View Full Version : Description of Abjurations

2016-11-05, 05:14 PM
The description of abjurations includes the note that if two abjurations are within ten feet of each other for 24 hours or more, the "magic fields" interfere with each other and create "barely visible" energy fluctuations. The mechanical benefit is that the DC to find such spells with Search decreases by 4. The rules don't say if this is cumulative or not, though I'd imagine it would be.

I've always liked this suggestion, that protective magical energy sort of leaves a visual discharge, so much so that I generally ignore the fact that they have to be near each other for 24 hours or more. And since different magics are, well... different... I imagine that different spells or types of magic interacting would also have different visual results.

So, I was curious if any DMs out there have had some fun ways of describing this visual effect?

As a side note: this came to my mind while prepping for a big fight against a company of elvish raiders consisting of 19 Warriors from the Monster Manual, and from Races of the Wild 2 Chaplains (level 2 Clerics) and an Elite Soldier (Fighter 2/Wizard 3). The soldier is specifically mentioned as prepping spells before entering battle if he can, meaning he'll potentially have Shield, Protection From Arrows, and his +1 armor, while the Clerics potentially have Shield of Faith and Sanctuary (though they'll probably use Sanctuary on themselves once the fight starts to better buff their allies.) Ignoring the fact that he won't have these spells up, I'm planning on having him look positively radiant (or possibly electric... or maybe something else, even.)

2016-11-05, 05:28 PM
I'm not a DM, but when thinking of high-magic areas' auras, I usually think of the Old Kingdom series, by Garth Nix. I'd quote a bit, but I have no English edition here. Areas suffused with Pact Magic tend to feel warm and comforting to human magicians, glow golden, and recognize mages (especially wards, when they identify non-trespassers), whereas areas tainted with Free Magic tend to feel caustic and inimical to life, glow a harsh white, taste and smell metallic, and burn the throat. Magic concentration also tends to form a substance; Pact Magic forms a sort of fluid (but it's not wet), whereas Free Magic tends to form white fire (but it's not hot).