View Full Version : Pathfinder Pyrokineticist need some advice

2016-11-10, 07:17 AM
Hello, soon I'll be playing cotct and I really like the kineticist concept, but there are so many possibilities.

Could you take a look at my kineticist and give me your opinion and probably some advices?

Homebrew Rule: Point Blank Shot gone. Precise Shot replaces it as a prerequisite for further archery feats
Human (Dual Talented, 25 point buy)

Stats (racial bonus included)
7 Str
18 Dex
20 Con
10 Int
12 Wis
10 Cha

Level 1: Burning Infusion, Precise Shot
Level 2: Fire's Fury
Level 3: Extended Range, Toughness
Level 4: Searing Flame
Level 5: Fan of Flame (not really a fan of this, but I dont see any other options), Expanded Metakinesis (Piercing Spell)
Level 6: Flame Jet (will be replaced by air's leap at level 10)
Level 7: Expanded Element Air, Air Blast, Plasma Blast, Weapon Focus (Blast)
Level 8: Expanded Defense
Level 9: Eruption or Torrent, Improved Initiative
Level 10: Celerity and FCB for Wings of Air
Level 11: Unraveling Infusion, Improved Critical
Level 12: Ride the Beast
Level 13: Wall, Elemental Focus Fire (not sure)
Level 14: Aerial Evasion
Level 15: Expanded Element Fire + Explosion, Feat not sure either

Thanks for your help

Kurald Galain
2016-11-10, 08:58 AM
If your aim is to do lots of fire damage to as many targets as possible, the Draconic Sorcerer does it much better. For example, you get Fan of Flame at L6, the sorcerer gets Burning Hands at L1. You get Explosion at L15, the sorcerer gets Fireball at L6. It's a very simple build; just take the spells Burning Hands, Scorching Ray, and Fireball as your staples; the feat Empower Spell; and you have lots of feats and spell slots left for utility and your favorite situational spells.

2016-11-10, 08:55 PM
I've been playing a pyrokeneticist myself and been having great fun. I had a GM nice enough to let me know if I was going to be burned by fire immune enemies, and he let me know, but that is definitely a valid concern (and I assume why you branched out into air at level 7). Hopefully yours is equally willing to help you not have un-fun. The occasional immunity isn't a big deal (you can still play around with smoke screen and try to trip things with the whip), but if it's going to become a big part of the campaign, you'll want to continue with what you've got (which honestly, looks pretty good and fun)

I think kinetic blade + Weapon Finesse will serve you fare more often than fan the flames. Getting opponents close enough and your allies far enough and risking a reflex save is a lot of hoops that make it tough for it to be reliably useful. Blade + haste (or, in your case, Celerity) can do some serious damage, especially in cases where you are trapped in melee range of something. You really don't want to eat 2 attacks of opportunity to (fail to, if you get hit) fire off a blast in those cases. And if you get a few "Extra Wild Talent" you can combine that with Kinetic Form and Kinetic Whip for 30 foot reach where you can dish out some of the harshest AoO's I've ever seen.

I also can't help but feel that the Air element isn't serving you particularly well. The composite Blue Flame blast is a nice source of reliable damage (touch attack and not subject to both DR and resistances at the same time, unlike the plasma blast). You already get pretty good flight with greater flame jet, and air's defense is the second weakest of the bunch (after fire), to the point where I wouldn't even bother with expanded defense. And then you also don't need the weapon focus (blast), since you continue to target touch AC (which at this level is essentially impossible to miss) to pick up other fun feat options.

Smoke Storm + Fire Sight is a wicked combo (you can attack things that can't see you, and your Fortitude save is so high, you can usually hide inside the smoke without worrying about the repercussions

2016-11-11, 02:23 AM
Thanks for your replies, sorcerer wont be an option, since my s.o ist going to play a sorcerer.
Kinetic Blade + Weapon Finesse at level 5 seems pretty good to me, I think I'll switch to this.
Fire/Fire was my other option, but I think air brings more utility than sticking to fire.

I think I'll take a look for other elements, but I really like celerity and wings of air. Yeah the air defense is weak but I think with perma flight it would be good at least.