View Full Version : Player Help DMM assistance for 9th level Ruby Knight Vindicator (7th caster) Wis 16, ali LG.

John Longarrow
2016-11-02, 08:56 PM
For an upcoming game I'm looking to run a 9th lvl RKV with a 16 wis. He's got planning and Magic domains. He'll be running 14 turning attempts with his gear. This is for an undead-centric game, at least to begin.

Question is, since I only get 1 non-domain 4th level spell what would be my best pair of spells to DMM? Rest of the party is a beguiler (not good for this), Ranger with FE undead using a bow, and a sorcerer.

So far I'm thinking Divine Power, but Delay Death looks too good to pass up when I can heal in combat.
I'm also thinking Ghost Weapon (3rd) as the other.

Other's suggestions are appreciated.

2016-11-02, 09:32 PM
I wouldn't sneeze at Freedom of Movement or Death Ward. Consider Ghost Bane Weapon/ Undead Bane Weapon (not persisted; it's hrs/lvl) instead. If your fights last more than a few rounds, Positive Energy Aura can solve both healing and enemy undead. Recitation is a great buff since it's a luck bonus. Summon Monster/ Undead/ Ice Beast IV can open up a bunch of SLAs.