View Full Version : Let's... The diary of Ma’ri the Kahjit Dragonborn

2016-11-06, 02:19 PM
17th of Last Seed seems to be the biggest day of my life; or at least what I can remember. Everything seems prior to the 17th was a blank; aside for my name I do not know anything about my past, nor do I know how I arrive at Skyrim. So, in my confusion I opted to cross the border to leave Skyrim and perhaps make my way towards Elseweyr. However, unfortunately for me, Ulfric Stormcloak the Earl of Windhelm was ambushed and I just so happened be caught in the middle, and I was captured alongside him and his men.


It was on the cart that I have realized my life prior to today was a blank. As the horse thief thought about his past, I struggled to find mine. Luckily they did not ask me for my past, as I was unsure as how to respond. As we approached the gallows I had silently prayed to the eight or nine divine, and slowly accepted my fate as we approached the gallows.


Everything seemed to be haze shortly afterwards as dragon appeared from nowhere and interrupted the execution. As soon the dragon appeared fireballs rain down from the sky, and started to breath fire killing untold number of people and destroying their homes.


Taking the opportunity, I scrambled away from the execution gallows and scrambled to look for safety from the Dragon. With my hands bound, there was little nothing I could do but scrambled from cover to cover. I cared little for the squabbles between the Imperials and Stormcloaks and instead my way towards the only standing structure which was the keep that remained standing tall. So when the two people who were helping me run from the dragon were squabbling while literally fire rain from the sky, I decided to just dash towards the door that I first saw and it seems I accidentally sided with the Imperial soldier by the name of Hadvar.


With short respite from the dragon attack just outside and my hands now unbounded by Hadvar, I scrounged for clothing and equipment to better defend myself. Not surprisingly I found mostly imperial gear, but I was surprised by the quality of the blades which were mostly made of iron. While I didn’t ask Hadvar I simply conjectured that these are perhaps training for recruits using cheaply made goods. Despite being guided by Hadvar, I quietly followed behind as this was an Imperial controlled territory and I was currently a wanted criminal, nor do I know the extent of my crimes; perhaps it extended past illegal border crossing. So likewise, the fur on my back rose when I found myself being lead to the torture chambers of the keep.


Thankfully I wasn’t placed in the cages and was allowed to pass through after a brief fight with Stormcloak. Speaking of Stormcloak no one seemed to be willing to talk despite the appearance of a dragon and instead would fight in a moment’s notice. Not surprisingly my armor made me distinctively look Imperial would cause those same Stormcloaks to attack me on sight as well. Thankfully thanks to Hadvar we were able to fight our way out of Helgen keep and stumbled upon a cave system, with giant spiders and bears.


Thankfully despite the challenges I managed to escape with my fur intact. Thankfully once we emerged from the cave the dragon that attacked Helgen was flying away and over bleak falls.


I followed Hadvar to the town of Riverwood, a small town under the rule by the Earl of Whiterun. On the way, we fought a few wolves, and briefly stopped at blessing stone which requested blessing from thief stone.


Once inside Riverwood I managed to meet Alvor, and his wife Sigrid, who turned out to be the relative of Hadvar. Thankfully they believed Hadvar and I that a Dragon attacked Helgen and were making our escape from there. From there I was asked to report my findings to the Earl of Whiterun. But for now, I decided to spend the night to rest in Alvor’s house.


But prior to turning in for the night I talked to a few of the town folks and sell some of the gear taken from dead Stormcloaks. From there I promised to return Golden Claw taken from bandits who were camping out in bleakfalls. However, I only promised in jest, as I do foresee myself heading to climbing mountain to fight bunch armed thugs a silly trinket. Elsewhere in town, I talked to Faendal an Elven archer and who was in love triangle. With the promise of archery lessons, I delivered his note that was disguised as Sven’s letter. From there I returned back to Alvor’s home to finally turn in for the night before I would make my way towards Whiterun.


2016-11-06, 10:47 PM
A Kahjit, I find them decent with thief.

So are going to focus a little on magic (Muffle is awesome for thieving).

2016-11-07, 12:25 AM
A Kahjit, I find them decent with thief.

So are going to focus a little on magic (Muffle is awesome for thieving).

Not all Khajit are thieves, Ma'ri is an honest treasure hunter.

The Glyphstone
2016-11-07, 01:00 AM
Not all Khajit are thieves, Ma'ri is an honest treasure hunter.

Khajit like to sneak, maneuver silken and sleek... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqEVCTMkBnI)

2016-11-07, 03:21 PM
Khajit like to sneak, maneuver silken and sleek... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqEVCTMkBnI)

I totally thought that link was going to be this link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4xa6RdddpI).

2016-11-07, 06:19 PM
Not all Khajit are thieves, Ma'ri is an honest treasure hunter.

Just, other people sometimes think the treasure belongs to them....

(On the other hand, this is Skyrim, where even the thieves guild don't actually get you to steal anything....

2016-11-07, 11:12 PM
Just, other people sometimes think the treasure belongs to them....

(On the other hand, this is Skyrim, where even the thieves guild don't actually get you to steal anything....

Under Imperial law, the treasure would belong to Ma'ri.

((As well the mage's guild where you don't have to cast any spells aside for the entrance exam))

2016-11-07, 11:18 PM
The Diary of Ma’ri chapter 2

18th of Last Seed

Just prior to the arrival of first light I awoke from the bed Alvor so graciously loan me for the night. Once more I politely asked for food for breakfast and small light ration for the road. While I have nothing to compare it to, the roasted pheasant was among the best I had to my current limited knowledge. Well regardless, most of my journey to Whiterun was uneventful at least until I was just in the outskirts of the city. Outside I witness a group of warriors would were fighting giant; yes, a giant and seems to take it with ease. I opted to send an arrow to fly towards the giant before closing the distance. Markswoman introduced herself as Aela, and invited to speak to whom was the leader to join the group called the companions.


Much to my dismay my fellow Khajit were forced to stay outside the city walls, at first my job would end in failure. Furthermore, they offer me to train me ways of the stealth but the prices seemed to be ludicrous and would have to spend time with Khajit caravan as guard to pay for my training.


Nevertheless, I went up to the gates, and much to my surprise the guard was willing to let me through once I mentioned I was brought news about the attack on Helgen. Once inside I managed to witness a few conversations, such as someone looking to place large orders of weapons for legion and someone who appears to hate a greymane. Second I managed to find out bandits stolen a redguard’s sword who was desperate enough to offer me the job which I made no promises for. Upon reaching Dragon’s Reach I was once again stopped and received a threat against my life. But I managed to diffuse the situation by mentioning I had message from Riverwood and news about the dragon attack from Helgen.


Once I spoke to the Jarl of Whiterun, I was given a minor reward from their personal armory, which I was not at all satisfied; however, I held my tongue and I knew I was going to quickly hawk it. Luckily the Jarl offered me another job, which I accepted out of courtesy as I was peasant in the presence of a Jarl. But what shocked me that the mission was brining me towards Bleak Falls Barrows. As Bleak Falls Barrows was the location that merchant in Riverwood wanted me retrieve from those bandits. It was almost as if nine divines were pointing something towards my fate.


After the Jarl’s mage was finished explaining the mission to me, I was hesitant set out at first as I felt delving into tombs filled with bandits was not something I was up to. So, as I planned for my suicide mission I looked to learn some smiting basics which mostly pretrain completing a dagger and helmet sharpening blades customizing my armor to better fit my body to maximize its protection. So, as I set out witfully unprepared, I was stopped by woman in rags on the road, and much to my surprise she tried to convince me to fight bunch of bandits in a place called Mistwatch. I have no idea why people were so confident in my abilities, and I had no idea why. I was largely unskilled with what I presume no training in martial abilities or at least any I’m aware of.


As I approached Bleak Fall Barrows I noticed several bandits were outside guarding in various locations. And just as I presumed struggled with all basic task of fighting as the guards were hearing me what seemed miles away. But thankfully the bandits seemed to hold several mental deficiencies as I able to lure bandits away one by one as I increased my proficiency in the art of stealth. It took a bit of effort, but I managed to make way into Bleak Falls Barrow and receive a respite from the wind.


2016-11-11, 08:32 PM
Diary of Ma’ri 3

19th of Last Seed

As expected inside Bleak Fall Barrows there were more bandits inside, but what had surprise me even more there was already dead bandits I haven’t face. Nevertheless, I continued delving into Bleak Falls Barrows dispatching the two guards up top. That is until I noticed a bandit managed to kill himself in front of me pulling a trapped lever. Upon noticing symbols and moveable stone pillars and depictions of the correct symbols above, further provided evidence that these bandits weren’t the brightest of the bunch. Since I was feeling a bit weary I returned to the entrance of the tomb and stole one of the bandits’ bed roll and relocated it to a safer spot to get some rest before delving past the locked gate.


20th of Last Seed
Luckily my risk of sleeping in the Barrows didn’t brought about my end, nor were they any other bandit reinforcements. So, I returned to the trap lever and opened the gate just in case the stone puzzle theory I have was in correct; thankfully no poison darts were fired in my direction and the gate opened. As slowly traversed traveled I began to noticed the thickening of webs which was all too familiar from Helgen, and but what was strange was someone calling out for help. I had expected the spider to kill his meal as food should be scarcity for a large spider; and by large spider it’s the largest spider I have ever seen.


Thankfully I managed to dashed before the giant spider had spotted my exact location. Once the spider had turn its attention away, I managed to stab it with my swords, and I quickly reverted to slashing wildly as not to be inflicted by its poison or trapped in the web as bandit ahead of me. The bandit revealed himself to be Arvel the swift and he had the golden claw on him and was going to return it to me once I let him go. I agreed to the offer. But in a foolish attempt to double cross me, Arvel quickly dashed deeper into the tomb in his greed madness. Naturally I chased after him to only see these undead monstrosities awaken and attacked Arvel killing him; and they planned to do the same but I managed to defeat these undead monsters, but I severely wounded in the process.


Thankfully I still had some potions I had found earlier in Helgen and which managed to heal my wounds. Deeper still in the tomb were more of these undead creatures and traps that I struggled to understand still function after all this time and state of disrepair the whole tomb seems to be. Not to mention the candles that seems to be still burning, as the deeper I went the more I realized that I’m first living person who traveled through this ruined tomb.


Nevertheless, it was through studing these undead and watching their reactions I was slowly started to improve my sneaking habits and improved my ability to avoid making noise with each step. Upon reaching the golden door I noticed another picture puzzle with moveable rings, and seems to have multiple keyholes. What I found interesting is that the Golden Claw’s claws fit perfectly into the keyholes and showed depiction of the correct answer. Using the claw, I was able to open the door, and slowly made my way across the room. Unlike other sections of the tomb, this wall was filled with strange writings that somehow seem familiar, and one word in particular I was drawn to which was I was quickly able to translate into “force”. In my shock, I was caught completely unaware of resting undead until it burst from its sarcophagus. I managed to dispatch the undead whom seem to be way stronger than those before it.


As I left Bleak Barrow Falls tomb, slightly confused about how I Ma’ri know such an arcade language. I stumbled upon walking to small cot in the woods and Ma’ri introduced herself the man, and I found myself struggling to keep my speech mannerism from defaulting back to Khajit classical grammar oppose to traditional Cyrodiil grammar. Afterwards, I stumbled upon a group bandit shortly before I had dropped off golden claw, I managed to kill them. Upon returning the golden claw to Riverwood trader I managed to earn healthy reward. But what shocked me the most was that someone had hired an assassin to kill me, and planned to kill me on my way towards Whiterun. Luckily I was able to get the drop the assassin and killed it before it killed me.


I managed to make it back to Whiterun, where I learned of even more trouble was brewing. There was news of a dragon circling a Whiterun watch tower, and with Ma’Ri as the resident dragon expect, I was instructed to drop off the stone tablet to the court wizard and investigate the watchtower.


I quickly followed Irielth where she had mustered troops at the gate before we proceeded towards the watch tower. When I arrived, at the watch tower, it was true that it was attacked by dragon. However, this dragon seemed to be different, its scales wasn’t black as the darkest night, but instead slightly darker moonstone.


As before this dragon breathed fire and was taking out the guards quiet easily with its fire breath. However, it made the mistake of landing, where I was able to charge the dragon driving my blade into its flesh. Eventually the dragon succumbed to its wounds, but unlike other creatures when they die and naturally rot over time, the dragon seemed to almost burst into flames and melt into tiny pieces and quickly flowed into me, leaving nothing but skeleton and the contents of its stomach.


Once more I lost my composure and referred to myself in the third person and somehow gained the power to push people by shouting the word “force” in that strange language I read. People started calling me Dragonborn, which Ma’Ri found to be hogwash. Even I have the ability to use my voice for magical means; there are other people who have done so, such Ulfric Stormcloak, perhaps I have learned it prior to my memory faded and I’m only remembering my training now. Well regardless as soon as this one arrived at the gates of Whiterun, the ground shook with the words Dovahkiin. Not sure what to make of the booming voice, I entered Whiterun to see the sight of several Redguard looking for a woman. While I agreed to search for them, I opted not to get myself involved.


With some weariness, I climbed the steps towards Dragon Reach and informed the Jarl that we had killed the dragon. And for my accomplishment I was given the title of Thane of Whiterun thus giving me a noble rank. I vowed not to get the title to my head, and I planned to help the towns folks such as helping Adrianne Avenicci with a few of weapon orders request by crafting several daggers. But it was during nightfall that the strange things happen. It seems a group of vampires launched an attack against the citizens of Whiterun as part of terror campaign, which I quickly jumped in to help.


After the dispatching vampires, I accepted the offer of tavern brawl bet just outside the Inn tavern which I promptly won without too much trouble. With the day coming a close I purchased a room at the inn and thankfully this long day was over and hopefully my life would be less eventful as it seems I had experience lifetime full of events in the past couple of days.


2016-11-14, 10:05 AM
Just, other people sometimes think the treasure belongs to them....

(On the other hand, this is Skyrim, where even the thieves guild don't actually get you to steal anything....

With it being Skyrim, I'd been okay if their version of thieves were highwaymen, but they went with "Swedish House Mafia" for some reason and then married it with Nanda Parbat.