View Full Version : Pathfinder Making a character around the Two-Handed Thrower Feat (or similar abilities)

2016-11-12, 11:30 PM
So yeah, just recently found a PFS group in my area and due to the giant pile of restrictions it kind of killed several of my build ideas I had when looking for a Home group.

That said I'm hoping I can work something related to hurling massive two-handed weapons (or objects could work to i guess...are barrels, etc. enchantable?) around.

So far I've found a couple options but I'm not really sure how to make an actual build out of it...so I'm hoping you guys have some ideas...and can help me nix anything PFS has deemed "wrong"

- Two-Handed Thrower Feat+Quick Draw: This is pretty straight forward, throw melee weapons two-handed. Than take Quick draw for iterative attacks...but i assume this would require multiple weapons which would get wicked expensive...also unless im wrong myh to-hit would still be dex based

- Universalist Wizards "Hand of the Apprentice" or Warpriest's "Magic Blessing" These are pretty cool cause I like the idea of an Smart Brute type (Int or Wis to-hit than Str for damage) but both abilities have the problem of limited uses per day.

- Barbarian's Charging Hurler/Hurling: This one is a bit oddly worded but seems like it could still throw weapons but oddly they would do falling damage...not really sure how that would work.

- Extra Arms: Through alchemist or other means gaining extra arms might not give me extra attacks alone but it would allow me to hold more swords to throw. (This is assuming i don't take quick draw)

So uh yeah thats what I've found so far...hopefully you guys can point me where to go from here.

2016-11-17, 09:20 AM
Did some more research.

- Found Shield Champion but of course only effects shield, totally noted down if i can ever manage to make a viable Dual shield wielder

- Found the blinkback belt but unfortunately it specifies "Up to two one-handed melee weapons or up to four light melee weapons" so no 2-handers :( (At a home game i could ask the DM to allow 1 2-hander to work but there's no "wiggle-room" in PFS)

- Another thought I had was the returning enchantment unfortunately seems to only return at the start of the turn so doesn't solve the multi weapon issue

- There's also a feat called Ricochet that sounds pretty cool but it states "projectile" not "thrown" and as mentioned earlier PFS doesn't have "Wiggle-room" so probably would be nixed.

Despite my current dead-ends I am still motivated to figure this out so I'm going to try building a Lvl 11 Barb/Alchemist to see how it comes out, ill do my best to trawl the forums and the faq list for obscure PFS rules that may or may not relate to my build than post it here for the forums to evaluate and Proof-read for PFS no-nos.

Oh and sidenote which may or may not work it's not quite "giant two-hander" but does fit in the "thrown melee weapon" I was thinking of a Scrollmaster Wizard1/Blade Adept Arcanist7/EK or similar X that uses his scrollblade as his "Sentient Sword" (slash "Energy Saber") with Magical Knack and the eldritch blade exploit to keep it leveling, than the spell strike exploit to get some magus-esque shenanigans and uses "Hand of the apprentice" to throw it, beyond that mage armor, mage hand, prestidigitation and other spells to give him a "Force user" feel. Totally not the same thing but at least it would be fun.

2016-11-17, 10:29 AM
Two-handers have a horrible range increment on top of the myriad other disadvantages you've discovered, so I'm compelled to wonder why you don't just build around throwing a 1-handers that you choose to wield 2H instead. I'm usually not one to respond to an optimization request with "don't do this" but given that you're in PFS, you're creating something gimp that you'll pretty much be stuck with (no houserules and very little in the way of retraining to help you) and that will also bring down the success chances of the strangers you'll likely end up playing with too.

Secret Wizard
2016-11-17, 05:02 PM
Here's one. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P32ePsH5ckFaWY8qtZ8y1BsFXuGqsCXJwJ7JPf3zAXg/edit#bookmark=id.twlujk886c6r)

2016-11-18, 02:41 AM
I don't play PF, so dunno if it works there too.

But in 3.5 the best way to throw things is a caster imho.

Metamagic feat: Chain Spell

Spell: Telekinesis

You Chain the targeted version of Telekinesis and can throw dozens of weapons in one round.

edit: you just need telekinesis to throw multiple weapons. the chained version was for the combat maneuver option. mixed that up somehow^^.

2016-11-18, 03:38 AM
Came across this while looking for rules and uses on a Feat.

Throw an Aklys (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/aklys) that is one size larger. With the rules for inappropriately sized weapons, you should only be taking a -2 to hit, but with an increase in the dice type used for damage. Small: 1d6; Medium: 1d8; Large: 2d6.

The Aklys has with a 20-foot cord attached, which can be used to pull the weapon back. There is one down side though, it's a move action to pull the weapon back, which makes iterative attacks useless, but that's where the bonuses of Vital Strike (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/vital-strike-combat---final) comes into play.

You can also trip at range with an Aklys.

2016-11-18, 03:45 AM
Throw Anything

( Sword and Fist: A Guidebook to Monks and Fighters, p. 9)

In your hands, any weapon becomes a deadly ranged weapon.

Base attack bonus +2, Dex 15+,

You can throw any weapon you can use, regardless of whether it is intended to be used as a ranged weapon. The range increment of weapons used in conjunction with this feat is 10 feet.

2016-11-18, 05:17 PM
Oh the Aklys sounds cool...had a look at it its basically a hook on a long ass chain and yeah vital strike would be required...it's a bit of a stretch but a "Large" Aklys could be roleplayed as a Boat Anchor...be a weirdo pirate or something.

Oh and nice build list Secret ill look into it :D
