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2016-11-12, 11:56 AM
The air is clean and crisp as you climb the last hill before your destination - Ebire's Hold. They say that at the end of the last war, a great general named Ebire entered it, saying that he would reappear when the next war began. You have come here to find him and his aid in the coming war.

You are shaken from your introspection by the sound of Taric, the scout, hailing you.

Taric runs down the hill, skidding to a halt right before he crashes into you.
"Reporting, sirs! I got down there and it seemed quiet enough, so I got a bit closer and saw there's Orcs inside the hold. I counted two of them guarding the gate, and another six or seven that I could see inside. I'm not sure if there are any more of them inside. That's my report, seems we'll have to do a bit of fighting to get in this place."

As you make the top of the hill, you can see the gates of Ebire's Hold about 90 feet away. Just as Taric said, there are two armored Orcs standing in front, one on either side of the gate. Each one is holding a nasty-looking greatsword. Neither appear to have stirred, even at the sound of the scout's shout.

2016-11-12, 01:07 PM
Variya audibly sighed at Taric's antics. Weren't scouts supposed to be graceful?

"I'm fully aware of the situation ahead, Taric. My other eyes can see it quite clearly."

She pointed to a brown owl which circled high above the hilltops. As far as she was concerned, her familiar was the group's true scout. The Elven mage looked to her companions. As a hired outsider, it wouldn't be proper for her to take the lead here.

"So, how do you want to proceed?"

2016-11-12, 03:02 PM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

"If we must fight, we'd better not announce our presence before hand. With my Lady's help we may be able to suprise them. "

Varis can apply Blessings of the Trickster on the dwarf in heavy armour and cast Pass Without Trace on the party for steath. On the other hand, Taric may have rendered that tactic moot.

2016-11-12, 05:08 PM
"I might be able to incapacitate them from a distance. With some luck, I could sneak up a little closer and paralyze both of them where they stand. They'll fight against my magic, though. You'd have to move quickly to dispatch them before they broke free of the enchantment. Ideally, such a spell would be cast at a range that would allow you to set upon them immediately, but there's the risk of being spotted. I also know a more powerful spell that would dull their minds. If they fell victim, they would remain dazed until something shook them out of their stupor. However, using such a strong spell against a mere two Orcs may not be the best use of such a power. We know that there is at least six more Orcs that we must fight, and there could be worse dangers yet that we face this day."

I can twin a Hold Person from a range of 60 feet, but they get a save each round, so getting within 30ft would be best. Or I could hit them with Hypnotic Pattern, but I'm not sure this is the best place to blow a 3rd-level slot

2016-11-12, 07:05 PM
I scratch my beard as the three elves whitter on. "Aye, aye, we could stand around here chattin' all day... Or we could break some orc skulls and do our damned jobs while we're at it." I draw a pair of light axes. "Well? Come on then! Let's be at it!"

Regardless of what the others do, I jog down towards the orc guards.

2016-11-12, 07:53 PM
Unlike many of her race, Variya had nothing against Dwarves in general. She did, however, have something against this specific Dwarf. Norgrim Bladebreaker was by far her least favourite teammate. As she watched him recklessly charge the enemy (again), Variya gave voice to a question she'd often thought.

"...How did that man ever reach the rank of Sergeant?"

2016-11-12, 08:18 PM
Kindly fixed Variya with a steely look. "It's not your place to question your superiors. Now come on, let's go." She spun her staff around her, and the air surrounding her glowed faintly before fading. Then, with one final glare at Variya, she took off after the Sergeant who really should have known better...

Casting Mage Armour. My AC is now 16

2016-11-12, 09:38 PM
Variya matched Kindly's look with one of her own. However, it contained no malice. It was the gaze of an adult humouring a precocious child. As arrogant as this teenager could be, Variya sensed potential in her. She was willing to wait for time to smooth out those rough edges. With a patient smile, Variya set off after her fellow mage.

2016-11-13, 08:23 AM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

Varis rolls his eyes. So far his assignment to the military has gone just as he had imagined it would. "Well then, let's try talking."
He mutters a quick prayer, then strides to catch up with the dwarf, carrying his shield but with no weapon drawn.

If Variya or Lady Felisin accompany Varis and Norgrim, Varis casts Guidance on her. Other wise he casts guidance on himself.

Varis makes a mental note to discover the relative rank protocols for a Political Officer (1st class) assigned to the military at the first opportunity.

2016-11-13, 11:41 AM
Alexei listens quietly, gazing at the orcs intently. The fact that they don't seem to react to the scout concerns him; the ones he has encountered before were mainly savage warriors who attacked with wild abandon, but adding discipline and training into the mix would make for a formidable warrior indeed.

(Perception check to see what he can pick up about the orcs: [roll0])

As the sergeant gives his orders, Alexei nods in acknowledgement, takes a few steps forward and raises his crossbow to provide covering fire, sending two bolts at the orcs on the left.



2016-11-13, 12:05 PM
As you walk up to the gate, the Orc on the left suddenly turns to face you and snarls.
"Well, well, what have we here? Hey, treejumpers, beardling, run along now or you'll get hurt."

Both guards pick up their greatswords and ready themselves to fight.

Roll initiative! I'll be using block initiative, explained in the OOC thread.
Left Orc: [roll0]
Right Orc: [roll1]

You notice that these Orcs have much higher quality armor then you were expecting - it's in almost perfect condition except for a few specks of rust.

2016-11-13, 12:20 PM
The tired insults bounced right off Variya's pointed ears. As usual, they showed a deplorable lack of nuance. 'Treejumpers'? Apparently these creatures couldn't tell the difference between a Wood Elf, a High Elf and a Half Elf. Varis, Variya and Kindly were all just 'Elves' to Orcish eyes. Hopefully their swords were as dull as their wits.

Initiative: [roll0]

2016-11-13, 12:27 PM
Norgrim Bladebreaker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=999343), dwarf champion.
HP: 54/54 | AC: 17

"Put yer steel where yer mouth is, orc." I grunt. Pointing to the orc on the right, I say to the others: "that one's mine. You take the other!"

Initiative: [roll0]

First round actions: approach right orc, hit it with axes.

Attack 1: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] slashing

Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] slashing

TWF: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] slashing

2016-11-13, 12:36 PM
Time seemed to slow down for Kindly as the Orcs drew their weapons. Moving her hands impossibly fast, she whipped her staff around and two gouts of fire erupted from it, targeting both Orcs.

Action: Twin a Firebolt, targeting each Orc with a bolt (I have 4/5 Sorcery Points remaining now)

Left Orc Attack: [roll0]
Left Orc Damage: [roll1] Fire

Right Orc Attack: [roll2]
Right Orc Damage: [roll3] Fire

2016-11-13, 12:56 PM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

"My Lady, protector of fools and drunkards, keep these warriors safe." On Varis's shield Tymora's show a vivid green for a second. Varis raises his shield and prepares for the inevitable onslaught.

Initiative: [roll0], Adv [roll1], Guidance +[roll2]

Varis casts Bless from a 1st level spell slot on three targets: Norgrim, Variya and Felisin now add 1d4 to their attack rolls and saving throws.

Varis moves up to Norgrim's right flank.

2016-11-13, 01:26 PM
Variya paused for the briefest instant; Focused herself; And began the dance. Every movement she made suddenly became so much smoother. Each gesture and shift seemed like a small part of a larger tapestry. This was the Bladesong. While in this state, Variya's heightened reflexes could evade all but the nimblest of attacks.

Following Kindly's example, Variya sent a bolt of fire hurtling at the leftmost Orc. Casting the same spell alongside her fellow Mage made their respective strengths very clear. Though Variya's had excellent defences, she couldn't match Kindly's offensive speed. The two of them complimented one another quite well.

Variya activates Bladesong. Her AC is now 20.

Fire Bolt the leftmost Orc: 1d20+; Damage: [roll0]

2016-11-13, 02:51 PM
Turn 1
Kindly's firebolt caught the left Orc painfully in the stomach, causing him to gasp in shock and stumble, but he quickly recovered. Her other firebolt just missed the right Orc, scorching the stone wall of the keep.
Varis called upon Tymora for aid and moved alongside Norgrim.
Alexei's first crossbow bolt went wide of the mark, but his second shot found a chink in the left Orc's armor, making him wince in pain.
As Variya began the Bladesong, she launched a firebolt at the left Orc, striking him powerfully and knocking him off balance again. The Orc shouts, "That's enough, you're in for it now!" and spits on the ground.
Taric stayed where he was, launching two arrows from his longbow at the Orc to the right. Both of his shots hit the wall of the keep and he sighs in exasperation.
Norgrim charged the Orc on the right, swinging at it with his axes. His first two swings glanced off its armor, but his third strike cut deep. "Argh, that hurt!" snarls the Orc.

The left Orc angrily charges the Wizard who hit it last, raising his greatsword and swinging hard. However, his strikes are easily evaded by Variya.
The right Orc attacks Norgrim, but his greatsword bounces off the Dwarf's armor.

Group 1 (Party)

Kindly: 32/32 hp
Varis: 38/38 hp
Alexei: 42/42 hp
Variya: 32/32 hp, in melee with the left Orc
Taric: 42/42 hp
Norgrim: 54/54 hp, in melee with the right Orc

Group 2 (Orcs)

Left Orc: 20/52 hp, attacking Variya
Right Orc: 45/52 hp, attacking Norgrim

Next turn! Kindly is affected by bless now.

2016-11-13, 02:58 PM
Kindly winced as her first bolt only barely connected, followed by the second bolt missing completely. I have to do better than this, she thought desperately. I can't fail. Not again! With shaky arms, she swung her staff and summoned one more bolt of fire.

Action: Firebolt on left Orc
Attack: [roll0]+[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2016-11-13, 03:08 PM
Norgrim Bladebreaker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=999343), dwarf champion.
HP: 54/54 | AC: 17 | Blessed

I taunt the orc with a hearty "is that all you've got?" Before attacking again.

Staying in place, attacking and using action surge to attack again.

Attack 1: + [roll1] = 9
Damage: [roll2] slashing

Attack 2: [roll3] + [roll4] = 29
Damage: [roll5] slashing

TWF: [roll5]1d20+6 + [roll6] = 10
Damage: [roll7] slashing

Attack 3 (action surge): [roll8] + [roll9] = 26
Damage: [roll10] slashing

Attack 4 (action surge): [roll11] + [roll12] = 21
Damage: [roll13] slashing

2016-11-13, 03:19 PM
Variya met the Orc's charge with a smile. If this creature thought that closing to melee would help, then he was very much mistaken. Her casting hand summoned a corona of green flame; And sent it straight into her sword hand. Variya's rapier (now wreathed in magical fire) left a glowing trail as it swung towards the advancing ORc.

Variya casts Greenflame Blade.

Rapier: [roll0] + [roll1]; Damage: [roll2]

2016-11-13, 04:10 PM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

Varis chants a cantrip and points at the orc. Wisps of flame spring up from the orc.

Varis casts sacred flame on the orc.
The orc takes a dexterity save [roll0] + modifier against DC 15, to avoid [roll1] radiant damage.

2016-11-15, 05:51 AM

Deftly running into the fray is perhaps the most beautifully voluptuous lady orc anybody has ever set eyes on. Clad in leather from top to bottom, hair shaven on the left side and woven into thin, black, rope-like braids kept extremely taut against her olive scalp, and brandishing a thin, well serviced rapier in her hand, she lunges at the Orc her dwarven... compatriot is busy hacking at, but not before a quick glance and a smirk at the corner of her mouth.

"Hey shorty.~"

Her lithe, toned arm reaches with the business end of her sword, piercing into Orc flesh even darker than hers.

Since initiative has already been rolled and we're using the method Minescratcher mentioned, I don't really need to worry about rolling, though I will for the sheer amusement of it.

Irrelevant Initiative: [roll0]

Rapier Attack: [roll1]
Rapier Damage: [roll2] + [roll3] = 23

2016-11-15, 04:50 PM
Turn 2
Kindly's next firebolt punched a fiery hole through the left Orc's chest. He collapsed to the ground at Variya's feet.
Varis called divine flame to smite the right Orc. He gasped in pain as the radiance scorched his flesh.
Alexei raised his crossbow and once again fired twice at the right Orc. Both shots struck true.
Variya's magically enhanced strike pierced the armor of the Orc, leaving a singed wound behind. The Orc staggered, then fell sideways into the gate, creating a BOOMING noise.
Taric raised his bow over his shoulder and moved forward to join the rest of the party.
Norgrim's axe struck the Orc just when he died. What a shame.
Margaux was a little bit late to the fight. Oh well, there's plenty more inside.
Both Orcs are dead.

Group 1 (Party)

Kindly: 32/32 hp
Varis: 38/38 hp
Alexei: 42/42 hp
Variya: 32/32 hp
Taric: 42/42 hp
Norgrim: 54/54 hp
Margaux: 38/38 hp

Group 2 (Orcs)

Left Orc: Dead
Right Orc: Dead

Combat ends!

Ninja_Prawn: If you would rather not spend your Action Surge to decapitate the dead Orc I'm fine with that. :smallwink:

2016-11-15, 05:00 PM
I wrench my axe out of the orc's body. Hm, that went quicker than I expected. I suppose Merey wouldn't let these elves into the Dragons if they weren't handy in a fight. The half-orc, on the other hand... "So ye decided to join us, then? Guess it were too much to hope ye'd deserted yer post there..."

Stepping over to the gate, I put on my 'leadership voice' and "alright Dragons, let's get inside and figure out what the hell orcs are doing in general Ebire's Hold." I try to open the gate, by brute force if necessary.

Norgrim's 'leadership voice' sounds exactly like his normal voice to everyone else.

Strength check if necessary: [roll0]

2016-11-15, 05:23 PM
Kindly stood stock still facing the Orc that she'd blasted, her staff still raised. She didn't speak or move for several minutes, before she finally asked in a small voice, "Is everyone okay?"

2016-11-15, 06:19 PM
A hand came to gently rest on Kindly's shoulder. Variya was right beside her. The look of compassion on her face said it all: 'I understand. I'm here for you.'

"Yes, we are. Are you okay?"

2016-11-15, 06:36 PM

Never really getting the chance to stab, she quietly sheathed her blade and parried the dwarf's words with a retort of her own.

"Desert? Why would I desert, darling? I get to kill things and get paid for it! As far as I'm concerned this is the best job I've had. It's not my fault being quiet takes... time.~"

2016-11-15, 07:03 PM
Kindly looked puzzled at Variya's question. "Of course I'm all right. You'd have to go through a lot more than 2 orcs before you found one lucky enough to even scratch me. It was everyone else I was worr-- wondering about."

2016-11-15, 07:42 PM
Variya's concerned expression didn't diminish. Nonetheless, she nodded and withdrew her hand.

"I see. That's good to hear."

And with that, the matter was apparently closed. Variya turned her attention to the gate ahead; Without actually leaving Kindly's side. The two of them were both arcane casters, after all. It made total sense for them to be close together. Variya stayed near her fellow soldier for purely strategic reasons: And definitely not as moral support for a scared young girl. Hear that, Kindly's ego? You can rest easy. Just relax and benefit from the (purely strategic) knowledge that you're not alone...

2016-11-16, 05:33 PM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

Stepping over to the gate, I put on my 'leadership voice' and "alright Dragons, let's get inside and figure out what the hell orcs are doing in general Ebire's Hold." I try to open the gate, by brute force if necessary.
Varis joins Norgrim by the gate. "Do you need a hand with that sergeant?"

2016-11-16, 05:50 PM
Kindly looked at the gates skeptically. "The Orcs can't have made it that easy for us, can they?" Her gaze drifted upwards. "But if it turns out we can't go through the gate, maybe we could go over it?"

How tall is the wall?

2016-11-16, 08:23 PM
At first Norgrim does not seem to make any headway against the gate, but suddenly the sound of snapping wood is heard and the gates fall open. The bar lies in two pieces on the ground, with an angry-looking Orc holding a spear and shield standing about 15 feet behind it.

"I was wondering what might have made that noise on the door... Seems you could do with a bit of shaping up, heh heh," he says.

Looking through the now-open gate, you can see a low stone building in the corner directly to your left, and another in the corner to your far right.

Initiative time!

2016-11-16, 08:38 PM
Well, so much for the long siege. Orcs really were too stupid to live. Variya wondered whether their own fortresses even had doors.

Initiative: [roll0]

2016-11-17, 02:08 AM
"Keep yer wits about you, people. Greenskins do love an ambush."


2016-11-17, 05:15 AM

"Mm, that we do.~"

She says this as she moves just beside Norgrim, ready to pounce on whatever orc rushes at the dwarf and not her.

The irony is not lost on her.

2016-11-17, 11:08 AM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

Varis calls on Tymora for help.

I'm assuming the previous Bless ran out it's 1m duration because we were out of combat.
Varis casts Bless from a 2nd level spell slot on four targets:Norgrim, Margaux, Variya and Alexei now add 1d4 to their attack rolls and saving throws.

2016-11-18, 05:08 PM
Alexei had been considering going over the walls to open the gate too - the magical broom he'd shot a wizard off three months ago was extremely useful for changing position. Wandering forward, he'd just been considering how to phrase the suggestion diplomatically when, surprisingly, the sergeant had managed to break open the main for gates on his own.
Goodness knows what the orcs considered adequate defences.

"Watch the buildings, Sarge," he calls. "One's probably a barracks. Let's choke the doors off as fast as we can."

Snapping the crossbow back to his shoulder, he looses two more bolts in quick succession.


[roll]1d20+1d4+9, [roll2]

2016-11-21, 06:28 PM
This Orc had no sense of self preservation. Variya's fire bolt was one of many attacks that would no doubt speed towards the suicidal foe.

Fire Bolt: [roll0] + [roll1]; Damage: [roll2]

2016-11-21, 06:38 PM
Kindly's nerves remained much calmer given the absurd numerical advantage. With a clear head and a smooth movement of her staff, she followed her fellow mage's example and sent a firebolt at the single Orc.

Movement: not sure if I have a clear line-of-sight to the Orc. If not, move a few feet over to get a clear shot, but without getting any close to him.

Action: Cast Firebolt
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Fire damage

2016-11-22, 02:15 AM
Norgrim Bladebreaker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=999343), dwarf champion.
HP: 54/54 | AC: 17 | Blessed

I consider leaving this orc to Margaux so I can block off one of the buildings, but decide that I'd better take point myself. "Alex is right," I say. "Varis, Variya! Go cover the building on the left. Margaux, with me!" At least this way I can keep an eye on her.

Engage the orc we can see and attack.

Attack 1: [roll0] + [roll1] =
Damage: [roll2] slashing

Attack 2: [roll3] + [roll4] =
Damage: [roll5] slashing

TWF: [roll6] + [roll7] =
Damage: [roll8] slashing

2016-11-23, 03:51 AM

Though not as smarts savvy as others are, she's not stupid enough to blindly go forward as the spearhead of the group, though is more than happy to strike when her allies put her in a more advantageous position.

"What's this I hear? The dwarf suddenly requests my presence? My my, words I thought I'd never hear.~"

She lunges with her rapier.

"And I thought you didn't like me this entire time.~"

Hit: [roll0] *AIR HORN*

Damage: Dex mod: 3 + Weapon Damage: [roll1] + Sneak Attack: [roll2] = 15

2016-11-23, 04:07 AM
"And I thought you didn't like me this entire time.~"

"Trust me, half-breed, I ain't doing this 'cos I like ye." I mutter, wondering whether the sight of Margaux's rapier skewering the orc is worth having her in my ear like this...

2016-11-23, 11:40 AM
Turn 1
Varis called upon Tymora again.
Kindly launched a firebolt at the Orc, but misses completely.
Variya followed suit, hitting the Orc with her firebolt.
Alexei fired two bolts at the Orc, which tried to block them with its shield but moved too slow.
Taric moved around, trying to get a clear shot to the Orc, but couldn't find one.
Margaux skewered the Orc with her rapier. His weak armor didn't stand a chance.
Norgrim slashed at the Orc with his axe. His first hit bounced off the Orc's shield, but his second stroke forced it aside and slashed the enemy. The Orc easily evaded his third strike.

The Orc reeled from the number of blows it just took, but quickly recovered and retaliated against Norgrim, bashing the Dwarf with his shield and attempting to knock him to the ground. He follows up with two spear strikes to the Dwarf, both of which land solidly.
"Worthless weaklings!" he shouts.

Group 1 (Party)

Varis: 38/38 hp
Kindly: 32/32 hp
Variya: 32/32 hp
Alexei: 42/42 hp
Taric: 42/42 hp
Margaux: 38/38 hp
Norgrim: 29/54 hp, passed the save against prone

Group 2 (Orc)

Angry Orc: has lost 44 hp

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6UtP5Rcc1nSicue163Ln5-RLFgTi0X5raK3iuZrImM/edit#gid=0)

Round two begins... NOW!

2016-11-23, 12:06 PM
"Sergeant!" Kindly screamed as she watched him take two deep stab wounds. The calm facade she'd been presenting cracked as she hurled a another wild gout of flame into the fight.

Action: Cast Firebolt
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Fire

2016-11-23, 12:12 PM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

Varis slips through the gate and up against the left hand wall. He calls on Tymora and flames flicker around the orc.

Varis moves to the wall of the left hand building, I think he reaches M22 with 35' of movement.
Varis casts sacred flame on the orc.
The orc takes a dexterity save [roll0] + modifier against DC 15, to avoid [roll1] radiant damage.

2016-11-23, 12:13 PM
... Oops. Accidentally deleted the contents from this one. :smalleek:

2016-11-23, 11:26 PM
Even more fire leapt from Variya's hand. She could keep this up all day. No matter how stubborn this Orc proved to be, he had no chance of victory.

Fire Bolt: [roll0] + [roll1]; Damage: [roll2]

2016-11-24, 09:07 AM
The sight of Norgrim falling at the orc's feet and taking two heavy spear thrusts jolts Alexei out of his momantary complacency. This orc is clearly much more powerful than the others they faced.. and this is where his skils can really come to shine. Letting his light crossbow hang down on its sling, he moves up to Norgrim's side and raises the deceptively small hand crossbow at his side. Though lacking the power to hit at long ranges, the lever action allows him to put out a significantly faster rate of fire.

"Hang in there, Sergeant," he shouts.

Taking aim at the orc, he tries to place his shots first at its arm to make it drop the spear, then at its foot to drop it to the ground.

(See OOC for details and rolls)

2016-11-24, 09:05 PM

A hint of sadistic pleasure crossed her mind as the dwarf was skewered slightly, but she couldn't let it last. She needed her distractions as much as she needed to bring the pain.

Though this didn't mean toying with the dwarf would end, no sir. It's only begun.

"Half-breed? Oh, tut tut short beard, you could hurt a girl's feelings saying something like that.~"

She lunges again at the Orc.

"See? She's practically writhing in pain.~"

Rapier Attack
Hit: [roll0] + Bless: [roll1] = 24
Damage: Dex: 3 + Weapon Damage: [roll2] + Sneak Attack: [roll3] = 21

2016-11-25, 11:57 AM
Turn 2
Varis sent divine fire at the Orc, but he dodged.
Kindly blasted the Orc again, more than making up for her previous miss.
Variya launched another firebolt, but the Orc blocked it with his shield and laughed.
Alexei switched to his hand crossbow, then fired three bolts. The Orc couldn't dodge any of them, and one hit his hand. He screamed in pain and dropped his spear.
Taric followed Varis to the building, then readied a shot at anything that exited the door.
Margaux stabbed the Orc again, piercing another hole through his armor.
Norgrim kicked the Orc's spear away, then drew a second wind and attacked the Orc again. Both swipes hit solidly.

The Orc collapsed to the ground, dead.

Group 1 (Party)

Varis: 38/38 hp
Kindly: 32/32 hp
Variya: 32/32 hp
Alexei: 42/42 hp
Taric: 42/42 hp
Margaux: 38/38 hp
Norgrim: 41/54 hp

Group 2 (Orc)

Angry Orc: dead

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6UtP5Rcc1nSicue163Ln5-RLFgTi0X5raK3iuZrImM/edit#gid=0)

Combat is over for now.

2016-11-25, 12:38 PM
Alexei switches his aim to the nearest door but glances over to Norgrim.

"Are you alright, Sarge?" he asks.

Moving forward slowly he tries to get a better angle to see through the door or any windows while keeping at least thirty feet between him and it. He remains ready to loose a volley of bolts at the first enemy to come within range.

2016-11-25, 12:56 PM
"Aye, 'tis just a scratch. Now would someone please secure that bloody door?!" I will head over to the other door, on the right, myself. If it's got a window in it, I'll have a look through. "Margaux, ye stick with me."

2016-11-25, 06:04 PM

She stooped down to wipe her blade clean on whatever cloth the Orc had on him. Might as well not dirty herself up for no good reason.

As she stood, she took a cursory look around to see if there was anything out of the ordinary, that is until the Dwarf started issuing commands again.

Glancing, and with a slight smirk to her smile, she purred, "Aye aye cap'n."

Perception: [roll0]

2016-11-25, 07:01 PM
"Now would someone please secure that bloody door?!"

"On it, Sergeant," Kindly said. Staff at the ready, she walks up to the door on the left.

2016-11-26, 02:26 AM
Variya too followed the Dwarf's order. She politely (yet firmly) placed herself ahead of Kindly as they advanced.

2016-11-26, 02:29 PM
"Nice one there, everyone. One less Orc to deal with." Taric follows Norgrim and Margaux over to the lower-right corner building. He took up a position behind them, but didn't raise his bow as Norgrim was directly in his line of fire.
Norgrim looks at the door, but there is no window in it for him to look through.
Alexei moves to look through the window and door, but the window is shuttered and the door has no window, similarly to the other building.

Suddenly, a string of curses breaks out from inside the upper-left hand building, followed by a muffled scream. The shutters open, and an Orc begins to climb out into the courtyard. He convulses once and falls forward through the window. Another voice shouts something in Orcish.

Taric turns and readies a shot at the door.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6UtP5Rcc1nSicue163Ln5-RLFgTi0X5raK3iuZrImM/edit#gid=0) The dead Orc is on the ground at N22, making that square difficult terrain.

Some stuff for individuals below.
The voice said, "Dirty cheater! You shoulda been dead years ago!"

The Orc who fell out through the window has a dagger in his back. If you look through the window, you see three Orcs sitting around a table, with a deck of cards and a pile of coins on it. The rest of the room is a mess, but appears to be a barracks.

You can tell that the door to the lower-right corner building isn't barred or locked.

2016-11-26, 03:34 PM
Alexei's lip curls at the sight of the orcs playing. Maintaining his aim at the door and window, he glances over and motions to Varis, Variya and Kindly to get their attention.

"The three inside are unaware of us," he whispers."Anyone fancy putting some fire through the window and flushing them out?"

Explosives would be better, but setting the room on fire would be pretty disorienting too...

2016-11-26, 07:16 PM
Looks like there's some kind of disturbance at the other building. Wed better sort that out before we investigate this one. "Here, take this," I say under my breath, handing a flask of oil to Margaux. "Go tell the mages to ready some fire spells, then sneak up to the window and lob it in. Think you can manage that?"

Assuming she can, I will move to the other door and get ready to hold it shut and/or ambush anyone who comes through it.

2016-11-27, 04:02 AM

She looks at the dwarf, glances at the flask, looks up at the window, and thinks for a second before saying something.

"So, darling, a few things. The door being unlocked is one of them.~"

She says this while deliberately pointing to it.

"I've got twelve flasks of my own to use, so you can keep yours. Always good to have one on reserve. I'll let the mages know of the plan and I'll get things set up with two flasks of my own. One I'll coat the window itself with and the other the spellslingers will shoot into the room. I'll leave the cap off for them. You get ready to bar this door with your body and I'll do some prep work to help with that, then we can either lock the orcs in and let them burn to death or we can kill them one by one as they jump, burning, out of the window or the door, either way."

She then gave him that coy smile he's probably learned to absolutely hate by now.

"Sound good, captain?~"

2016-11-27, 05:42 AM
I suppose it figures that a pirate would know all about burning wooden structures. "Alright, get to it. And I ain't yer captain, pirate," I growl, taking the flask back.

I steel myself for a tug of war with three angry orcs.

2016-11-28, 05:15 AM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

Varis draws his sword and prepares to strike.

Varis draws a short sword and readies an attack against any orc that comes out the window.
Short sword: [roll0], (dis)advantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2], crit: [roll3]

Varis will continue to concentrate on the Bless spell until the minute is up.

2016-11-28, 05:45 AM

She smiled once more, then got to work. A pirate she was.

Sorry for the delay. Battle plans yo.

FIRST, I'm going to try and lock the door from the outside.

Lockpicking Roll: [roll0] (I'm assuming it's just +6 because 3 for dex and 3 for proficiency from thieve's tools, if I'm not mistaken)

Second, I'm going to take my coil of hempen rope and make a knot using the middle part of the rope around the knobs. The ends of the rope will be fed and tied through pitons which I'll hammer into the ground. The pitons will be hugging the wall of the building itself, so if someone tries to pull or push the Pitons (and presumably the knot) will keep the door shut.

I'm assuming this'll be a Sleight of Hand for ropework n' stuff: [roll1]

After finishing her preliminary work, however well it went, she left to inform the mages of the plan and set her eyes to the window to trap.

Athletics Roll: [roll2]

Unfortunately, though nimble, she cannot find the grip to climb, or more likely falls flat on her ass as she attempts to climb.
I knew that was going to happen. I KNEW, I like, felt it wasn't going to be.

2016-11-29, 06:14 PM
Sorry I'm delaying the combat everyone. :/
After dusting herself off from that rather sad fall, Margaux saunters up to Norgrim.

"So darling, I'd love to climb and set the bonfire up for the mages, but I can't get enough..." and she says this while placing her hands horizontally beneath her bosom and lifting ever so slightly, "...lift.~"

"Can you help a girl out and give me a push?~"

2016-11-30, 03:35 AM
What did I do to deserve this? Grumbling about how "I've half a mind to push ye off the next cliff I see," I grab her by the ankles and hoist her up.


2016-11-30, 10:20 AM
Kindly moved into position and got ready to ignite the oil.

Kindly will move to M25 and ready an action to twin a Firebolt. Once Margaux has thrown the oil, the first bolt will target the oil in the room, and the second will target the oil on the window.

Attack roll on room: [roll0]
Attack roll on window: [roll1]

2016-12-01, 06:06 PM

Finally able to clamber up there with some much needed assistance, she took her first flask and soaked the window itself with its oil. Her second flask was placed just outside the closed shutters, ready to be blown in by one well placed firebolt.

She hopped down, patted the dwarf on the head, and readied a short bow for whatever moved inside our out from the window.

2016-12-02, 04:54 PM
Taric follows Norgrim, standing just behind and to the side.

The Orcs continue to play, showing no sign of having noticed you. Suddenly one snarls angrily and throws his cards to the floor. The others laugh heartily, then the Orc closest to the window grabs the coins from the table and drops them into a small pouch. Sunlight glints off of the metal armor each Orc is wearing as they pick up the cards and shuffle the deck.

The window has been soaked with oil, and an extra vial placed on it for good measure. The plan seems to be coming together...

Map updated, as usual. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6UtP5Rcc1nSicue163Ln5-RLFgTi0X5raK3iuZrImM)

2016-12-03, 05:04 AM
Alright, time to do this. I gesture to Taric and Alexei to take aim at the window, brace myself against the door, and give the signal to Kindly.

Strength check to hold the door shut: [roll0]

2016-12-04, 04:05 AM
Alexei continues to keep his aim fixed on the window, moving forward slightly so he can fire as soon as anything appears through it.

(Move to 20ft from window, hold action to shoot anything attempting to climb through the window many times.)

2016-12-08, 04:59 PM
Margaux threw another vial of oil into the building, and Kindly launched two bolts of fire towards them. Both hit perfectly and the oil flared up, burning brightly, and unfortunately drawing the attention of the Orcs.

The one closest to the window yelps and jumps up as the fire roars to life beside him and sets his leg on fire. He rolls around and crashes into the door with such force that it snaps in two from side to side, despite Norgrim's efforts to hold it in place. The top half of the door falls backwards into the building.

Another of the Orcs shouts something in Orcish. The last swears violently and begins beating the fire on the floor with a tattered blanket.

Do I really have to say it? (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6UtP5Rcc1nSicue163Ln5-RLFgTi0X5raK3iuZrImM)
This post made assuming Margaux threw the 3rd flask to N20, let me know if you want that changed.

Red squares are filled with fire. Moving into them will deal 5 fire damage to any creature that enters or ends its turn in the fire. The oil will die down in 2 rounds.

Initiative time!

The Orc shouted, "What the... Oi, someone's outside!"

2016-12-10, 05:37 PM
Norgrim Bladebreaker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=999343), dwarf champion.
HP: 41/54 | AC: 17 | Blessed

"I'll hold the doorway! The rest o' ye, focus on the window!"

Move to Q21, attack nearest orc.

Attack 1: [roll0] + [roll1] = 14
Damage: [roll2] slashing

Attack 2: [roll3] + [roll4] = 19
Damage: [roll5] slashing

TWF: [roll6] + [roll7] = 19
Damage: [roll8] slashing

2016-12-10, 07:38 PM
Spotting an Orc through the flames flickering around the window, Kindly sent yet another blast of fire at him.

Cast Firebolt at the Orc in N18. If I don't have line of sight, then I'll move over one square, cast, then move back.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Fire

2016-12-12, 03:40 AM

Her bow was taught from the beginning, but her position was off slightly. She steps back just a little for a better vantage, then releases her arrow.

First, Margaux will move to 24 N, then she'll fire her arrow.

Hit: [roll0] + Bless? (I think I have it) [roll1] = 13 Probs not...

Damage, Bow: [roll2] + Sneak Attack [roll3] = 16

2016-12-12, 06:24 AM
Alexei maintains his overwatch on the window. He had the superior position and the small crossbow would be far more effective shooting down the orcs as they tried to escape the fire.

"Come on out, then!" he snarls in Orcish. "Or would you rather burn than face a warrior's death?"

2016-12-12, 01:46 PM
A Firebolt of Variya's own once again matched that of Kindly. Both streaked towards the same unfortunate target.

Firebolt: [roll0] + [roll1]; Damage: [roll2]

2016-12-13, 05:10 PM
Turn 1
Margaux quickly moves back from the building and fires her bow through the window. Her arrow flew beautifully straight through the flaming window, over the Orc's head, and into the back wall where it snapped in two.

"I'll cover the other building!" shouts Taric. He sprints off to the right and readies his bow to fire at the other door.

Variya launches a firebolt to follow Margaux's arrow. It hits the Orc solidly, and he screeches in pain.

Norgrim steps forward into the door and swipes at the Orc in front of him. The enemy dodges... directly into Norgrim's follow-up swipes.

Varis and Alexei stand ready to attack any Orc that leaves through the window, but none seem crazy enough to jump directly out.

Kindly launches another firebolt through the window and straight into the Orc's shoulder.


The Orc in front of the window beats the fire down, picks up a javelin, and hurls it at Margaux for a weak but still painful hit.

The Orc still by the table takes cover behind it, and shouts something in Orcish.

The last Orc pulls himself back together and grabs his greatsword, then charges Norgrim and swipes once before attempting to force him back through the doorway. His sword lands solidly and painfully, knocking Norgrim off guard just enough to push him out of the door.

Map. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6UtP5Rcc1nSicue163Ln5-RLFgTi0X5raK3iuZrImM/)

Group 1 (Party): 23

Margaux (35 / 38 hp)
Norgrim (31 / 41 hp): shoved 5 feet back to Q22

Group 2 (Orcs): 22

Orc A [Q18]: -0 hp, has half cover against attacks from the window
Orc B [N19]: -19 hp
Orc C [Q20]: -17 hp

"Get that beardling out of here, or we'll be caught like rats in a trap!"

Norgrim: [roll0] vs. Orc: [roll1] + mod

2016-12-14, 02:20 AM

She was only grazed by the javelin, but it still cut her open rather well. She cursed, tossed her bow away, pulled out her rapier, and ran to stab the orc just inside the building.

She was always better with her blade anyways.

Margaux will drop her bow, pull out her rapier, move to (22,P), and stab the Orc.

Hit: [roll0] + Bless [roll1] = 24

Damage: Rapier [roll2] + Sneak Attack [roll3] + Dex [3] = 16

2016-12-14, 10:29 AM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

Varis lets out a small, disappointed sigh, sheaves his sword and casts a spell. Light shimmers around the orc in the doorway.

Varis casts sacred flame on the orc.
Take a dexterity saving throw [roll0] + modifier against DC 15, to avoid [roll1] radiant damage.

2016-12-14, 06:30 PM
Alexei shakes his head on hearing the orc's response. "You're already trapped, fools!" he taunts. "The question is whether you burn a coward or die fighting!"

Sheathing the hand crossbow for now, he raises its larger counterpart and sends two bolts through the flames at the one he can see.


(I've assumed that Varis' Bless spell ran out again, as I'm betting it took more than a minute to sort out all the oil application... :smallwink:)

2016-12-14, 10:57 PM
Kindly took aim at the same Orc once more and sent more fire at it.

Cast Firebolt against Orc B.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2016-12-15, 05:18 PM
Turn 2

Margaux drops her bow with a curse and charges the door with her rapier. She lands a solid hit on the Orc and he screeches in pain.

Taric continues to cover the door.

Variya launches another firebolt through the window, barely hitting him.

Norgrim readies himself, then chops the Orc before him into two pieces with a series of successive axe swipes.

Varis casts his divine fire at the Orc in the doorway right before his untimely bisection. He tries to switch targets, but the enemy dodges easily.

Alexei switches weapons again, and fires two bolts through the window. The first misses, but the second barely hits the Orc through the flames.

Kindly missed the Orc with her firebolt.


The Orc in front of the window grabs his sword and charges Norgrim, shouting incomprehensibly. His strikes land solidly against the dwarf.

The Orc behind the table heaves a javelin past his ally at the dwarf. He strikes Norgrim at a chink in his armor revealed by his ally's strikes, piercing through the dwarf's armor and chest.

The last Orc is lying bisected on the ground.

Map. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6UtP5Rcc1nSicue163Ln5-RLFgTi0X5raK3iuZrImM/)
Bless has ended.
The oil fire has died down now.
[Q21] is now difficult terrain unless someone uses an action to drag the body parts out of the doorway.

Group 1 (Party): 23

Margaux (35 / 38 hp)
Norgrim (2 / 54 hp) !!!

Group 2 (Orcs): 22

Orc A [Q18]: -0 hp
Orc B [Q21]: -32 hp, covered in blood and panting
Orc C: He's dead, Jim.

2016-12-15, 05:50 PM
Norgrim Bladebreaker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=999343), dwarf champion.
HP: 2/54 | AC: 17

I grit my teeth, ignoring the pain. These orcs aren't going to stop me so easily! Still, I'd better say something to the cleric, just in case... "hey Varis, ye better be ready wit' yer healin' magic, ye hear? I wouldnae want to miss seein' these damn greenskins followin' ugly here inta the Abyss!"

Stand my ground, attack orc at Q21.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] slashing

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] slashing

TWF: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] slashing

2016-12-16, 08:19 AM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

"You certainly seem to have hit it off with our new friends." Varis calls on Tymora's aid and moves to the doorway.

If a party member is down Varis casts Healing Word (bonus action) on them for [roll0] of healing.

Varis casts sacred flame on the orc in the doorway.
Take a dexterity saving throw [roll1] + modifier against DC 15, to avoid [roll2] radiant damage.

Varis moves to P22 (via N23, so 20' of movement), he then moves into the doorway (Q21) if it is free by the time he gets there.

2016-12-17, 01:00 AM

She oh did love it when someone else was her meatshield. Hate each other they might, the could at least respect the fact that both were good at and understood each other's jobs in this ragtag crew of elites.

She lunged again.

Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + Sneak Attack [roll2] = 18

2016-12-17, 04:54 PM
At long last, Variya broke her Firebolt streak. Norgrim had clearly eaten something disagreeable for lunch yesterday: Because he wasn't performing at his best. Best to pick up the pace, before he keeled over. Three silvery arrows streaked from her outstretched palm. Unlike a simple cantrip, these had no chance to miss their target.

Variya will go last in the party's initiative. If the Q21 Orc is (somehow) still standing, then she'll send a Magic Missile at it. Otherwise, it'll go to the remaining Orc.

Magic Missile: [roll0]

2016-12-17, 06:23 PM
Alexei frowns as Norgrim takes a battering. Time to step up and take his share of the fighting. Letting the light crossbow drop on its sling, he draws his hand crossbow again and nocks the string back in one smooth, combined action, then charges for the window. Leaping forward, he dives though head first, rolls over on his right shoulder and rises up to his feet without pause, raising the small weapon to eye level from almost point blank range. There's just enough time for the orc to register the sudden appearance of a new enemy before a flurry of steel quarrels come flying at him...

Lands in N20, aiming at Orc Q18

Action 1:
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]

Action Surge!

Action 2:
[roll6], [roll7]
[roll8], [roll9]

2016-12-18, 06:10 PM
Kindly watched in horror as the sergeant took a series of brutal wounds, but took heart at the swift retribution her squadmates exacted on the Orc. Having lost sight of any Orcs from her current position, she moved behind the dwarf and loosed a gout of fire over his head.

Movement: Move to Q25.
Action: Cast Firebolt against Orc in Q21 if he's somehow still alive, otherwise the last one in Q18.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2016-12-19, 12:23 PM
Turn 3

Margaux deftly skewered the Orc in the doorway. He staggered, but stayed standing.

Norgrim swung hard at the Orc. The series of blows proved too much for the enemy to handle. He growled "Death... take you.. all...", then fell backwards into the building.

Varis shot divine fire into the Orc just as he fell.

Alexei made a running leap through the window, rolled to his feet and filled the Orc within with crossbow bolts.

Kindly launched a firebolt past Norgrim's head and into the Orc.

Variya fired three magic missiles into the building. They quickly found their target and smashed into his chest. He coughed once and fell to the ground.


The Orcs are dead.

Map. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6UtP5Rcc1nSicue163Ln5-RLFgTi0X5raK3iuZrImM/)

Combat ends.

[Q21] is difficult terrain unless someone uses an action to drag the body parts out of the doorway.

Group 1 (Party): 23

Margaux (35 / 38 hp)
Norgrim (2 / 54 hp) !!!

Group 2 (Orcs): 22

Orc A Dead
Orc B: Also dead
Orc C: Still dead

2016-12-19, 06:04 PM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

"Seargent, see to it that the building doesn't burn down. Variya, please close the gate."

"Alexei and Margaux, care to join me at the door to the other building?" Varis moves toward the other building in the compound.

Varis moves to X27

2016-12-19, 06:11 PM
Norgrim Bladebreaker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=999343), dwarf champion.
HP: 2/54 | AC: 17

"Ye're givin' me orders now, cleric?" I spit, as I clean off my axes. "I ain't dead yet! 'sides, Alexei's second in command..."

Still muttering, I stamp out the rest of the fire, then sit down in one of the orcs' chairs to rest for a moment. I wonder if they've got any drink left...

2016-12-19, 10:29 PM

Things have been skewered, and are finally dead. Margaux walks over to one of the orcs, cleans her blade on whatever cloth its wearing, then saunters over to pick up her bow. She heard what words Varis said, and was about to do so until the Dwarf said Alexi's second in command.

"Mm, I guess not.~"

She pulls one of the orcs out of the way, in case they do more fighting in the immediate era. Then she listens, waiting for orders from Alexi.

2016-12-20, 08:47 AM
Seeing Margaux stop and hang back prompts me to get up: I don't want to be stuck here dealing with her. Thus, I head back into the courtyard. "Well, then?" I growl, taking a look around. "I guess we ought to make sure all the orcs are dead. You volunteerin' to take point, Varis?"

2016-12-20, 12:22 PM
Alexei stoops over the orc he's just killed, withdrawing the used bolts, wiping them off and returning them to the quiver if undamaged.

"So, we're clearing the other building with prejudice then, Sarge? You don't need to talk to any of them first?"

He checks both his crossbows are loaded and drawn back, then begins moving to the door of the other building.

2016-12-20, 12:37 PM
"What would I wanna talk to an orc fer? I cannae understand a word they say, anyhow. 'less any o' ye've got somethin' ye wanna ask..." Merey must have attached them to the unit for some reason, after all.

2016-12-20, 06:15 PM
Variya didn't seem at all concerned about Norgrim's condition. The Dwarf was stubborn and resilient. He'd survived worse than this.

"I too have no desire to talk with the enemy. I've yet to meet an Orc with anything worthwhile to say."

She shot a pointed look at Margaux. There was some genuine venom in it. Then she left to secure the doors, as ordered.

2016-12-21, 12:29 PM
Kindly looked left and right in confusion, seemingly forgotten. Finally, she tentatively moved into position next to Tauric, covering the other door from range.

Moving to X23

2016-12-21, 06:19 PM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

"'Volunteering' would imply a little too much enthusiasm"
Varis looks around at the others and nods to Alexei. "Ready?" Varis opens the door.

2016-12-22, 01:12 PM
Margaux removes the ropes securing the other door and unlocks it. Varis then steps forward and pulls it open.

The building is built similarly inside to the barracks, with a wooden floor and roof. It is clearly an armory, with several weapon racks extending out from the far wall. Most of the gear is rusted or otherwise damaged, but there remains some that is fairly useful. No enemies present themselves within the room. There is another door on the wall to your left as you enter.

Perception and Investigation checks are welcome.

4 longswords
5 daggers
2 sets of chain mail
2 longbows
4 quivers of 20 arrows each

2016-12-24, 09:09 AM
"Well? What are ye all waitin' fer? Someone check that door - be sure to watch fer traps - and someone go back and check the guard room. Could be keys, or some clue as to what the Hell happened here. Alexei, Taric, ye want to grab some arrows?"

2016-12-24, 05:10 PM
Variya carefully examined her surroundings. Some of the Orcs so far had been surprisingly strong; Stupid, but strong. Best to be on guard for any more surprises.

Investigation: [roll0]

2016-12-26, 06:21 PM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

Varis moves quietly to the inner door and listens carefully.

Moves to AC29.
Stealth: [roll0].
Perception: [roll1].

2016-12-27, 04:53 AM

After learning what she learned and understanding what it could mean, she raises her arm to her side with the fist closed, signaling that their elite and trained group should immediately stop and pay attention.

She then walks over to Alexi, and whispers, "There are large sacks in that corner which Orcs could be hiding in or behind. It's also... unnaturally cold there. I think it's either a trap door or something else, something worse. What should we do?"

2016-12-27, 09:24 PM
Alexei grimaces at Margaux's information. "So, we have an unknown number of hostiles in cover, and potentially some other unknown too? Great."

He pauses for a moment.

"Well, our orders are to clear the fort. We can't just stand here waiting for... something. We'll all go in fast and together, and if anything shows its head we fill it full of steel and fire. That OK with you, Sarge?"

2016-12-28, 04:11 AM
"There's also a locked chest over here. It sounds like it contains liquid of some sort."

Variya relayed this information in an offhand way. Her discovery didn't seem particularly important. Their priority right now was defeating the enemy. There'd be plenty of time for looting after that.

2016-12-28, 01:57 PM
"Variya, do you think that you could use your mage hand spell to open the sacks from a distance? If this is an ambush, we might be better off triggering it from a distance."

2016-12-30, 05:33 AM
Variya nodded. Mage Hand was an excellent cantrip for times like this. With a word and gesture, she shaped her will into spectral form. The ghostly hand hovered ready in front of her.


2016-12-30, 06:08 AM
I brace myself, ready to throw a pair of handaxes at anything hostile that might emerge. "Aye, lass. Do it!"

2016-12-30, 07:03 AM
The hand moved. One by one, it began opening the sacks.

2016-12-30, 08:14 AM

Though she's not happy about it, using her bow in this situation is most prudent of all her actions. She knocks an arrow and aims for the sack, ready to attack anything she considers hostile.

2016-12-30, 11:36 AM
Everyone held their breath as Variya's mage hand opened each sack. Nothing emerged from the first or second except for a bit of flour. When she opened the third, however, a cloud of brownish dust puffed out of the bag and slowly settled to the ground among the sacks.

"Well, I don't see any Orcs there," Taric whispers as he grabs one of the quivers.

2017-01-03, 05:50 PM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

"There is a faint thumping noise coming from somewhere past this door. I think this place may be quite a bit bigger than it looks. Do we want to press on? Or consolidate?"

2017-01-03, 06:07 PM
"I reckon we should have a quick check, fer make sure it's safe, then take a moment here if'n it is. I probably ought ta do somethin' about these wounds." The pain is starting to catch up now, for sure.

Pointing at the contents of the third sack, I ask "anyone know what that dust is? Looks like spores from some fungus, maybe. I don't wanna be dyin' from toxic dust while there's still orcs around."

2017-01-03, 06:20 PM

A thought flashes past her mind, to which she grins in response, turning poignantly to a certain mage in the party.

"So, Valyria, darling, can your little floating hand drag those sacks towards us a bit? It's still unnaturally cold there, and I'm thinking there's either something there still, or a trap door is under the sacks. Pretty please?~"

2017-01-05, 06:14 PM
Variya ignored the deliberately botched version of her name. Margaux's pathetic sense of humour was more to be pitied than censured. Besides, it'd be hard for Variya to grow any colder towards the Orcish criminal. Relations were already near absolute zero.

"Perhaps. It would depend on how much they weigh."

She gave one of the sacks an experimental tug with her Mage Hand.

2017-01-06, 05:29 PM
Variya ignored the deliberately botched version of her name. Margaux's pathetic sense of humour was more to be pitied than censured. Besides, it'd be hard for Variya to grow any colder towards the Orcish criminal. Relations were already near absolute zero.

"Perhaps. It would depend on how much they weigh."

She gave one of the sacks an experimental tug with her Mage Hand.

After a bit of pulling, the sack skids forwards, following the hand. When she releases it, it falls over with a thud, releasing a huge cloud of flour into the air. Nothing else appears to move.

2017-01-09, 08:57 PM

Margaux exhales out of her nose in an annoyed fashion.

"Well, I'm out of ideas.~"

2017-01-10, 02:18 AM
"Lemme jus' check this door then, an' then maybe we'll have a rest." I press my ear up against the internal door where Varis heard the thumping sound. I'm trying to judge how close it is.

Wisdom (Perception): [roll0]
"Aye, I reckon we're safe enough here. Let's catch us a breather afore we head down."

2017-01-10, 03:35 PM
Alexei leans against the open doorframe, letting the adrenaline fade away. He glances across the courtyard at the scorched face of the other building, then over at the open main gate. Pushing off, he ambles over towards that end of the compound, looking for the orcs he shot and seeing if any of the bolts are still in usable condition.

2017-01-12, 06:42 PM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

Varis asks Margaux to (temporarily) secure the door that that leads further into the keep. He pulls the body of the orc sentry outside the gate into the compound and closes and bars the gate. Then he starts searching the left-hand building and the orcs, primarily looking for information about the group they are part of.

2017-01-21, 02:21 PM
"Right then, is everyone ready to go? I'll take point." I open the door and head on through.

2017-01-21, 03:11 PM
"Right behind you, Sarge, Kindly said, staff at the ready.

2017-01-22, 04:40 AM

Our resident half-orc buxom rogue gets to work.

Try 1: [roll0] + [roll1] = 16!

Try 2: [roll2] + [roll3] = 24!

2017-01-22, 12:05 PM
Margaux is easily able to unlock the door and stands aside as Norgrim pulls it open. He just barely manages to stop in time to keep from tumbling down the steep stairs behind the door. A landing and 180-degree turn halfway down prevents anyone from seeing what lies at their foot.

Taric stands aside to let the others pass.

2017-01-24, 08:43 AM
Variya positioned herself in the front half of the line. She was ready to support the group with spell or sword. So far, the opposition they'd faced had been well within their capabilities. But she had no illusions of invincibility. One false step could spell disaster in the fights ahead. Her dance needed to be perfect.

During the break, Variya refreshed the 1st level slot she used earlier.

2017-01-25, 08:37 AM
I advance, weapons out, to the landing. If there's nothing immediately visible, I continue to the bottom.

2017-01-25, 12:35 PM
Alexei takes up position centrally within the group so as to be able to send covering fire in either direction. He surveys the stairs down with a scowl.

"Wonderful, cellars to clear." He checks to make sure his light crossbow is loaded and ready - with three people in front of him, the smaller piece could struggle for range. "I usually prefer a little more room to manoeuvre, but I'll make it work."

He takes the steps carefully, on guard for anything poking a head around the corner at the bottom of each flight.

2017-01-25, 07:44 PM
You proceed uneventfully down the stairs, seeing no signs of danger as you descend. The second flight ends in an open door, through which you can see two Orcs - both wearing mail of varying quality, one holding a shield and spear while the other bears an axe. Behind them stands a tall, gaunt humanoid with pale yellow skin wearing half plate armor and holding a greatsword at its side. The room they are in appears to be a storeroom, with wood billets stacked and piled against the sides of the room and crates against the back. Another closed door is visible off to the left.

All three turn at your approach, the Orcs snarling angrily, while the gaunt humanoid mutters something unrecognizable and hefts its greatsword.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6UtP5Rcc1nSicue163Ln5-RLFgTi0X5raK3iuZrImM/edit#gid=1425143107)

The piles of wood and crates create difficult terrain around the room, as marked on the map.

Group 1 (Party): 22

Alexei (22)
Variya (22)
Taric (17)
Norgrim (16)
Kindly (14)
Margaux (12)
Varis (12)

Group 2 (Orcs): 21

Orc E
Orc O

Group 3 (Gaunt humanoid): 11

Humanoid G

2017-01-26, 10:51 AM
Alexei snaps his crossbow to his shoulder almost without thinking and looses two bolts at the third creature - the better equipment and possible order-giving mark it out as likely to be the leader.
"Ok, team, let's focus fire!" he calls.

2017-01-27, 08:01 AM

The half-orc will bide her time until Norgrim sets off to smack something in the face, wherein she'll stab it in turn.

Note: she'll attack the same target Norgrim attacks, unless it dies, wherein she'll attack the next target she perceives as a threat to her and the party.

Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-01-27, 09:14 AM
Norgrim Bladebreaker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=999343), dwarf champion.
HP: 44/54 | AC: 17

Looks like they're just a bit too far away to charge right now. I move into the middle of the room and shout "bring it, ya green-skinned worms!"

Move to Y30, ready an action to attack anyone who comes into melee range and Second Wind to top up my HP a bit.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Second Wind: [roll4]

2017-01-27, 10:13 AM
Variya saw the party's 'stab stab stab' brigade already preparing to charge. She'd need to act quickly to stop them from spoiling her shot. A crimson mote sped from her hand, towards the three enemies. Such a tiny, harmless thing: Until it exploded. Variya watched in satisfaction as the foes were enveloped in a torrent of flame.

Variya casts 'Fireball'.

Damage: [roll0] {DC 15 Dex for half}

2017-01-27, 12:14 PM
Kindly keeps herself safely behind the he sergeant, and then whips her staff overhead, unleashing a torrent of acid.

Casting Acid Splash, targetting G and O. Both must succeed on a DC15 DEX save or take [roll0] acid damage.

Edit: Oh, but first I move to AB29. Sorry, got ahead of myself there. :)

2017-01-27, 04:01 PM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

Varis enters the room and casts a spell, flames shimmer around the nearest orc.

Varis casts sacred flame on the orc. The orc takes a dexterity save [roll0] + modifier against DC 15, to avoid [roll1] radiant damage.
I think it will take Varis two turns of normal movement to move to AB or AC 33 (by the door).

2017-01-28, 10:44 AM
Round 1

Alexei quickly reacted, bringing up his crossbow and firing upon the gaunt humanoid. His target took two bolts in the chest and grunted in pain.

Variya launched a powerful fireball into the room, blasting not only all of the enemies but much of the supplies as well. The shielded Orc appeared to have avoided the full force of the fire, but the other two were badly scorched.

Taric launched two arrows past his fellow soldiers, one striking the axe-bearer in the shoulder, the other passing through the Orc's chest. It doubled over momentarily before recovering and beginning to advance.

Norgrim advanced into the room, taunting the foes as he went. He readied himself to meet the Orc's counterattack. As it advanced, he swung his weapons, but their strikes glanced off the enemy's chain mail.

Kindly moved off to the side of the room and hurled a blob of acid at the enemies. The Orc darted forward, dodging out of the way, but the pale yellow-skinned creature did not and paid for it.

Margaux followed the Dwarf into the storeroom and prepared to follow up any attack he might make. Her strike, however, was also deflected.

Varis looked out from the stairway. Catching a glimpse of Taric's target, he called divine radiance to smite it, searing its skin.


The Shield-bearing Orc looks stunned as Norgrim enters. Stone-licker scum! GROVEL before the might of Gruumsh!" Norgrim feels a powerful force ordering his body to fall prone, but is able to shrug it off. A spectral spear then appears next to the Dwarf and stabs towards him, but he evades its strike.

The Axe-bearing Orc lets out a roar - "Death and Victory! Defeat these foes!" - and charges toward Margaux, slashing down with his greataxe for a solid hit, slashing through her armor and sinking into her.

The Gaunt Humanoid closes its eyes momentarily as mist swirls around it. It walks forward about five feet, eyes still closed, and suddenly appears from another cloud of silvery mist behind your front lines, right in front of Kindly. The creature silently brings its greatsword down upon her, crushing the Half-Elf's ribs. Kindly can feel a wave of pain and confusion shoot through her mind as the blow connects.

Map updated.

Fireball set the piles of wood and crates of supplies around the back edge of the room on fire. Any creature who enters a square of flaming supplies must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take 5 fire damage (max once/round).

Group 1 (Party): 22

Kindly: took 11 slashing + 8 psychic (13 / 32 hp)
Margaux: took 11 slashing (27 / 38 hp)

Group 2 (Orcs): 21

Orc E: -17
Orc O: -58

Group 3 (Gaunt humanoid): 11

Humanoid G: -57

2017-01-28, 11:23 AM
The sight of the teleporting swordsman smashing his blade into a teammate rocks Alexei for a moment.
"Kindly, hang on!" He shouts. Not again!

He takes a couple of quick steps to clear his line of sight, dropping the light crossbow and bringing up his hand crossbow as he does so. Stretching out his hands in a shooter's stance, he releases three bolts in rapid succession at the creature, aiming the bolts at its arms and shoulders to make it drop the sword.

2017-01-28, 11:31 AM
Kindly screamed as the gaunt humanoid delivered his surprise attack. Unable to think through the sudden explosion of pain, she reacted on instinct and lunged towards him, electricity crackling between the fingers of her right hand. After a single desperate swipe, she regained her balance and fled to the opposite corner of the room, trying to put her allies between herself and her attacker.

Action: Cast shocking grasp on the Gaunt Humanoid. He's wearing metal armour, so I have advantage on the attack. If it hits, he can't take reactions (including AoO) this round
Attack: [roll0] [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Regardless of whether that hits or not, Kindly retreats to AB33. If she's hit with another attack (AoO or just a normal one), she'll spend her reaction and a Level 1 slot on Shield for +5AC until the start of her next turn.

2017-01-28, 11:53 AM
Norgrim Bladebreaker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=999343), dwarf champion.
HP: 44/54 | AC: 17

"Keep it together Dragons! And watch that one in the back - it's a spellcaster!"

Hold position *or, if Orc O falls before my turn* move to U31, full attack.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack 3 (TWF): [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2017-01-29, 04:04 AM

Her mind didn't recognize the impact of the wound at first, only feeling the dull thud of something sinking into.

Then the pain hit, and her eyes widened. She dropped to a knee in shock and reaction towards what just happened, but looked up at the orc with a unexpected reaction: a smile, with poignant, hate filled retaliatory eyes.

Orcish: "Oh, you'll f@cking regret that."

She swiftly reaches a hand into a side pouch and empties it across the floor beneath the orc, preparing for him to slip.

She wasn't betting on it though, because her rapier was making its way beneath his jaw, and through his skull if unstopped.

Ball Bearings are now covering [31, W], [31,X], [32, W], and [32, X].


Hit: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1] + Sneak Attack: [roll2] + Dex: 3 = ...

2017-01-29, 04:10 PM

As Kindly retreated, Variya advanced. In a trice, she'd become the one in melee with the gaunt humanoid. This foe wouldn't get another chance to strike her comrade. Variya's blade weaved through the air before it, in a dance of flame.

Variya activates Bladesong; Moves to the square that Kindly just vacated; And strikes the enemy with Green-Flame Blade.

Blade: [roll0]; Damage: [roll1]

2017-01-30, 05:23 AM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

Varis moves between Kindly and the enemy, casts a cantrip and draws a sword.

Varis moves to AA30 and casts Sacred Flame on the humanoid.
Take a dexterity saving throw: [roll0] + modifier, (dis)advantage: [roll1], against DC 15, to avoid [roll2] radiant damage.
If the humanoid goes down before Varis's turn he will move to AA32 or 33 and cast Sacred Flame on orc O (or whoever is left).
Varis draws a short sword.

2017-01-30, 01:48 PM
Round 2

Alexei took aim with his crossbow and fired three perfectly aimed shots at the gaunt creature - one through its right arm, the other through its left, and the third through its right hand. It grunted, stumbled, and dropped its sword to the ground.

Variya began her Bladesong and moved to guard Kindly from further harm. She summoned green flame around her rapier, then thrust forward at the humanoid, but her blow glanced off of its armor.

Taric shouted and sprinted into the room. "Come on Varis!" He turned the corner, jumped onto a pile of firewood, and released two arrows into the wall behind the enemy Orcs. He swore under his breath and fumbled for another arrow.

Norgrim swung his axes into the enemy before him, slashing two wounds into its skin. The foe roared in pain, then set itself to retaliate.

Kindly reflexively sent pure lightning coursing through her hand, into the gaunt creature's armor, and from there throughout its body. It screeched louder than any sound it had made before - "Vlaakith... Sa... ri..." - reeled from the impact, and crashed to the ground. The Orcs stared and paused momentarily, as if unsure of their next actions.

Margaux scattered small metal balls across the floor, then tried to take advantage of her enemy's distraction - but couldn't land her hit as he pulled back to swing just as she stabbed up.

Varis ran into the room, drew his sword, and called divine fire against the Orc again, searing its axe wounds with radiance.


The Shield-Bearing Orc roars an Orcish war cry, then charges at Norgrim and lunges with both his spear and the spectral one. Both strikes, however, glance off the Dwarf's armor.

The Axe-Bearing Orc swings his axe at Margaux twice more, striking hard and powerful each time. Pain shoots through her body as she crumples before its blade and collapses unconscious to the ground!

"Oh, I don't think I will," he quips.

Map. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6UtP5Rcc1nSicue163Ln5-RLFgTi0X5raK3iuZrImM/edit#gid=1425143107)

Fireball set the piles of wood and crates of supplies around the back edge of the room on fire. Any creature who enters a square of flaming supplies must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take 5 fire damage (max once/round).

Group 1 (Party): 22

Kindly: 13 / 32 hp
Margaux: took 39 slashing (0 / 38 hp)

Group 2 (Orcs): 21

Orc E: -17
Orc O: -87

Group 3 (Gaunt humanoid): 11

Humanoid G: dead

2017-01-30, 04:19 PM
As Margaux drops to the floor and the Orc makes his joke, there is a glint of movement directly in front of him. The glint of a sharp steel point being raised to eye level.

"I agree," Alexei replies in Orcish. "I don't think you have time to regret much at all."

He pulls the trigger.

To hit: [roll0], Damage: [roll1]
To hit: [roll2], Damage: [roll3]
To hit: [roll4], Damage: [roll5]

2017-01-30, 04:32 PM
Norgrim Bladebreaker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=999343), dwarf champion.
HP: 44/54 | AC: 17

Speaking of not having regrets, I certainly don't regret not having Margaux in my ear. I doubt I'll be telling Varis to rush his healing spells...

Attack orc O if it's still up, or E if not.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack 3 (TWF): [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2017-01-30, 05:38 PM
Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1001306)

"Come on Varis!"

"If you would get out of the way." Varis mutters. He quickly casts a spell on the fallen Margaux, then steps in and stabs the Orc who's bearing a shield.

Cast Healing Word on Margaux: recover [roll0] hitpoints (bonus action).
Move to Y29 and attack Orc E.
Short sword: [roll1], (dis)advantage: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3], critical: [roll4].

2017-01-30, 06:51 PM
With a beastial scream, Kindly swung her staff overhead, and fire blazed out of its tip towards the remaining Orcs.

If O is somehow still alive, I'll twin a firebolt and target both O and E. Otherwise I'll just cast Firebolt on E.

Attack on E: [roll0]
Damage on E: [roll1] fire

Attack on O: [roll2]
Damage on O: [roll3] fire

2017-01-30, 11:04 PM
Variya switched seamlessly from melee to ranged combat. Only two Orcs remained standing. Even the one on her own squad was down. All in all, this fight was going quite well.

Variya casts Firebolt on the most injured conscious Orc.

Firebolt: [roll0]; Damage: [roll1]

2017-01-31, 04:55 PM
Round 2

Alexei raised his crossbow again and fired at the Orc. Although it just ducked his first shot, his second pierced it through the left eye, followed by the next embedding itself in his right. The Orc screeched in pain and fell dead on top of Margaux.

Variya launched a firebolt toward the last Orc standing, but missed it.

Taric pulled two more arrows from his quiver and sent them towards the Orc. Both, again, missed completely, accompanied by a sigh and an oath that were probably audible miles away.

Norgrim swung his axes into the shielded Orc before him, making two swipes past its defense.

Kindly launched a firebolt from her staff, punching a hole through the remaining Orc's armor, torso, and lungs and sending his corpse tumbling to the stone floor.

Margaux continued to bleed out on the ground.

Varis cast a healing spell on the Half-Orc. She regained consciousness stuck underneath the body of an Orc with crossbow bolts for eyes.


Combat is over.

Map. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6UtP5Rcc1nSicue163Ln5-RLFgTi0X5raK3iuZrImM/edit#gid=1425143107)

Fireball set the piles of wood and crates of supplies around the back edge of the room on fire. Any creature who enters a square of flaming supplies must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take 5 fire damage (max once/round).

Group 1 (Party): 22

Kindly: 13 / 32 hp
Margaux: 7 / 38 hp

2017-01-31, 05:18 PM
Kindly takes several steps forward and leans back against a stack of wood, her eyes closed tightly.

2017-01-31, 05:54 PM
Kindly takes several steps forward and leans back against a stack of wood, her eyes closed tightly.

"Runnin' out o' steam, Kindly? Ye've got five minutes, then we're movin' out, got it? Alright, Alexei, Taric, let's get this fire under control..." I guess I'll find something solid and try to beat the fire out? Or maybe just clear away anything that looks like fuel to stop it spreading any further.

2017-01-31, 06:23 PM
"Got it, sir," Alexei answers. He scans the flaming debris and the surrounding area for anything he could use to beat out the fire. Nothing. Grimacing, he shrugs off his pack and pulls out his bedroll. Hopefully the thick material won't get too damaged, else the nights could be chilly until he can find a replacement...

2017-01-31, 06:34 PM
"Runnin' out o' steam, Kindly? Ye've got five minutes, then we're movin' out, got it? Alright, Alexei, Taric, let's get this fire under control..." I guess I'll find something solid and try to beat the fire out? Or maybe just clear away anything that looks like fuel to stop it spreading any further.
There is nothing in the storeroom that could be used for that purpose.

"Aye, Sarge, I'll see if there's anything around." Taric cracks open the door behind Kindly, peers through - "All clear in here, sirs" - shoves it open and enters. He returns a moment later carrying a heavy blanket and helps beat down the flames.

"There's another one o' these blankets in there, if anyone cares to grab it and help. Looks like it was used as some kinda officer quarters to me. Might be worth a look around."

2017-01-31, 09:18 PM
Variya's dance slowed naturally to a halt. The fight was over. She gave the fallen enemies a last check for signs of life. Then, since no task had been assigned to her, she chose one herself: Looking after Kindly. The resting Half Elf would soon find a comrade leaning on the wood beside her.

"It's all right. Take some deep breaths. Find your rhythm."

2017-01-31, 09:51 PM
Kindly didn't move as Variya approached her. "I could hear their voices," she murmured so softly it was nearly inaudible. "When he hit me with that sword, I could hear them in my head. Sergeant Whiskeyjack, Mallet, Picker, Blend... my old squad." Kindly turned a pair of haunted eyes on Variya. "And what they were saying was .... 'Finally, you're getting what you deserve.'"

2017-01-31, 11:26 PM
At last, the mask dropped. Variya was glad to have earned at least a little of Kindly's trust. Even so, she had to force herself to meet those pained eyes. Eyes like that were bad for the equilibrium. Helping this girl find her rhythm might disrupt Variya's own.

So be it. What kind of monster would walk away now? Variya had the feeling that she'd just committed to a long, difficult road. She couldn't heal trauma like this with one conversation; But she could at least take the first step.

"...I won't offer any comforting platitudes. For all I know, perhaps you do deserve to be punished. Either way, it doesn't change one fundamental truth: Death is the easy way out. The dead can't make amends for anything. Live, Kindly. You still have time to do some good."

2017-02-01, 12:33 AM
"I just wish that I knew how. I came out here because I was certain that my magic would make a difference." Kindly laughed bitterly. "I guess it did, but not at all the way I wanted it to. Now I'm just trying to find a way to balance the scales again, but I don't know what I can do. If I tried to conjure as much fire as you just did, I'd wipe out the squad..." She trailed off, and then Tauric walked out of the side room and made his announcement.

"Looks like it was used as some kinda officer quarters to me. Might be worth a look around."

"I suppose that's something I can do as well as anybody." She leaned forward and stood up fully, wincing a bit from the wound in her side. She then walked into the side room and began to look through it.

"Are you sure this was an officer's quarters, Tauric? Look at this! The plates and cutlery are made out of wood, there's only one type of spoon and they didn't even have forks. That doesn't sound like any military officer I've ever known.

Investigation: [roll0]

2017-02-01, 03:40 AM

She fell, and so did the darkness.

Warmth returned. Her eyes opened, finding herself beneath an Orc. She wondered if this is how her mother felt. Alone.

She was certainly feeling this way, within a party of people who generally hated her, left bleeding beneath another Orcs dead body.

Silently, full of ire, she pushed the body off of her. Standing with her rapier, she stabbed the dead orc and did not miss. It gave her no joy.

She cleaned her blade, sheathed it, drank one greater and one regular potion of healing, then pulled her bow out.

She stood silently, waiting for orders.

Greater Potion: [roll0]

Regular Potion: [roll1]

2017-02-02, 07:19 AM
Varis grabs one of the blankets and helps beat out the flames.
He then starts checking both rooms for intelligence. His mouth is pursed into a thin line as he works, an investigation into faint historical clues has turned into an assault on an unknown enemy. The only constant is that the party are still blind to what is coming.

Would you roll investigation + guidance for me please? I'm on my phone, stuck in a dull, dull seminar.

2017-02-05, 12:24 PM
"I suppose that's something I can do as well as anybody." She leaned forward and stood up fully, wincing a bit from the wound in her side. She then walked into the side room and began to look through it.

"Are you sure this was an officer's quarters, Taric? Look at this! The plates and cutlery are made out of wood, there's only one type of spoon and they didn't even have forks. That doesn't sound like any military officer I've ever known.

Investigation: [10]
"Aye, but, look - there's a map of the area around this hold over here, all marked up like they used it to plan, and they've got their own bunks over there." He picks several pieces of parchment from a table and hands them to Kindly. "Plus, I don't know much Orcish, but I can make out some of it, and these papers are definitely orders of some kind that they were writing up."

One paper is a note of a larger Orcish force approaching from the northwest. The others are orders to make the hold suitable as a short-term base for attacks on the nearby towns. Judging from the map, the Orcs intended to attack Redbrook, about two days away.

Varis grabs one of the blankets and helps beat out the flames.
He then starts checking both rooms for intelligence. His mouth is pursed into a thin line as he works, an investigation into faint historical clues has turned into an assault on an unknown enemy. The only constant is that the party are still blind to what is coming.

Would you roll investigation + guidance for me please? I'm on my phone, stuck in a dull, dull seminar. [16]

Varis finds a small, ornate statue underneath one of the bunks. It is carved to depict a humanoid head similar to the gaunt creature in the storeroom. A faint blue glow emanates from its open mouth, but slowly fades as Varis picks it up.

2017-02-05, 03:37 PM
"You're right, Tauric. No wonder Orc soldiers are worth so little if this is the kind of 'officer' they have leading them." Kindly began leafing through the papers, then went white as a sheet. "Sergeant! she shouted. "There's some kind of Orc army coming to occupy this place. It'll be here in --" she paused as she scanned the orders " -- it doesn't say. It's four days behind the advance force here, but I can't tell when the advance force got here. The map here says their primary target is Redbrook."

2017-02-05, 04:43 PM
"Sergeant! she shouted."There's some kind of Orc army coming to occupy this place. It'll be here in --" she paused as she scanned the orders " -- it doesn't say. It's four days behind the advance force here, but I can't tell when the advance force got here. The map here says their primary target is Redbrook."

"Good work, Kindly." I take a second (maybe more than one, if truth be told) to process this. The seven of us can't stand against an army, of course, and getting this information back to the higher-ups is important... but important enough to abandon the original mission? I decide not. Perhaps I'm being stubborn, but I don't want to leave here without General Ebire or his bones. Time for the scout to do some legwork, I think. "Taric, lad, do ye think ye can get them papers back ta the camp on yer own? Merey needs ta know about 'em."

2017-02-05, 05:36 PM
"Good work, Kindly." I take a second (maybe more than one, if truth be told) to process this. The seven of us can't stand against an army, of course, and getting this information back to the higher-ups is important... but important enough to abandon the original mission? I decide not. Perhaps I'm being stubborn, but I don't want to leave here without General Ebire or his bones. Time for the scout to do some legwork, I think. "Taric, lad, do ye think ye can get them papers back ta the camp on yer own? Merey needs ta know about 'em."

"'Course I can, Sarge." The scout takes the orders from Kindly, folds them up, and puts them into his pack. "Merey'll have these plans before you can blink twice!"

Taric bounds up the stairs two at a time. The sound of the doors slamming open and then closed echoes down the stairwell.

2017-02-17, 07:07 AM
"Alright, are ye all ready ta move on? We still got ta find out what happened ta Ebire... might be he's bein' held pris'ner somewhere. Or maybe there's more we can do ta disrupt the orcs' plans." I take a look at the door to the left, and open it if it's unlocked.

2017-02-17, 11:43 AM
"Coming, Sarge, Kindly calls from the side room. She hurries back into the main room to join the squad but pauses when she sees the ashes of the flames that had just been beaten out.

"Sargeant, she says after a few seconds of contemplation, "do they call this unit Merey's Dragons because you set every battlefield on fire?

2017-02-17, 12:21 PM
"Maybe, lass, ye'd have ta ask Merey ta be sure. I always figured it was 'cos we were supposed ta be dragoons, but someone wrote it down wrong an' then they just went with it."

2017-02-17, 01:58 PM
Alexei glances back at Kindly from his work beating out the flames.
"It seems to have worked for us so far," he comments, flashing a grin.

Turning back to the smouldering remains, he tries to work out what could have been in the burnt supply boxes - and whether anything useful is still salvageable. They've only been burning for less than a minute, after all.

2017-02-17, 05:22 PM
The supplies are not badly damaged, although most of the firewood has turned patchy with charcoal. Searching through, the most interesting thing Alexei finds is a group of several boxes holding a number of dented and rusted armor plates inscribed with the Aldiri royal insignia. The other crates contain rations or air.

2017-02-18, 03:47 PM
So, the Orcs had reinforcements en route. This victory had just been an early skirmish in a much larger conflict. Variya was grateful to have something to show for this scouting mission. Their original task had, after all, been an implausible long shot. Speaking of which:

"Important as this discovery is, it's not what we were sent here to accomplish. Our orders are to search for General Ebire. The faster we ascertain whether he's here, the faster we can move on to countering the Orc offensive."

2017-03-03, 02:31 AM


She pushes the officer's bunk away to clear more space for her to work, kneels down with her lock picks and gets to prodding its internal mechanisms.


2017-03-04, 01:54 PM
After a couple minutes of work, the padlock on the trapdoor clicks and unlocks. The trapdoor is opened upward, revealing a small square chamber, roughly 10 feet to a side. Lying in one corner is a large stone object, while the against the opposite wall sit three chests. A closer look reveals the chests to be unlocked, and the stone object to be an incredibly lifelike statue of a human in full plate armor, inscribed -

General Ebire of Aldirion

- on the base.

2017-03-05, 03:41 AM


Margaux will take a quick look around the statue and the small chests to see if there's anything fishy about them. If she feels safe, she'll reach for the statue, pull it out to examine it, and then say, "Hey Norgrim, this is who we're looking for, right?~"

She'll then get to the individual chests.

First off, the perception roll: [roll0]

And the chests, if everything seems ok to her.

Chest 1: [roll1]

Chest 2: [roll2]

Chest 3: [roll3]

2017-03-05, 04:19 AM
I squint at the inscription for a few seconds. "Aye, that's the kiddie. Hrm, does this seem oddly lifelike to ye?"

Remembering my training, I am immediately on my guard around lifelike statues. I gesture for everyone to be quiet and listen out to see if there are any... monstrosities around.

Then I check the stonework of the statue itself, letting my Dwarven instincts take over.

Wisdom (Perception), to listen: [roll0]

And Intelligence (History), using stonecunning: [roll1]

2017-03-05, 05:54 AM
"Do you think that the General has been turned to stone? That's an oddly plausible notion. There are several such instances in recorded history."

While Margaux checked for traps, and Norgrim checked for unusual stonework, Variya checked for magic. She scanned the chamber for any telltale auras, runes or suchlike.

Arcana: 1d20+7

2017-03-05, 05:55 AM
Messed up the roll.

Arcana: [roll0]

Might as well roll Investigation too.

Investigation: [roll1]

2017-03-05, 11:20 AM
Margaux and Norgrim both take a moment to scan for possible enemies, but none are immediately apparent. Margaux lowers herself back into the hole to work on the chests as the others inspected the statue and chamber from without.

Margaux unlocks the first chest with no problems, revealing three well-cut turquoise gemstones. As she works on the second lock, though, she hears a click right before a sharp pain shoots through her hand. When she moves her hand, she sees that the lock has a large, pointy needle jutting out of it, which slowly retracts.. Her Orcish stamina seems to serve her well; although she feels woozy for a moment, she is not poisoned.

Margaux takes 1 piercing damage + 9 poison damage.

Unlocking the third chest is more of an ordeal, but she manages to get it open, noticing a similar needle hidden in this lock too. It contains a moonstone ring and a small gold bracelet.

Norgrim knows that very few Dwarves and no Humans could ever carve a statue so accurately. Definitely not Orcs or Elves.

Variya notices a small chain of symbols on the statue's base, encircling the name, and recognizes them as a glyph of warding. Unfortunately, there is no clue as to what the trigger or effect of it may be.

2017-03-05, 11:55 AM
Variya's eyes happened upon a worrisome discovery. She immediately put some more distance between herself and the statue.

"Take care! There's a Glyph of Warding on the statue's base. Any action we take nearby has the potential to trigger it. Of course, such spells aren't always traps. For all we know, this one could be the means of restoring General Ebire."

2017-03-09, 08:09 AM
"Take care! There's a Glyph of Warding on the statue's base. Any action we take nearby has the potential to trigger it. Of course, such spells aren't always traps. For all we know, this one could be the means of restoring General Ebire."

"It'd be awful convenient if that were the case... though weren't the legend that Ebire would appear when we need 'im? Maybe someone turn't 'im to stone as a way of preservin' 'im in 'is prime... 'cos me Drawven nose do say this be finer craft than any man could fashion." I look closely at the place Variya indicated, not really expecting to see anything. "Alright Dragons, 'ave yeselves a look around for clues. Margaux, ye aright? Think ye can disarm that trap? Kennin' our luck, tha's the one with the magic words in it."

2017-03-15, 06:33 AM

After some initial swearing at being injected by poison, Margaux reached for a potion before Norgrim asked her to take a look at the final box.

"It would be awfully convenient if this statue was Ebire, and much more of this little box held whatever key is needed to break him out, but we don't even know if its him yet. Even then, wouldn't whoever put this may-be-Ebire into the statue hold the key themselves? Nevertheless, I'll open the box.~"

Lock Picking: [roll0]

2017-03-19, 11:33 AM
The lock clicks, opening properly this time ("properly" meaning "without another sharp pain"). Within the chest is a golden circlet which seems to shimmer and change position slightly as you look at it. Closer inspection reveals an inscription inside it. One or two words are illegible, covered in heavy scratching, but the rest is easy to see.

___ head of stone, then run away
if you wish to see another day

2017-03-19, 11:48 AM
"Well, that's ominous," Kindly says. She looks from the circlet to the head of the statue, made of stone. "Is this a warning telling us to keep the circlet away from the statue, or instructions on how to use it?"