View Full Version : 3.5 items that revive a player on death?

2016-11-10, 10:25 PM
Title says it all. Me and my friend are curious on if any exist in D&D or official WotC sourcebooks. We're looking for a single use item that automatically revives the user other than a lich's phylactery.

2016-11-10, 11:12 PM
You could just get a Contingent Spell crafted for you. A Contingent Spell item with True Resurrection, for example, costs 30600 gp and brings you back from nearly everything a single time.

2016-11-10, 11:13 PM
Does it have to be an item? There are at least two spells that do it.

2016-11-10, 11:15 PM
The character he wants to use it with is a Warlock and I'm a Paladin so neither of us have access to the spells needed, probably.

2016-11-11, 12:03 AM
Errm... Don't Warlocks get access to all spells(only for item creation) at level 12?

2016-11-11, 12:05 AM
I'll be honest, I don't know. I've never played one. I'll have to check the next time I'm with my books.

2016-11-11, 12:22 AM
a few options:

- UMD (true) resurrection scrolls.
- Death Pact (Spell): -2Con and the Spell remains active until triggered and revives you when killed.
- craft contingent spell: True Resurrection (most deluxe way).

So, there is not need to be able to cast it yourself. You can pay other casters for it. "Craft contingent spell" counts as item and can be regularly bought like any other magic item (= only restricted by availability compared to village size)

PS if the warlock is lvl 12, he could pick "craft contingent spell" himself and craft spells on himself and his teammate. (I would highly recommend this).

2016-11-11, 01:50 AM
I'll be honest, I don't know. I've never played one. I'll have to check the next time I'm with my books.

Please do. Search for "Imbue Item" at CArc p. 8.

2016-11-11, 02:10 AM
I thought there was a Ring or similar in the MIC that could revive you on death, up to a certain number of times?

Ring of Nine Lives - kind of functions how I remember...

There's also a Scroll of Revivify, which the Warlock could UMD if someone dies.

2016-11-11, 02:42 AM
If you aren't expecting death effects, or horrific dismemberment, a contingent revivify+heal is a nice quick way back into a fight, bumping you up to 149 hp immediately upon death. Contingent true res is going overboard, and is only really necessary if it's the ONLY method to resurrect you, by say, your body being too damaged for revivify, or a death effect stopping revivify from working.

2016-12-26, 01:05 AM
Can't item familiars do this as well?

2016-12-26, 01:43 AM
If you're allowing crafted contingent spells, just Heal is arguably enough when most contingent and immediate healing effects have set the precedent that they work even if you're dropped below -10. Although someone using craft contingent spell might might want more RAW and thus not give that ruling.

Death Pact in scroll form is the easiest, but note that Death Pack and other revive on death spells always make you lose two points of con permanently (from what I've seen), that you can never get back, and you still lose a level when you come back as well. 'Cause not-dying when you're supposed to die is pretty huge in game focused on combat.

There's also a greater Contingency spell that can do multiple spells, which you could make a scroll of and then use scrolls to fill.

2016-12-26, 01:46 AM
I can't remember but the Barbarian in my party have an armour that heal him when he is at 0HP. I think it is in the MIC but I don't have my books with me.