View Full Version : LET'S PLAY! Combining utility & fluff cantrips for more!

2016-11-09, 04:27 PM
This has probably been covered to some degree in any number of "using cantrip x" threads, but I'm talking about combining them, particulary cantrips from diff. caster classes. Druid/Sorcerer, Mage/Cleric, Bard/Warlock, etc.

Say you are a spell caster of any variety, then you multiclass into another field and/or take the Mage Initiate Feat and now have access to a bunch of crazy fluff cantrips that mostly don't normally do damage or cause harm....

Butt you are a clever player, and have ideas on how to use or combine some of these "entry spells" to great effect in the right situation. Let's hear the ideas. Not really a game so much as a formatted way to post class synergy concepts and to encourage smart uses of "fluff".

Pretty simple platform, although reading back now, the "rules" are a bit long, so apologies in advance.


First you describe your character briefly only as it pertains to cantrip access. Spells listed then in same hyphenated order respective to class spell access. Only need to list pc classes & cantrips you are using. Example:

Druidcraft/Minor illusion, Mage Hand"

If you use the mage initiate feat, see below.

"Feat" or "Race" with a "C" implies mage initiate feat in which classn and races that allow a cantrip or 2. If it's something odd like a paladin with no cantrips yet has a racial benefit, or involves a build allowing access to a variety of things, explain:

High Elf-C Paladin/Cleric FEAT-C
Gust/ Light Thaumaturgy

Character must be something from a doable build within the rules below.

1.) Combining 1-3 spells from the list below within RAW, explain how would/have you used them together in a cool way to help you or your companions in or out of combat.

Mold Earth
Minor Illusion
Control Flames
Shape Water
Mage Hand (&Ledgermain)
Dancing Lights

2.)You now have 3 turns to complete your idea in a combat situation. Only 1 of those turns may involve a NON-Spell move like an attack, shove, dodge, hide, dash, help, etc. If it is not a combat scenario (bar, guards, villa) you have 1 minute, but may still only use a max of 3 spells, although you may stack same cantrip effects.

3.) Spell caster CANNOT be tri-classed. 2 MAX. If you have access to three spells from three different classes , you need to explain how in your decription.

4.) Briefly decribe scenario and how to handle it.

5.) Leave another scenario for others to possibly use.

I'll go first with a 3-class caster just to show the most involved build/spell scenario of an actual character I played.

Arcane Trickster/Arcana Cleric (Cleric C + Wizard C)

Mage Hand Ledgermain/Thaumaturgy(Cl) + Prestidigtation(Wz)

Scenario: Late day. 2 guards would not let other party member through gates to see an important Noble who is about to be double-crossed/poisoned at a meeting.

Sun has set. Ledgermain is ready and on my shoulder. A loud, ghostly "DIIIIE..." (Thaumaturgy) heard from an alley as I come running out, petrified. "He's coming! Help!...." and fall into guard, babbling between common & an ancient languagethat seems like prayer (as when a priest prays in latin). I use this language to cast/control spells so they cannot tell I am spell-weaving, ranting & flailing my hands spastically, actually performing Somatic portions of Prestidigitation & Mage Hand.

My eyes are turned bright yellow (Thaumaturgy) to stand out/distract guards when they are inevitably questioned.

"I Remember it was a guy with weird, yellow eyes..."

Guard tries to push me away but I am clinging, flailing, & panic-stricken. Now a puff of wind and a torch expires. (Prestidigitation). Ghost voice sound draws nearer:


"H-H-heeee's here! Please save me! No more Cold, Master! Please, no more cooollld!! Babble babble prayer... "

Before the guards can sense any ruse, I make one of their weapons get cold, (Prestidigitation).

"Nooo!!" I shout as I collapse.

I pretend to go into shivering dry heave shock on the ground, and draw the guards' attention away from the gate momentarily. Meanwhile, through the fuss and noise, my Ledgermain Mage Hand has easily picked the keys/opened the lock. I have 1 more stack condition to Thaumaturgy. I use it to open the gate.

My friend slips through, hides. To help assure that she is not spotted or the gate noise is noticed, my Mage Hand jingles keys a few feet away as if just taken & Guard watches them floating away, thinking he was just now heisted. So naturally 1 chases the keys while the other tries to contain me. Hand drops keys in nearby stream. Guard sloshes around, finding keys, looking for ghost while the (invisible) hand comes back and carefully pulls gate closed.

One last "Hrrrrssshhhhh...." of the Ghost Voice to mask the clink of the gate.

I slowly come to, the guard weapon is still cold to keep them on their toes. Things settle, I thank them, but am still terrified... is he still here? I talk in riddles about saving my family, will I be damned to the cold forever, I must go... and I dash away.

Conclusion Friend is inside, guards don't know. Used a triple stack of Prestidigtation Wizard Catrip granted by the Arcana Cleric class, Triple Stack/continued effect of Thaumaturgy which all Clerics can take, and the Arcane Trickster-only über Mage Hand Ledgermain which is invisible, can pick pockets & stow items, controlled via bonus action, allowing me to multi-task while appearing mad with fear of an apparent ghost, all within 1 minute of madness.

Footnote.... This was a real scenario I actually pulled off. The DM ruled that their perception saves vs. Ledgermain were at disadvantage due to the unexpectedness and distraction provided, as well as the ingenuity. He als granted me an inspiration die to use on one check, which I did not need but was allowed to grant my friend on her botched stealth check slinking thru the gate.


Four Bugbears have an important captive that you need alive. He is restrained to a wooden chair in the basement beneath a shady bar and guarded by all 4, who are playing cards. They are awaiting nightfall to sneak him out to a Warlock outside of town. You know the layout of the bar, location of the stairwell, that the Half-Orc bartender/owner is in on it, and that the Bugbears are not aware of your knowledge. You have also interacted with the human captive before for "Message" purposes. You speak Bugbear, Common, and Orcish. There are only a handful of semi-intoxicated human patrons in the bar, and the sun has just set.

Get the captive out, alive.