View Full Version : Magical Bathhouse Ideas

2016-11-05, 12:36 PM
My group is going to build some bathhouses in our Neverwinter and wanted to get some ideas of benefits to bestow on the users.

We already have state sponsored panacea and prestidigitation traps in certain areas, what other effect can we offer the patron?

2016-11-05, 01:22 PM
Unseen Servants could be good. Unlike human employees they're the ultimate in discreet service. They don't gossip or spy and can't get paid off or dominated to assassinate someone while they're vulnerable.
On your end they're cheaper and don't get sick or have their favorite grandma die and suddenly need vacation.
I suggest learning Servant Horde (SpC) or Mass Unseen Servant (RoD). Servant Horde is better in every way, but both work fine.

I'd also suggest warding your establishment against divination (and advertising that fact). Nobody likes to be spied on while bathing, be it for modesty reasons or because they do it like the old romans and use their bathhouse time to make under-the-table deals and political alliances.

A Hallow effect with a tied in Invisibility Purge is good for much the same reasons. Hallow counts as Magic Circle against Evil to prevent summons, possession and mental control effects.
Invisibility Purge again guards against spies who come in person and rely on magic to stay hidden.

The next thing you want is some kind of teleportation blocker for additional security.
Forbiddance would be ideal, but the damage effect means you'll need to have people speak a password before they enter. This is good for security (hard to sneak in if you need to speak), but it could turn some customers off and lead to accidents.
Halaster's Teleport Cage doesn't have that issue, but it's a 9th level spell.
There are a bunch of other items or spells that prevent teleportation, but i don't recall any that would be good for guarding a semi-public structure right now. Maybe someone else will have an idea.

2016-11-05, 01:32 PM
All good ideas, I hadnt thought about security or privacy for them. What about effects from bathing in the water?

All my state sponsored traps have Enhanced Fertility on them already but what other effect would be cool?

Maybe a sooth or something that makes the patron relaxed and maybe even gives a rested effect for new spells and the like?

Morof Stonehands
2016-11-06, 12:26 AM
In the Pools of Radiance - Attack on Myth Drannor adventure, there is an item called Blueglow Moss. Creatures that rest on it are healed 1d4 points/hour. After 6 hours, they are subjected to remove disease, gain the use of darkvision at will, leviatate, detect poison (with the added ability to detect many other things), and +2 resistance bonus vs. petrification and polymorph. After 12 hours of rest, they are subjected to regenerate.

You already have the Panacea effect, so this would add some missing stuff to it.

As for other ideas, none of these effects cover negative levels or energy damage/drain. Restoration might be worth while.

2016-11-06, 12:40 AM
Nice! I will have to look for that adventure to find the details of that moss.


2016-11-06, 12:56 AM
You could always look in the BoeF for some ideas.

Alsy you might want to devise a way to purify the water after the bathers are done with it. Pump it out, filter any residual perfumes and soap out, then pump it back in.

2016-11-06, 02:06 AM
You could always look in the BoeF for some ideas.

Alsy you might want to devise a way to purify the water after the bathers are done with it. Pump it out, filter any residual perfumes and soap out, then pump it back in.

Purify Food and Drink could probably work for filtration... or a disintigrate trap and a decanter of endless water.

2016-11-06, 02:18 AM
There's a spell called Airy Water (Stormwrack) that makes water into water/air mix you can breath and swim in. A room enchanted with that where you could relax completely underwater seems like a good time.

Permanent Images are also great for decor. You can have a pool that looks like a coral reef, a swamp, or whatever you like, complete with wildlife that would be dangerous if it were real.

Use portals to pull in water from various famous springs into room of the bathhouse. Or even water from other planes.

A room enchanted with Mirage Arcana to produce the illusion of being in water without actually being in water. For people who are cursed or whatever and can't touch water for real. Or so you can have the sensation of a bath without changing clothes.

Bound water elementals as bath attendants. Or hire merfolk. Or animated loofahs. :smalltongue:

2016-11-06, 04:36 AM
A bath filled with (un)holy water would be interesting, if somewhat impractical (even a simple 200-liter bath would cost over 10000 GP). Maybe import it from Celestia?

EDIT: Maybe have an attendant with Ritual Blessing perform the rituals using the bath water?

2016-11-06, 07:53 AM
A really high-class bathhouse will have a resident water weird providing divinations. That's basically keeping an 18th-level sorcerer on retainer, though, so it's not cheap.

Do you think you could reprogram Evard's black tentacles to provide a massage? Or maybe one of Bigby's specials?

2016-11-06, 04:09 PM
Okay, I have been biting my tongue since yesterday but I can't take it anymore.

The PCs go into the bathhouse in one realm ... and come out into another (Of course I once took My BECMI players through a gate they had used several times but this time they ended up on a broken down starship in intersteller space (Traveller rpg).

Yes, I know, I can be EVIIIIL, muhahahahaha.

2016-11-06, 05:00 PM
Mage's Magnificent Mansion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magesMagnificentMansion.htm) with Permanency (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/permanency.htm) could be neat maybe? Hard to have a more private suite of the bathhouse than a little pocket dimension that you occasionally bring some water into, and it comes with its own servants!