View Full Version : Optimization All good campaign, LVL 10.

2016-11-02, 10:25 AM
Mercy Pichler of Oltenia, Malice of the Blood Revelry

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Feats/ Ability boosts
Special Features

Vampire 1&2
HBF: Human Heritage
VBFs: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, and Lightning Reflexes
Vampire Stat Boosts: Str +6, Dex +4, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4

Warlock 1
Lvl 1: Improved Unarmed Attack
Eldritch Blast 1d6;
Invocation: Darkness

Warlock 2
Detect Magic;
Invocation: Devil's Sight

Warlock 3
lvl 3: Improved Grapple
DR 1/cold iron; Eldritch Blast: 2d6

Lifedrinker 1
Level 4 stat boost: +1 XYZ
Lifewell; Invigorate

Lifedrinker 2
Spell Boost (Empower)

Lifedrinker 3
Lvl 6: Scorpion Grasp
Spell boost (heighten); special attack boost (empower)

Lifedrinker 4
Special attack boost (heighten)

Lifedrinker 5
Level 8 stat boost: +1 XYZ
Blood Servant; Boost Defense

Vampire Lord 1-3
VLBF: Iron Will & Leadership
Vampire lord Stat Boosts: Str +6, Dex +4, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4

Lifedrinker 6
lvl 9: Mindsight OR Lifesense
Spellboost (maximize)

Lifedrinker 7
Greater Blood Drain; Special Attack Boost (Maximize)

Lifedrinker 8
Spell Boost (quicken)

Lifedrinker 9
lvl 12: Improved Energy Drain OR Life Drain
Level 12 stat boost: +1 XYZ
Greater Invigorate

Lifedrinker 10
Blood Revel

Warlock 4

Warlock 5
lvl 15: Spell Drain OR Necrotic Reserves

Mercy Pichler, only daughter of Lorenzo Molinari, is your classic "diamond in the rough" complete with catching the eye of a young noble. Although an exception to the motif is that Mercy only "lives" from a pact with a much more powerful figure. At her birth her mother was very sickly, some way it was the consumption -an evil spirit that consumes the very breath of those afflicted- that so illed her mother. Whatever the case, the mother had died. If asked [and pestered for the truth] Matilda, the Doula, will say that the child was born still. This is true and yet Mercy walks. In truth, on that stormy night Lorenzo was visited by a shadowy figure that "smelt of death and held the aura of the grave", it was from this figure that Lorenzo knew his wife was to die, and so too was it from this figure that he was offered a second chance at life for his daughter. In return, when Mercy came of age, the figure would return to collect what is he was due.

Cr5: The Night of Blood Revelry
The Players should be introduced to Lorenzo as a "father frantically searching for his daughter." He believes that the shadowy figure has already collected her but in truth she snuck out in the middle of the night with the young noble. If the players choose to take up the quest they will eventually be invited to the Duke's manor, where his son - a Sir Darius Dragol- is to announce is bride to be.
As the player's get set in and the

2016-11-02, 10:33 AM
You can't stack two prestige classes when gestalting.

2016-11-02, 10:57 AM
"The Cleric will heal
The dragon flame shall burn sin
but death come to all"
~Haiku of The Kindalin~

Linda Kindalin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1067326)

Linda was of an age before thoughts could be possessed when she arrived at the monastery, but she vaguely remember a strong voice saying "chin up princess or the crown shall fall"
Ever sense her first memory she has had the urge to show her that her size doesn't matter when it comes to who will win.
anything Linda wants more than everything is to out shine her brothers and sisters, but at the moment she shows no talent with anything the Monastery teaches her, when she was picked to become a challenger of a champion she was at first surprised and questioned if it was a joke but to her surprise it wasn't. If she does win then she will be known as on of the best, one of the champions. she hates being looked down upon. She is very shy and doesn't converse easily. Her one true friend is an elder that granted her, her Tattoos, the elder is near the age of death but still is the one and only friend Linda has.
Her goal is to win and become a champion, the youngest champion, she is already the youngest challenger, weather her siblings accept it or not.

The elder had all but raised the young child and cared for her. The elder who's name is Clary is a halfling like her. Clary is like a motherly figure to Linda, Clary is also a seer and has told Linda that she has a strong destiny ahead of her, one day soon Clary will die, and no matter what Linda wants Linda will be hurt, but if anyone was to hurt Clary vengeance will be brought...

Linda Kindalin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1067326)
female Cn Strongheart halfling
Psionic Warrior / Rouge ,
Level 3, Init 1,
HP 26/26,
Speed 20ft
AC 22, Touch 21, Flat-footed 21,
Fort 5,Ref 4, Will 7,
Base Attack Bonus 2, Power Points 12/12
4 hours, Totem Avatar Claws of the beast (2) (cost 3 power points) +9(two of these) (primary) (1d6 -1, *2)
4 minutes, Totem Avatar Bite of the wolf (1) (cost 1 power point) +4(secondary weapon) (1d8 -1, *2)
(+1 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 22, Cha 10
Condition Powers:
Bite of the wolf (4 minutes) (-1 pp) (cast 2 rounds before battle starts)
Force Screen (+4 Shield bonus) (4 Minutes) (-1 pp) (cast 1 round before battle starts)
Claws of the beast (4 hours) (-3 pp) (cast 1 hour before battle starts)
Inertial Armor(+5ac)(augmented for more)(4 hours)(-3 pp)(cast 1 hour before battle starts)
Open Chakra psionic (Shoulders) (24 hours) (power stone) (cast when awakening)
Totem Avatar (Open Chakra psioniced (Shoulders)) (continuous) (Shape Soulmeld) (after Open chakra was used)

2016-11-02, 11:06 AM
You need to talk to your group, DM and players alike, about playing an Apostle of Peace. It COMPLETELY changes the dynamic of the game, and how everyone has to approach combat.

You have to take extend spell before you can take persistent spell, so you can't have DMM AND Persist at level 1 with the setup you have. You can take extend and persistent, though.

At level 6 it's impossible to have 10 ranks in a skill, so you should reconsider your requirement for 10 in Concentration.

2016-11-02, 11:57 AM
At level 6 it's impossible to have 10 ranks in a skill, so you should reconsider your requirement for 10 in Concentration.

Primary Contact can do it, and that's before getting into heavy cheese.

2016-11-02, 01:15 PM
Primary Contact can do it, and that's before getting into heavy cheese.Ok, it's impossible for this character to have 10 ranks, so my point still stands.

2016-11-02, 03:38 PM
Make one of your gestalt levels Healer from the miniatures handbook

2016-11-02, 04:05 PM
Make one of your gestalt levels Healer from the miniatures handbook

Just... no. I can't think of a single reason to take healer levels over cleric levels, except maybe at very low levels.

2016-11-02, 04:14 PM
You need to talk to your group, DM and players alike, about playing an Apostle of Peace. It COMPLETELY changes the dynamic of the game, and how everyone has to approach combat.

You have to take extend spell before you can take persistent spell, so you can't have DMM AND Persist at level 1 with the setup you have. You can take extend and persistent, though.

At level 6 it's impossible to have 10 ranks in a skill, so you should reconsider your requirement for 10 in Concentration.

meant to put it under lvl 7

Make one of your gestalt levels Healer from the miniatures handbook
i actually like healer because it over laps my can't kill living things from vow of peace.