View Full Version : DM Help Looking for monsters that boost\improve undead...

2016-11-02, 03:45 AM
...like Graveyard sludges (MM V), that aren't undead themselves.
Goblin with Cleric\Sorcerer levels doesn't count ;]

2016-11-02, 09:28 AM
A powerful fiend (summoned / whatever), or just something with the half-fiend template, to drop desecrate and/or unhallow where needed.

Something bulky (animated tower shield?) to provide 'total cover' against turn undead attempts; or even a few corpses animated via animate object to trick enemies into wasting turn attempts.

Probably worth a mention...Black Sand (SS; the eponymous spell only creates it temporarily, but can be used for seed stock) deals 1d4 negative energy 'damage' per round. Feel free to scoop some into your rotting minions' boots (or gullets), and carry around a few sacks of it for incorporeals to play with.

2016-11-02, 12:17 PM
How about Energon (Xeg-Yi)?

Various Undead-boosting spells may be turned into Living Spell

Aforementioned Black Sand may be affected by Awaken Sand

2016-11-03, 04:47 AM
Thank you for replies.

I was thinking about something that boost because of instinct, not conscious thought (hence Graveyard sludge as a example), so not really what I'm looking for.
Items are not monsters.
Living spell would probably work.

Extra Anchovies
2016-11-03, 11:18 AM
The Corpse Tearer Linnorm (MM2, dragon) has 1/day Animate Dead and Control Undead SLAs, casts spells as a 17th-level cleric, and deals negative levels with its claw attacks. They're described as using undead minions to run errands and keep them up to date on what's happening in their territory.

2016-11-03, 11:24 AM
Shadesteel Golem from MM3, great for healing your undeads(thus make them live longer) and wasting enemy's turning attempts.

Basically any creature that radiants negative energy aura can be your candidate for boosting your undead minions, if you want something that summons undeads then living spells might be your best bet.

edit: typo

2016-11-03, 11:33 AM
The Soul Eater (MoI) has a no-save enervation aura. It's an alternate SM7 summon for evil casters.
Artaaglith demons (Ghostwalk) cast as 5th level clerics with Evil/Undeath domains. They also get Rebuke Undead and Desecrate and Animate Dead as SLAs. They're on the SM6 list.

2016-11-03, 11:55 AM
Entropic Creature (Planar Handbook) have Negative Energy Aura

Kuo-Toa Exalted Whip, Ak'chazar Rakshasa, and Rot Reaver are able to Rebuke Undead (thus, Bolster Undead too)

Enervating BW of Shadow Dragon (and Half-Dragon)

Void Ooze in Planar Handbook - undead may healed by it's Shadow Shield

Slow Shadow (Dungeon #112) are latch on creatures and do NE+Cold damage, thus - may be useful for any Cold-resistant Undead (Slow Shadow isn't Undead - its' Outsider)

Items are not monsters.In case it's about the Black Sand: Black Sand isn't item - it's environmental hazard; Awakened Sand is a Huge Animated Object with (earth) subtype, Engulf SA, and 3d6 Int/Wiz/Cha