View Full Version : Optimization A little help?

2016-11-01, 02:04 AM
I have been trying to optimize this build as best as I can for more mid to late game play, It starts out very strong and then just kind of falls flat.
So here are the basics of the build:

Stats (after racial adjustment): str18 Dex 18 con 17 int 14 Wis 15 cha 11
Race: half orc variant from this site. (Sangavido)
Thread t-238705

Class levels : 1/2 orc paragon (in the above thread) 3/ fighter 2/ sohei (with substitution levels from above)

Level progression: 1)1/2 O.P.(orc paragon) /2) sohei /3) fighter /4) 1/2 O.P. /5) fighter /6) sohei /7) 1/2 O.P. /8+) sohei

Feat progression:
1) exotic weapon (flavor and function on a short polearm)/ power attack
2) wepon focus (of exotic weapon)
3) improved bullrush /combat expertise
5) Leap attack
6) shock trooper
9) travel devotion
12) dodge
15) mobility
18) spring attack

Battle trance (effectively KI frenzy) max 7 times /day at lvl 20
Dr 2/- at level 19

Stat boost:
4) con+1 (18)
7)(from paragon) Wis +2 (17)
8) int +1 (15)
12) int +1 (16)
16) Wis +1 (18)
20) cha +1 (12)

Most of the plateu effect comes from the hard-core multiclassing early on, denying me access to some of the higher level abilities of the sohei class, however the main mission of combat monkey has been achieved by level 6. Overall, the build seems very solid, I just can't help but feel that I am missing something. But also just to be fair / clear I am not trying to break the campaign making the unstoppable warrior, just have a very solid and deft one.

2016-11-02, 09:44 PM
It seems like you have damage down, so all you're probably missing is utility. Have you yet looked at Necessary Items (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?187851-3-5-Lists-of-Necessary-Magic-Items)? Picking up a few of those capacities would be helpful, as might some SLAs or something like an Item Familiar to buff your skill checks/ obviate skill checks.

What type of thing does your character seem to be missing to you?