View Full Version : The Swamp's Crater (formely Royal Navy Swamp Base Camp)

2007-07-12, 06:53 PM
The base camp contains five hundred soldiers and is armed with gun turrets. It is run by Admiral Kelly himself.

Four marines and a young man enter the base camp. One of the marines speaks with a captain and then they lead the man into the Admiral's tent who was previously going over battle plans.

He faces the man and says "Well, did we finally successfully capture a member of the Guild?"

2007-07-12, 06:58 PM
Pelgof follows the soldier into the camp.

I'm in the Guild, if you're referring to me. Although I wouldn't say they exactly 'captured' me. Why would you want to, anyway?

2007-07-12, 07:03 PM
He responds "We plan to crush the guild beneath our might. We offered one of their members a deal which they turned down. I could have you yourself killed right now but you may prove better alive than dead. We could either do this the easy way," he spills a bag of gill on his desk "Or the hard way." he points to a particularly muscular elite by the door wielding a knife sadistically.

2007-07-12, 07:05 PM
Wait, what? Why would you want to crush our guild? We've never done anything to you! Unless... You're not servants of Erythnul, are you? But you're different to the others, so I assume not...

He looks genuinely surprised.

2007-07-12, 07:10 PM
"A necromancer friend of yours killed twenty-one of my men. Since I am in a desperate situation, I sent one of my captains after him to negotiate a deal but they attacked him instead. I've had it with these 'neutral' parties and now I will eliminate any who do not side with me starting with the Thieves' Guild. This is war, not games."

2007-07-12, 07:11 PM
I think you've got the wrong guild, he's not with me.
Artemis' voice comes from the shadows.

2007-07-12, 07:13 PM
((Bookboy, there's no need to intervene. Irony is a fun of it's own))

Necromancer... That cold be-Wait, Thieves' Guild? Oh, that problem again. I'm in that guild.

He smiles, and extends a business card.

Pelgof, head of illusions of the Mages' Guild.

2007-07-12, 07:15 PM
(I know, but it IS Artemis' guild they're going to attack. And shouldn't you be in jail?)

2007-07-12, 07:16 PM
(( Bookboy, you made an error. Artemis was busy talking with someone else (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42077&page=8&post=#214), remember? ))

2007-07-12, 07:19 PM
((Go lookie here, Bookboy. http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28707&page=3

Also, Pelgof isn't a part of the guild, as you say, so why would Artemis care if they try to kill him

And Pelgof's served his time.))

2007-07-12, 07:22 PM
(I never said Artemis was actually there. And Artemis respects Pelgof, and may actually offer him a membership. And what's the point of the link?)

2007-07-12, 07:27 PM
(( Look, Bookboy, you don't need a charachter in every major event. Just keep talking to the guy; their is a point to it. ))

"'Illusions of the Mages' Guild'? Well that is different, trusting you are telling the truth. Do you know any useful information about the guild in question, however?"

2007-07-12, 07:29 PM
((@Bookboy. Continuity's grave. You just killed it again. Also, who says Pelgof can't defend himself, explain his own misunderstandings? And he'd be more likely to try to gain membership of your guild if Artemis wasn't so patronising, assuming that Pelgof can't speak for himself, etc.))

The Theives' Guild? I'm not sure. Their leader doesn't seem too bright, but I haven't had too many encounters with them.

He waves a hand, which, unless the Camp Leader has objections, should make the tent/area scry-proof.

2007-07-12, 07:39 PM
AK dose not recognize the hand wave as a spell.

"Well then I see no reason why I should interrogate you. Maybe you can work for us instead; what is your area of expertises?"

2007-07-12, 07:43 PM
As I said, I am adept at illusions, but also shadow magic, sleight of hand, children's entertainment, and a few odd fireballs and the like.

The spell shouldn't prevent or impair any members of the camp, only people who's voice might appear from corners, or the like.

2007-07-12, 07:56 PM
"You could prove useful. How would you like to work for me as a mercenary? I'll pay you 200gp a day and bonus for certain kills." he hands him a copy of the wanted poster. "I may want to note that the ninja's bounty has gone up to 6,000 gp ever since he killed one of our captains."

2007-07-12, 07:57 PM
I'd rather not kill anyone, unless absolutely necessary. However, I'm sure I could help you in other ways.

2007-07-12, 08:04 PM
(Kelly, just post at the castle. I edited my last post there.)

2007-07-12, 08:05 PM
"Yes, I am as well. Just showing you certain goals which you can achieve." he puts the poster back into his desk "You said you were a master of shadows and illusion. Can you make several soldiers invisible at once? Or make a man appear as another? Or even make things that are not there look real?"

2007-07-12, 08:08 PM
Pelgof chuckles.

I sometimes get in trouble for that sort of thing... But I think I've a better idea. I've met with their leader before, and I believe that I could quite easily gain a place in thei guild. From within, I could quite easily communicate their plans to you, or even sabotage them from the inside. How does that sound?

2007-07-12, 08:11 PM
"We have something like that already in place, but having a double agent who already knows the enemy might also be beneficial."

2007-07-12, 08:13 PM
Then we are agreed? Here, keep the card.

If the leader hasn't taken one already, Pelgof hands him a card.

Check it often. It'll change when I want to send you a message.

2007-07-12, 08:22 PM
AK takes the second card "Excellent, this will make communication easier. I will have someone check one of these every hour. Do you need any supplies before I send you out or can I deploy you immediately?"

2007-07-13, 03:59 PM
Pelgof shakes his head.

No, I think I can manage better in my own. If I go in carrying your equipment, they're more likely to sniff me out, right?

He disappears in a flash of dramaticism.

2007-07-14, 09:34 PM
Giddian and Admiral Kelly are in the middle of a discussion.

AK speaks"...and you will hand over those deserters to me."

Giddian responds "I cannot do that, for the punishment for desertion is death and I have chosen them to serve me."

"While it is true that hanging is the normal form of punishment for desertion I will lower it to having them flogged. I cannot have my men going off on there own and then return unpunished but I need all the manpower I can get. If they live through this struggle I will allow them to return to you afterwards."

"Agreed. They will bear their punishment willingly."

A sailor rushes in holding a bag with a man's head sticking out. "We caught a guildmember!" he exclaims as he dumps the man out of the bag. From all sides marines point their rifles at him.

The Admiral speaks "So we meet again. Do you have anything to say for yourself after stepping up to protect the necromancer?"

2007-07-14, 09:36 PM
Pwenet looks up at the man speaking to him, and spits at his eye.

2007-07-14, 09:42 PM
Ak is spat in the eye. "That's it. You have ten seconds to explain yourself before my men open fire. One..."

Giddian speaks up "Let me handle this one. I have met him before and I sense change in him. His soul was once shattered in a million pieces and then mended. His blades forged in hellfire has been discarded. Tell me, are you on a path to redeeming yourself?"

2007-07-14, 09:43 PM
"I was until I hit a bump in the road. Oh yes, that was being kidnapped and tossed out in front of you."

2007-07-14, 09:51 PM
"Then perhaps this bump in the road is really part of the path. If you truly wish to make up for your misdeeds then serving me by using your skills as a warrior would be the right course of action."

2007-07-14, 09:54 PM
Pwenet spits in Giddeons eye this time.

"Just shoot me and get it over with."

2007-07-14, 10:01 PM
The spit seems to stop in midair then fall to the ground. "You are foolish to wish death. Why throw yourself at hellgates when there is still hope?"

2007-07-14, 10:04 PM
"Because you threaten my friends. And if you were going to kill me, you would have done so already."

2007-07-14, 10:07 PM
"It is by my grace that you have not been shot; for this man dose indeed want you dead." he points to the Admiral.

2007-07-14, 10:09 PM
"For some reason I think that the two of you are pulling the 'good man, bad man' situation here. Go ahead, shoot me, ruin the plan, and your soul shall be darkened because you killed someone who hasn't done anything to you."

2007-07-14, 10:15 PM
"Alright, Giddian, you had your say. Hold him still."

One of the marines attempts to grab Pwenet from behind while holding down his arms. AK draws a pistol and walks towards him.

2007-07-14, 10:16 PM
Pwenet smirks at AK.

2007-07-14, 10:27 PM
Kelly attempts to position the pistol onto the side of Pwenet's head and further attempts to blow his brains out by pulling the trigger.

2007-07-14, 10:29 PM
The bullet leaves the gun. It enters flesh, bone, brain matter, making a royal mess of things, then exiting the other side, followed by bits of bone, brain matter and blood, lots of blood that gets on Giddian. His body slumps over, dead.

Pwenet's scimitars glow slightly then vanish.

2007-07-14, 10:33 PM
((AK please go to fishemens cove))

2007-07-14, 10:34 PM
A man with a crimson sword teleports in. Most would recognize him as Raistlin, Weapon Specialist and Hexblade/Bard of AMEN.


He looks down at the blood and wrinkles his nose.


2007-07-14, 10:39 PM
Giddian cleanses himself of the remains with magic. AK sees the dead body of Pwenet. "Chop off the head then throw the rest into the swamp to let the lizards and insects do their bidding." A marine proceeds in following this order by taking an ax and making a swing at Pwenet's neck.

AK looks at the man with the crimson sword "Who the hell are you?"

2007-07-14, 10:43 PM
And a good morning to you as well. I'm Raistlin.

2007-07-14, 10:46 PM
A green nimbus of energy crackles over Pwenet's body, which then disintegrates the axe is it comes over to try to decapitate the body.

2007-07-14, 10:51 PM
(( morning? isn't it nighttime? doesn't matter. ))

"Alright, Raistlin; state your name and purpose."

The ax disintegrates. The soldier is baffled. Giddian sees this and comments "Something is amiss..."

2007-07-14, 10:53 PM
((5AM here))
Obviously you don't recognize me or my name. Pity.

2007-07-14, 10:55 PM
Pwenet's eyes open. They are crackling with green energy. He then rises up, till he is floating slightly above the ground. Then the energy fades, and the body falls to the ground, and the green energy shifts colors, turning purple, and the shape taking on that of a Old Crone.

"Hello Dearies. Prepare to live."

With a wave of her hand, the Old Crone attempts to replace all the soldiers weapons into poisonous snakes. Looking over at Giddeon, she twitches her other hand, and summons several ice shards that fly towards him.

2007-07-14, 10:57 PM
Raistlin's sword is unaffected.

2007-07-14, 11:06 PM
Almost all the soldiers in the room are now confronted with a snake in their hands. Some are bitten but most have the sense to drop them, followed by attempts grind them into the ground. AK notices his pistol has been replaced by a serpent and throws it on the ground and kill it with his rapier.

Giddian see the oncoming shards and creates a shield to protect himself. Then he attempts to dispel all the snakes in the room.

2007-07-14, 11:11 PM
Raistlin watches. He begins to whistle "Stellar" by Incubus.

2007-07-14, 11:12 PM
The snakes that are attacked die, for they are normal, yet highly poisonous snakes. The soldiers that are bitten die within seconds of the bite.

"I think that you all have a laugh. Enjoy a laugh. Laugh LAUGH LAUGH!!!!"

It starts off slowly, one soldier inhales. Then it starts spreading, the O2 in the atmosphere changing into N2O instead, or as some dentists will use when performing surgeries, laughing gas. The effect should spread to all of the soldiers within the span of minutes.

She then turns to Giddian and frowns.

"Such a loving man, how much you love without looking. You should have more love, yes MORE LOVE!"

Thousands of roses then form from the ground around Giddian, then their stems straighten, sharpen, and stab out towards Giddian.

2007-07-14, 11:24 PM
The soldiers in the room rush to attack the old crone. They're are five of them, three having been killed by the snakes. They attempt to strike the crone but suddenly are affected with laughing gas. They get uncontrollably woozy and start laughing hysterically unable to help themselves, literally rolling on the floor laughing. AK himself feels something is wrong in the room and slashes a hole in the tent to escape which may also cause more air to flow through. He calls for his chaplains.

Giddian is unaffected by the N2O, but the roses crawl up his legs and stab into him. With a wave of his staff, Giddian dispels the roses then attempts to put a cage of light over the old crone.

2007-07-14, 11:31 PM
Seeing the cage of light starting to form, the Old Crone blinks, stretches, then snaps, turning into two of her. This happens again, and once more, forming 6 in total. Two of the Old Crone's get trapped, the rest fly free. Two of them fly after Admiral Kelly, attempting to turn his boots into crazy glue, the other two flank Giddian and one of of them touches the blood pooling on the ground while the other works on dispelling the cage of light.

"Blood of my blood, thy magic most powerful, lead this fool into life as a explosion of his light!!"

The blood ripples, and turns black, like gunpowder, the change moving along the blood pooling, then tracing up and into his wounds, where it should work it's magic within him, turning his blood into gunpowder. The Old Crone smiles and summons a spark which lights the gunpowder on fire, rapidly working it's way towards Giddian.

2007-07-14, 11:31 PM
Raistlin yawns and throws his sword at the crone.

2007-07-14, 11:45 PM
In the middle of casting the spell, Giddian cries "Be silent, fowl wench." which should cause her to stop in mid-sentence is successful.

AK sees the two crones appear. He draws his broadswords in response but his boots have been glued to the ground. The crones presumably giggle, to which the Admiral throws his broadswords towards their faces. The unexpected attack should kill them.

The cage holding the trapped crones is successfully dispelled.

2007-07-14, 11:50 PM
The one Old Crone that is silenced looks annoyed, then leaps at Giddian, her hands taking on sharp, squiggly shapes that she tears into him. While not solid, they should cause painful burns if they connect, right to the bone in some cases. The two that are freed join the one attacking Giddian, doing the same thing.

As for the two chasing Admiral Kelly, they let the sword pass through them, tendrils of their energy sticking with it and tied to the Old Crones. At the line of energy grows taut, they lift their hands in unison, and make throwing gestures at Admiral Kelly, and the sword, as if on a piece of taffy, flies back significantly faster, almost a blur towards Admiral Kelly chest.

The last remaining Old Crone dances and set's the tent on fire, but not before grabbing the body of Pwenet and vanishing with it.

2007-07-15, 12:00 AM
When the swords come, two chaplains dispel the area causing the swords to land on the ground and remove the glue from AK's boots. He takes out his Gauntlets of Fate and Fire and puts them on, picks up his swords magically powering them with the gauntlets, then attempts to strike the crones down.

Giddian swiftly teleports out of the tent.

2007-07-15, 12:07 AM
The 5 remaining Old Crones fly out of the tent, avoiding the attack, not counter-attack themselves, giggling and whispering among themselves.

"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.

They then fly towards each other, their bodies crackling with energy in front of the tent.


Imagine if you will what happens when two atoms collide. It is called a fusion reaction. Bombs using this principle have destroyed cities and ended wars.

Now imagine 5 Old Crones, charging themselves, colliding at a single point, with the goal to end this fight in their minds.

KABOOM! with a massive mushroom cloud and radioactive fallout to complete the dance.

2007-07-15, 12:22 AM
The camp and all the soldiers in it as well as some nearby tress and plant life are destroyed. A clear area now remains where it once stood with only debris in sight.

A few minutes later, AK and the two chaplains appear after escaping by means of a time bubble. The Admiral, upon looking at what happened, screams with a fury that can be heard for miles.

"The things I do to keep this mission alive!" he comments as he and the chaplains head out for the nearest camp.

2007-08-05, 06:05 PM
Alexander carries the body of the dead Admiral to the crater. It had taken him many hours to find it having to check and overturn several rotting corpses. He knew that this one was the Admiral's after seeing it by a dead hydra. Although scorched, the cape was still intact and he recognized it. The body was rotting, having been covered in flies and seeping into the swamp.

The crater is not wet or muddy like the rest of the swamp and their are no trees. He digs into the center of the crater with a shovel from his bag of holdings. It takes him a little less than half-an hour to dig the grave after which he lays the body down. He buries him, not seeing the point of preserving the body which will never again be seen.

He marks where the grave is with a tombstone that he had purchased. The tombstone is enchanted to permanently fall in place once it is set and read the name of the one who was buried. It should be also noted that the tombstone is indestructible and immovable.

There is an utter silence. He says a prayer over his grave and then proceeds in hitting his own face. What difference will this make? It won't change what I did. My betrayal, his death... He stops and gathers himself together; leaving the swamps with a sense of remorse and a minor sense of resolvement.

2007-08-05, 06:06 PM
(Didn't the commodore burn the body?)

2007-08-05, 06:10 PM
(( He didn't cremate it. ))

2007-08-05, 07:53 PM
((Make it undetectable to others as well, because if Alon ever finds it, he'll probably mess with it. A lot.))