View Full Version : Surreal dreamland IC

2016-10-30, 06:04 PM
Welcome to the Surreal dreamland IC

Original post: Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?502236-A-surreal-Alice-in-the-wonderlandesque-freeform-adventure&p=21351611#post21351611)
Occ: here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?504815-Surreal-dreamland-OOC)

You notice yourself in a room.

The room is made of mirrors. The walls the floor and the ceiling.

The mirrors reflect each other, that creates mirrors within mirrors. You see infinite versions of yourself.

There is also a door in front of you.

You are alone, but you feel as if people were with you.

What do you do?

2016-10-30, 06:56 PM
Where am I? How...did I get here?

I notice the door; the only point of reference among the kaleidoscope of reflections. Reflections that remind me...yes, that's right. I couldn't even manage to kill myself properly. Without bothering to try the doorknob, I swoosh towards the doorway. Bonk!

Urgh. Apparently, doors are still within my grasp. I try the doorknob. Swoosh.

Or not. Why, why am I so useless...? I'll be stuck in this box forever. At least I think I shan't inconvenience anybody in here, but, failure that I am, I've probably gotten myself stuck in somebody's pantry and they'll have to call an unlucky bunch of unoriginal supernatural exterminators with a catchy theme song to capture me with a glorified vacuum cleaner. Oh, well, I suppose all I can do is rest and enjoy the rest of my seemingly interminable life.

As I lean my vaguely proportioned head on the door, I suddenly fall flat on my face. Typical. I resign myself to my fate, and manage to screw up eternal purgatory as well. Might as well have a look around, I think, raising my head to look around...

2016-10-30, 07:03 PM
Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First

"What is this?" The incredibly handsome hound questions, looking at his reflections. "I've been surrounded by other dashing devils!" He barks. "Have at the!" Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First charges the nearest mirror. "Tally ho!"

Is the mirror more than 1.3 inches thick?!

2016-10-31, 12:59 AM
I don't waste time wondering where I am. I can't stay here, there are people out there who don't know that they're wrong about things!
It may be difficult, and, worse, undignified, but it must be done! I attempt to open the door with my mouth.

2016-10-31, 02:03 AM
Alan woke with a start. Well, 'woke' into Dreams. Opium was some truly magical stuff. Of course, sometimes the results were less pleasant he mused as he saw an infinite number of his haggard and strained reflections staring back at him.

Well bugger. I was hoping for the brothel again.

One thing always followed the next. Dreams were infinitely maleable. It just took a flexible mind and a little will. And mirrors were good links to just about anything...

Mirrorglass to glass, he thought as he blearily ran his fingers over the nearest wall, eyes closed. It helped to close his eyes he found. It was so much easier to convince yourself (and your dream) of something new if you weren't looking right at it. Now feel was an anchor. Mirrors and windows felt the same, as such, when he opened his eyes...


Attempting to transmute the nearest mirror to glass so I can see through it. I will then repeat as needed.

2016-10-31, 12:17 PM
"Hello? Is anybody here?" Eliza looks around the room. Wasn't she somewhere else just moments ago? This might be one of the stranger things that have happened to her, even in wonderland.
She takes a moment to look around the room and raps against one of the mirrors. "Hello?"

The Walrus
2016-10-31, 07:00 PM
Dodici looked around with some confusion. How exactly he had came to be in this room filled with mirrors? He couldn't remember. It must, Dodici decided, be a case of amnesia, but was it retrograde amnesia or anterograde amnesia? Hmm... how to tell...

Aha! What if Dodici made a smudge mark on one of the mirrors, turned around, waited a minute, then turned back? If he then found he couldn't remember who made the mark, then he would have to have anterograde amnesia. No, wait, if that was the case, he wouldn't remember the purpose of his smudge scheme in the first place, so the plan wouldn't work. But then Dodici realized that the fact that he could remember coming up with the plan meant that he didn't have anterograde amnesia after all!

So, he was just dealing with a little memory loss. All those words in his brain must have been crammed in so tightly that eventually, something gave way and memories shot out of his mind like an uncoiling spring. Now that that was settled, where was he? Well, given all the mirrors, Dodici had to be in some sort of fitting room for trying on new clothes, perhaps at a fashionable tailor's shop. Dodici looked over all his garments, then studied the outfits of his infinitely reflected forms to examine them from every angle imaginable. Oddly, all of them looked quite familiar.

But wait! If Dodici had one mental affliction - amnesia - was it so improbable that he had others? Maybe he was dealing with some form of deja-vu that caused him to think strange clothes were familiar instead of strange situations. Yes, that was clearly what was going on here. And since it was an entirely new sort of phenomenon, that meant it would get a new name that Dodici could add to the dictionary! What to call it, what to - of course! Deja-shoe!

Grinning at his good fortune, Dodici reached for the door handle, eager to get back to his study and write down the new word.

2016-11-01, 06:35 PM

You look around and see nothing but mirrors. You can't shake the feeling you are not alone and now you feel as if someone is watching you.

Sir Corgington Goodboy

As you charge to the wall you hit your head with full strength and die you notice the wall wasn't made of solid glass but rather a strange liquid.

Now you find yourself lost in a weird sea that smells like sadness and taste like butter.

You are not alone a handsome gentleman is with you.

The sun is setting, the sky is blue and you must choose if you are going to swim to the west or east, since everybody knows a gentleman would never swim north or south that would be rude.

What do you do?


Professor Hermes

You succeed in you task, the doorknob tasted like lemons.

You find yourself in a room full of staircases. All the stairs lead to a trap door in the ceilling. Under the stairs is a infinite abyss of mirrors and windows. Some rats using climbing equipment and whips are cleaning the windows.

There is a thick grey fog around the area. It smells like vanilla.

You are not alone a blond haired human with brightly colored, Renaissance-era clothes is with you.

What do you do?


Alan Lidel

As you try to transmute you notice the material is not glass but rather some sort of unstable space bending material. It has teleported you to a a huge lake made of salty water, it tastes like butter and smell like sadness.

There is a dog with you.

The sun is setting, the sky is blue and you must choose if you are going to swim to the west or east, since you feel the south would take to the border of the world and north to the frigid waters where a giant is crying.

What do you do?


Elizabeth Reading

Nobody answers but now you feel as if you called the attention of someone.. Or something.

The mirror feels wet and gelatinous as if you could pass through it.


As you go through the door you notice a giant tortoise wearing the cap and gown.

You find yourself in a room full of staircases. All the stairs lead to a trap door in the ceilling. Under the stairs is a infinite abyss of mirrors and windows. Some rats using climbing equipment and whips are cleaning the windows.

There is a thick grey fog around the area. It smells like vanilla.


2016-11-01, 06:56 PM
Doors are my nemesis. (What's this feeling...?) Let's try going through the mirrors, then. (Like I'm...being watched?)

I charge (... doesn't matter) at the mirrored wall to the left of the door, knowing full well that if I don't get through, (... I'm dead either way...) I'm going to break my ethereal nose.

The Walrus
2016-11-01, 07:41 PM
This didn't look like a tailor's shop! This didn't look like a tailor's shop at all! Dodici reluctantly discarded his earlier theory as to where he was, but decided to write down 'deja-shoe' in the dictionary anyways, since, after all, it did seem like something which could occur.

Then the abcedist noted the scholarly-attired tortoise next to him. Aha! Surely this fellow would know exactly where they were! Indeed, a tortoise would have had exceptional difficulty getting down all these stairs, so he wouldn't be where he was unless he had an exceptionally good reason.

"Hello there, good sir!" said Dodici, taking a gamble at the tortoise's gender. "Would you happen to know where we are, and perhaps also where the nearest source of writing supplies is?"

2016-11-01, 10:10 PM

You are teleported .

You are floating above a crossroad, the path to the north takes to a victorian looking house.

There is a giant snail with three arms, one holding a halberd, the other a pen and the last one paper scrolls going to the house.

The path to west go to a checkpoint in the mountais.

The path to south goes to a village.

You can't see where the path to east go, it seems to be a grass field.

2016-11-02, 05:45 PM
A shiver runs down Elizas spine. Something is not right here. Has she just heard something? Is this just her imagination?

Then she notices how the mirror feels. It is made out of ... jelly? How does this work? This new puzzle all but wipes every other thought from her mind. Her fear lingers a moment, but looses against her curiosity.
She prods the mirror, first gently, then stronger, until her finger goes through the material. Eliza pushes her hand through the mirror and tries to rip a chunk out of it, so she can have a closer look at the material.

2016-11-03, 09:45 AM
Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First

"What ho?" He gurgles and begins to paddle. "With me, young lad!" He shouts to the gentleman as he begins to paddle west.

2016-11-04, 06:08 AM
Huh. It was to be that sort of dream then. Well, it still beat the bitter world used car sales.

Alan lay back in the water, sun falling on his face. Drifting, that was the ticket. It had been a while since he last swam, or floated, but the sensation was the same. He closed his eyes, remembering, focusing on the feeling.

As he opened them again, he was now drifting at speed like a human raft after the talking dog, catching up to his side.

'To where?' Alan asked.

2016-11-04, 11:16 AM
Elizabeth Reading

As you pull a chunk out of the looking glass it stretches and stretches until a part of it rips off and turns intro water.

From the hole in the mirror cracks start to take over the entire room and soon the entire place breaks apart.

You start falling in a infinite abyss made of black windows in a white void until you arrive in a black section of it, it is made of black marble and has white windows. Now you are floating as if there was an invisible floor underneath you.

There is a giant rat in front of you. He is cleaning one of the windows.

What do you do?




Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First And Alan Lidel

As you two start talking a red door pass by floating in the salty water. It is a big enough so there is room for two people, despite the fact that tragic lovers from shipwrecks scenarios tend to disagree with that.

The door is also floating west in a very high speed.

What do you do?


2016-11-04, 11:18 AM
Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First

"We are sailing!" The hound bellows as he grabs the gentleman and hoists him onto the door, before climbing aboard himself. "Sailing to the west!"

2016-11-04, 04:55 PM
Eliza screams in shock when the room falls apart. The abyss looks like she might be falling for all eternity and Eliza is very relieved when she starts floating.
For the moment, she is not in the mood for more experiments. Instead she tries to move in the direction of the rat and begins talking to it.
"Hello! Who are you? I am Elizabeth Reading, but you can call me Eliza, if you want to. Can you tell me where we are? I seem to have lost my way. Is this a building? Does the abyss stretch on for all eternity? Is there a way outside? Except for the windows, I mean."
Eliza moves to one of the windows, if she can, and looks outside. Then she continues to talk.
"You must have a lot of work with so many windows. Do you live here all alone or are there other people in this building?"

2016-11-04, 06:50 PM
Elizabeth Reading

The rat seems overwhelmed with so many questions.

"How did you get here girl?"

"This is the box of mirrors in the house of the Duke of clocks."

"I just work here. This are the windows to the windows around the whole world."

You see a a vast field in a farm and after a flash you see the interior of a castle, everything is white the walls, the ceiling and the furniture, after another flash you see the interior of a cathedral. It seems the windows act as portals to windows alla round the dreamland.

"The work never ends and the Duke barely pay us enough to eat." The rat seems really melancholic for a moment.

"I don't live here, me and my brothers used to work here for the Knight of mirrors, but he sold his house to the duke and that horrible man decided to put all the mirror and windows of the house inside this box."

The rat snaps back to reality and begin to question Elizabeth.

"That still don't explain how you got here. People only randomly appear inside the mirror sections of the box not in the windows section. How did you get here? Are you a thief?"

The rat panics and starts screaming.


2016-11-04, 07:10 PM
"Calm down, please, calm down! I am no thief, I haven't done anything. I just appeared in a room full of mirrors, but when I poked one of the mirrors a bit, it shattered and the whole room with it. So I fell on this - floor or whatever we are standing on."
Eliza makes a wide gesture with her arms and tries to look harmless.
"Just think about it! If I was a thief, I would have never talked to you! I would be skulking around in the shadows, not walking openly. And I would be where the treasures are, not in a room full of windows and nothingness."

2016-11-05, 04:45 PM
Elizabeth Reading


The rat seems calm now.

"You..broke one of the mirror boxes?... That will end in tears I'm sure."

"The Duke told us to treat all the people randomly teleported here as guests. But he didn't said anything about guests breaking his stuff... I'm not sure who will take the blame for that... But any way you better move, there is tea at the living room. Just go up the staris."

The rat take you to a door that you couldn't see from your angle since it is absurtly thin.

Professor Hermes, Dodici and Elizabeth Reading

As you go throughthe you end up in another room.

You find yourself in a room full of staircases. All the stairs lead to a trap door in the ceilling. Under the stairs is a infinite abyss of mirrors and windows. Some rats using climbing equipment and whips are cleaning the windows.

There is a thick grey fog around the area. It smells like vanilla.

You are not alone, there is a giant tortoise wearing a cap and gown and a blond haired human with brightly colored, Renaissance-era clothes is with you.

The human is talking to the tortoise.

"Hello there, good sir!" said Dodici, taking a gamble at the tortoise's gender. "Would you happen to know where we are, and perhaps also where the nearest source of writing supplies is?"

They don't seem to notice your presence.

azaph haven't logged in a while, so we may have to autopilot Prof. Hermes for now.

2016-11-06, 05:59 PM
After everything else that has happened, Eliza is relieved to see a human being, even if he wears strange clothes. And in comparison, the giant tortoise seems positively normal, too.
"Hello!", she says, "Have you also appeared in a room full of mirrors? I've been told that we are in the house of the Duke of clocks. I am Elizabeth Reading, by the way, but everyone calls me Eliza." Always eager for information, she adds: "If you want to know more about this place, we could ask one of the rats, that are working here. They seem to know quite a lot. Oh, and before I forget, they told me that there is a living room up the stairs, where we can get tea, if we want to."

The Walrus
2016-11-06, 08:59 PM
Dodici turned to greet the rather peculiarly dressed newcomer. Although her clothes were dreadfully unstylish - especially so for visiting a duke - he appreciated the information she brought.

"Hello, madam Eliza! I'm Dodici, at your service! Assuming that service involves hanging from things right-side up or defining words, because those are the only tasks I'm really good at. I did indeed find myself in a room filled with mirrors recently - just a few moments ago, in fact!"

The well-attired dictionary editor looked downwards at all the mirrors and windows lining the yawning abyss beneath.

"Actually, I think I still am in a room filled with mirrors! Fancy that! So, this is the Duke of Clock's house, is it? I don't recall receiving an invitation from the Duke, although I do have amnesia - retrograde, not anterograde, mind you - so that's not too odd. Let me see if I'm still carrying it..."

After a quick search of Dodici's belongings turned up no invitation, he began to get a bit worried.

"Oh, dear. I'm afraid I've lost it. And if you had to be told that this is the Duke's house, I suppose you don't have one either. Oh my - it's very rude to just show up in someone's house without an invitation - people have been sentenced to hang for lesser crimes! What am I to do now? Ah - I know! Maybe my invitation just got lost down that pit! I'll ask one of those rats."

Dodici skipped down the stairs, then flipped upside down to hang off the last step of one of them by one foot. Having put himself as close to the rats as possible, he then called out to the nearest one.

"Hello down there! Would you have happened to notice an invitation from the Duke dropping past you recently? And if not, would you mind loaning me your invitation for a bit?"

2016-11-07, 04:47 AM
Alan stared at the door. He knew how this worked by now. He would open to door to someplace terrible. Or worse. Someplace sickeningly cute. He cupped his hands to the sea and concentrated until he was holding whiskey. It wouldn;t work, you couldn't concentrate on drunkenness, that was the whole point. But the bitter turpentine smell made him feel better.

'What's west?'

2016-11-07, 10:50 AM
Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First

"I haven't the foggiest! But you can bet it will be much better than whatever is east." He barks, taking 'point' of their new vessel. "If you are to be my first mate, I'll need your name!"

My sister just sent me this. Haha. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY6kfVWv01k)

2016-11-07, 03:55 PM
Alan shrugs. Why not? He hadn't gone sailing in a while. He held out a hand to shake paws with the little corgi. 'Alan. Alan Lidel. If we go south we can see the end of the world. I've never seen that before.'

2016-11-07, 04:17 PM
Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First

Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First shakes Alan's human paw. "South? What an excellent idea, first mate Alan!" Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First attempts to open the door they are sailing on.

2016-11-07, 05:09 PM
Eliza is confused. "An invitation? But why would you need one? Did you want to come here? Do you think that the Duke did something, so we would come here?" She thinks a moment. "Well, the rat did say that we are all guests of the Duke, so maybe this is deliberate? But the rat also said that people just appear randomly. On the other hand, that does not need to be true from the perspective of the Duke. And why do people appear at all?" By now, she is mainly talking to herself.

Eliza is very impressed, when Dodici just flips around the staircase, as if there was no such thing as gravity.
She briefly considers using her own talents to talk to the rats, but decides against it. With her luck today, whatever she summons would just disappear at the worst possible moment and she really does not want to fall in the abyss again.

Instead, she decides to summon a book about the Duke of clocks. That ability might be even more unreliable than her other one, but at least it can't hurt to try.

2016-11-07, 08:32 PM
Professor Hermes, Dodici and Elizabeth Reading

As Dodici ask the question the rat got suprised, lost his balance and end up falling in the abyss of windows bellow.

A friend of his start complaning.

"The box is no place for guests, go away, be gone, just go up and leave the box"

The book Eliza summons is called "Noble houses and royalty from the Pale realm of the dreamlands", but when you open it is nothing but blank pages, depsite that you can't shake the feeling there is something written on it.

Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First And Alan Lidel

As you open the door you both fall through it.

The door closes and locks.

You are now in the endless corridor full of doors of all colors and sizes. It is very dark. It smells like oranges. There is a giant frog sleeping holding a golden key.

What do you do?

2016-11-07, 08:49 PM
Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First

Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First barks loudly. "Awake amphibious key keeper! Direct us out of this place!"

2016-11-08, 09:19 AM
Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First And Alan Lidel

The giant frog open his eyes. He look at the dog and says,

"What are you and your pet doing here? Don't you know the doors must stay lock at all times?"

"By the royal Decree of the court of hearths number 101/616, all the doors in the nexus must remain closed and locked. No being in the wonderland may travel through them."

The big frog seems to bery angry, he swallows the key after spiting a paper scroll.

"So, basically you two just committed a crime, how do you plead?"

Says the frog in a imperious and rude tone of voice.

2016-11-08, 10:48 AM
Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First

"This is my first mate, Alan. He is not a pet." He watches the frog swallow the key. "Now see here, you crooked croaker. I am Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First, on a mission assigned to me by my masters." He snarls. "Now answer me this question, what happened to the frog's legs when he crossed the corgi-captain of the first cavalry regiment?" He pauses, for drama. "They br-oke." He cleverly makes 'broke' sounds like a 'croak'.

He then whispers to Alan. "These extra-terrain extortionists really get me hopping mad!"

2016-11-08, 03:26 PM
Alan sighed. God he hated bureaucrats. Hell, wasn't the reason he was here to get away from the damned things? Why they made him so angry he could just BURST! Well to hell with that. You can't fight city hall in the real world maybe, but here?! He balled his fists and stepped forward to give the toad a piece of his mind before realizing his fist was already balled around something.

He looked down at the cool weight suddenly occupying his right hand and his mouth opened in an 'O' of shocked surprise. He was holding a fragmentation grenade. Minus the pin.

2016-11-08, 04:23 PM
Eliza shudders. The empty book is more frightening to her than everything else. "Something is not right here. Something is not right at all! This book should not be empty, really, it shouldn't. And I've had a similar feeling before, I thought that I was being watched, when I came to the mirror room. Lets do what the rat says and get out of here, up the stairs! I don't trust the Duke, but I want to get away from this box!

The Walrus
2016-11-08, 10:04 PM
Dodici winced as he saw the rat plummet into the abyss. He considered yelling an apology after the poor creature, but then realized that the shout might startle other rats into falling and thought better of it. The rat would probably be fine, anyways - the other rats had plenty of time to catch him before he hit the bottom, if there even was a bottom. Instead, Dodici flipped back onto the stairs again and ascended to the landing where Eliza was in time to see her summon the book. After listening to her thoughts on the current situation, he offered his own.

"You can summon books like that out of thin air? Amazing! If things like that are possible... then maybe I don't have amnesia after all, and people do just appear randomly here! And if both the rats we spoke to called us 'guests', then I suppose invitations aren't necessary."

The six-fingered man peered at the blank book. "Hmm... you're right that this whole business is all rather unusual, but I'm certain we'll get it sorted out with some good thinking. First, that book: Are you sure it's blank? Maybe you just have to look at in a different way. I've got a strange hunch that it might show something when held up to a mirror. Second, the duke. I think he must have taken up the practice of Statistics, and he's summoning people here for a Random Sample of the Population. And that tea in the living room must be for a t-test, which is the sort of thing Statisticians like to do, you know. Yes, there's really no other explanation that makes sense. Well, to tea we go!"

With nimble steps, Dodici began to ascend the stairs to the trap door, but briefly paused to ask Eliza a question.

"Oh, by the way, do you spell your name with an 's' or a 'z'? I wouldn't want to misspell it later."

2016-11-09, 09:44 AM
Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First And Alan Lidel

The frog is not amused by Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First joke.

"Do you have a licence for bad comedy?"

Asks the frog in a sarcastic tone.

He also don't seem suprised to see the grenade.

"Don't you know that the use of explosives are restrict to the royal gaurd? That is another infraction, do you two want to get your heads cut off?. GET RID OF IT THIS VERY INSTANT!"

What do you do?

Professor Hermes, Dodici and Elizabeth Reading

As the three of you go up the stairs thougtht he trapdoor, you exit an old chest in the living room of a very weird house.

The place is full of clocks, everywhere you see, there is nothing but clocks, of all types, ages and shapes. The loud noise of all the tick tocks is almost deafening. There are some marks in the walls as if Paintings, mirrors and windows were removed.

The room has a table with tea served and some desserts.

There are notes everywhere. One is stuck in the chest and reads.

"It seems all the mirrors from the previous owner of the House have some sort of space bending properties, putting all of them together in the old box of holding may have been a mistake since inhabitants of the dreamland seem to be randomly teleported inside. All this space warping seems to have atracted the attention of an eldritch creture, very ancient, terrible and sinister but harmless never the less.

Must investigate this phenomenon further, when time allows.

All the other notes either say "I'm late, I'm late I'M LATE" Or "I will be back in (Insert a random amout of time here)".

Someone starts knocking at the door.

What do you do?



2016-11-09, 10:36 AM
Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First

"Comedy implies I was joking." He looks up to Alan. "He looks like royal guard, doesn't he? Since he has no hands, might as well stuff it in his croaker." He says, panting with laughter.

2016-11-09, 04:17 PM
In truth Alan was still surprised by the grenade. That wasn't planned at all. The whole lucid dreaming part was slipping. Maybe opiates were a bad idea after all?

Wait, one second or two? Was it a three or five second fuse.

'Oh hell,' he said as he tossed it towards the frog's mouth, praying it's fly catching instincts would have the warty menace grab it with his tongue, With the other hand he grabbed the dog and began to sprint--- just away. He didn't want to get covered in French cooking.

Well, technically he followed the frog's orders?

2016-11-09, 06:41 PM
Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First And Alan Lidel

The frog quickly grabs the grenade mid air with his mouth. With his long tongue he open of the doors and spit the grenade in it.

He angrily plunges his might tongue in the floor, the shockwave open many of the closed doors.

Each door seem to take to a random place.

"All the doors must STAY LOCKED AT ALL TIMES!"

The frog seems to not know what the concept of locked mean since all the doors appear to be unlocked.

As you start running you notice that despite constantly running you remain in the same spot.

The frog laughs and says.

"You seem to be new to our little mad kingdom here, so let me introduce you to one of or rules. It takes all the running you can do, to keep yourself in the same place (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Queen%27s_race)."

The frog massive steps seem to catch up to you very quickly.

The only solution seem to choose a door and try to enter, since the frog is too big to fit in one.

To your right you have a yellow, blue, green and grey doors.

To your left you have a pink, black, white, vermilion and Octarine.

What do you do?

2016-11-09, 08:19 PM
Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First

Feeling undignified by being held Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First huffs, but moves on. "I say, he's right! His logic is sound." He looks around "Take the vermilion one!"

When they go through any door, he'll shout back to the frog. "I'll inform the queen of your dereliction of duty!"

The Walrus
2016-11-09, 09:07 PM
After reading the note in the chest, Dodici let out a sigh. This sure seemed to be at odds with his 'statistician' theory - although Dodici couldn't help but note that a device for summoning random members of the population still would be very useful for a statistician.

"So, it appears the reason we're here is a simple case of poor organization," Dodici said, speaking loudly to be heard over the ticking of the clocks. "Yes, nothing but trouble can arise when you try to stick everything in the same box! Now, if it was up to me to organize things, I'd have one box for each letter of the alphabet. And in each of those boxes, I'd have twenty six more boxes, and in each of those, twenty six more, and so on. If you wanted to store something, you'd open the box corresponding to the first letter of the object's name, then the box within that corresponding to the second letter, and the box within of the third letter, and so on until you reached the end of the word. So, if the Duke had used my method, we wouldn't be in this situation, because all the mirrors would be in..."

Feeling a sudden sense of uncertainty, Dodici broke off his speech mid-sentence. There was something he was missing here, but... it was so hard to even hear himself think over the sound of all these clocks and knocks. Wait, knocks?

"Oh, hello! There's someone at the door!"

Dodici walked over to the door and attempted to open it.

2016-11-10, 06:00 PM
Eliza gapes at all the clocks. Why would you fill a room with nothing but clocks?

Automatically, she looks for clues. Are they all showing the same time? Is there any pattern to them or are they just distributed randomly?

Then the cakes draw her attention. They look really delicious and she can almost hear her stomach rumble. But her experiences in this house have left her with a sense of danger and mistrust. The cakes might be poisoned or have other strange side effects and she resolves not to eat any of them.

To distract herself, she looks further through the room and finds the note, which really puzzles her. How can something be terrible and sinister and still harmless? Is terrible and harmless not mutually exclusive?
Maybe the creature is not intelligent enough to use its terribleness? Maybe it is terrible at being sinister?
She shakes her head at the last comment under the note. What can be more important than such a puzzle?

Eliza is surprised at Dodicis speech. "I don't think that the Duke put everything in the same box. The mirrors are in different rooms from the windows and this room is full of clocks. I think he might be having one room for every kind of thing. If you don't count the tea."
She casts a wishful look at the table.

When Dodici goes to the door, she calls after him: "Be careful! Maybe it is the eldritch creature."
She makes no motion to stop him, though. Meeting the eldritch creature could be the fist step to investigating it.

2016-11-12, 03:45 PM
Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First And Alan Lidel

As you too enter the vermilion door in such a dashing way you fall thougth many shelves with all kinds of weird objects and artifacts.

You hit the floor and realise you are in some sort of shop. A gentelamn using a weird bird mask and black robes greet you.

"Welcome to the Lost magic, My name is Bonus Eventus, I bring all sort of marvelous and wonderfull objects from the southen lands of faries and witches. Alas I'm not allowed to sell anything during the election debate, but you are all more the wlecome to return when it is over.. Now if you excuse me I will have to fecth a letter to close the door to the nexus you too left open in one of the upper shelves."

Next to him is a grey rabbit wearing blue wizard robes and pointed hat.

There is a door that seems to to take to a small town outside where new misadventures awaits and a full body mirror that could take this ride right back where it started.

What do you do?








Professor Hermes, Dodici and Elizabeth Reading

As you open the door, all the clocks suddenly stop, even the old hourglasses and weird water clocks. There is a giant snail outside, with three arms, one holding a halberd, the other a pen and the last one paper scrolls. He looks at you and says.

"Ah, Viscount of Corn, good to see you."

Every word he speaks is so slow it seems to take hours to finish a sentence.

"I'm here on official business, in the name of the White Queen --Blessed her soul-- Of the pale realm in the looking glass land, I inform that you are under arrest for committing many felonies against the kingdom."


2016-11-13, 06:26 PM
While the snail talks, Eliza gets a bit distracted and looks at the clocks instead to find out what time it is (or was when the snail entered).

After the snail is finally finished, it takes her a moment to piece together what the snail actually said. Then she answers: "I am afraid that none of us is the Viscount of Corn. This is the House of the Duke of Clocks and we are his guests. You must be mistaken." She actually thinks that Dodici is the Viscount of Corn, but likes him and does not want to see him arrested. She changes the topic by saying: "Please, do not be offended, but I have to ask: Are you an eldritch creature? We were told that we might have to expect one."

The Walrus
2016-11-13, 10:04 PM
Although it had seemed to Dodici like it had took the snail a long time to make his speech, he realized that, in reality, the snail must have spoken amazingly fast, since all the clocks read the same time before the speech as after it.

After Eliza spoke, Dodici turned to her with some confusion.

"You've met the tortoise before, then? Why didn't you introduce me to him earlier?" She couldn't have been sure that the tortoise wasn't the viscount otherwise, Dodici thought.

To the snail, he said,

"I'm sorry you didn't find the person you were looking for, but if we run into the viscount, we'll be sure to tell you. It would be a little easier to look for him, however, if you could tell us just which one of us looks like him."

2016-11-14, 08:20 AM
'Terribly sorry about that,' Alan says as he puts down Sir Goodboy and brushes himself off. 'We'll have to take a look after the debates,' he says as he walks out the front door.

As the two walked into the street, Alan paused a moment before asking Corgington 'Where do you think the grenade went?'

2016-11-14, 11:25 AM
Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First

"My hopes is that it landed in the queen's rose garden." The dashing canine grumbles, shaking his fur back into neatness. When the masked man speaks, Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First replies. "Oh I do love a debate. Battles, food, and curtains painted like windows." He follows Alan.

2016-11-14, 02:13 PM
'Sounds a sight better than ours. We just have television and miserable beer. No one ever gets shot at debates,' Alan answers. 'It would make for a far better parliament,' he adds as they continue down for the street. 'Now that the bulging bureaucrat and warty warden are out of the way, I am feeling in the mood for a good adventure. What say you?'

2016-11-14, 02:24 PM
Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First

"I do believe I am in the mood for adventure as well. Perhaps we fight off a bandersnatch or quest for the blade that slew the Jabberwock..." The hounds voice trails off. "Just no Jub Jub bird. I do not appreciate being lifted off the ground against my will."

2016-11-14, 02:28 PM
'Terribly sorry about that,' Alan replied. 'With the grenade and all my time in the Service just took over. What's a Bandersnatch?'

2016-11-14, 02:36 PM
Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First

"All is forgiven." He admits. "What's a Bandersnatch? That depends on who you believe. They've been documented by many great scholars such as Anna Matlack Richards and Peter Newell." The hound explains, not missing a beat. "But I myself prefer to believe the Tim Burton documentation of a Bandersnatch. It's much more believable and anatomically accurate. In fact, I believe I've seen a herd of the creatures between Here and There." He nods knowingly, as if all this is normal.

2016-11-14, 05:42 PM
Eliza is startled and turns around to look at the tortoise. He has been so quiet that she has completely forgotten that he was there, but this does not seem the best moment to mention that. Instead, she sais to the snail: "It should have been obvious from the start that none of us is the Viscount of Corn! You are searching for him, because he is evading justice, but if he was here, he would not be evading justice!"

2016-11-14, 06:52 PM
Professor Hermes, Dodici and Elizabeth Reading

All the clocks seem to indicate different timezone from different places.

"Yes indeed young lady" says the snail.

"The Viscount of Corn, first name Duke, middle name Of last name Clocks. He seems to prefer to use his own name rather than his title since he finds it to be a bit..Corny... But I I digress, this is the Viscount of Corn property and if you are not him that must be you are invading so I will add that in the list of accusations, along with not being the viscount when an royal official needs him."

After Eliza finish talking he asks.

"If you are his guests then please tell me where he is, and don't waste anymore of my time."

"An Eldritch what? I'm sorry young lady I don't know what that word means, and I have no dictionary with me to know if I'm one or not."

After the Dodici inquires, the snail says.

"I haven't meet Lord Duke yet, I just assumed you were him since he don't want to hire any butlers. And since it appears none of you know where he is I will have to send you to courtroom for the following crimes...

-Trespassing personal propriety of a noble.
-Not being the Viscount.
-Not knowing where the viscount is.
-Inappropriate outfits.
-Wasting my time.
-Not being a snail.
-Not being a chess piece.
-Using unauthorized or silly words in a phrase.

You will have three days to plead at the great white cathedral of F1 in the pale realm.

Have a nice day."

Sir Corgington Goodboy Esquire the First And Alan Lidel

As you leave the store you two notice you are at a nice small town by a river. At the entrace of the town there are two wood signs. One is completely white, the other reads:

Emoclew ot eht Epoh nwot, a ytic ot lla eht wen snezitic fo eht Gnikool ssalg dnal.

Stnargimmi morf lla revo eht dlrow evah dediced ot ekam siht ecalp rieht semoh dna ew era duorp ot yas, sknaht ot eht sgnisselb fo eht Etihw Neeuq, desselb reh luos, ti si eht tsrif citarcomed ytic fo eht dnal.

"Ew era lla dam ereh, tub siht ytic si a nocaeb fo ytinas ot lla "

The other one is completely white but if you really focus you can see that it's just white letters on a white board making it hard to read. It says.
Welcome to the Hope town, a city to all the new citizens of the Looking glass land.

Immigrants from all over the world have decided to make this place their homes and we are proud to say, thanks to the blessings of the White Queen, blessed her soul, it is the first democratic city of the land.

"We are all mad here, but this city is a beacon of sanity to all"

In the town square all the inhabitants of the city seem to gather around a stage.

On the stage two extremely muscular man and one muscular woman are "debating".

The debate seems to be more a muscle competition then anything else.

The first candidate has a very shady and criminal look at his face, he flex and poses and all the people in the audience seem impressed.

Noticing it the second candidate, who is a handsome youngman but also extremely muscular starts moving his pectorals muscles, all the audience stars to laugh as if he told a joke.

The last one is a woman wearing a blindfold, she is also extremely muscular, she has the head of medusa but instead of snakes for hair she has daisies. She decides to lift a huge bolder above her head. Everyone begins to clap and cheer as if she just made a remarkable point.

Next to the closed square two other sings that read.

Sredistuo era ton dewolla ot etapicitrap fo eht lacitilop etabed.

Sredistuo era ton dewolla ot etapicitrap fo eht lacitilop etabed.

Nehw ew devirra ni siht egnarts dnal, gnipoh ot hcaer eht sdnalmaerd reporp tub gnivig pu ni eht elddim fo eht yaw, ew dediced ot elttes ereh, ew osla detnaw ot eb a ycarcomed, dna eht etihw neeuq ni lla reh ycrem dewolla su. Tub ehs eht selur yas ylno a gnorts redael nac elur ni eht gnikool ssalg dnal, ylno htgnerts nac wohs su ohw lliw eb ruo redael.

Os retfa emos livic sraw dna ydoolb rotaidalg strops ot enimreted ohw lliw eb ruo redael ew dediced ot ekam eht snoitcele a redliubydob noititepmoc.

Ni siht wen llufecaep yaw, ew lliw evha gnorts sredael tuohtiw enoyna gniyd.

Sredistuo era democlew ot yats ni eht Ynniks gah nni elihw eht ytic si desolc.

Outsiders are not allowed to participate of the political debate.

When we arrived in this strange land, hoping to reach the dreamlands proper but giving up in the middle of the way, we decided to settle here, we also wanted to be a democracy, and the white queen in all her mercy allowed us. But she the rules say only a strong leader can rule in the looking glass land, only strength can show us who will be our leader.

So after some civil wars and bloody gladiator sports to determine who will be our leader we decided to make the elections a bodybuilder competition.

In this new peacefull way, we will ahve strong leaders without anyone dying.

Outsiders are welcomed to stay in the Skinny hag inn while the city is closed.

What do you do?


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSP2oeyfhH6mKQOfGaf9rwXeJXKW2YOZ nYuTFVezZ6KXM8axeRu4Q



Going down the street there is a nice little inn with a completely white horse "parked" in front of it.

What do you do?

The Walrus
2016-11-14, 07:52 PM
"An Eldritch what? I'm sorry young lady I don't know what that word means, and I have no dictionary with me to know if I'm one or not."

As soon as Dodici heard the snail confess to not knowing the meaning of a word, a great tension built within him throughout the rest of the snail's speech. His teeth ground together, his face became red, and his entire body began to quiver in place. When he finally had a chance to speak, he blurted out:

"Eldritch (\ˈel-drich\): a. 1. Eerie and otherworldly, e.g. The sudden appearance of a pair of trousers, which have a color no one can agree to be either purple or orange, in the sky on a Tuesday morning. 2. Of or pertaining to the Elder Ones."

Having said all of this in a single, rapid burst, Dodici paused for a moment before continuing.

"Ahem. I hope that clears up the issue of the word 'Eldritch' being silly or unauthorized. As for the rest of the charges-" - Dodici began to count on his hand -
"First, I submit to you that we're not trespassing upon the Viscount's property, but rather have accidentally wound up here due to exceptionally poorly organized mirrors. There are many rats working in this place who can attest that we're guests here.
Second, I can only speak for myself, but my outfit is appropriate for a number of occasions, including receiving a court summons, as I've received one of those before in exactly these same clothes.
Third, you can note that the clocks behind us all read exactly the same time now as they did before you began to speak to us, so we haven't wasted a single second of your time. All told, that's four charges you've been wrong on."

Dodici paused a moment to count up the points in the snail's favor on his other hand.

"Hmm... but I can't dispute that we're guilty of existing, not being the Viscount, not knowing where the viscount is, not being snails, and not being chess pieces. That's five correct charges against us to four which aren't. Well - you've won on points - and yet there's one more point to consider. We're not, I believe, currently in the pale realm, which means that you'll need an extra-dictionary-treaty to make us answer to crimes in that land. And I'm afraid you admitted earlier that you didn't have any dictionaries, let alone an extra one."

The abcedist turned to Eliza to make an aside. "I'm not certain if you're familiar with the laws around here, so I'll explain. In order for a resident of one realm to be made accountable for crimes against the governance of another realm, both lands have to have some agreement on the definition of the crimes in question. Thus, in addition to each own realm's legal dictionary, an extra-dictionary-treaty is made to recognize an extra dictionary containing all mutually agreed on legal definitions. It's absolutely essential for any officer of the law to carry a copy of this dictionary with them when travelling abroad, which sadly, this snail has neglected to do."

2016-11-14, 08:17 PM
The snails look at you with disdain.

"I was reffereing to the word "creature" not Eldritch. I will add "Assume silly things" to your list of crimes."

He hands you a scroll.

"Nonsense, everyone knows all the places in southern region of the looking glass land until the border with the land of always noon belong to the pale realm. Now take your charges and don't miss your trial."

The Walrus
2016-11-14, 10:42 PM
Dodici was too mortified to define the word 'creature' when the snail told him his mistake. Defining the wrong word was almost as bad as giving the wrong definition, which was almost as bad as - Dodici could hardly bear to think it - misspelling a word.

"My sincerest apologies! That was rather silly of me," he said, taking the scroll from the multi-armed mollusk. "If we are in the pale realm, then I suppose we will have to go to trial. Would you happen to know how to get to the cathedral of F1 from here?"

2016-11-15, 06:55 PM
"Everyone who lives can be called a creature., Eliza says. "How can it be a crime to not be the Viscount? Or to exist, or to not be a chess piece? Can you actually prove that any of us exists? The only thing that you can prove is that you are doing something or at least that you are thinking that you are doing something. So you only know that you yourself exist. You should charge yourself with those crimes, not us!" She thinks a moment. "Of what are you accusing the Viscount anyway?"

2016-11-17, 05:51 PM
"You just need to follow the path to the city of Monocromatica from there seek the bishop and he will take you to the cathedral."

He looks at Eliza and says.

"Look young lady, I'm only the herald. You would have to inquire those questions to the judge."

"He is being acussed of many crimes, mistreating his rat servants is one..."

As he says that you notice a meek and small rat servant hiding behind him.

"The new white queen is a very merciful--creature-- who cares about all her subjects."

"He also tricked the Knight of mirros intro selling his estate. Among others, he is a terrible trickster who only harm the realm and must be put down. But anyway I must go now, there are many invoices and eviction notices I have to deliver."

He starts to leave in a very, VERY slow pace.

The Walrus
2016-11-19, 06:39 PM
"Thanks for the directions," Dodici managed to say to the snail before it got out of earshot, which, to be honest, was not a difficult task.

Turning back to Eliza, Dodici considered the current situation. "Hmm... You know, I don't think he's really a bad sort of mollusk. He seemed to pick up on the word 'creature' pretty quickly, and you have to admire that. But what to do now? We need to get to court on time, and I have no idea how long the path to Monocromatica is. Yet, I feel like we have a bit of a responsibility here. Someone needs to tell the rats that their employer might be getting arrested soon, and we should probably also do something about the mirrors causing people to turn up here randomly. Well, I suppose the former task won't take too long, and as for the latter, I bet the Knight of Mirrors would know how to resolve the situation! Knights often live very close to bishops, so we can search for him when we visit the bishop in Monocromatica."

After speaking, Dodici looked to see if the rat servant hiding behind the snail was still there, and, if so, asked him if he'd like to help inform the rest of the rats about the charges against their employer.

2016-11-20, 06:51 PM
Eliza calls after the snail: "Could we help with arresting the Duke - or Viscount - or whatever?"
She turns to Dodici: "If they arrest the Duke, the Knight could even get his house back. Yes, we should definitely tell him. And maybe the rats can help with arresting the Duke, I mean they should know where he is, if anybody does."

2016-11-21, 06:31 PM
Professor Hermes, Dodici and Elizabeth Reading

The rat is still there. Looking at you with fear in his eyes. Shaking.

"I'm not sure young lady, for now you should just worry about your own problems."

A huge silver chariot arrives. On it an extremily large man of towering stature wearing a completly white armor. The snail boards the chariot and in flash of light they are gone.

2016-11-25, 02:13 PM
Hey guys 4 of our 6 players droped out. They won't be able to post anymore.

I'm not sure if we are going to keep the game going. Rigth now only Alandra and LoyalPaladin are still up.

So what do you guys want? Stop the game? Keep the game?

If you guys decided to stop should I open for new players and keep up or just quit the idea entirely?

Also is the game unfun? Is there something I can do to fix it? To make it better? Thanks.