View Full Version : Use Magic Device for Rogue/Wizard

2016-11-08, 08:51 PM
I am making a classic-style wizard/thief combo for an upcoming 3.5 game and I was wondering whether Use Magic Device is worth it. In spite of a high Intelligence score and taking my first level in Rogue, I find that I'm short of enough skill points to put into all the things I would like. I'm not quite certain about the campaign style, but I have been assured that my character, who is thoroughly unsuited for combat, will have a place, and that dungeon crawls will not be the norm. I considered that Use Magic Device might be a tad redundant once I pick up the ol' spellbook and get access to the wizard spell list (though I suppose I could use cleric scrolls with the skill), and if I nix it, I could pick up Diplomacy, making myself the party face, which is a role I'm told is needed.

So what are your opinions?

2016-11-08, 08:59 PM
UMD is always useful but certainly not necessary on a Wizard; you have other ways to get the key Cleric/Druid/Other spells through proxies and the other uses are cool but not really necessary. Biggest thing comes down to stuff like activating Beads of Karma, but there are other ways around that. And yeah, you're definitely gonna be even more point-starved than usual with Wizard-levels only granting 2+Int and requiring the additional maxing of at least Concentration and Spellcraft; I do hope you're entering Unseen Seer which gives you access to Divine Insight and Guidance of the Avatar to help you somewhat on that front though.

2016-11-08, 09:05 PM
UMD is always useful but certainly not necessary on a Wizard; you have other ways to get the key Cleric/Druid/Other spells through proxies and the other uses are cool but not really necessary. Biggest thing comes down to stuff like activating Beads of Karma, but there are other ways around that. And yeah, you're definitely gonna be even more point-starved than usual with Wizard-levels only granting 2+Int and requiring the additional maxing of at least Concentration and Spellcraft; I do hope you're entering Unseen Seer which gives you access to Divine Insight and Guidance of the Avatar to help you somewhat on that front though.

Though I've already started with cross-class ranks in Spellcraft, I wasn't planning on putting points into Concentration, for the following reasons:

I'm a fan of old-school "get nicked and lose the spell" play on both a balance and gameplay tactics level;
I need all the skill points I can get and I'd rather be better at sneaking or speaking than holding onto spells;
The character is particularly delicate and losing a spell will be the least of my worries if I'm hit by a noticeable attack (I believe proper wizard play involves avoiding being attacked in the first place).

As for the Unseen Seer matter, I don't have access to the 1001 Sourcebooks currently; I'm planning on working with SRD content, for better or for worse.

2016-11-08, 09:35 PM
Being able to use cure wands would enable you to fill in as a backup/emergency healer.