View Full Version : DM Help How should abandoned Netheril tower look like?

2016-11-08, 03:40 AM
Hey guys,

So I need to flesh out one structure ... an abandoned tower of empire of Netheril on Sword coast. It's not described in module and I'm pretty sure players will want to explore it. Or what's left of it ... I'm basically taking in any ideas how to approach this - from "a few crumbling walls" to "its a gate to another dimension". It would be great if anyone knows something that represents Netheril specially. Tower is supposed to be explored by NPC wizard adventurers meet ...

How do I do this?

For those who know the module - its Old Owl Well from Lost mine of Phandelver.

thanks :)

2016-11-08, 04:11 AM
Netheril was a magocracy so something that looks like a "wizard did it" (no pun intended - necessarily :P)

I guess it could have unusually smooth surfaces, incorporate arcane sigils and maybe some crystalline formations.

Maybe there are platforms that once would've functioned as transportation devices between floors, lacking real staircases, and would have wooden stairs which were clearly built afterwards which would look out of place in such a structure.

2016-11-08, 07:03 AM
Nice. I think a few of these things will really add to the feel of the place.

2016-11-08, 07:59 AM
Another thought are hidden passageways that were walled off by magic that now can be found by the hollow sound of tapping on the wall. Significant force on the wall breaks through, revealing the seal to be an inch of clay like substance after losing the magic that animated it.

2016-11-09, 05:58 AM
It should have a portal to Larloch's Keep, because Larloch is the only one left of that society in all of Forgotten Realms.