View Full Version : Building myself bigger

2016-10-31, 07:13 PM
Is there any way rules-wise (feat, component, etc) to permanently bump an existing warforged up one size category? Or do they all have to be built the right size from the get go?

2016-11-01, 01:31 AM
Is there any way rules-wise (feat, component, etc) to permanently bump an existing warforged up one size category? Or do they all have to be built the right size from the get go?

Enlarge person and permanency maybe?

2016-11-01, 01:49 AM
Enlarge person and permanency maybe?

Warforged aren't Humanoid. I don't have the book, but IIRC there's a Warforged only PrC in one of the Eberron books that makes you into a Warforged Juggernaut, one effect of which is a size increase.

2016-11-01, 01:58 AM
Warforged aren't Humanoid. I don't have the book, but IIRC there's a Warforged only PrC in one of the Eberron books that makes you into a Warforged Juggernaut, one effect of which is a size increase.
Warforged Juggernaut (the PrC in question, its not a creature) does not bring a size increase with it. Doesn't even bring powerful build.

2016-11-02, 07:20 AM
So the only way to play a bigger warforged is to make a large character and put him through renegade mastermaker?

2016-11-02, 07:25 AM
So the only way to play a bigger warforged is to make a large character and put him through renegade mastermaker?

There are other types of Warforged that come in larger sizes. I know there's a Warforged Scout that's Small, and a Warforged Charger that's Large.

2016-11-02, 08:13 AM
So the only way to play a bigger warforged is to make a large character and put him through renegade mastermaker?

You could pay for a polymorph any object spell to turn your Warforged into a Warforged Charger. Same kingdom, same class, and lower intelligence, so duration should be permanent. Only 1200 GP, but it can be dispelled.

Other than that... you might want to look for an all-day alter self or polymorph effect. Phylactery of Change (11200 GP, A&EG) or Fleshshifter Armor (13160 GP, BoVD) can do this. If you'd prefer this as a class ability, Thrall of Juiblex 4 can get alter self at will. Mountebank 3 (Complete Scoundrel) can get something similar with its Alter Ego (Sp) ability.

2016-11-02, 08:41 AM
There's also the Huge Warforged Titan. The Body of War spell lets you transform into one.

2016-11-02, 09:33 AM
Should the size be bigger from the start, or is it OK to become bigger later?

How about Evil alignment?

Level Adjustment?

Is it necessarily to keep Construct type?

Should it be "real" +size, or Powerful Build is good enough?

2016-11-02, 09:57 AM
I asked the question as part of my considerations for the "anime characters in D&D".

I'm thinking of trying my hand at Franky the Cyborg.

he goes from http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/2/2c/Franky_Before_Accident.png/revision/latest?cb=20130627021126


as he levels up.

2016-11-02, 11:48 AM
Sounds like a job for a custom PrC or feat chain, to me.

2016-11-02, 12:10 PM
Put on Shrink Collar (Arms and Equipment Guide, 10K gp) - it will reduce your size to Small; then remove it - and go from Small to Medium with Powerful Build and Deformity (tall)

2016-11-02, 06:47 PM
Well, the first pic is of him being fully human (but already a genius engineer) - Then plot happened, and he became a construct (due to the plot crapping on him, combined with his own stubbornness, he tried to stop a train with his bare hands, and ended up fatally wounded in a military junkyard, with no ranks in heal and only his engineering skills to fall back on. He would then keep adding stuff over the years.


Is there any human-like race with as little level adjustment as possible that grows to large size? The One Piece universe is pretty loose with what counts as a human.

2016-11-02, 07:14 PM
You could just select Human as a base race (he is human at his core), then use the Sculpt Self feat to essentially have him craft improvements to himself. Which could include Enlarge Person, and effects that grant construct-like traits (ex: Iron Body, Sheltered Vitality).