View Full Version : What to take for magic items? Please advise

2016-11-07, 02:44 AM
I'm playing a half-orc 6th level battlemaster/ 5th level swashbuckler

20/13/16/8/10/12, around 100HP and AC20 with plate and shield. I'm using either a rapier, scimitar, short sword and a shield and throw the occasional hand axe, javelin, or dagger

I have taken the duelist style and shield master and maxed strength, along with expertise in athletics and perception. 5 in acrobatics, deception, intimidation, and persuasion. I do not know how long the campaign will go.

I took precision, riposte, and frighten as my maneuvers

I plan to play this guy in the thick of melee. I think we are doing a time of troubles homebrew, if the DM allows it and we finish, I'll post for you all to have.

We cannot play paladins or wizards, no history or arcana skills, no backgrounds, but free acrobatics/athletics and a social skill, and start off as level 11... so I'm assuming its the time of trouble. I should have in melee with me a TWF ranger, a monk, and some crazy OP homebrew.

I will more than likely want to grab resilient wisdom, and I might just continue rogue

Anyhow, we can select 1 uncommon magic item and 1 rare.

Could grab a +2 weapon (rare) and maybe a +1 armor or shield.

+2 shield would go nice with the other caveats of shield master. You get the picture.

Or do I need something for my weak wisdom save

I'd grab a belt of giant strength, but hill giant would only give me a 21 and eat of my rare

So any suggestions. 1 uncommon and 1 rare... and the DM hates flying

2016-11-07, 03:34 AM
You should definitely get a magical weapon, so you can get past non-magical weapon resistance/immunity. Upping your to-hit is a little less important to you than for most melee (particularly the -5/+10 people), given Precision to turn near-misses into hits when you feel it's important. But getting your attacks to count as magical is all but required at those levels.

You may want to consider something a little less combat oriented for your other item. An uncommon Bag of Holding (fill up with all sorts of equipment you can use to solve problems with) or Bag of Tricks (distractions, setting off traps, even activating your Sneak Attack at a pinch) could be considered, e.g.
But if you want something that adds defensive capabilities, then an uncommon Cloak of Protection adds not only to your AC, but also to saving throws, as does the rare Ring of Protection.

2016-11-07, 03:45 AM
My thoughts:

For the rare, I'd take a Helm of Teleportation. It solves a lot of logistical problems and is a very convenient panic button, which is important when your party has next to no healing. You can bypass a lot of problems in D&D with a teleport spell. Given your party, you won't have anyone else capable of teleporting you around. Be sure to harvest bits and pieces from everywhere you go, and label them well so you can keep those locations "saved" for later teleportation.

If you know the helm of teleportation will just give you more trouble or make the game less fun, I'd consider a sun blade. It's a +2 weapon that does radiant (i.e. basically never resisted) with bonus damage versus undead, and is a lightsaber on top of that. How freaking cool is that? A flame-tongue sword is nice for similar reasons.

For the uncommon, a magic weapon is a solid pick because you need to get past resistance. Perhaps a weapon of warning. If you think you will soon get a usable magic weapon as loot anyway, I'd go for winged boots, slippers of spider climbing, bag of holding, or helm of telepathy (it looks like you want to be a face, and at-will surface thought reading helps that considerably). Adamantine plate armor is also a fine choice.

2016-11-07, 04:54 AM
Thank you, I will check these items out

add to the list of possible items

sun sword
ring/cloak of protection
helm of teleportation
any magic weapon, rapier, short sword, scimitar
bag of holding
bag of tricks
weapon of warning, which I cannot find on my app

please feel free to add more,

also if he's giving me 1 uncommon and 1 rare... you think the DM 3 uncommon. Is 1 rare worth 2 uncommon

2016-11-07, 09:08 AM
For the rare item I'd definitely take Mantle of Spell Resistance, that advantage is so sweet.

If you can't decide, take a +1 weapon and a +2 shield, can't go wrong.

Joe the Rat
2016-11-07, 09:37 AM
If you go for a weapon, I'd be tempted to look for features over plusses. I like a flametongue or a sword of wounding over a straight +2 (good against regenerators), or grab a giant slayer if you have a hint to there being, you know, giants. Sun Blade is a tempting option.

Armorwise, if you are thinking shield master, magic shield beats magic armor. If you go rare weapon, your armor options (uncommon) are limited to +1 shield or a cloak of protection - take the cloak in this case (it gives you the +1 on all saves, not just "rays").

Some other notables (uncommon):
Broom of Flying, because flying. You may lose your shield if you want to fly and fight.
Decanter of Endless water. Geyser is fun.
Alchemy Jug. All the mayonnaise! And oil and poison, I guess.
Adamantine Plate. The value of negating critical hits is dependent on the size of those critical hits (See: Giants).
Javelin of Lightning. With low magic, having a spell-like shooting option may be handy.