View Full Version : Player Help Building An unarmed swordsage/kensai Help Needed

2016-11-01, 04:14 PM
so The Ecl for the game is 13
My stats Rolled Are 18 18 17 15 15 14
My wealth is 32000

My idea is A lawful neutral Martial Artist who Best weapon is his own body.

so Recently I was told Unarmed swordsage would be better than monk for this

what I want to know is shoud I go Swordsage(6)/Kensai(7) or some other combo of this or should I splash in some other classes

and what would be the best maneuvers for this build. I think I diamond mind but i'm not sure I like desert wind for flavor but I know fire is a weak damage type at the level i'm at

2016-11-01, 04:57 PM
So I have a level 6 Monk/level 7 kensai and i have a few questions

1st: I plan on making my unarmed strike My Signature weapon. I my foes Are The Both good and Evil Aligned, what would be the best Enchantments for my unarmed strike

2ND is there any Alt Monk Features that be better for a kensai than the normal monk route

3rd should I go Monk 6-kensai 7 or should i splash in a little sword-sage

4th is getting to the 10th level of kensai worth it or should i switch out at some point

1) fistbeard beardfist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?116838-Fistbeard-Beardfist) is probably a good place to start as far as enhancements for an unarmed kensai go to see what you like

2) monk has a lot (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?444354-3-5-Alternative-Class-Features-(ported-from-Wizards-community-boards)) of acfs.

3)if all you need from monk is unarmed strike you'd likely be better off going straight unarmed swordsage.

4) ki warlord is largely fluff, so if it's useful in your campaign, go for it, plus it keeps advancing your weapon enhancements.

2016-11-02, 08:57 AM
1) fistbeard beardfist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?116838-Fistbeard-Beardfist) is probably a good place to start as far as enhancements for an unarmed kensai go to see what you like

2) monk has a lot (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?444354-3-5-Alternative-Class-Features-(ported-from-Wizards-community-boards)) of acfs.

3)if all you need from monk is unarmed strike you'd likely be better off going straight unarmed swordsage.

4) ki warlord is largely fluff, so if it's useful in your campaign, go for it, plus it keeps advancing your weapon enhancements.

I have a few more question then, can you answer them?

2016-11-02, 09:11 AM
I have a few more question then, can you answer them?

I'd be happy to:

so The Ecl for the game is 13
My stats Rolled Are 18 18 17 15 15 14
My wealth is 32000

My idea is A lawful neutral Martial Artist who Best weapon is his own body.

so Recently I was told Unarmed swordsage would be better than monk for this

what I want to know is shoud I go Swordsage(6)/Kensai(7) or some other combo of this or should I splash in some other classes

and what would be the best maneuvers for this build. I think I diamond mind but i'm not sure I like desert wind for flavor but I know fire is a weak damage type at the level i'm at

swordsage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?196531-Walking-the-Way-A-Swordsage-s-Handbook-Under-Construction-again) is a really versatile class. with that many levels you can probably afford to dabble in at least one other discipline, so poke around and see what catches your eye.

2016-11-02, 09:20 AM
I'd be happy to:

swordsage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?196531-Walking-the-Way-A-Swordsage-s-Handbook-Under-Construction-again) is a really versatile class. with that many levels you can probably afford to dabble in at least one other discipline, so poke around and see what catches your eye.

Ok so should I go swordsage(5 or 6 ) or should I go for 4th level manuvers and go
Swordsage(7) Kensai (6)

2016-11-02, 10:12 AM
Ok so should I go swordsage(5 or 6 ) or should I go for 4th level manuvers and go
Swordsage(7) Kensai (6)

I'd say it depends on how fond your DM is of reflex saves. do you fight a lot of dragons or vanilla wizards who sling fireballs? if so, you might get at least some use over kensai's withstand ability sooner rather than later(plus either way, you can save a maneuver known by not taking action before thought)

if you want to finish kensai ASAP and you gain experience really quickly in your game, so see yourself finishing kensai before the campaign's over, it makes sense to prioritize that.

but in any event, you need a ba of 5 for kensai anyway, so can't enter before swordsage 7 (at the earliest) so your choice is made for you. enjoy your one fourth level maneuver, and remember if you have a spare feat later there's always martial study to unlock higher level stuff in your primary or secondary discipline.