View Full Version : How does a rogue get telepathy?

2016-11-07, 04:47 PM
I am making a tibbit rogue with the whole concept being he will always stay in cat form and be adorable but have class levels and intelligence of a humanoid. If I want to communicate with my party I need to be able to either speak as a cat or telepathically communicate. So rules are, items must be usable without hands, class levels must be dips obtainable to a rogue or also adv sneak attack damage, and templates can be a max of +1

2016-11-07, 04:59 PM
Pearl of Speech will let you speak, and it's only 600 gold.

2016-11-07, 05:00 PM
Take one level of psion with psionic charm person. Take practiced manifester. Add a level of psionic adaptation Mindbender.

EDIT: Never mind. Didn't read the stupid rule about dips.

2016-11-07, 05:01 PM
I'd like to avoid the pearl if possible. If only because telepathy doesn't make noise. I will keep that in the back pocket though!

2016-11-07, 05:03 PM
Take one level of psion with psionic charm person. Take practiced manifester. Add a level of psionic adaptation Mindbender.

EDIT: Never mind. Didn't read the stupid rule about dips.

I'm trying to maintain as high a sneak attack damage as possible, thanks though.

2016-11-07, 05:10 PM
Take one level of psion with psionic charm person. Take practiced manifester. Add a level of psionic adaptation Mindbender.

If you did this, you could easily get into Psychic Assassin for another d6 of Sneak Attack.

2016-11-07, 05:51 PM
Best I can do at ECL 1 is a Psion, take mindlink and synchronicity (or any other 1st level power), add Linked Power as your bonus feat and Metapower as your 1st level feat, and you can create a 10 minute mindlink for 0 PP by expending your psionic focus.

Incarnate 2 Totemist 5 can get telepathy via Shedu Crown bound to the Crown Chakra (or you can use Shape Soulmeld/Open Least Chakra).

Hmm. Maybe Psicrystal Affinity instead, have the psicrystal speak for you? Or maybe take a level of Spellthief, take Obtain Familiar and pick a raven?

2016-11-07, 05:53 PM
Incarnate 2 can get telepathy via Shedu Crown bound to the Crown Chakra.

You could get this through feats too if you aren't too feat starved.

2016-11-07, 07:02 PM
Fey Heritage feat chain to pick up Charm as an SLA, then 1 level of Mindbender? Not at all optimal though...

2016-11-07, 07:06 PM
Shedu Crown is a totemist soulmeld, not an incarnate soulmeld. I recommend picking it up via feats. That seems like the best route. Two feats for telepathy is pretty efficient, all things considered.

2016-11-07, 07:35 PM
Shedu Crown is a totemist soulmeld, not an incarnate soulmeld. I recommend picking it up via feats. That seems like the best route. Two feats for telepathy is pretty efficient, all things considered.

It does have the drawback of your otherwise inconspicious cute little kitty suddenly having a glowing crown around its head though, and you can't even suppress it afaik.

Unseen Seer advances SA and gets you Hunter's Eye for even more SA. That would qualify you for a familiar. Get Improved Familiar for a Pseudodragon and let it speak for you?
It would also qualify you for Mindbender yourself - a 1 level dip for telepathy + Mindsight is totally worth it and the CL counts towards Hunter's Eye anyway. Not to mention that spellcasting is always awesome for a skillmonkey.

2016-11-07, 07:59 PM
Shedu Crown is a totemist soulmeld, not an incarnate soulmeld. I recommend picking it up via feats. That seems like the best route. Two feats for telepathy is pretty efficient, all things considered.

Yes, sorry. I got confused with Soulspeaker Circlet, which would allow the cat form to speak.

And yes, two feats for telepathy is good, but not available until 6th level.

Fell Conspiracy (Exemplars of Evil) can give you message at will, but it's not clear to me if cats can whisper.

2016-11-07, 08:07 PM
Fell Conspiracy can also grant telepathy with the second ceremony, but it requires 50 gp of rare herbs. Also, Knowledge (religion) is cross-class for rogues.

2016-11-07, 09:01 PM
If you're a psychic rogue (or dip psion) you can pick up a Psicrystal, which you can use to relay your thoughts to the party at a distance of a mile away. Simply leave the psicrystal with them while you go scouting.

2016-11-08, 09:22 AM
How about the Cerebral Hood symbiont (Fiend Folio)? Telepathy 100'...

2016-11-08, 02:11 PM
Be a Ghostwise Halfling (Faerun Campaign Setting p18), with Divine Minion (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050209a) of a tweaked Bast that only got Cat (hence be LA+1, instead of LA+2)

2016-11-08, 02:26 PM
You want sneak attack? Have (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?111626-3-5-Maximum-Sneak-Attack-Damage) sneak (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=4216.0) attack. (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=6844.0)