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View Full Version : DM Help Adventures for New Players

Mjr Lee Fat
2016-10-31, 11:05 AM
Hello Playground! I'm looking for some help from everyone's collective knowledge. I'll be introducing my girlfriend and some of her friends to D&D (because the couple that nerds together, stays together, right?). I'll be DMing and running a less-important character if need be, as the group might be four people with me included. Unfortunately, I don't really have the time or creativity to create my own world or adventures for the group to go through. What I'm looking for is input from you on some of your favorite 3.0 or 3.5 modules, adventures, or pre-made campaigns that you've been a part of. I plan on updating and using the Treasure Quests book because those adventures are very customizeable and scaleable. Bonus points if you add in why you liked the adventure(s) so much.

One additional note:
This campaign will be run with 3.5 core only. Since they're all new to the game, I want to keep things relatively simple. If we get to another campaign, then I'll start putting in supplemental rulebooks.

Thanks guys!

2016-10-31, 11:10 AM
Tomb of Horror.
Show no mercy, cause those damn wizards from a certain coast have none.

2016-10-31, 11:11 AM
The free adventure A Dark and Stormy Knight is pretty nice for a one session introduction to the game. Past that I like Sunless Citadel > Forge of Fury > Red Hand of Doom. They're pretty easy to string together thematically.

2016-10-31, 11:12 AM
Sunless Citadel is good as a "Player's First Dungeon Crawl" Its got all of the classic things that should be in a dungeon (Traps, Monsters, Giant Rats) and it even shows that you don't have to kill everything in the dungeon. Also it goes right into Forge of Fury so you can just keep on rolling if you want.

Fright at Tristor is good exactly because it isn't a dungeon crawl, its an investigation mission. Theres a lot of RP moments if they are so inclined and then theres a fight with a buffed to all hell bear. Its great fun.

Do note that both of these are 3.0 so you'll have to update some stuff.

2016-10-31, 11:16 AM
No.. do not do tomb of horros and it was not a WoTC adventure anyways...

It gets a bad rap due to it being thought of as a ' every day dungeon' by new age gamers. But it was not designed for that in the least..

The best into D&D adventure I have ever seen played in and ran is Scourge of The Howling Horde by Gwendolyn M Kestre.

It has nice check lists and notes and such for people who have never once looked at if even played D&D before.

I feel it as meant and designed as a 'everybody/most everybody at the gaming table are brand new so lets be really awesome and give random pointers and rule calls out throughout the dungeon"

The best thing of all time? The final boss is a dragon

COME ON MAN!!! getting to play D&D and wind up killing a dragon at the end is going to make every 'newb' feel super cool.