View Full Version : DM Help Lost Mine of Phandelver question (and others)

2016-10-30, 06:48 PM
Hello all,

I'm running my group through the Lost Mine of Phandelver, and I have a question about a later part of the module. Since it is so old (relatively), do I still need to be sure to put anything about it in a spoiler box? I will here since I'm new to the forum, just in case.

It says the Black Spider hasn't progressed through the Fungi Cavern because he is afraid of the monsters there. But there aren't any monsters there, just a minor trap. Am I missing something? If not, what in-character reason makes sense for him not to have proceeded this way?

Thank you for your insight! Also, if I wanted to post a campaign log after each session and discuss the plot, get feedback, etc, where would be the best place to do that? The description of this forum didn't jump out at me as making it the right place, but I wasn't sure if anywhere would. Reddit? EN World?

One other quick question I had already that isn't spoilery: I gave a paladin PC a vision to cleanse a shrine that had been desecrated by goblins. But she is currently only 2nd level, going to be up to 5th, but Hallow is a 5th level spell. Is there something else she could do that would make sense to "re-dedicate" the shrine once she cleans it out?

Thank you again!


2016-10-31, 12:10 AM
It is an editing error. Force yourself to reread it and decide that the word cave now means Wave Echo instead of the Fungal Garden. The fungal garden is a minor inconvenience as you stated. The yellow ochre jelly and 10 stirges he had to sneak by werent much of a threat either. But now Black Spider has some serious opposition to consider. Six to ten gouls, ten zombies, a flaming skull. There is no good path to take if he messes up now and alerts any of these enemies all of the collective feces will hit every fan. It has become too dangerous to proceed - the fungal garden is the shortest path to his desire - he can hear all sorts of spooks within 100 feet - he needs help.

For your paladin. Im exclusively using language here that does not denote a chance for failure because this is an aspect of the story that you dont want to fail.

Try not to limit yourself or your players. There doesnt have to be an answer. There can be a hundred answers to a puzzle without availability to the most obvious answer. The solution that makes the most sense doesnt have to also be the best solution. Give your player the puzzle, let them try to solve it in whichever way they try, and if they make the effort and its passable then they "guessed correctly".

Maybe their first idea isnt good enough. That doesnt mean it fails/doesnt work. Use your descriptive narrative as positive and negative reinforcement. Its the "yes, and," method. They provide a holy symbol. You stir up some wind, change the temperature. They say a prayer. You play with the lights, "you feel like what you're doing is helping." We've still got lay on hands and a spell slot for bless to help crescendo the divine aura building up in the room.

2016-10-31, 06:43 PM
Hi Aembrosia,

Thank you! That's a great way to think of the problem with the description. I can extrapolate that he ran into Mormesk who might not always hide in the floor of his room, and if he "leads the undead that haunt Wave Echo Cave", he might have even been able to call in some of those Ghouls nearby if necessary, so Spider retreated.

Those are also very good ideas for my paladin. I got too stuck on making sure the mechanics made sense when I really just need the story to be good, and she already has a few ways to channel divinity (the concept, not the ability), as you said.

I'm guessing I don't need to worry about spoilers since you didn't. Do you have any opinion on my question about a good forum for campaign log posting / discussion?

Thank you again for your time!


2016-10-31, 10:41 PM
I can't recommend any other websites as this is the only one I use. The general Roleplaying Games section could handle a game log advice thread, however, since phandelver is strictly a fifth edition format/adventure I expect you would have more luck on this board, I say that knowing I'm the only one that responded. You're more likely to find people that know what you're talking about here.

Maybe i should have spoiler tagged. What if someone accidentally clicks on a Campaign Plot thread and then accidentally reads all of it.

2016-11-01, 03:16 AM
One other quick question I had already that isn't spoilery: I gave a paladin PC a vision to cleanse a shrine that had been desecrated by goblins. But she is currently only 2nd level, going to be up to 5th, but Hallow is a 5th level spell.

My Players have already completed this quest and even though I dont think what I made up is a spoiler, I will place the following in spoiler tags anyway.

I gave this quest to my parties Cleric (It has two clerics but I mean the Elven Light priest), this happened for us in Cragmaw Castle, at the shrine.
Once our group had cleared the Castle, I told the priest to "kneel and commune with the heavens and pray on the hour/every hour and burn insence etc."
I made it clear that this Ritual would be over when it was over, and she was NOT to be disturbed.

So the game then became keep the monsters from the chapel for the next .......(I wasnt keeping track of time, waves came and kept coming)
Meanwhile I battered the rest of the party with goblins/hobgoblins/Giant spiders etc., and watched very closely as they perfomed running from front to back inside the keep, with some on the roof trying to spot/shoot from there. I did have them find more scrolls and wands because they were without their main healer.

Once I had run in enough enough waves to really deplete thier smites, surges and spells I had the summoning finish and a small combat with an outsider I ran as what was to be a recurring villian.
At the end my lady priest fell into many levels of exhaustion and when she recovered I gave her some non-combat character boosts/class abilities that suited me as a DM

Im sure my players would add more detail, and maybe what I did isnt for everyones game. But for me it was a balance between "loot pinata and brown trouser time" my party loved it.

2016-11-01, 05:36 AM
Wow, that's a fun thing to do that I hadn't even considered, thank you Rhiarion! This is why I wanted to get feedback from other GMs, I'm sure there are many other options I haven't even thought of. 😊

2016-11-01, 05:38 AM
What if someone accidentally clicks on a Campaign Plot thread and then accidentally reads all of it.

It's easy to be spoilered on the web if you want to be. I think a general disclaimer / warning at the top of the thread would be sufficient to save those who are following their own code of honor / preference. 😊

2016-11-01, 08:45 PM
Without trying to spoil anything, the adventure itself presumes that the monsters are static in their location.

Think about what monsters do: they go places and move around. What today is in a large chamber was in the fungus cave yesterday.

It's also an interesting concept to consider where the players are taking too many short/long rests in a dungeon.

2016-11-05, 07:16 PM
Without trying to spoil anything, the adventure itself presumes that the monsters are static in their location.

Think about what monsters do: they go places and move around. What today is in a large chamber was in the fungus cave yesterday.

It's also an interesting concept to consider where the players are taking too many short/long rests in a dungeon.

That's a good point, eastmabl; Spider may have just had a bad day with a wandering group in that area. And of course there are random encounters described exactly for that reason.
