View Full Version : DM Help Good wish ideas?

2016-11-08, 05:20 PM
I'm DMing my Pathfinder Eberron game, and I've made a vigilante character for the players to combat. She's trying to turn Sharn into an advanced civilization under her rule. Her backstory involves her obtaining a luck blade, which still has one wish left (for later plot stuff). Their showdown won't happen until much later, considering it's still yet early in the game.

My conundrum, then, is what to use the other two wishes on. I want to use these wishes to make her a bit more powerful. She's smart enough to know that being too ambitious with wishes can and will backfire. (Plus, I've seen what my players are capable of, even at low levels). One thought I had was to give her spell resistance like a drow, but I'm not sure if that's good enough. Any suggestions?

2016-11-08, 06:33 PM
Does said character have access to someone that can reliably make DC 40 Spellcraft checks, and does the DM allow the voluntary failing of skill checks?

If so, you might want to look at the use of Wish in Savage Species p. 150. You should be able to use it to apply a template to yourself, with the option of skipping undesireable special qualities.

2016-11-08, 10:08 PM
Does said character have access to someone that can reliably make DC 40 Spellcraft checks, and does the DM allow the voluntary failing of skill checks?

Unfortunately, no. On a nat 20, his cohort can pull off a 38.

Mind, I don't necessarily need drastic changes, just a couple things that are subtle, yet effective.

2016-11-09, 03:22 AM
Unfortunately, no. On a nat 20, his cohort can pull off a 38.

Mind, I don't necessarily need drastic changes, just a couple things that are subtle, yet effective.

Well, on assist other and taking 10 can get you a 50/50 chance of each desired template ability there. That's something, but yeah...

Cirtona Pox
2016-11-09, 07:47 PM
If you are the DM then... WOW!!... Would you look at that... This character just got her wishes without complications.

Pick a few traits you want to give her but don't make her so OP the players can't take her out.

Useful Wish ideas that have a drawback but further her goals?

She asked for the strength of ten men. She now has ten high level male NPC's loyal to her cause. Each must be convinced of the error in following her (or slain outright).

She wished for the romance of a lifetime and it was granted. Her lover died when she touched him (she has an energy draining touch attack). Her lover left her something that tipped the scales in her favor.

She wanted a weapon that would subdue all of her enemies. Now every being that comes within 60 yards of her triggers a mutual Charm effect on both her and that being (no save) so she has no enemies. She is aware of it but cannot break it on her own. Perhaps she employs the PC's at first before they realize who she is?

She flat out wished to rule Sharn but is working to break the side effect of it never catching on to the whole "advanced" thing.

2016-11-10, 01:23 PM
Those are some good ideas, especially that energy drain one. Funny enough, I planned on having her disguise herself as a vampire at one point :smallsmile:

Also, the reason I don't give my NPCs risk-free wishes is out of a sense of fair play. My players are clever, and I try to match their craftiness with my own. I usually use Rule 0 to make things more tense if I think things are too easy. I had a DM who did the same thing, and his games were my favorite.

2016-11-10, 11:21 PM
A wish for more generic power goes awry and she becomes an "advanced" version of herself; a warforged complete with a bunch of components pre-installed. She keeps her personality and wits, but maybe she initially hates the transformation. Could add some insanity later on if that's the way you want to spin her (*commence maniacal, synthesized, female laughter*).

Otherwise, there's always wishing for an item. Or wishing for something that will help her advance her goals. Maybe she does a remodel on the Lower Wards, turning them into a much more techno savvy and rebellious area.

John Longarrow
2016-11-10, 11:45 PM
If she knows about it, she can wish for a nymphs Blinding Beauty and Unholy Grace (Cha to AC and Saves). Then she maxes Cha to up the DC and boost her defenses.

2016-11-12, 12:54 PM
Earthly grace works so well with this build! Thanks for the tip :smallsmile: And for all the reading I did for wish, I never caught the magic item bit. I think I know what to do now. Thanks, giant!