View Full Version : Pathfinder Need help reworking my Synthesist

2016-11-01, 09:26 AM
I am playing a star wars/mass effect base rp using pathfinder rules for this campaign. On this I was playing a Synthesist summoner which did very well until the last few months it seems I am going down way to fast. My DM have been using large constructs that only need a five to hit me even with all the buffs I have on and for some reason my DR can't block anything that is large and higher. So I am basically a big guy who can do a lot of damage but in one round I am knocked down until the healer comes to and get me back up. Also the DM is having some of his boss fights having this item that can cast an area spell effect that can cancel all our buff spells and all of our magical items need to roll a save or they would be destroyed, I forgot the name of the item and the spell but it is all legal and it is very much an advance anti-magic field spell

So my question, to anyone that might able to help me, is how can I have that my DR works against any size or at lest give me ideas that might help me because I am tired of running in and then getting knocked out on the first or three rounds in combat. Unless there is a class combo that might be better then what I have now. Right now I have 16 levels of summoner and one level oracle, I did oracle mainly for the prophetic armor. Now however it feels like it was a waste sense I'm getting hit anyways.

2016-11-01, 09:39 AM
Your GM clearly doesn't want to run high-level D&D. Most of what you describe is houserules, poorly conceived and communicated.

2016-11-01, 09:54 AM
It sounds like your DM is using the armor as DR variant rules. Under which, your Eidolon should count as magical armor and not be bypassed except by huge or larger creatures. That said, with armor as DR getting hit on a 5 or better is not that bad. Even with normal AC rules in place, most attacks hit you at this level, unless you have displacement, concealment, mirror image, invisibility, etc etc.

You are at high enough level where it is possible to see mages dis junction( the spell taking out all of your spells and possibly magic items) but it is generally poor form to spam it. That said, this is also the level where martial classes are just showpieces while the casters are playing rocket tag, and melee is just not that good.

2016-11-01, 12:38 PM
Your GM clearly doesn't want to run high-level D&D. Most of what you describe is houserules, poorly conceived and communicated.

We are using a lot of house rules though our GM been trying to make it interesting and fun maybe not the world greatest but the party is working with it. Or trying to at lest lol.

It sounds like your DM is using the armor as DR variant rules. Under which, your Eidolon should count as magical armor and not be bypassed except by huge or larger creatures. That said, with armor as DR getting hit on a 5 or better is not that bad. Even with normal AC rules in place, most attacks hit you at this level, unless you have displacement, concealment, mirror image, invisibility, etc etc.

You are at high enough level where it is possible to see mages dis junction( the spell taking out all of your spells and possibly magic items) but it is generally poor form to spam it. That said, this is also the level where martial classes are just showpieces while the casters are playing rocket tag, and melee is just not that good.

Very much that's what it is, and yes we are using the armor as DR rules. So how can I counter the spell? He have it that its place before we came in so we don't know how long it would last. Otherwise what class builds would you recommend that might able to by pass and be a match or able to be head to toe with large constructs? To my understanding all the class's use some form of magic so casters under this spell would be almost useless, the only way we won the fight is mostly because of our paladin and alchemist, while I got knocked down by two out of four large constructs on the first round of combat, and our oracle and arcanist were just about useless in the fight.

2016-11-01, 01:58 PM
Very much that's what it is, and yes we are using the armor as DR rules. So how can I counter the spell? He have it that its place before we came in so we don't know how long it would last. Otherwise what class builds would you recommend that might able to by pass and be a match or able to be head to toe with large constructs? To my understanding all the class's use some form of magic so casters under this spell would be almost useless, the only way we won the fight is mostly because of our paladin and alchemist, while I got knocked down by two out of four large constructs on the first round of combat, and our oracle and arcanist were just about useless in the fight.
Mages disjunction can suppress the items power, but if it is the sweep effect it is only temporary. Unless the spell specifically targets a single item, it won't destroy it. It also only ends spells that it sees in the burst-spells cast after that are a-ok. You can attempt to dispel it against key items or greater dispel to get the magical items back online. Likewise, just don't go into battles buffed up with magic, or ready to attempt to counter mages disjunction-it will be difficult, but you can ready dispel magic against it. Contingency is a good spell to have it readied, but it is only available to high level wizards and sorcerers.

Sounds like you are fighting golems, which are immune to magical attacks- no worry, just buff up your heroes and cast your world altering spells. Also, consider not using your eidolon and summoning things instead-you have summon monster VIII as a standard action and you can flood the field with meat shields who will chip away at the HP of your enemies. Even if your DM is spamming mages disjunction from a caster, find said casting source and surround it with baddies-casting provokes an AoO, or a defensive cast which is pretty difficult. If your DM is just FIAT blasting you with disjunction, well, not much you can do then.

2016-11-02, 12:17 PM
They are more like powerfuly robots but pretty much they are considered golems. The idea is good but the problems that my monsters would be dead in the first round. If two large robots can do over 300 damages (which I had about over 300 hp between me and my eidolon) in one round I am sure there is no monster that have that much hp . On top of that The DM is puts us in areas that it would be hard to even use magic, such as last encounter we were put in a small room and a hall way, the spell is 40 feet wide which coverd the whole area we were in unless he missread how it works.

I guess the other idea is to make some other melee character that wouldn't be hinderd by spells so much. I have been looking at some builds towards a hulk like character which sounds like might be more effected. Unless there is a class that could use abilitys that are not magical and have a high DR.

2016-11-03, 08:06 AM
I suppose the idea is to summon lots of monsters at once. Move the monsters to soak AoOs as well. Even if every one does down in a single hit, this attack is wasted and can't harm you or any one else. That's when you or at least your buddies can attack them ranged from afar with little risk.

2016-11-03, 08:48 AM
I'm a bit surprised at the lack of battlefield control. Perhaps you are doing all you can, but since you have not mentioned it, I'll bring it up anyway.

Unless the robots have incredible jump or fly, a pit spell will take at least one of them out of the fight for a while.

Wall spells can similarly turn a fight against two robots into two separate fights against one.

As a Summoner (at least if not Unchained), you get Wall of Fire as a Level Three spell. This allows you to use a Lesser Metamagic Rod of Dazing (7,000 to craft, 14,000 to buy) to daze anything damaged by the Wall of Fire (Will save to negate). My admittedly quick reading of Construct Traits suggests that they are not immune to Daze (but, that seems odd to me).

EDIT: Golem Spell Immunity might prevent Wall of Fire from working. That also seems odd, since it's a conjuration of intense heat. I think it should have been "Saving Throw (something), Spell Resistance no", but RAW is RAW.

2016-11-03, 12:36 PM
School abjuration; Level sorcerer/wizard 9; Domain magic 9; Elemental School void 9
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area all magical effects and magic items within a 40-ft.-radius burst, or one magic item (see text)
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance no

All magical effects and magic items within the radius of the spell, except for those that you carry or touch, are disjoined. That is, spells and spell-like effects are unraveled and destroyed completely (ending the effect as a dispel magic spell does), and each permanent magic item must make a successful Will save or be turned into a normal item for the duration of this spell. An item in a creature's possession uses its own Will save bonus or its possessor's Will save bonus, whichever is higher. If an item's saving throw results in a natural 1 on the die, the item is destroyed instead of being suppressed.

While that feild is in effect no one can cast spells which is the problem, if you cast it it is dispeled if I understand this right. The way my GM have put it it's like an advanced anti-magic field. So while this field is up and we are within the area (again like I said before the area we were in was about a little over fourdy feet). Unless hes not understanding the spell or the item that is able to cast this this spell. Othere wise yes I would be trying other things like you all have been saying.

2016-11-03, 12:52 PM
While that feild is in effect no one can cast spells which is the problem, if you cast it it is dispeled if I understand this right. The way my GM have put it it's like an advanced anti-magic field. So while this field is up and we are within the area (again like I said before the area we were in was about a little over fourdy feet). Unless hes not understanding the spell or the item that is able to cast this this spell.

In my understanding, the spell dispels instantly everything, but the area does not linger and prevent further magic from being cast. The duration of 1 minute per level is intended to be how long the magical items are suppressed. It does not prevent further casting of spells in the area. Even if it is ruled that it does act like an antimagic field in the area, simply run out of the area and cast magic again.

Also, your DM is kind of a prick-Mages Disjunction breaks the factor of wealth by level estimated in CR. It also is an instant auto suck spell, and should be under of the truce of "no first use" as in, you don't use it against the DM, the DM won't use it against you. If your DM is routinely spamming it, I would probably ask them to stop or refuse to play high level campaigns with them.

2016-11-03, 12:53 PM
Oh yeah. I was so caught up on your issue with damage that I forgot about reading that spell in your post a couple days ago.


Is this spell the main issue? Are you able to retreat for 17+ minutes and come back when the spell is gone? Are you able to prepare the spell yourself so you can counterspell it when it is being cast (but, you claim it's an object, so I guess there's no countering)?

2016-11-04, 06:48 AM
It's not an AM field. It's an AoE non-permanent Dispel Magic. Get in there unbuffed, let it burst you, summon a horde of useless stuff to get hit while your spellcasters buff you and go kick the Golem's ass. Now regarding your role in the battle, apart from being the one who does non-stop summoning, you can use battlefield control spells like pits, walls, and black tentacles. Fly your way out of reach, use greater invisibility to be safe from the attacks and let the paladin soak up as much as he can. However, if this doesn't work for you and you are set on a rework, I'm sure your DM won't use disjunction again after 1 session with a 17lvl Master Summoner :) :) :)