View Full Version : Star Shards (3.5)

2016-11-11, 03:41 PM
Day 1 (From Rexes)...

Apparently, the prosperous dwarven mining town named Shadystone has experienced increasing problems with undead, and is in need of assistance. Some being from there, others simply seeing a potentially rewarding and challenging job on the board at the Adventurers’ Guild, and possible other motivations, stimulates a group to form up with the intention of heading to Shadystone. Some (or all) of them have been adventuring together for some time, and some have even developed friendships among themselves. Most (if not all) certainly share some sort of bond, and have individually decided to coalesce into what turns out to be a fairly powerful group of diverse characters.

Well equipped now, not only with treasures and items from previous adventures, but with supplies and such for this trip, this somewhat mismatched yet confident group of adventurers leaves the city of Rexzes. Early in the morning, on a fair weathered day in early autumn, they begin their journey north toward the distant town of Shadystone. Some know exactly where this place is located, having grown up there, or at least been there one or more times. It is situated in the hills, some hundred or so miles to the north, just south of the mountains.

On or near the road that leads north there are several villages and hamlets, a few ranches and farmsteads, waystations for the barony guards, and a free standing inn along the way. Shadystone is at the end of that road, and some of them know that an old road and other paths lead from there further north into the mountains.

It takes an hour or so to get from the Adventurers’ Guild to the city wall in Rexzes. The gates are open so there is no delay in getting out of the city and on the road. They travel almost five miles on the main road to the east of town befre they come to the intersection with the road leading north and south. It is a slightly smaller road, but in good condition, and carries less traffic than the main road. Within another couple of hours of heading north they find themselves alone, nobody else in sight.

Around noon they see a waystation ahead on the left. A few barony guards stand casually outside the closed door. There is a small corral around back where a few horses stand. Two more guards sit mounted on another pair of houses outside the corral. They all look at the group approaching, the apparent leader giving them a nod, but none of them move to interfere with the progress of the group.

One or more PCs have mounts, so maybe pool together and get a wagon? Up to you really, walking is fine too, but will certainly take longer to get there.

2016-11-11, 04:41 PM
Rolax coming back into way station is in a somber mood not the happiest of being sent here by his foster father but understanding it was his job as the son of one of the regions noble to help this town in it's time of need and hopefully rid the undead in shady of the un-dead menace. Him and his faithful steed cold showing they came dressed for a fight. A Great-sword strapped across his back as he rides into town.stone

2016-11-11, 07:17 PM
Warrechon padded along the ground, preferring to be off the side of the road in the brush, allowing the grass and tall weeds to brush against his fur. Krosis didn’t mind, and in all honesty, it allowed the horses that frequented the road to not get too flustered when they saw a lion.

It also provided a modicum of security, providing a flank as the others trapped along the road. Krosis was always moving, looking, searching, like he had eyes in the back of his head. It wasn’t the first time he had been like this, and for good reason. Once before, he was ambushed on the way to a mission. Not again.

Jerrezial was flying above, she was a good bird, and kept a good eye out on them. Allowing him to determine if they had any issues coming up, or not. But right now, he let her hunt, she would come back, they shared a bond. And she was loyal as a tiger cub.

He stopped Warrechon before the guards at the door, not moving to dismount, with a frown upon his face.

“Is their a problem with the way station? We’re looking to rest for the night.” he says simply, hoping to all the hells, that there wasn’t going to be trouble. He looked up to see if Jerrezial was flying circles around them.

Pol Detson
2016-11-11, 07:51 PM
Aakil 'Keen' Murata

"It's high noon, Krosis. We are not stopping to rest for the night for few hours. So the question is - is there problem ahead of us? Gentelemen?" Murata adressed guard's leader and his men.

Murata wore his heavy armor, dull and gray, but showed no signs of fatigue. Long, long days of training in full plate and working in forge transformed him from screwy wizard's appreciate into impressive muscle-bound warrior.

Aakil carried the biggest sword many had ever seen across his back. And some have seen a lot. Absurdly long, as if it had been forged for a giant’s use, dull grey metal gleaming with rain, a single letter stamped near the hilt, a single gem set in pommel.

His weapon might have looked like a prop from a bad comedy, but runesmith was no jester.

2016-11-11, 08:34 PM

The guard leader tensed slightly as he saw the lion rider, and the horses suddenly got nervous in the presence of such a dangerous predator that was so suddenly revealed. But these were well trained war horses, not skittish mounts. Seeing the horses under control, the leader shrugged and said, “No problems, no trouble I know of, good sirs. Before sunset you should reach the Wayside Inn. Of course, there are plenty of pleasant spots along the road to rest out in nature, if desired.”

Instead of waiting for everyone, I decided this was enough to go forward. Feel free to add in anything you want. If it turns out to be relevant I’ll edit this.

If someone else wants to use this color its fine, I'll change. I like using colors and bold for speech, makes it stand out easily.

2016-11-12, 11:33 AM
"Well, if there isn't any trouble we should probably keep moving?", Maxwell Thorton, an odd man with a checkered past, known to some of his companions as a bit of a loner.
He doesn't want to stick around to cause any trouble

2016-11-12, 12:31 PM
being of a curious sort Fauna asks the barony guards that stand outside the closed door. May I go in?

2016-11-12, 12:54 PM

The guards all wear chain mail and are well armed. Their leader is similarly armed but also wears a breastplate. He looks curiously at the tiny fey creature that flies (?) up, “Well lil’ Miss, we so rarely have such curious visitors beyond officers. There is nothing more than our barracks, cells and the officer in charge. But I see no harm. One moment please.” He opens and holds onto the door, blocking it effectively as he says “Sir, we have a curious visitor.”

A voice is heard from within, “Certainly sergeant, let them in.”

As the man steps aside to allow Fauna to enter she sees that there are beds along both side walls and a group of small, empty cells along the back wall. In the middle of the room behind the desk is a long table with benches along each side and a chair at the back end.

The slightly older man inside sits at a desk near the door. He wears a fancier breastplate with some insignia etched onto it. He looks up from some paper on the desk and says. “How can I help you, wee fey?”

2016-11-12, 01:04 PM
The slightly older man inside sits at a desk near the door. He wears a fancier breastplate with some insignia etched onto it. He looks up from some paper on the desk and says. “How can I help you, wee fey?”

Well I was curious why all of you are here at this place in such numbers?

sense motive +5 (1d20+5)[16]
know. arcana +6 (1d20+6)[9]
know. planes +6 (1d20+6)[11]
know. religion +6 (1d20+6)[20]
listen +2 (1d20+2)[3]
spot +2 (1d20+2)[7]

2016-11-12, 01:23 PM
Well I was curious why all of you are here at this place in such numbers?

Now that she’s inside, Fauna sees that some of the bunks are occupied by sleeping figures. The officer shrugs and smiles slightly, “You must be new around here. We’re assigned here as part of the barony to secure the road for safe travel, to protect travelers from threats, and to investigate and deal with any minor incursions. Are you in need of such assistance?”

2016-11-13, 12:41 PM
no I think I can handle myself - good day and with that Fauna leaves

Pol Detson
2016-11-14, 06:27 AM
While his companions conversed with guards, Aakil get few quick sips from Waterskin.

"Let's taka a break for few minutes. I'll send my familiar and my eyes to scout ahead. "

His blade sprang to his hand and hawk dived from the sky.

Aakil took the Runeblade's hilt and drove the massive weapon into the ground. A massive broadsword with seventeen glowing runes carved in it, one of them a focus of his attention. Murata weaved a spell in each and every rune and now summons power contained within.

His sight splits - and now he shares not only strong emotions, but also vision of a hawk.

"Fly, Brightness, Fly!" he command and trow his arm up in practices motion of falconer.

I cast Chain of Eyes on my hawk and now I can see though his eyes - he fly above the road and ahead of us and I scout for potential ambushes.

Chain of Eyes (duration 5 hours, should last till we stop to set a camp before nightfall).

Spot check (hawk) [roll0].

2016-11-14, 01:10 PM
Krosis grunted as they all stopped to ask them questions, with the Petal happy, he was too, and he motioned for Warrechon to move on, he stopped to regard the mage with his familiar cast some kind of spell. As if Jerrezial couldn't spot an ambush herself.

He was about to get grumpy, when he thought that 2 birds in the air was better than one, and this Aakil said something about his eyes? Perhaps he had cast a spell on his familiar? shrugging, he puts his thumb and forefinger in his mouth and makes a sharp whistle, commanding Jerrezial to Seek (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/handleAnimal.htm) for anything up ahead.

He turns to everyone else "We going to move out, or what?"

2016-11-14, 01:36 PM
He turns to everyone else "We going to move out, or what?"

Fauna looking over at the other then at Krosis, and takes to the air. lets get going then.

2016-11-14, 05:55 PM
Maxwell nods in agreement and moves out with the group

2016-11-14, 06:46 PM
Those who have never been to Shadystone ask those who have, or are from there, about the town on their first day of travel. The following is general information, details could be better known and discussed:

The town was created by and is mostly inhabited by dwarves, though gnomes, halflings, humans, and possibly others live there as well now.

The small town of Shadystone has existed for nearly a century now. It had first been nothing more than a small camp for the dwarven miners who came down from their mountain fortress and worked in shallow mines in the hills around the area. The first of the mines only produced coal and iron, but in great abundance. Within a year or so the dwarves had also discovered that onyx, very exquisite marble and a dark granite were plentiful in rich deposits under the surrounding hills. The camp soon turned into a town, which continued to grow over the years.

Currently the town is home to about two hundred people, possibly more. Most of them are dwarves, though some gnomes and humans have migrated here as well in recent years. There are also a few halflings and a smattering of other various races. There are always travelers passing through when the weather is mild during the spring, summer and autumn. The winter can be very harsh, and a few citizen even take the opportunity to have some time off and go on holiday in warmer climes to the south.

Shadystone lies in a valley in shallow rolling hills some miles from the mountains. The area around it is primarily wild grasslands, though a few homesteads have been built by some hardy folk who seek to raise crops and herd animals. A stream runs through town, providing fresh water, and there is also a deep well located in the central plaza. It is surrounded by a 25 foot high stout wall made of granite. There are two gates in the wall, the main one to the south and a smaller one to the north. There are also four towers spaced evenly on the wall between each gate. Most of the buildings are stone, while others are constructed of stone and wood. A few are little more than a store front with a nice underground living space for many of the dwarves, gnomes and halflings.

Nearly all of the citizens have some gainful employment, and the miners are always busy. A few distinct businesses have arisen and endured, and most of them are mildly prosperous. While only a few are really rich, many have more than a few coins to rub together. There are all the trades one would expect in a small mining town, and a few exclusively for the small farming community. There is only one proper inn, the Pitted Pick, which is located near the south gate. It is associated with, and next to, the biggest brewery in town. Both are owned by one of the original miners, an older dwarf named Durkon Darkchin. A few of the dwarven deities are worshiped in one temple near the center of town. There is also a small shrine to Farlaghn at a tavern near the north gate called The Wayward Pause.

Learned from the Adventurer's Guild:
One of the most productive and lucrative mines near Shadystone has been overrun by hordes of minor undead, not surprising that the two are connected. They mine the purest onyx from there, and that is a required component for necromancers and vile clerics to create many undead types.

Local businesses

(2) Brewers
Cooper (barrels, etc)
General Store
(3) Smithies (Tools etc)

Prominent Citizens

Gudar Orcsplitter: Dwarf cleric of Moradin - Mayor
Ithoren: Tiefling ranger – Captain of patrol
Sordin Stonestubble: Dwarf cleric of Clangedin – Sheriff
Jhing Sao: Human monk (smithy of unusual weapons)
Durkon Darkchin: Dwarf fighter/bard (Owns the inn/brewery)
Voyanj: Half-elf cleric/wizard/mystic thuerge – retired adventurer (Owns the tavern)

Points of Interest Nearby

Copse of woods with a small natural spring. Turns into a stream that meanders through the valleys to the town
Witch (lives in a hut at the edge of the woods)
Ancient ruins of a temple in the foothills of the mountains
Mine/fort in the foothills of the mountains (dwarves old home)
Twin Stallion Ranch
Various farmers
Cemetery (just outside of town to the west)
Mines: coal, onyx
Quarries: granite, marble

2016-11-14, 06:58 PM
The Brash Bard Inn

The remainder of the first day is spent traveling along the road north. Just before sunset they reach a very nice, country style roadside inn on the left. Across the road is a large corral, stable and office building. Several people mill about both areas, going about their business. There is some sounds of revelry from within the inn itself, with some lute music and much singing.

The stable and corral is set up to deal with mounts, even having an area aside for unusual mounts. Stabling is included in the cost of staying at the inn, and it seems well stocked to comfortably accommodate mounts.

While not packed, the inn holds about a dozen people, many seem to be farmers. A small group of merchants sit at a table together. In the center of the main room is a small stage where a halfling strums a small lute and sings, with many of the patrons joining in to sing a raucous and fun tune. Everyone seems to be having a good time, with much food and drink all around.

Once inside everyone sees a young man standing just inside the entrance who cordially greets the new visitors. He informs them that there are rooms available and that the bard will be here all night.

We don’t really need to play this out, unless someone wants to. I’m not against it, but I also don’t want to initiate scenes that might seem mundane, normal bits of traveling to those who may be anxious to get to the destination. I can neither confirm nor deny that there is useful information to be gleaned here, or elsewhere for that matter, at least until you reach Shadystone.

Rooms cost 1 gold piece per night per person, with an additional gold piece if a mount is stabled. That includes a meal for the night and breakfast, the first drink (of any kind) is free, and however much water desired is also included for no cost. There is a charge for any additional alcoholic drinks. There are rooms set up to hold either 2 or 4 people as well, for families and such. The cost is the same regardless.

All this is assuming that the group as a whole travels at a speed equivalent to riding a horse or in a wagon. If this turns out not to be the case you’ll simply have to camp somewhere along the road for the night and reach this point tomorrow. Either way, nothing dangerous happens.

2016-11-14, 09:47 PM
Dunbar remained quiet the majority of the trip. His mind was on home. Things had been heated when he took off from home with his cousin. It had been a couple of years and he hadn't been back yet, but when he heard of the trouble in Shadystone, he knew he and Krosis needed to go back and help. He was sure his folks would be ok. The smelting business kept them busy and away from the mines, but there were other family members that were the mining business.

At the inn, Dunbar coined up the 2gp for himself and his mule, and sat quietly at the table.

2016-11-15, 01:53 PM
Maxwell was glad for a chance to stable the horse and rest his feet for some time, a chance to clear his head and reflect on the news; Shadystone was like a home away from home for him, a place that didn't reject him off-hand, a place that allowed him to become the person he was today. To hear that they were having a problem with the undead of all things made him feel like a lead ball was in his gut, he couldn't let something like this pass.

In a small moment of reflection he realized how much this town, and the people there, meant to him; in his adventures the undead had proven to be difficult to affect with his powers, death freed them from strands of fate, it was difficult to manipulate them and steal their magic. Even with the disadvantage this put him in, he had answered the call for aid, and met up with some old friends to try and figure this mess out. "Friends? Family? Home? Maxwell, what have you gotten yourself into?", he chuckled to himself.

He paid to stable his horse, and for a room; he sat down with his compatriots at the table and tried to lighten the mood a bit, "Well then, if they were able to send word looking for help, that must mean people are still alive, right? Hopefully people we like! Ha Ha!" The laugh quiets down quickly.

Max is clearly not happy about the situation, but is doing his best to hide it

Pol Detson
2016-11-15, 02:03 PM
Aakil spend the travel splitting his attention between guiding a conjured horse and observing the world from above. Sharing the sight and empatic link that allowed him to experience joy of unbound flight.. that was something addicting.

The trip went without problem, so Aakil dismissed the horse and paid a coin for place in the Inn.

2016-11-16, 01:26 PM
Following his cousin Dunbar, Krosis had already stabled Warrechon, and seen to his brush down and feeding. He always made sure to keep to the same ritual, Warrechon was a slave to habit, and it helped him bond with Krosis. Paying his money for evening, he joined the others in the main room, requesting a mug of ale. He would drink, but he wouldn't get himself inebriated.

He'd seen what can happen to a group he forgot what they were doing.

2016-11-16, 03:46 PM
He paid to stable his horse, and for a room; he sat down with his compatriots at the table and tried to lighten the mood a bit, "Well then, if they were able to send word looking for help, that must mean people are still alive, right? Hopefully people we like! Ha Ha!" The laugh quiets down quickly.]

"Like's got nuttin' to do with it when yer talkin about family." Dunbar replies to Maxwell. "I know yer makin' light cause yer uncomfortable, Max. Been around you enough to know." He slaps Maxwell on the shoulder "It's ok. You'll be fine." He takes another drink "Yer right. The fact that there is word is good. From what we've heard, the undead are centered around the onxy mines."

2016-11-17, 02:22 PM
on seeing the pricing for the rooms fauna is a little dismayed but will pay the 1gp for a room to herself
presuming nothing happens during the night she will in the morning rejoin the others

2016-11-17, 08:14 PM
In the morning a wood elf is standing outside the Brash Bard Inn waiting for the group. The dwarves (and possibly others from previous adventures) recognize him as Celeg, a ranger and sorcerer from Shadystone. His cousin Voyanj owns The Wayward Pause, the tavern near the north gate. He has an unusual animal companion, though it appears a normal dog to most the dwarves know it is a special elven breed of dog.

2016-11-17, 08:34 PM
On seeing the group emerge from the inn, Celeg, obviously just arrived, appeared relieved and concerned. Addressing the dwarf he knew personally, he said, "Dunbar, good to see you, I was getting worried! Didn't the Guild pass on the danger the town is in? We have to hurry! Voyanj teleported to Rexzes to get the word out as fast as possible while I warned his father. The attacks are getting worse, and I don't know how much longer the walls will hold. The witch outside town attributes the increasing power of the undead to an ancient evil that has obtained a Star Shard... Let's go!"

2016-11-18, 09:21 AM
Dunbar is at first glad to see Celeg, then confused as the half elf started talking, and finally concerned. "No, they didn't." he replies. "Let's be going then!" He runs to the stables to get his mule, leaving the gate open so Warrechon could get out. Hastily throwing on the saddle and hurrying to secure it, he climbs on and spurs it forward. Back with the group, he asks Celeg "Have ya seen my folks? Are the ok?"

Pol Detson
2016-11-18, 12:36 PM
"Look at what the cat dragged in. Celeg!" Aakil Murata said. He knew the half-elf from previous adventures.

When the half-elf blurted out his message, Aakil paused. He casted the mount spell with some care, and one of the runes on his massive blade winked out.

"The city walls are under siege? Do we need to fight our way in?

He jumped on the horse, grasping conjured reins. His mind worked on the ramification of the evil forces using one of Star Shard.

I am assuming that I get time to recover spells. Mount lasts for 10 hours.
Roll arcane knowledge about Star Shard: [roll0]. What are Star Shards?

2016-11-18, 02:56 PM
Krosis is a little groggy, and stumbles out after Dunbar, he frowns at the fast talking elf, but doesn't hesitate when his cousin runs to mount up, saddling up Warrechon with speed, and thanking his cousin for opening the stalls gate for him.

Once out, on top of Warrechon, he thinks for a moment at Aakil he frowns in thought for a moment "Nay, Dunbar and meself used ta play in some mines that linked the smelter an the Iron mines, should be able ta get in that way." he says, his accent coming back for no apparent reason.

He pulled on Warrechons neck fur, indicating it was time to move, "Lets be off, if'n they're were in trouble before, we might be too late!"

2016-11-18, 03:20 PM
"Well then, let us be off and making a dashing rescue!", Maxwell hops onto his own horse and readies for the road ahead.

Would Maxwell know Celeg? I feel if he knew Dunbar, and by extension Krosis, it might make sense.

2016-11-18, 05:32 PM
Answering Dunbar first, Celeg said, "I didn't have time after I talked to the witch, but they were fine before I went to see her. When I got back to town, I told Voyanj what she'd said, and he dug out a couple of scrolls and asked me to warn his dad. I'm rushing back now myself."

Turning to Pol, he added, "I don't know if it's that bad yet, but I had to fight a few groups of zombies on my way back to town after seeing the witch."

Seeing Maxwell and Krosis mounted and ready to go, Celeg moved to keep up. His long strides easily matched the burdened horse and lion, the bags under his eyes notwithstanding.

"Indeed! Let's go!" he called to any lagging behind.

As for Maxwell knowing Celeg, that makes perfect sense to me! I know Grodech from the other game we're in, so I felt comfortable knowing his character well and didn't want to presume too much with anyone else. So definitely Dunbar, Krosis, Maxwell, and Aakil so far...

2016-11-19, 12:47 PM
Outside Shadystone

After two more days of hurried travel, with stops along the way to rest as needed, the group approaches Shadystone. When they get within a few miles, with the town still out of sight to the north over the rolling hills, a group of 7 skeletons and 8 zombies is seen coming over the next hilltop and begin moving toward them.

Most adventurers with the level of experience these folk have accumulated had at one time or another fought some undead, and some may know specifics (knowledge religion). So they all easily understand that these undead seemed to be moving exceptionally fast; the skeletons virtually doubled in speed and the zombies moving as a normal person would instead of the slow lumbering gait for which their ilk was famously known.

Initiative everyone. The nearest undead are 200’ away to start, the farthest 240’. Skeleton move is 60, Zombie move is still 30 but they get double move or move + action. They are spread out somewhat (none are less than 10’ from the nearest).

Skeletons [roll0]
Zombies [roll1]

Skeletons 20
Zombies 19

2016-11-19, 01:41 PM
"Here they come! See how fast they move?" Celeg called, loosing a pair of arrows at a zombie.

His raven launched into the air and began to climb, intending to see if there were any other groups behind this one. Nyr (his hound) planted her paws and prepared to defend her master.

Initiative: [roll0]
First To Hit (including -2 for range): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Truedeath Crystal Damage: [roll3]
Second To Hit (including -2 for range): [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Truedeath Crystal Damage: [roll6]

2016-11-19, 08:29 PM
Dunbar dismounts his mule and smacks it on the rear to direct it away from the threat. "A little too fast." he says, drawing his heavy mace.

Initiative [roll0]

2016-11-20, 12:29 PM
upon spotting the approaching group of undead fauna prepares for the coming battle

Initiative +5 [roll0]
Know. Religion +6 [roll1]
Spot +2 [roll2]

Fauna will hold action until the closest foe reaches 60ft, then unleash Eldritch Blast : RTA +12 [roll3]
(Eldritch Blast : is a ray with a range of 60 feet. It is a ranged touch attack that affects a single target, allowing no saving throw)

Damage (maximize SLA= 18)

2016-11-20, 12:54 PM
Krosis frowns and nods at Dunbars assessment.

Zombies shouldn't move that fast, hell, skeletons shouldn't move that fast!

He directs Warrechon to let loose, seeing the skeletons bearing down upon them, he resists the urge to pounce on then, guessing he didn't have any time any way. Whipping out his axe, he readies for the ensuing combat.

Free action: Fight with mount [roll0] vs DC 10

Full attack from Warrechon -
(deals piercing and slashing)

(deals piercing and slashing)

(deals piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning)

Full attack from Krosis -
(deals magic and slashing)

(deals magic and slashing)

Pol Detson
2016-11-20, 01:01 PM
Aakil Murata was ready. He dismounted and the Runeblade smoothly found the way into his hand. He stood side by side with his comrades, ready to strike. His martial training took over as he prepared the stance and braced himself for the undead charge.

The magical flames engulfed Runeblade, eager to burn enemies to the ash.

Move: dismount.
Free: draw the blade.
Swift: assume Martial Spirit Stance (+2 temp HP for every successful strike)
Manevours granted: Foehammer, Leading the Attack. (rolls in the Dice thread)
Standard: prepare manoeuvre against first undead that come close.

Attack with Foehammer: 17 to hit and 25 dmg total, bypassing all DR. Rolls in dice thread.

2016-11-20, 04:12 PM
Maxwell was not a hulk of armor or angry Dwarven muscle like his friends, but he knew how to be useful.
Waiting for the undead to close in, he waited to wrap around the enemies and force them into a flanked position, mindless undead should fall to basic military tactics, he thinks to himself.

Guide with knees (free action) DC 5: [roll0]
Control mount in combat (move action) DC 20: [roll1]
Attack with Morningstar (standard action): [roll]1d20+7[/roll/] Damage: [roll2]

*Draws Morningstar while moving which is a free action with a BAB of +1 or higher
**If the Control Mount in Combat check fails, Maxwell will instead fruitlessly do nothing as his horse is frightened

2016-11-20, 05:35 PM
Rd 1

The seven skeletons begin running and move with astounding speed toward the group. They each move up to engage (run not charge, so no attack) each person, with two on each dwarf maneuvering to flank them.

Nyr waits for an enemy to approach Celeg, then bites into the skeleton. Crunching bones is something that canines do very well, so she manages to crunch a small chunk (5 dmg) out of its leg bone.

Roac flaps frantically into the air, quickly ascending to get a better view for his master.

The eight zombies move much closer as they also run, albeit not quite as nimbly or fast as the skeletons. The closest ones get within 80’ of the group while the farthest ones get within 120’.

Fauna times the approach of the undead and releases a blast of eldritch energy. A dark green ray shoots from her tiny hand and slams into a skeleton. The energy cracks some ribs (18 dmg) but does less overall harm than she anticipated.

Dunbar dismounts and urges his mule to safety. The animal needs little prodding to escape the vicinity of the undead. Though frightened, it moves away in such a manner as to avoid any attacks (withdraw) from the nearest skeletons. The dwarf then pulls his mace and hits the skeleton he faces (4 dmg) for a minor wound to the left shoulder.

Celeg takes a (5’) step away from the skeleton now facing him and launches a pair of arrows in rapid succession at a zombie. The first shaft sinks deeply into the rotting flesh of its chest and seem to do considerable harm (16 dmg). As it stumbles slightly from the first strike the second arrow hits right beside the first (14 dmg), but fails to take it down proving these undead are indeed very tough to destroy.

Aakil slides off his mount and draws his weapon as he takes up a martial stance and prepares to attack. Not trained for battle, the horse naturally bolts away (withdraw) to safety. Using his martial prowess to great effect he slashes his sword across the skeleton, the Foehammer maneuver causing extra damage (25 dmg = DEAD) and bypassing the damage reduction all skeletons possess to bust up the necromancy that held the undead intact.

Krosis stays on his lion and whips out his axe. He slashes his axe at the same foe that his mount attacked. His first attack hits it across the skull (2 dmg) but the second swing fails to penetrate the defenses of the undead.

Warrechon’s first claw fails to connect, but the second claw slashes (8 dmg) the same skeleton that Krosis is attacking across the ribs. With a battle roar the lion bites into the bones and crunches (9 dmg) the shoulder bones with a terrible sound. The skeleton turns its attention to this threat.

Maxwell waits to assess the scenario before acting. As he draws his morning star he directs his mount around the battle to gain some tactical advantage, but fails to control the horse in combat. Though spooked, the mount does not bolt, but rather moves in such a manner as to prevent Maxwell from any further action. Since a skeleton had previously engaged him the movement is limited, but he manages to gain flanking position.


(6) Skeletons 20
Nyr 20 (readied action)
(8) Zombies 19
Fauna 16
Dunbar 13
Celeg 10
Aakil 7
Krosis/Warrechon 7
Maxwell 7 (delayed)

S2 5
S3 4
S4 18
S6 19
Z2 30

Fauna (Maximize SLA 1/3)
Aakil (Martial Spirit Stance [+2 temp HP for every successful strike], Maneuvers granted: Foehammer [Used], Leading the Attack

2016-11-20, 05:55 PM
Rd 2

The skeletons attack with a swiftness unseen by any of the brave adventurers. In an absolute flurry of scimitar swings only a few seem to connect and do any harm. One skeleton strikes Nyr (5 dmg) across the shoulder and another slashes Dunbar (6 dmg) across the thigh.

Nyr snaps off another crunching bite at the skeleton (S2, 8 dmg) then backs off (5’ step to E9).

Roac has flewn high enough to see over the hill. Through the empathic link it indicates that no other foes are in sight. It continues to fly higher and begins circling slowly.

The zombies all move to engage foes (run not charge, so no attack).


For Z5 to get where it is on the map is runs through a threatened square for Warrechon and Krosis. They both get an AoO on it as it runs past. All the others used diagonal move or whatever to avoid AoO's.

(6) Skeletons 20
Nyr 20
(8) Zombies 19
Fauna 16
Dunbar 13
Celeg 10
Aakil 7
Krosis/Warrechon 7
Maxwell 7

Nyr 5
Dunbar 6
S2 13
S3 4
S4 18
S6 19
Z2 30

Fauna (Maximize SLA 1/3)
Aakil (Martial Spirit Stance [+2 temp HP for every successful strike], Maneuvers granted: Foehammer, Leading the Attack

Pol Detson
2016-11-20, 06:38 PM
"Nyr, step back!" Aakil yelled over the clash of steel and bone. "Fight back to back!"

Speaking is free action:smallwink:. I'll post my turn tomorrow.

2016-11-20, 07:31 PM
Snapping at the skeleton she had bitten before, the elven hound shifted to prevent herself from being surrounded.

She takes a 5' step to E9 to fill in the gap, and bites S2 (the one she bit before):
To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Seeing the undead flanking the group, Celeg shifted his grip on his Elvencraft bow and stepped closer to Aakil himself to take a swing at the skeleton menacing him on that side.

He also takes a 5' step, this one to F10, and uses his bow as a quarterstaff to strike S1(just once... two weapon fighting isn't worth it):
To Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Truedeath Crystal Damage: [roll4]

Pol Detson
2016-11-20, 08:11 PM
Aakil's Runeblade split skeleton in half, scrapping the ground. Seeing the charging zombie, he waited split second and at the last opportunity brought the blade at chest level. The zombie run right on the long blade.

But there was so many of undead and the abominations were both fast and tough.

"Wait till I finish casting!"

He ripped the blade from zombie's flesh, rising it high. The Haste rune flashed and now he and his comrades could match the undead speed.

AoO against Z5: [roll0];damage: [roll1]
Assuming it's a hit I can heal 2 HP to myself or ally withing 30 ft. I heal Dunbar.

Standard action: casting Haste (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/haste.htm) defensively (roll in dice rolls). Targets: Aakil, Krosis, Dunbar, Warrechon and Maxwell.

2016-11-20, 09:13 PM
Having fought with Aakil before, Dunbar had an idea what the casting would be about and knew it wouldn't help him all that much. Instead of waiting, he used his speed to attack each of the skeletons around him [whirlwind attack against S2, S3 and S4].

Attack S2: [roll0]
Damage S2: [roll1]
Attack S3: [roll2]
Damage S3: [roll3]
Attack S4: [roll4]
Damage S4: [roll5]

+1 Dodge feat bonus applied to S2.
Dodge bonus from Haste spell will make his AC 20, and subsequently 21 vs S2

2016-11-20, 10:22 PM
Warrechon snaps an attack at the skeleton that crosses his path

(deals piercing and slashing)

Krosis watches as aakil casts his spell, and feels the familair spell wash over him. Smiling, he whirls his axe anew at the skeletons

Free action: Fight with mount [roll0] vs DC 10

Attacks focusing on S6 and then S3

Full attack from Warrechon -
(deals piercing and slashing)

(deals piercing and slashing)

(deals piercing and slashing)

(deals piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning)

Full attack from Krosis -
(deals magic and slashing)

(deals magic and slashing)

(deals magic and slashing)

2016-11-21, 12:41 PM
fauna looks at the approaching zombie (Z2)

Overcome SR: [roll0]
Eldritch Blast : RTA +12 [roll1]
confirm crit [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2016-11-24, 11:57 AM
Rd 2 Cont'd...

As one zombie (Z5) runs by to reach Aakil, Warrechon attacks it (AoO). The lion’s massive claw slashes out and inflicts a deep wound (10 dmg) on the right arm.

Fauna releases another blast of eldritch energy. The dark green ray crackles as it shoots from her tiny hand and slams into the shoulder of a zombie (Z2, 8 dmg = DEAD), killing it.

Dunbar swirls around in place like an armed whirlwind as he aims his mace at each opponent within reach in a spinning attack. He lands two solid blows (S3, 11 dmg; S4, 5 dmg) on the skeletons, cracking bones. However, both continue the battle.

Celeg takes a tactical step (5’ to F10) and uses his bow as if it were a staff to attack the skeleton he’s now closest to (S1), but the wooden weapon misses.

Aakil calls out for the rest of his allies to delay their action, then raises his blade. Defending himself from the foes nearby he manages to cast a Haste spell that affects most of his companions.

Krosis slashes out with his axe in a speedy slashing flurry of blows. The first attack hits the wounded skeleton (S6, 14 dmg = DEAD), blasting it into bits of bone. The next two attacks hit another skeleton (S3, 26 dmg = DEAD), shattering it as well.

Warrechon lashes out at the remaining skeleton (S7). The first claw swipes it hard in a pair of quick attacks and the second claw also connects with a solid blow (36 total dmg = DEAD) to take it down. It bites into a zombie (Z3, 10 dmg), and though it tastes repugnant he inflicts a nasty wound to the torso.

Maxwell dismounts and pulls out his wand and rapier.


(3) Skeletons 20
Nyr 20
(7) Zombies 19
Fauna 16
Dunbar 13
Celeg 10
Aakil 7
Krosis 7
Warrechon 7
Maxwell 7

Nyr 5
Dunbar 6 (Dodge S2)
S2 13
S4 23
Z3 10
Z5 10

Fauna (Maximize SLA 1/3)
Aakil (Martial Spirit Stance; Maneuvers granted: Foehammer [used], Leading the Attack; Haste (Aakil, Krosis, Dunbar, Warrechon and Maxwell, 1/5 rds)

2016-11-24, 01:18 PM
Nyr continued to snap at the skeleton she just bit.

Continuing to target S2.
To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Celeg, silently cursing his poor aim, whirled his bow and swung at the skeleton flanking Maxwell a second time.

Targeting S1 again...
To Hit: [roll2]
Damage (including Truedeath Crystal Damage): [roll3]

2016-11-25, 03:52 PM
Overcome SR: [roll0]
Eldritch Blast : RTA +12 [roll1]
confirm crit [roll2]
Damage ([roll3]

2016-11-25, 04:11 PM

Krosis grunts in satisfaction as the undead all to his blows, and growls in frustration that Warrechon had to endure such horrible tastes. He would have a hell of a time cleaning his teeth tonight! He thought to himself as he continued hacking at the things nearest him, making sure to utilize the magic that was used on him.

Free action: Fight with mount auto succeed

Attacks focusing on Z4 and Z5.

Full attack from Warrechon -
(deals piercing and slashing)

(deals piercing and slashing)

(deals piercing and slashing)

(deals piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning)

Full attack from Krosis -
(deals magic and slashing)

(deals magic and slashing)

(deals magic and slashing)

2016-11-25, 10:59 PM
With skeleton 3 now down, Dunbar shifts to the left a little and adds the zombie that was now in his reach.

Attack S4: [roll0]
Damage S4: [roll1]
Attack S2: [roll2]
Damage S2: [roll3]
Attack Z8: [roll4]
Damage Z8: [roll5]

This is all assuming nothing else comes close or changes significantly before Dunbar's turn.

+1 Dodge feat bonus applied to S4*.
Dodge bonus from Haste spell will make his AC 20, and subsequently 21 vs S4*

*Edited from S2 to S4 due to S2 going down before Dunbar's turn

2016-11-27, 12:07 PM
Feeling a burst of energy from Aakil's spell, Maxwell decided it would be best to stop fooling around with the horse and attempt this personally.

Move action - Dismount
Move action 2 - Draw wand of grave strike

Since Maxwell is only taking up a 5' square, was he already dismounted?
That would free up a casting of grave strike and a swing at an enemy

Pol Detson
2016-11-30, 04:37 PM
Aakil spell granted opening for a zombie to strike him. He brought the Runblade down in response. Powerful strike and when the blade bid into the zombie' shoulder he wretched it from dead flesh and hit it again. No finesse or fancy martial tactics - a brute strength backed by arcane agility.

Granted Maneuvers: Mountain Hammer
Active: Martial Spirit Stance, Haste.
Two attacks against Z5:

Attack one:[roll0]; crit:[roll1] damage: [roll2]
Attack two: haste:[roll3]; crit:[roll4] damage: [roll5]

If any of them hit, I will heal 2 HP/each due to martial stance.

2016-12-09, 03:44 PM
...Are we on the next round? Everyone has kind of just been posting actions, and then everything stopped just as abruptly

5' step to H10
Swift action - Wand of Grave Strike DC 20 [roll0]
full attack w/haste & flanking vs Z5: [roll1] damage: [roll2] and if grave strike goes off, sneak attack: [roll3]
vs S1: [roll4] damage: [roll5] and if grave strike goes off, sneak attack: [roll6]

2016-12-09, 07:36 PM
Rd 3

The skeletons begin their slashing assault with unnatural swiftness. The numerous scimitar attacks slash at all the foes they can reach, trying to reduce the number of attackers. However, luck is not on their side as the flashing blades fail to cause any harm.

Nyr growls and chomps the wounded skeleton (S2, 12 dmg = DEAD), snapping its spine and taking it down in a clatter of broken bones.

Roac continues to circling the area slowly, searching for any sign of other enemies. A quick flash from his mind indicates no more are in sight.

The zombies lash out with their putrefied fists. Max gets smashed on the left shoulder (Z1, 6 dmg), Aakil gets bashed on the head (Z5, 7 dmg), Celeg takes a fist to the stomach (Z7, 7 dmg), and Nyr takes a blow to the head (Z8, 5 dmg).

Fauna launches an eldritch blast against the closest zombie (Z7, 8 dmg), the dark green energy smashing into the sickly flesh of its chest.

Dunbar continues his whirling attacks on the enemies around him. The skeleton deftly dodges the blow. While his mace smashes into the zombie, it fails to do any damage (DR5/slashing).

Celeg swings his bow like a staff again, attacking the skeleton that is concentrating on Maxwell. His swing is wide though, missing the sly skeleton.

Aakil strikes out with his runeblade at the only zombie still standing hear him. The blade sinks deeply into the collarbone and through the chest, then is yanked free and slashes into the head (Z7, 24 total dmg, heal 4). However, despite the massive damage dealt to it by two foes, the undead remains able to fight.

Krosis lashes out with his axe, carving a gash across the chest of a zombie (Z4, 7 dmg), quickly following up with a return swing to cut across the right shoulder of the same foe (Z4, 7 dmg). He then aims an overhand strike that slices deeply into the left shoulder of the same zombie (S4, 15 dmg). He’s a little surprised that the zombie didn’t succumb to these attacks, and urges his lion to finish it off.

Warrechon does just that with a swift swipe of his claw (Z4, 12 dmg = DEAD) to take that zombie down. Turning his attention to the other zombie, both claws and a bite all connect (Z5, 31 total dmg = DEAD) to slaughter it.

Maxwell steps behind a skeleton (5’ step to H10) to gain flanking advantage, then activates his wand (swift) and strikes out with his rapier. The blade sinks deeply in a zombie with his first attack (Z6, 8 dmg, DR 5/Slashing = 3 dmg). He pulls it free and strikes a skeleton (S1, 10 dmg, DR 5/Bludgeoning = 5 dmg).

(3) Skeletons 20
Nyr 20
(7) Zombies 19
Fauna 16
Dunbar 13
Celeg 10
Aakil 7
Krosis 7
Warrechon 7
Maxwell 7

Aakil 3
Celeg 7
Dunbar 6 (Dodge S2)
Max 6
Nyr 10
S1 5
S4 23
Z3 10
Z6 3
Z7 32

Fauna (Maximize SLA 1/3)
Aakil (Martial Spirit Stance; Maneuvers granted: Foehammer [used], Leading the Attack; Haste (Aakil, Krosis, Dunbar, Warrechon and Maxwell, 2/5 rds)

2016-12-09, 07:53 PM
Rd 4

The pair of skeletons fail to strike any foes, despite having moved into flanking position on Maxwell.

I'll add more as people post. Next up is Nyr, then the zombies.


2016-12-10, 07:00 AM
Ignoring the zombie that hit her, Nyr tore into the one that hit her master.

Targeting Z7 to attempt to break the flank on Celeg. Celeg is going to leave square G9 for Maxwell in case he can't kill S1 to break the flank on him.
To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Growling in frustration, Celeg continued to whirl his bow as a staff in an attempt to hit the skeleton before him.

Celeg is relying on Nyr to make sure he's not flanked this round, and continues to focus on S1.
To Hit: [roll2]
Damage (including True Death Crystal and Favored Enemy): [roll]2d6+12]/roll]

2016-12-10, 01:07 PM
Fauna keeping Z7 in sight

Overcome SR: [roll0]
Eldritch Blast : RTA +12 [roll1]
confirm crit [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2016-12-10, 01:56 PM
Rd 4

Maxwell was unimpressed with the effect his sword was having on these abominations, "Survive now, buyer's remorse later.", he thinks to himself.

Free action - drop rapier
Move action - draw morning star
Swift action - wand of grave strike vs DC 20 [roll0]
Standard action - attack with morningstar vs S1 (flank+haste bonuses) [roll1]
damage [roll2] if grave strike goes off, sneak attack [roll3]

*48 charges left on wand
**if possible, 5' step to G9 at end of turn if S1 doesn't "die"

2016-12-10, 11:02 PM
Dunbar concentrates his attacks on the remaining adjacent skeleton and takes a step away from the zombie [5 foot step to E7].

Attack S4: [roll0]
Damage S4: [roll1]
Haste Attack S4: [roll2]
Damage S4: [roll3]

This is all assuming nothing else comes close or changes significantly before Dunbar's turn.

+1 Dodge feat bonus applied to Z8*.
Dodge bonus from Haste spell will make his AC 20, and subsequently 21 vs Z8*

*Edit based on OOC conversation.

2016-12-12, 03:47 PM

He watches as the zombies and skeletons fall around them, but several were still standing, these were definitely not your run of the coal mine undead, he focused and tried to clear the zombie next to him so he could help out one of his fellow companions.

Free action: Fight with mount auto succeed

Attacks focusing on Z3, if it drops 5ft step SE to H9 and focus on S1

Full attack from Warrechon -
(deals piercing and slashing)

(deals piercing and slashing)

(deals piercing and slashing)

(deals piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning)

Full attack from Krosis -
(deals magic and slashing)

(deals magic and slashing)

(deals magic and slashing)

Pol Detson
2016-12-20, 02:20 PM
Aakil sees the turn in combat and opening across the flank. He execute Battle Leader's Charge against exposed and undamaged zombie..

Manouver expanded: Battle Leader's Charge, No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage. Charge minmun distance is 10 ft, so Aakil ends on H9 attacking Z6.

attack: [roll0] damage: [roll1]

Heal myself 2 HP.

2016-12-21, 11:36 AM
Rd 4

The pair of skeletons fail to strike any foes, despite having moved into flanking position on Maxwell.

Nyr snaps at the nearest zombie but misses.

A few of the zombies score hits while the rest of their attacks fail to cause any harm. Krosis takes a fist to his left thigh (Z3, 6 dmg). Maxwell gets hit with a fist to the jaw (Z6, 9 dmg). Nyr is bludgeoned with both fists (Z8, 11 total dmg), letting out a desperate yelp from the near fatal wounds it has suffered. One of them steps over a fallen comrade (Z8 5’step to E10).

Fauna targets the nearest zombie, releasing a dark green bolt of pure arcane energy. The attack strikes the zombie in the chest (Z7, 13 dmg = DEAD), blasting it off its feet.

Dunbar slams his mace into the nearest skeleton. The first swing cracks several ribs and snaps the spine (S4, 5 dmg = DEAD), taking down that foe. He then turns his attention to the zombie that just brought Nyr near death. Though the mace hits, the zombie only suffers a slight wound (Z8, 3 dmg).

Celeg once again uses his bow as a staff. The swing flies over the head of the zombie as it ducks out of the way at the last second.

Aakil expends one of his fancy maneuvers to charge the zombie off the road (move to H9). He brings his large runeblade to bear against the undead, slashing it from right shoulder to left hip, inflicting a heavy wound (Z6, 26 dmg, heal 2).

Krosis connects with his axe, dealing a considerable wound to the chest of the zombie. Swiftly reversing the weapon, his backswing also hits it, but only a glancing blow across the shoulder. Taking aim once again he sinks the blade into the skull, splitting the zombie nearly in two with a mighty overhand swing (Z3, total 34 dmg = DEAD).

At the direction of his rider, Warrechon steps over (5’ step to F/G 8/9) and begins its assault on the nearby skeleton. His first claw misses horribly twice in quick succession, but the other claw slams into the bony foe (S1, 7 dmg). The lion roars and bites into the skeleton, crunching bones (S1, 11 dmg) but failing to bring it down.

Maxwell drops his blade and draws out his morning star, hoping for better damage against the boney undead. Activating his wand again, his weapon just barely fails to strike. He steps away from being flanked (5’step to H11, since the space you wanted is now occupied).


Skeleton 20
Nyr 20
(4) Zombies 19
Fauna 16
Dunbar 13
Celeg 10
Aakil 7
Krosis 7
Warrechon 7
Maxwell 7

Aakil 1
Celeg 7
Dunbar 6 (Dodge Z8)
Krosis 6
Max 15
Nyr 21
S1 23
Z6 29
Z8 3

Fauna (Maximize SLA 1/3)
Aakil (Martial Spirit Stance; Haste (Aakil, Krosis, Dunbar, Warrechon and Maxwell, 3/5 rds))

2016-12-21, 12:03 PM
Rd 5

The remaining skeleton turns to attack Celeg. The first scimitar slashes a deep wound across his chest (S1, 9 dmg), but the second swing misses.

Nyr retreats from battle, barely escaping with its life.

Two of the zombies also attack Celeg. One fist from the first one slams into his right arm (Z1, 6 dmg) while he dodges the other. But in doing so he steps right into a hard blow to the head from the second zombie (Z8, 8 dmg), though its second attack also misses. The other zombie hits Aakil with one fist right in the nose (Z6, 9 dmg), missing with the other fist as blood starts to trickle down his cheek.

Fauna blasts another nearby zombie, the dark green energy slamming into the chest of the undead (Z8, 13 dmg).

Dunbar steps into a flanking position (5’ step to D10) and attacks. Both swings hit (Z8, 12 total dmg) but he fails to take down the zombie.

Celeg crunches the wood of his bow into the remaining skeleton (S1, 23 dmg = DEAD), smashing it into bits of bone. He then step into the space (5’ step to E9) to block the zombie from easily pursuing the cooshee.

Aakil strikes the zombie hard with his blade (Z6, 16 dmg). The mighty strike channels healing into him (cure 6).

Krosis directs his lion mount closer to the remaining foes, then strikes out against the wounded zombie. His first swing connects, cutting the undead down as the axe splits it in two at the hips (Z8, 13 dmg = DEAD). Turning the axe in his grip he slashes it across the chest of the other zombie, angling it up and back down across its shoulder (Z1, total 26 dmg).

Warrechon hits with all its attacks, slashing and chomping into the zombie until the undead falls dead (Z1, 38 total dmg = DEAD).

Maxwell uses another charge from his wand to make his attacks more powerful. His two strikes cur down the remaining zombie (Z6, total 21 dmg = DEAD).

Aakil 4
Celeg 30
Dunbar 6
Krosis 6
Max 15
Nyr 21

Fauna (Maximize SLA 1/3)
Aakil: Haste (Aakil, Krosis, Dunbar, Warrechon and Maxwell, 4/5 rds)

2016-12-21, 02:01 PM
Dunbar steps in to flank the zombie [5 foot step to D10] and attacks it from behind.

Attack Z8: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Haste Attack Z8: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

If Fauna kills Z8 before Dunbar's turn, please apply all Z8 references to Z1 instead. There would be no flanking bonus on Z1, so subtract 2 from attacks if that's the case.

+1 Dodge feat bonus applied to Z8.
Dodge bonus from Haste spell will make his AC 20, and subsequently 21 vs Z8

2016-12-21, 08:43 PM
Celeg grunted in pain, and tried to bring his bow down once more on the skeleton before moving to where he would no longer be flanked.

One more time at S1:
To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

After that, he takes a five foot step to E9 to make sure Z8 doesn't pursue Nyr.

2016-12-26, 12:22 PM
Fauna Targets Z8 zombie

Overcome SR: [roll0]
Eldritch Blast : RTA +12 [roll1]
confirm crit [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2017-01-01, 11:22 AM
5' to G11 to flank Z1
Swift activate wand UMD DC20 [roll0]
Attack Z1 (haste + flank) [roll1]
2nd attack [roll2]
Damage 1 - [roll3] Sneak Attack [roll4]
Damage 2 - [roll5] Sneak Attack [roll6]

Pol Detson
2017-01-05, 05:13 PM
Aakil swinged the sword, channelling the crusader's might into healing.

Strike against Z6 - crusader strike, healing [roll0] +2 from stance.
Attack: [roll1] damage: [roll2]

Edit: 6 HP healed.

2017-01-05, 06:18 PM

Krosis curses as this battle is lasting much longer than he had wanted, but the creatures were falling, only a few more...

Free action: Fight with mount auto succeed

5ft step down to F/G10

Full attack from Warrechon -
(deals piercing and slashing)

(deals piercing and slashing)

(deals piercing and slashing)

(deals piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning)

Full attack from Krosis -
Damage - (1d10+5)[13]
(deals magic and slashing)

Damage - (1d10+5)[14]
(deals magic and slashing)

Damage - (1d10+5)[12]
(deals magic and slashing)

2017-01-05, 06:19 PM
Attack 1

Attack 2

Attack 3

2017-01-08, 10:29 PM
The battle suddenly over, the group stands on the road surrounded by slain undead, in whole or in part. Late in the day, those from Shadystone know it isn’t far to town. Most are wounded, the cooshee and elf badly so. A chill wind blows from the north, beckoning the group.

Aakil 4
Celeg 30
Dunbar 6
Krosis 6
Max 15
Nyr 21

Fauna (Maximize SLA 1/3)
Aakil: Haste (Aakil, Krosis, Dunbar, Warrechon and Maxwell, 4/5 rds)

2017-01-09, 03:55 AM
Wincing in pain, Celeg said, "It's not far now... we should hurry before another group comes along."

2017-01-09, 08:50 AM
Dunbar moves to Celeg, lays a hand on him and gives a command word, surging healing power into Celeg (healing belt, one charge for 2d8 - rolled here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21577361&postcount=34), 11 hp healed), then does the same for Nyr (13).

Grabbing up his mace, Dunbar then retrieves his mule. It hadn't gone too far - a couple hundred feet away from the battle. Apparently it was trained well enough to get out of the mess but not run too far away. Dunbar mounts up and waits for any others to do the same before starting off towards Shadystone.

2017-01-09, 08:54 AM
I forgot, but the mounts which ran away stayed together and are not far. Though somewhat spooked, its easy enough to gather them.

2017-01-09, 11:59 AM
Krosis nods at Celeg's words, "Aye, we should be getting to that tunnel, we can only hope it hasn't been found..."

Already mounted, he pats Warrechon's mane, and keeps the beast steady, all the death and stink of decay was making him unsettled, but he was a well trained mount, and he knew he would keep put.

2017-01-09, 01:19 PM
As the healing energy flowed through him and Nyr, Celeg said, "Thank you Dunbar... that feels ineffably better, though there will be plenty of aches tonight."

2017-01-09, 01:20 PM
before leaving the battle area fauna goes about searching and looting the corpses...

gather information +10 [roll0]
search +3 [roll1]

after that she resumes here normal 15ft flight and stick close to the group as they travel

2017-01-09, 04:53 PM
before leaving the battle area fauna goes about searching and looting the corpses...

gather information +10 [roll0]
search +3 [roll1]

after that she resumes here normal 15ft flight and stick close to the group as they travel

Each skeleton had a scimitar, so there are 7 of them. Nothing else is found on any of the corpses.

It is a little more than 2 hours before sunset.

If you go directly to town it will take about an hour. You are very likely to encounter more roving undead on the way, and undead most likely surround the town.

If you go to the iron mines where Dunbar and Krosis know of a hidden tunnel that leads into town, it will take about 2 hours. As far as anyone knows, undead have not invaded that mine. You may encounter more undead that way, but with Fauna and the raven familiar of Celeg doing aerial scouting you could most likely avoid them.

2017-01-10, 10:12 AM
"Grab up the scimitars." Dunbar says. "If for no other reason than no more undead can use them."

He begins to lead the group to the iron mines, to the tunnel that would get them to town in secret. Hopefully the undead - or whatever was leading them - hadn't discovered it yet. "Fauna - keep an eye out for more groups. Maybe we can avoid them."

2017-01-10, 11:55 AM
fauna will keep an ever vigil look out for anything that looks out of place

spot +2 #1 [roll0], #2 [roll1], #3 [roll2], #4 [roll3]
listen +2 #1 [roll4], #2 [roll5], #3 [roll6], #4 [roll7]

2017-01-11, 04:25 PM
"To the tunnels then, I think us getting there in one piece is going to be more helpful than getting there fast."

Edit: Seeing as how he needs to diversify his offensive presence, Maxwell will be more than happy to take one of the scimitars for himself, and carry others for loot/arming survivors we come across.

Pol Detson
2017-01-12, 09:49 AM

"Yes, we should go to the tunnels as fast as possible."

2017-01-21, 01:26 PM
Dunbar uses a pair of charges from his belt to heal Celeg (cure 11) and Nyr (cure 13) a bit.

Mounts are gathered and the scimitars taken. With airborne reconnaissance the group moves forward.

An hour or so after their first battle with the undead the town of Shadystone comes into sight of Fauna and her avian compatriots. The gates are closed, the walls manned by defenders, and a horde of undead surround it. The invading zombies and skeletons seem to have no interest in actually attacking, and they are staying beyond the range of missile weapons launched from the town. It will not be easy to get through them, given the sheer numbers, and fighting the entire horde would surely be suicidal. What looks like a few ghouls are also interspersed among them, making it that much more dangerous.

The group heads around town toward the iron mine, where they know there is a tunnel to the smelter in town. A few tense moments occur as they come close to a roving band of skeletons, but the airborne scouts spot them in time to avoid another fight.

Just before sunset they arrive at the entrance to the iron mine, located less than a mile west of town. No undead are in sight, the group is about 100 feet away from the mine entrance, which is dark and quiet.

Aakil 4
Celeg 19
Dunbar 6
Krosis 6
Max 15
Nyr 8

Fauna (Maximize SLA 1/3)
Dunbar (2/3 Belt charges)

2017-01-21, 01:28 PM
"To the tunnels then, I think us getting there in one piece is going to be more helpful than getting there fast."

Edit: Seeing as how he needs to diversify his offensive presence, Maxwell will be more than happy to take one of the scimitars for himself, and carry others for loot/arming survivors we come across.

Since there was no other input on this I'll assume that Maxwell has staored all the scimitars, with one ready to use.

2017-01-21, 03:03 PM
Since there was no other input on this I'll assume that Maxwell has staored all the scimitars, with one ready to use.

Sounds good.

Dunbar dismounts from his mule and begins to lead them carefully into the mines.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2017-01-23, 01:23 PM
Looking at the entrance fauna approaches cautiously keeping alert

spot +2 [roll0]
listen +2 [roll1]

2017-01-23, 07:18 PM
Celeg nodded his thanks to Dunbar, exhausted from the battle as he was.

At the mines, he said, "I'll take up the rear and try to cover our tracks."

2017-02-06, 09:48 AM
With cautious readiness the group approaches the entrance to the iron mine. Though no undead seem to have invaded this mine, it has apparently been abandoned by the miners, at least temporarily, yet the entrance remains open. Just inside the arched entrance, which is 20’ wide and 10’ at the highest point, a large cavern could be seen. It is bigger than vision and lighting reveal initially, though each side can be seen from the entrance. It is a well worked rectangular shape, 80’ wide, 120’ long and 20’ high.

The left wall contains a pair of closed stone doors, each 2’ wide and 4’ high, neither of which has any handle. There is a larger arched tunnel in the right wall, 10’ wide and 10’ at the highest point, which stretches 40’ into a larger chamber. In the back wall there are three openings. In the center is another small closed door identical to those in the left wall. On each side of this is a tunnel that leads down at a shallow angle, both squared off at 10’ wide and 10’ high. In the middle of the room is a round shaft that drops straight down, measuring 15’ in diameter. A small stairway spirals down steeply, only 3' wide.

Since Maxwell is not here, is anyone else keeping the scimitars from the skeletons?

Aakil 4
Celeg 19
Dunbar 6
Krosis 6
Nyr 8

Fauna (Maximize SLA 1/3)
Dunbar (2/3 Belt charges)

2017-02-06, 12:17 PM
With cautious readiness the group approaches the entrance to the iron mine. Though no undead seem to have invaded this mine, it has apparently been abandoned by the miners, at least temporarily, yet the entrance remains open. Just inside the arched entrance, which is 20’ wide and 10’ at the highest point, a large cavern could be seen. It is bigger than vision and lighting reveal initially, though each side can be seen from the entrance. It is a well worked rectangular shape, 80’ wide, 120’ long and 20’ high.

The left wall contains a pair of closed stone doors, each 2’ wide and 4’ high, neither of which has any handle. There is a larger arched tunnel in the right wall, 10’ wide and 10’ at the highest point, which stretches 40’ into a larger chamber. In the back wall there are three openings. In the center is another small closed door identical to those in the left wall. On each side of this is a tunnel that leads down at a shallow angle, both squared off at 10’ wide and 10’ high. In the middle of the room is a round shaft that drops straight down, measuring 15’ in diameter. A small stairway spirals down steeply, only 3' wide.

Since Maxwell is not here, is anyone else keeping the scimitars from the skeletons?

Aakil 4
Celeg 19
Dunbar 6
Krosis 6
Nyr 8

Fauna (Maximize SLA 1/3)
Dunbar (2/3 Belt charges)

Fauana skirting close to the highest point of the cavern where possible, activates Detect magic and goes about to each tunnel and set of doors carefully keeping an eye and ear out for trouble, without pressing onward to see if anything looks magical within range.

2017-02-06, 12:19 PM
opps forgot rolls

Listen +2 [roll0]
spot +2 [roll1]
search +3 [roll2]

2017-02-06, 02:15 PM
"We're gonna have to go down this shaft." Dunbar points to the central shaft. "I suppose we could corral the animals in one of the chambers off this way" pointing to the tunnel to the right. "Kitchen, dining hall and what not. Should be somethin with doors that we can close to keep them from wanderin off. Might be a mess we'd have to clean up later, though."

2017-02-21, 03:04 PM
Barring any dissenting opinions, Dunbar leads the group down the corridor to find a place to corral the animals.

(Gryndel indicated in the OOC thread that the tool storage area has a door and should suffice for this.)

After stashing the animals, Dunbar will lead them back down to the main shaft and start down the stairs. He has his waraxe in hand. He assumes that anyone that needs light to see will take care of providing it for themselves.

2017-02-21, 08:04 PM
fauna will activate her at will Detect magic and keep a wary eye and ear out for trouble

listen +2 [roll0]
spot +2 [roll1]
search +4 [roll2]
Knowledge (Arcana) +7 [roll3]
Gather Information +16 [roll4]