30, 06:55 AM
I never really understood why destroying a soul would be evil. Chaotic, yes, but it can't be worse than torturing someone forever, which is basically what the entire evil afterlife is.

I'd say they are CN and for the Domains, how about Freedom, Life, Water and Travel?

2016-10-30, 08:50 AM
I never really understood why destroying a soul would be evil. Chaotic, yes, but it can't be worse than torturing someone forever, which is basically what the entire evil afterlife is.

I'd say they are CN and for the Domains, how about Freedom, Life, Water and Travel?

Don't forget Chaos.

Extra Anchovies
2016-10-30, 09:12 AM
Yeah, Illaoi and Nagakabouros are definitely examples of chaotic neutral done well. Chaos, Courage, Liberation, Ocean, Passion, Pride, Seafolk, Transformation, Water, and Zeal would all be fitting domain choices.

2016-10-30, 09:25 AM
Very nice domain choices so far.

Also, why the heck would destroying the soul be chaotic? Just because it's an evil-like thing that you decided wasn't evil, doesn't make it chaotic! Like seriously. Stop that.

2016-10-30, 03:59 PM
Very nice domain choices so far.

Also, why the heck would destroying the soul be chaotic? Just because it's an evil-like thing that you decided wasn't evil, doesn't make it chaotic! Like seriously. Stop that.

Oh no: I said it's chaotic not because it's "sorta evil, but not really", but because it disables the tradition of souls getting their just* reward (good souls going to good places, evil souls to bad places, yadda yadda). That way, there will be no reward for a good soul or punishment for a bad soul, which isn't what tradition would imply.

*Of course, everyone who suggests that anyone, basically no matter who he raped, maimed or murdered would be "justified" in going to hell doesn't properly understand the concept of infinity.

2016-10-30, 05:45 PM
Extra Anchovies hit pretty much everything I'd suggest. I think Hope, Madness, Strength, and Watery Death might make good additions to the list, too. What are you picking up for favored weapon?

Tangentially, am I the only one who's noticed a real tendency towards making long domain lists for homebrewed deities? Principally the ones who have work put into their development, not the ones whose development stops at "God of ____".

*Of course, everyone who suggests that anyone, basically no matter who he raped, maimed or murdered would be "justified" in going to hell doesn't properly understand the concept of infinity.

Arguably, you're not properly understanding the effects those crimes have on their victims.
But that's wandering off the topic.

2016-10-30, 06:17 PM
Extra Anchovies hit pretty much everything I'd suggest. I think Hope, Madness, Strength, and Watery Death might make good additions to the list, too. What are you picking up for favored weapon?

Tangentially, am I the only one who's noticed a real tendency towards making long domain lists for homebrewed deities? Principally the ones who have work put into their development, not the ones whose development stops at "God of ____".

Yeah. But to be fair, once there are more domains, there should be more domains that a free-existing god should be able to fit in. Those in a pantheon (where the gods have decided to split power and control), are the ones who realistically should be the ones with shorter lists.

Arguably, you're not properly understanding the effects those crimes have on their victims.
But that's wandering off the topic.

If you owe 1 quintillion, but are forced to pay infinity... Still not equivalent. What about Sextilion? Undecillion? Duodecillion? Googleplex? Infinity is still more.

Extra Anchovies
2016-10-30, 06:44 PM
I'm conflicted about whether the Blackwater domain is a good fit. On one hand, it's got a bunch of deep-ocean-related stuff (including the granted power), has two different tentacle-summoning spells (Black Tentacles for control, Blackwater Tentacle for damage), and the 9th-level spell summons a Kraken. However, it also has two spells which use negative energy damage, which clashes rather harshly with Nagakabouros's opposition to the Black Mist (for those unfamiliar, it's an evil soul-eating fog which flows out from an undead-ridden island every now and then). Maybe fiat-swap the negative energy damage on Blackwater Taint and Dark Tide to untyped, bludgeoning, or cold, remove the Desecrate Water effect from Blackwater Taint, and shift Doom of the Seas's kraken to Anarchic?

Extra Anchovies hit pretty much everything I'd suggest. I think Hope, Madness, Strength, and Watery Death might make good additions to the list, too. What are you picking up for favored weapon?

I think Hope, Strength, and Watery Death would all fit pretty nicely, and that last one's a nice find - it's not on the list (https://web.archive.org/web/20150910043951/http://home.comcast.net/~ftm3/ASMoNM/domains.html) that I usually refer to - but I don't really know about Madness. Nagakabouros seems like the sort of deity who'd value clarity of purpose, what with the general "find what you want and take it" theme.

As for favored weapons, the kraken theme makes me think that borrowing Ilsensine's "tentacle or unarmed strike" would make sense.

Tangentially, am I the only one who's noticed a real tendency towards making long domain lists for homebrewed deities? Principally the ones who have work put into their development, not the ones whose development stops at "God of ____".

Well, more than half of the core deities have at least 10 domains, so lists of around that length wouldn't be out of the ordinary.

Regarding afterlives (at least in default 3.5 lore), time spent being variously tormented in hell is explicitly finite, and the duration doesn't actually have anything to do with the morality of a person's deeds in life. The various agonies are inflicted to draw out magical energy from the soul before it's converted to a petitioner. Souls are only tortured on the lower planes because harming someone else for non-necessary personal gain is an innately evil act.

2016-10-30, 07:10 PM
Well, more than half of the core deities have at least 10 domains, so lists of around that length wouldn't be out of the ordinary.

Yeah... Makes me wonder why they have so many. I mean, don't get me wrong, great for them, but it just seems so excessive sometimes. Then again, all deity rules are sorta over the top.

Regarding afterlives (at least in default 3.5 lore), time spent being variously tormented in hell is explicitly finite, and the duration doesn't actually have anything to do with the morality of a person's deeds in life. The various agonies are inflicted to draw out magical energy from the soul before it's converted to a petitioner. Souls are only tortured on the lower planes because harming someone else for non-necessary personal gain is an innately evil act.

Yeah, I was referring to... "a different hell", but then realized that I was nearly breaking the rules, so I stopped.
Anyway, wasn't the time spent tortured in hell measured in hours? I believe the process was actually rather short.

2016-10-31, 01:38 AM
Yeah, I was referring to... "a different hell", but then realized that I was nearly breaking the rules, so I stopped.
Anyway, wasn't the time spent tortured in hell measured in hours? I believe the process was actually rather short.

That'd be odd: isn't the 'eventually, the soul gets drained' meant to explain why Resurrection spells have a limited window in which they can return someone?

2016-10-31, 06:33 AM
That'd be odd: isn't the 'eventually, the soul gets drained' meant to explain why Resurrection spells have a limited window in which they can return someone?

Really? I could have sworn that it didn't take long to get them tortured into a Lemure.

EDIT: Wait, nvm, I now know why I have different information. I was looking at the Promotion Ritual and assumed that the Lemures would be simple rank 1 transformations. Still... How comes there are different time limits on resurrections if it depended on a on/off state of the soul? And how does that relate to the Neutral or Good afterlives?

2016-10-31, 10:14 AM
Really? I could have sworn that it didn't take long to get them tortured into a Lemure.

EDIT: Wait, nvm, I now know why I have different information. I was looking at the Promotion Ritual and assumed that the Lemures would be simple rank 1 transformations. Still... How comes there are different time limits on resurrections if it depended on a on/off state of the soul? And how does that relate to the Neutral or Good afterlives?

In the Neutral or Good afterlives people become part of the plane after an amount of time, too.

2016-10-31, 10:26 AM
In the Neutral or Good afterlives people become part of the plane after an amount of time, too.

Oh, sure, but isn't it weird that the Lemure torture procedure takes just as long as planar assimilation and varies depending on the spell or ability used to resurrect a target?

2016-10-31, 11:09 AM
Oh, sure, but isn't it weird that the Lemure torture procedure takes just as long as planar assimilation and varies depending on the spell or ability used to resurrect a target?

I think it's more like the lemure procedure being gradual, slowly eroding away larger and larger parts of the victim's soul, with resurrection spells being able to recreate the missing pieces of soul to varying degrees.