View Full Version : Suggestions for a Darfellan Frostrager build

2016-11-06, 01:55 AM
Hello once again GITP community I've been working on a Darfellan frostrager build With Barbarian 7/ Frostrager 5 I wanted to know if you guys could look it over and maybe give me some advice on it.


The whole point of the setting is basically "Bad" spellcasters are hunted down whilst "Good" Spellcasters are Controlled by the military as long as they follow along with what the king wishes. Our characters belong to a mercenary group under a cult of Nerull. The cult had grown so powerful that the king had made an agreement with them. They are allowed to do there sacrifices and such as they wish as long as they try not to usurp the king or the kingdom. They exist under the guise of a mercenary group on the front most part and are hired by the king to search out and kill or capture bad and/wanted spellcasters.

We are bad Guys hired to hunt out bad guys.

My character uses a Harpoon as his ranged weapon. The point of it is for him to step to the side while the fighters or other tankier PCs duke it out with the enemy tanks and Chuck a harpoon at the spellcaster, impale him with the hooks/barbs and drag him (most likely kicking and screaming bloody murder) over to me where I can promptly ferocity(Rage) and Punch'Punch,Punch,Punch,Rend(each punch adds 1d6 cold damage. The rend adds 2d8+ strength and a half plus 1d6 cold damage) and bite him to death. If there are more than one spellcaster I can chuck a "Iron bands of Binding" at one and the harpoon at the other.

I still have 2 feats available so if anybody has any suggestions I'd appreciate it because I'm having difficulty with what I should choose (unfortunately power Attack is necessary for Frostrager or I'd switch it out considering I think I can't use it with punching). If anyone has any advice for the rest of my build I'd appreciate it!

2016-11-06, 02:01 AM
Btw the harpoon pulling is an opposed strength check and I get to tug them 5 feet closer per 5 points I am over there's which I think is pretty nifty.